OS X :: Split ITunes Folder?
Oct 3, 2010Is there a way to have TV Shows and Movies located on an Airport Extreme external hard drive and music on my internal drive but it still all be in one iTunes library?
View 3 RepliesIs there a way to have TV Shows and Movies located on an Airport Extreme external hard drive and music on my internal drive but it still all be in one iTunes library?
View 3 RepliesI am about to reach the capacity of my 3TB hard drive for my iTunes library.
Can I split my iTunes folder onto multiple hard drives?
Someone told me about setting up a NAS device. I wanted to see if there were other alternatives before I make that investment.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How can I split an mp3 into tracks and then record on a CD?
Mac OS X (10.4.4)
I'm in the process of doing some major itunes organizing, and I'm noticing that some of my songs have automatically been grouped as an album when they are not actually on the same album. I tried deleting all of the info for each song and just entered the artist and song title, but it is still saying that they are part of an album.
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I want to split my iTunes account.Currently I share with my son and now I would like to take audiobooks and a few songs purchased to a new account but leave the rest for him. Is this possible?
iOS 5.1
I am busy ripping my huge movie collection into an iTunes library, so I can play through my new Apple TV to my HDTV. Trouble is, it looks like I'll probably need at least 4TB's of HD space before I'm all finished. What I would like to do is to buy an external HD unit with two 3TB drives, and split my iTunes library across them, while still being able to view all of the movies on both drives all of the time, and give me lots of extra room for future expansion.
Is this possible? If not, does anyone know of an aftermarket Thunderbolt 4TB external HD? I found a 4TB drive, but not with Thunderbolt.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPod Classic, Macbook, Apple TV2
I have somehow managed to end up with iTunes splitting music between folders ( was not me honest ! ).
I have two Music folders within the same path.....A lot of my CD's now mysteriously have music split between two folders e.g. a single CD has Tracks 1,2,3 in one Music folder and track 4,5,6,7 is split in the other Music folder.....the same Album name exists in both locations but tracks are split between. iTunes / Preferences / Advanced - "Media Folder Location" = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/One level below this iTunes Media Folder Location structure there is another Music folder = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/Music *** I can only play songs using iTunes that point to this Red music folder location ***
I have the following checked ( enabled ) : "Keep iTunes Media folder organised""Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to Library"
I have ran from "File" / "Library" / "Organize Library" Menu the : "Consolidate files" "Reorganise files in the music folder" can't be run as it's greyed out
how do I merge back CD Tracks that have been split across these folders ?
OSX 10.7.4 & iTunes version 10.6.3
So I want to get new MBA. But going from 500gb hdd MB, will need to set up wireless HDD for my pictures and music. Is it best to do all of it on one external hdd or can I mix n match say podcasts n my favorite pictures on internal hdd n the rest on the external?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'd really like to split my music (all from CD's) into separate libraries. One for my popular music, and one for my classical music.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a large network with three 3TB TimeCapsules and a load of other stuff. On one of the drives is my main iTunes library which is now over 530GB in size.
Backing this up alone takes over a day to complete and I am restricted by the way that the iPhone and iPad operates in that I cannot make multiple libraries and have them sync successfully.
There is also the issue of the sheer value of the library which makes me concerned for its safety.
Is there a way to split this library up into say music, TV and Movies that would still allow me to sync my iPad and iPhone to the relevent bits that I want or am I stuck with this ever-growing monster!?
MBP, 4Gb RAM, 1Tb HDD, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3, iPad 64 w 3G, Mac OS X (10.6.5), If there are no bugs, it 'aint got enough features
I'd like to move the "apps" folder for itunes out of the main hard drive, and into an external. Can I do that???!
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen importing songs into iTunes, the software by default is set to copy the music files to the iTunes media folder and convert them to .m4a format. This, of course, results in having two copies of each song after the import is done. Before I disable this option I'd like to know what you think are the pros and cons of having this option enabled/disabled.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAs the main title says I am trying to find out why Itunes adds a folder for each new song that I add to Itunes it very nice if you have a few albums but when you intend to add a few thousand songs it could becoming a House Keeping problem.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have my itunes folder backed up from my iMac to my external HD. The whole "Music" folder was copied. I am trying to use that library on the external the main library since my iMac is gone. I have no music files on the Macbook (only had 20, deleted them), so I'm just trying to redirect iTunes to look at, and show the iTunes library in the iTunes music folder that I have backed up on the HD.
Ideally, I want it to copy over anything new I drag into it going forward so that everything's on the external. So I've read numerous articles on how to do what should be a simple task and it has proved anything but. I went into prefs. and changed the location of the iTunes library to the external folder of 'iTunes Music.' Then it pops up and says "do you want iTunes to rename the files in keeping with your "keep folders organized selection"? So I say yes, even though everything is already organized.
So it's not showing up yet, I restart iTunes, nothing. So I hit file, library, organize library. Then I hit consolidate files and "upgrade to itunes organization." Nothing. I restart iTunes, nothing. What is going on? I would like to be able to keep it updated on the external, and would like to do this with iPhoto as well. I know it's possible, but once again, it seems Apple is trying to make something that should be easy more difficult than it needs to be.
Yesterday I made a copy of my itunes folder to store on my HD. I have until now stored all iphoto, music, vids folders on external drives in case something went wrong with my imac. Lesson learnt it happened to me as my external drive crashed and I lost it all. To solve the prob, I want copies on both external and the imac HD.
Now when I open itunes...everythign has gone. Its as if I have a brand new itunes oporating.( I did have the most up to date version before this all happned) I have redirected the path(in preferences) to the new location and checked it both ways with the old and new copies but now none work.
I also went to a randon song in the folder and tried to play it but it would not even play. It as if the path has gone
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Ok, I have a MBP 13" 2.53GHz and a new model Mac Mini 2.4GHz. I use both about 50% of the time. I have 2x2gb and 2x1gb sticks of ram and I am trying to find out what would give me the best bang, if it would be putting 3gb in each or 2 in one mac and 4 in the other.
My every day use is as follows (about even amount use on both macs with all apps):
Final cut pro
safari, mail, skype (at the same time mostly)
World of warcraft, Ventrilo, iTunes (also at the same time)
i have a 600MB avi/divx file and i need to spin out 2 30 second section from it.
what software could i use with OSX to do this
What I have been trying to do is transfer a .mkv video file which is 4.37 GB in size from a hard drive which is format NAT32 to one that is FAT32. So what I am wanting to do is split the video file in 2 so that I can transfer it to the FAT32 because I dont mind watching 1 part then the other.
So is there any application out there which will allow me to do this?
I scanned a book a while back to a PDF file. I would like to split the PDF pages in half so that each paper page is on an individual PDF page. The only way I can see to do this is to duplicate the file and crop one copy to the left page and the other to the right. Of course, combining the files would be a tedious process.
Is there an easier way? I have Preview 4, Acrobat 8 and PDF Pen.
From a nonprofit that I help, I get a PDF each week that is 10 pages long. I would like to split that automatically into 10 separate pages for filing and posting reasons. Is there an easier way to do that then opening up the file, extracting a single page, saving that page, then repeating 9 times?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a huge dmg file of an application, that is 7 GB large. My disk burner is not letting my burn dual yer DVD's, so is it possible to split the file onto 2 DVD's ?
If so, how would you recompile them to load onto another Mac ??
I need a way to split a folder of about 82 GB into segments of about 3.5 GBMost of the files are bigger than 3.5 GB so rearrange files into several folders is not an option
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if it is even possible to split VGA signals. Now, this may seem weird, I want 2 inputs to 1 output. Is this possible. The idea is I have an external monitor for my iMac. I have it connected via miniDisplay Port -> VGA. I also have a video processor (thing) - (it is able to have an Audio/Video input, antenna input, etc). I want to be able to use the single VGA monitor and switch between the two inputs when I want to use it as an extended monitor, or to play videogames/TV/etc on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone walk me through Slit & CONCAT? I'm on Leopard i Mac. I can "split", I think, but I can't put the pieces together. Do I have to re-name each file? I'm a cyber Dunce by the way.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an AVI file that is just a tad too big to be burned onto a single-layer DVD, even at the "most efficient" setting (forgot the exact wording) of iDVD. I would like to do one of two things: Lower the quality just a bit (I'm just a bit over the 4.7GB limit), or split the AVI I'm trying to put on a DVD in two and end up with two DVDs. I just don't want to spend the money on DL DVDs for this!
I have googled "split AVI" and tried Bananasplitter. Perhaps, due to its age, it failed to work. Anyone have any suggestions on accomplishing this. Especially lowering the quality a bit more on iDVD so that it'll fit on one DVD? I would love to get rid of that "Revolution Main" theme and simply have the AVI play immediately upon disc insertion. Perhaps that alone would allow the movie to fit on one single-layer DVD.
I wan't to have my iTunes media library on my external harddisk (time capsule) so I change it in the advanced menu 'changing iTunes Media folder location' This works fine.
The music that I add to iTunes now are placed on the TC.
BUT when I restart my iTUnes the folder is back in the old location on my computer harddisk. Can someone help me - I cannot find the answer in the regular troubleshooting...
Mac-mini, OS X Leopard: Suddenly my wife's Leopard Mac- Mini (monitor) screen shows a 'vibrating' display that is split into three distorted parts. I can see it is the Finder shown three times. Fixing Permissions does nothing. Is this a hardware or software problem?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a set of split files with letter extensions. They are named <filename>.iso.__a, <filename>.iso.__b, and so on. Additionally they continue on to <filename>.iso._aa to <filename>.iso._as. This further confuses me because a Mac will list the <filename>.iso.__a first but a PC will put the <filename>.iso._aa first so I am unsure which is the initial file. I haven't found software that will join them properly. Split and Concat stalls out at 4kb. MacHacha makes a full sized file but it won't mount. Stuffitexpander won't even try, and Ajoiner shades out all the files as they don't end in numbers. I also tried renaming all the files with numbers but this too failed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like a little more information on create a split rar archive in OS X 10.4.11. At the moment I have downloaded winrar and copied the rar file to /bin/ and I can execute the command
rar a -v50000 testfile
to create a split archive, each part 50mb each.
But the only problem with this is that it will create files using the extension .part#.rar and I would like it to use .r00 .r01 .r02 etc.
How do I split a huge MP3 song into multiple songs? I have the .cue file which I guess is the data that tells the computer when to split the songs and what to name them. I have never split up a song (although I have combined multiple songs into 1)
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