MacBook Pro :: Audio Device Not Found?

Apr 11, 2012

my new mbp has some isues with its sound ...there is no audio device in the prefrence/sound have restarted and have done the hardware test many time. few days back hardware test use to work for me getting this issue fixed but now notting works.. 

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MacBook Pro :: No Bootable Device Found / Insert Boot Disk And Press Any Key

Sep 1, 2014

Not only will holding Option while booting not work, but all of the other boot tricks (safe mode, single user mode, etc), will not work. I am at a loss. I also don't have an optical drive in this particular MBP. I have an SSD where it once was.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Mac :: Cannot Install Windows Cd - No Bootable Device Found?

Jul 16, 2010

I have this student's laptop who's hdd was corrupted as. Only 10% worked, able to slightly read through external drive reader which took ages to read. Couldn't get testwin or chkdsk to repair it (under windows)Anyway, got him to replace the hdd and he also wanted windows on there. Either XP or 7 on there.Upon trying to boot from the windows 7 or windows XP disc, I get "no bootable device found - insert boot disc and press any key"Thus tried booting while holding C down, and tried booting while holding "option" down", problem is..i think his bios is corrupted as well. I get a white screen upon powering up. No mac logo. When I hold down "option", the mouse arrow pops up but nothing to click on.

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Software :: CD / DVD Not Recognized - No Burning Device Found

May 11, 2007

I have two 15" Powerbook G4's, 1.67GHz, one has a Toshiba 80 GB hard drive (Powerbook 1), another one has a Toshiba 60 GB hard drive (Powerbook 2). Powerbook 1: The super drive on the 80GB hard drive takes CD's/DVD's but does not eject them, or recognize them. In System Profiler the Disc Burning section says "No burning device was found. If you are using an external device please make sure that it is connected and powered properly". I cannot boot of this CD drive or anything. Powerbook 2: Now the 60GB Powerbook works flawlessly, even though it has a non-oem Matshita DVD-RAM UJ-845S drive. I had to take the 60GB hd out of Powerbook 2 and install it into Powerbook 1. The darkest thing happened, Powerbook 1's CD drive started working without a problem. Powerbook 2 is now with the 80GB hard drive and without a functional CD drive.

I put the 60GB HD back into Powerbook 2, and the CD drive started working again. I put the 60GB HD into Powerbook 1 and left put it together because it is fully functional. Now I have the Powerbook 2 that still has problems with the cd drive. I have tried using 2-3 other hard drives (they were from windows machines though), still no luck on getting the CD drive to work. If I disconnect the 80GB Hard Drive, then I can boot from the CD drive. I just unplugged the internal hard drive, and attached another Powerbook (this one is 17"), and booted the 17" inch one into firewire mode, then started the Powerbook 2 and booted into the firewire HD. Now I'm looking at the System Profiler, and I'm seeing the disc burner.

My conclusions to this issue: It seems like all of the hard drives, except the 60GB one, can't seem to run along with the cd drive. This is not a motherboard or a CD drive problem, because both of the 15" computers can have everything working, depending on which hard drive is used. I heard that these CD drives have an issue of being setup in Cable Select, instead of Master. I tried using different firmware (I had to plug up the drive to a PC laptop and flashed the firmware with D100 firmware )
Extra Hard Drive information:
60GB Hard Drive: Toshiba MK6025GAS, DC+5V 0.7A
80GB Hard Drive: Toshiba MK8026GAX, DC+5v 1.0A

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ITunes :: Wireless IPad 3 Not Found As Device

Apr 22, 2012

I have an iPad 2, iPad 3, and a iPhone 4S that I sync with my Mac iTunes. All have the latest software. In the past, a couple of days ago, and for months before, all three devices showed up under Devices in iTunes even though none of them were physically connected to my Mac and were often other places in the house. Then, when I downloaded updated apps I could manually sync each of my devices via iTunes. That was great. Now, all of a sudden (although I did try iCloud backup and then stopped it and reverted to NO iCloud backup), my iPad 3 ONLY shows up in Devices when it is physically connected to my Mac. And when I unhook the cable, it disappears from Devices. I've restarted iTunes and the iPad without any change in behavior. All of the General preferences and Settings are the same for all three devices (the iPad 3 was built by restoring from the iPad 2 backup). It seems I need a "refresh" button somewhere to force iTunes to find my wireless iPad 3. how to force iTunes to recognize a non-cable-connected device (like it did before)? 

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Mac :: Win7 Installation From USB Failing - No Bootable Device Found?

Oct 31, 2010

This is now few days I try to install Win7 from USB on MBP 15 i7. I used the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool Help to create my USB stick. I was successful to install it on my brothers 27" iMac using the same process but Im having problem with my MBP.I create the BootCamp partition 100GB and installed rEFIt.Each time I try to boot of USB I get: No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Find The Audio Device

May 22, 2012

Lately I have been having trouble with the audio. The sound doesn't work on the Macbook, and it can't seem to find any devices!

I tried plugging in headphones, but nothing helped. 

In the time leading up to this fault, the sound in the mini jack was very poor, and sounded really bad.

When I plug my TV to the computer, by HDMI, I works fine. Even with sound. Oh, and I can't adjust the sound - it simply tells me that there is no device.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Installation - No Bootable Device Found?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to install windows xp professional sp3 from an iso I torrented. I burned it to a disc, but my computer can't find the disc during the start of installation ("No bootable device, press any key").

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MacBook Pro :: No Audio Device In Windows Xp In Bootcamp?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm trying to play Fallout 3 on my new Macbook Pro 13-inch(2.53ghz c2d 4gigs ram). on windows xp (sp3) in bootcamp, however I get the error: "no sound device detected. Fallout 3 cannot run".

In the control panel it also says no audio device.. and no audio device is listed in the hardware tab either.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Use Sound - No Device Found Says In Sound Preferences Pane

Apr 8, 2012

mac book pro Mac OS X 10.6.8 processor 2.2 intel Core i7 Memory 4gb 1333 Vyz DDR3 Can't use sound - No device found says in Sound preferences pane?

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MacBook :: Use Combination Audio Port For An Input Device?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a preamp connected to the audio in/out jack on my macbook pro 13" 2012. when i plug the audio in from my preamp the sound only shows it as a headphone output and does not list it under input. i also have no button "use audio for:"

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), macbook pro 13" 2012

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MacBook Pro :: Change Audio Output Into Input Device

Aug 24, 2014

i want to change my audio out put in to input device for record my not stop mix

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MacBook :: Audio Device Freezing And Delicate Headphone Jack?

Apr 9, 2010

I am using a unibody MacBook (non-Pro). I have 2 issues, the first one is that whenever I plug in an audio device such as headphones or speakers while iTunes is playing, the song will freeze for about 30 seconds. The computer gets very laggy and iTunes freezes. Not even the media/volume buttons on the keyboard work. I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and iTunes 9.1 (79). ALSO i have another problem I have been having since I got the MacBook I'm sure. I plug in a device into the standard headphone jack, and it just kind of sits there half plugged in (like not clicked in all the way). And so i have to push it to make it actually work, but here's the thing, if I'm listening to music in bed for example or on a slightly non-solid surface the headphones will just "pop out"! ... Like not literally but they will come out a slight bit and then the audio starts playing through the internal MacBook speakers. I'm pretty sure (but don't quote me on it) that Apple earphones do not pop out. If this is some sort of technique Apple is using to get me to buy their headphones then forget about it. I love to listen to music so I need my nice headphones. BTW the headphones I am using DO NOT "pop out" of any other audio device I own. In fact I can hang my iPod Touch from them without them coming out or loosing connection. Most audio devices I plug into the MacBook have the same problem, except the Apple branded iPod headphones as I mentioned earlier.

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Chime At Startup - Selected Device Has No Output Controls

Sep 4, 2014

When I start my Macbook Pro (mid 2009 15") I get the familiar audio chime.  However, when it finishes startup and I get to my desktop, I have no audio, and the audio icon up top is grayed out.  The audio output jack works fine.  I can use speakers and headphones.  I've tried the solution of wiggling around a headphone plug in the jack, as well as doing the same with a toothpick.  I've also reset the PRAM.  For some reason, the problem persists.  When I open sound settings in preferences, the only device listed is "Digital Out" and there is a message under it saying "The Selected Device has No Output Controls."  

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: How To Change Audio Device's Name

May 22, 2008

In the sound preference pane, the input and output devices have 2 properties. the Name, and the Type.

Just being curious, but how can I change the Name attributed to a particular input/output device?

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Windows On Mac :: XP Not Recognizing Audio Device?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a presonus firebox and want to use it on my mac pro when I'm running windows XP, but windows doesnt seem to recognize it. I downloaded drivers, followed the instructions to disconnect and reconnect the device, looked through control panel, etc....

Presonus says that sometimes they dont like bootcamp, but I dont understand why that would be. Anything I can do to try and get it working?

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OS X :: Installing Audio Device Driver?

May 13, 2009

While working in Windows XP on my iMac, I believe I inadvertently removed the driver for the built in audio device - the IDT High Definition Audio CODEC. And so now I have no sound on my computer. I have tried reinstalling the driver, but at the end of the installation process it says that the device cannot start. My system automatically detects the device as new hardware when I restart the computer but even though I have removed and and tried to reinstall the the driver several times, I cannot get it to work.

When I go through the device troubleshooter, it tells me to detach the problem device and reattach it. However, the audio device is built into my mac, so that is not an option.

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OS X :: Using Output Device In Audio Preferences...

Jul 16, 2009

Having gone through the settings, i have a speaker system plugged into my white macbook through the 3.5mm audio jack. I am running OS X Leopard 10.5.7 and am unable to find the options that i thought were available previously in tiger to configure the speaker setup/orientation. For example whether i am using satellite speakers, or 2 speakers either side, 3 4 or whatever it was, just like i would if i was using windows. It has a section under "Sound" then "Output", however it seems to be automated, i cannot add or remove, or edit items within the list.

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Windows On Mac :: No Audio Devices Found In Boot Camp Vista On New Mini

Jun 29, 2010

i'm a HUGE gamer, so the first thing I did once I loaded this new computer up was install my copy of Windows Vista on it using Boot Camp Assistant. The installation went completely smoothly, so I then proceeded to install the Boot Camp Drivers onto my new and fresh and clean Windows Installation.

I restarted the computer and everything seemed to be in working order...but there are two relatively MAJOR problems:

One, the one that is the most pressing, is the sound. When I started up after installing all of the boot camp drivers, I couldn't get a single audio device to get recognized by my Vista Home Premium installation. I tried disabling and re-disabling other drivers in the Device Manager, and when I try to download new drivers for the one audio device that has an error sign next to it, Vista claims that it is already updated to the latest drivers, so it will not install new ones. I even went onto cirrus' website to download their official drivers, and the same thing happened.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Can't Add Device In Audio MIDI Setup?

Feb 26, 2012

I can't add any devices in Audio MIDI Setup (Apps, Utilities); in the Aggregate Device Structure list in the Aggregate Device Editor, when I click the + my devices (Built-in Audio 1 and 2, and an M-Audio Duo) briefly show, then disappear; I can't select anything to aggregate.  

How do I fix this? 

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Late 2005 G5 PPC

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OS X :: External Audio Device With Internal Volume Control?

Sep 16, 2007

I have a slight problem with my volume controls on a Macbook Pro. They're not doing exactly what I want them to. I have an external sound card and by selecting it as my default audio device the macbook pros own volume control gets locked and there's no way to adjust it. This means that it renders the keyboard and Remote control volume buttons useless and I still have to run across the room to adjust the volume on my audio device when I'm watching a movie through the tv away from the macbook. Is there no way to enable this function anyway so both controls work?

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Hardware :: Looking For Audio Video Input Output Device

Jun 20, 2009

I am about to buy a 15 in. MBP and I'll be going on a trip soon. I was wondering if there was anything I could get that would let me both use my mac as a tv for my xbox and use a tv as an additional monitor.

Something that would have RCA input/output (the red, white, yellow cords) and would connect to my mac with USB or hopefully firewire 800 (express card 32 would work as well).

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Hardware :: Won't Work With External Firewire Audio Device

Jun 25, 2009

Yesterday I took delivery of the following kit-

As you can see, it comes with the FCA202 Audio interface -

I opted for the FireWire package as it has the most better quality mics. I got it all hooked up, but for some reason, my Mac is not recognising my new sound device at all. I was looking under the Sound part of the Control Panel, but nothing new would register. I checked the FireWire part of the Device Manager (appologies I forget the actual name of the application). The Firewire device was listed as "Unknown", if I was to remove the device and refresh, it would show nothing. So i've got the feeling that its been seen, just not recognised correctly.

I tried a few things to try and help my situation.

1) Disconnecting any other attached device
2) Rebooting several times
3) Leaving system off and unplugged for 10-15 mins
4) Updating all software
5) Resetting my xxxx (I forget the term, but it involved rebooting holding CMD, Option, R and P) - can someone confirm how I know if this was actually reset?
6) Going into Activity Manager and confirming the Audio driver is loaded

From what I've read, Firewire config issues can be common with Macs. I am running an 18 month olf iMac 20" with 4 gig ram. I've not used my FireWire port for a while, about 6 months ago I used a FW external HD which didn't have any problems with. Alas I don't have any other FW devices to plug in and test the port. The final thing I'm going for is to leave the system unplugged for 10 hours, which will be ready to check after work.

One thing I was thinking about though - would getting a powered FW hub be of use at all?

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Find And /or Print To Wireless Device Even See Device Listed

Jun 5, 2014

My Macbook Pro has been running into constant problems actually printing to any wireless device.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Not Coming From TV / Moshi Mini DP To HDMI Adapter With Audio Support

Jan 13, 2011

I want to hook my Macbook Pro up to a Sony Bravia (not sure of the exact model). I went to the Apple Store, and was given these two items to hook it up. Moshi Mini DP to HDMI Adapter with Audio Support. Belkin High Speed HDMI Cable - 6 feet

We successfully hooked it up last night, and the video worked. I was told in the store that this setup would not transfer audio, so I already knew there would not be sound coming from the TV, rather from the Macbook instead. My Q is: What's the easiest way to get audio to come from the TV? I'd rather not buy external speakers to plug in, if I can help it.

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MacBook Pro :: Random Audio Pops On I5/i7 While Playing Audio Through External Speakers?

Nov 3, 2010

Trying to figure out if something is up with mine and a buddies machine specifically or they are all buggered....

Please post if you have an audio pop or click type sound that is intermittent (every few minutes or couple hours) on your i5 or i7 machine while playing audio through external speakers.

If you have it, please describe your situation as it occurs so we can perhaps isolate it:

I.e. Plugged in / on battery, programs running, usb plugged in, etc.

Mine happens whether on battery or not, iTunes, games, movies, Locked in video card...

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OS X :: Audio Not Working On Macbook, Tried The Ol' Audio Jack In/out Fix To No Avail

Oct 13, 2009

- Volume is at max
- System Prefs>Sound>External Speakers>Volume Max>Not Muted
- No red light coming from the headphone jack
- Tried inserting and removing headphones, no sound in speakers or headphones
- Restarted computer while holding down ⌘ + OPT + P + R , no sound made
- A very very faint feedback, like when you plug an electric guitar in to an amp, can be heard when the first sound (the mac start up chime) is supposed to play on restart
- USB headphones work

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Line In/out Audio Port Vs Dedicated Audio Ports On 15"?

Apr 18, 2010

when you're recording, will the sound quality of the dual function line in audio port on the 13" be as good as the dedicated one on the 15"?

edit: the reason I'm wondering is because I want to convert old collections of vinyl records into digital copies at the highest quality possible and need to know if the 'line in' on the 13" will work good for that.

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MacBook :: USB Driver Not Found

Mar 4, 2012

my macbook won't connect a device saying the usb driver not found. The computer used to find this driver but not since I installed Lion.


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MacBook Pro :: The Application Can't Be Found

May 17, 2012

i using external disk with NTFS format,and i wanna open file .xls (exel).My macbook is installed Paragon NTFS,but i can't open it (I'm new mem),I don't know use the console app

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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