ITunes :: How To Split Content And Create A Second Account
Mar 31, 2012
I want to split my iTunes account.Currently I share with my son and now I would like to take audiobooks and a few songs purchased to a new account but leave the rest for him. Is this possible?
My son has used my iTunes a/c for his purchases and he's now going to get his own iTunes a/c.Is there any way I can transfer what he's bought to his new ID?I don't want or need to keep the music etc on my a/c.I'm guessing that this can't be done but any advice is welcome
I don't usually check my itunes account, but today I actually decided I wanted to buy music. I put a $100 gift card I got from buying a Mac for college in a few months ago, and bought like $9 worth of stuff and just left it idle. It says that about 2 weeks ago there were purchases made to download an app and then some gem **** (in app content) that cost $80 ******* dollars that was bought. I'm not worried about my personal information because i don't use a legitimate adress and only buy gift cards, because I like to live off the apple grid i guess...w/e, WHO DO I EMAIL TO GET THAT MONEY BACK!!!
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently had to create a new account (admin) because of problems with the old one. I've now been using the new account with no problems for a few weeks, and am ready to ditch the old one completely. I've got everything organised except my iTunes content. iTunes on the new account behaves as if there's nothing there, so I can see I've got some work left to do.
I authorised iTunes on the new account for both the iTunes store (was told it already was authorised) and for my [URL] account. I changed permissions to read and write for everyone on iTunes in the old account, but that didn't help anything.
Is there a simple way to do this? Once this is transferred I want to delete the old account completely, so setting content up to share isn't the best solution for me.
I'm on my 14th email to iTunes support and after 14 days of not being able to log into my iTunes account, I'm getting a bit desperate. Every time I log in, I'm redirected to the login screen that asks for my account name and password. I've reset my password 4x and Apple has done it twice. Still no change. I'm not getting any response that my password is wrong and I'm allowed to fill in my credentials as many times as I want. It's just redirecting me to the login screen and asking me again. If I log out and back in, it tells me after login that I need to press "ok" to verify my account information, after which it redirects me to... the login screen.Â
Im trying to open an iTunes account in Spain, however the content is Spanish and I am from the UK and I want English content. I can change the country to the UK but as I start the registration process iTunes ask for the banking details, at this point it asks If the billing address of your credit card is not in the UK click here once you select Spain as your banking address all the content reverts back to Spanish. In short - How do I set up an account With English content in Spain with a Spanish bank account?
Working on a 2011 Macbook Pro with 10.7.3.I"ve setup many other macs with the same build and they all have created the mobile account when logging in for the first time, but this one will not allow the mobile account to get created.I'm connected to the line that gives me LAN access. I can log in with my own credencials and that works fine.I suspect it's the way the AD account is setup on the server but I'm not an admin for that. The same account sets up fine on a Windows box. Once I log in for the first time, it goes directly to the desktop. Basicly a local account but no user directory is created. With Fast User Switching turned on I see that it's showing someone elses name there, not the user that I logged in with. i.e. It should show 'joe jones' but it's showing 'fred smith'
Can't get screen grabs because there is no access. Can't show the FInder drives for the same reason, even if I go make the user an admin from a local admin account.I've seen some fixes in the forums but nothing works. I could just give in and create a local account an leave it at that, but that is not a fix
Is there a way to have TV Shows and Movies located on an Airport Extreme external hard drive and music on my internal drive but it still all be in one iTunes library?
I bought an used emac g4 and it has an account but i want to create a new account because i don't know the other's account password and im having problems downloading stuff from the internet.
I'm in the process of doing some major itunes organizing, and I'm noticing that some of my songs have automatically been grouped as an album when they are not actually on the same album. I tried deleting all of the info for each song and just entered the artist and song title, but it is still saying that they are part of an album.Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I am busy ripping my huge movie collection into an iTunes library, so I can play through my new Apple TV to my HDTV. Trouble is, it looks like I'll probably need at least 4TB's of HD space before I'm all finished. What I would like to do is to buy an external HD unit with two 3TB drives, and split my iTunes library across them, while still being able to view all of the movies on both drives all of the time, and give me lots of extra room for future expansion.Â
Is this possible? If not, does anyone know of an aftermarket Thunderbolt 4TB external HD? I found a 4TB drive, but not with Thunderbolt.Â
Info: Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPod Classic, Macbook, Apple TV2
I have somehow managed to end up with iTunes splitting music between folders ( was not me honest ! ).Â
I have two Music folders within the same path.....A lot of my CD's now mysteriously have music split between two folders e.g. a single CD has Tracks 1,2,3 in one Music folder and track 4,5,6,7 is split in the other Music folder.....the same Album name exists in both locations but tracks are split between.  iTunes / Preferences / Advanced - "Media Folder Location" = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/One level below this iTunes Media Folder Location structure there is another Music folder = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/Music          *** I can only play songs using iTunes that point to this Red music folder location ***Â
I have the following checked ( enabled ) :Â "Keep iTunes Media folder organised""Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to Library"Â
I have ran from "File" / "Library" / "Organize Library" Menu the :Â "Consolidate files"Â "Reorganise files in the music folder" can't be run as it's greyed outÂ
how do I merge back CD Tracks that have been split across these folders ? Â
i just bought a second hand ibook G4 power pc 933mhz mac os x 10.3.9 recently, the problem start when i can't create a new account for the Mail. Once mail application has loaded but i can't click to preferences as most of the function do not highlight.
I bought an used EMac g4 and it has an account but I want to create a new account because I don't know the other's account password and I am having problems downloading stuff from the internet.
So I want to get new MBA. But going from 500gb hdd MB, will need to set up wireless HDD for my pictures and music. Is it best to do all of it on one external hdd or can I mix n match say podcasts n my favorite pictures on internal hdd n the rest on the external?
i have a large network with three 3TB TimeCapsules and a load of other stuff. On one of the drives is my main iTunes library which is now over 530GB in size.Â
Backing this up alone takes over a day to complete and I am restricted by the way that the iPhone and iPad operates in that I cannot make multiple libraries and have them sync successfully. Â
There is also the issue of the sheer value of the library which makes me concerned for its safety. Â
Is there a way to split this library up into say music, TV and Movies that would still allow me to sync my iPad and iPhone to the relevent bits that I want or am I stuck with this ever-growing monster!?
Info: MBP, 4Gb RAM, 1Tb HDD, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3, iPad 64 w 3G, Mac OS X (10.6.5), If there are no bugs, it 'aint got enough features
I am trying to create on my Macbook a mysql account but it doesnt allow it. I suspect it is the same one in the "/etc/passwd" file: _mysql:*:74:74:MySQL Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false I am curious though why in that same file I dont see my normal login account. Where is the 2nd list of users? Is it a plist file somewhere? Also anyone know of a utility that shows all the users including root and all the other special accounts in one place?
I bought this imac g3 about 4 months ago and thought that maybe it was time to put on some new apps. I go to do it and it says I can't because I'm not the admin. I have no install disks or anything. I looked through the files and found out it was from a high school before they retired it, must have been in the principles office as the 700mhz g3 is in great shape. So how do I create a new account and make it the admin?
Did an archive and install of Leopard then installed Snow Leopard. 90% of Video sites would not work. Uninstalled and reinstalled Flash. Uninstalled ShockWave, tried to reinstall received message could not reinstall with 10.6.1. Attempt to install adobe air, received this message: "couldn't write the application to hard drive - please verify and try again." performed verify disk, disk permissions, repair permissions all ok. Attempted to install Air again, same message.
Tried to use Time Machine to open Safari from a week ago, received message: I did not have permission. Using Macbook Pro, 2g memory, 80g hd, with 42g free. Backed up on ext. HD, One more, getting a lot of spinning wheels when using Safari that causes a lockup and hard re-start.
I have an expensive piece of software that uses adobe air and I create videos for my business and I'm not able to do so now. I just logged off of my admin account and logged on with a guest account. Video and flash seem to be working with the guess account. I didn't check adobe air or TM. How can I create a new account and move the important apps, files, docs, etc. that I need from the main account to the new one. Al of my business is setup on the mail account, emails, downloads etc.
Today is the day i'd like to create a new user account and transfer all my files to that account. The problem? i've never tried this before! I will need step by step instuctions please.