OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Create A New Administrator User Account?
May 10, 2012How can i create a new Administrator user account ?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
How can i create a new Administrator user account ?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
OS 10.4. I know it has worked in the past month. My user account ( first one set up on system) no longer has administrator privileges. I went to do daylight savings update last week, and reply back says must enter administrator name and password......... Stuck because I can not even do a archive and reinstall because you need admin to do anything
View 7 Replies View Relateddelete the previous administrator and make a user account for myself on my iMac G4
iMac, iOS 3.1.3
Lion was reinstal.
I'm suspecting issue with one user account. Can I creat a new user account and move all my files to that new user?
What are the impact? How about permissons on this files? What about the Library Folder?Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Today is the day i'd like to create a new user account and transfer all my files to that account. The problem? i've never tried this before! I will need step by step instuctions please.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know if its my installation because of upgrade or all Snow Leopard installations, but SL is asking frequently for the administrator's userid and password.When trying to do a Software Update, it asks before starting. On Leopard it would ask before installing, but not before checking. Seems unnecessary.I can't remember where but I've seen it pop up much more frequently than before. I've even had it prompt me twice during an application install.Even running XCode for development. Try and debug an application, it now comes up asking for the userid/pw or someone in the developer group. I don't see a built in app to configure who's in what group. Normal Unix group commands don't seem to be present.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been given an old Mac with previous owner name and passrord. I want to update/grade? How do I get an administrator account & password?
Mac OS X (10.2.x)
Up till now, all the family have been using just one user account on our iMac. (OK, I now know that's not a good idea!) I'm now going to be working from home so have set up a new user as Work. I've been using an IMAP mail service in Mail on the family user account and I've now set it up on the work account. If I delete the IMAP account from Mail in the family user account, will this delete my mail off the IMAP server so I cannot access it on the wrok user account?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe had a HDD fail on one of our office Mac laptops (a power pc G4). Apple repaired it and I restored all files etc from a backup. I was the administrator during the restore. Before I could get back, the user changed that account to a standard account and changed the name. Now there is no way to change the account back, because there is no admin to authenticate the change. Anything I can do? I am not an advanced computer/Mac person.
View 21 Replies View RelatedGuys, i just installed Leopard 10.5.8, and then created a new user account afterwards. But when i tried to log in to the new account, the screen just freezes after loading. No response to any keys. Just freezes, and this new account is basically inaccessible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I re-enable a user account that I previously disabled?
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I've noticed a quirk in SW. If one deletes an account (for example, the original Admin account) and answers that he would like to delete the home folder, more often than not, he is asked for the permission of an Admin account. However, if one doesn't enter the credentials and presses cancel, the account (and home folder) disappear anyway. Is this normal? Or is there data residue hiding somewhere.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've typed in my usual password on my user account and nothing happens! I'm using a mac mini. Â
View 13 Replies View RelatedOkay, so a few months ago I was using a tutorial on how to set up a Minecraft server on my Mac, and I went to the part about making a server daemon, which is supposed to have the server automatically running 24/7 from your computer.Well I never got that working and I don't play Minecraft anymore, but when I turn on my computer, at the login screen, it has my main User, then this _minecraft user. The _minecraft user isn't under Accounts in System Preferences, and I looked in the Users folder, it's not there either.This is the tutorial I used to make it if that helps at all [url]
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am wondering if it is possible to run a user account with Snow Leopard and another one with Maverick on the same iMac (2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo)?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have the advantage of having my own server for mail at Media Temple. So I can create a number of account stemmed off my central domain. The problem iswith my limited knowledge of Apple Mail, I have to create an account for each one. Time consuming and somewhat unnecessary..What I would like to do is have an account that downloaded from the server more trhan one account:Â Example url...Can I do this in Apple Mail with one account?
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Macboo Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB RAM, GeForce 8600M GT
Is it possible to install leopard on another user account on the same computer?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Reports of a potentially critical Snow Leopard bug that can erase a user's account data have continued to surface since the operating system's debut [Updated with Apple official comment].
Since Mac OS X 10.6 launched in late August, numerous reports online have detailed the issue, which is triggered by logging in and out of a guest account on a Snow Leopard machine. Upon logging back in to their regular account, users will find that it has been wiped of all data.
The issue has prompted numerous threads (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) on the Apple Support Discussions, with reports suggesting the issue cannot be reproduced with any exact certainty. Apple has yet to publicly acknowledge the issue.
"When I logged into my MacBook Pro this morning, it was as if I had logged into my Guest Account and not my standard user profile," user parshallnet said. "No icons on the desktop, the desktop wallpaper was the default 'space' photo and not the one I had assigned, no documents in the docs folder, apps behaved as if I'd never opened them before."
The issue was initially reported when Snow Leopard first launched, but complaints have grown as adoption of the platform has continued. Monday, Engadget highlighted the issue.
A month ago, CNet detailed a potential fix for the issue, which is reportedly caused when users have had a guest account enabled for login prior to the install of Snow Leopard. The easiest way to avoid the issue is disabling the guest account.
If afflicted by the bug, the home folder can be restored, though without a backup, the loss of data is likely permanent. If a user has Time Machine running, they can restore their Snow Leopard installation while holding 'C' at startup and choosing "Restore from Backup" from the "Utilities" menu.
Update: In a brief statement, Apple acknowledged the issue Monday evening, according to CNet
"We are aware of the issue, which occurs only in extremely rare cases, and we are working on a fix," a spokesperson said in a prepared statement.
Since its launch in August, Snow Leopard has been received with positive reviews and strong sales. A quick update, Mac OS X 10.6.1, was released soon after, but apparently did not provide relief from the guest account bug.
Mac OS X 10.6.2 is currently in beta and only available to developers. It has nearly 150 general focus areas.
[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
file permissions - how to edit a user account that is creating files with permissions that are not wanted anymore. i understand how to reset permissions on files or folders, but i do not understand how to reset the permissions a user is "creating". ie, each time this user creates a file, the file needs to be manually edited for its permissions. so i need to edit the user's settings, but i can't find where to do that. this is a home office setup. we have two users with admin privileges. our imac is acting as a server of sorts - it holds common files that need to be edited by both users. the other user is typically working on shared files from a macbook over wifi.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have renamed my home directory using the root then I restarted the computer. Then, I logged on with the same account that I have and I found that all the old folders have been moved to a new folder in the new directory under the old directory name.How to get back!I tried to rename it again by replacing the new name with the old name but it didn't work.. is there anyway to undo the change!! Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
iMac OS X 10.6.8. previously migrated account -- need to rename the account at the destination. Step 6 in the support page does not occur. I never get a chance to hit OK to this: 6. Click OK when "A folder in the Users folder already has the name 'account name'. Would you like to use that folder as the Home folder for this user account?" appears. Note: This will correct the ownership of all files in the Home folder, and avoid permissions issues with the contents. A red flag appears in the field that conflicts (either the short name or the full name). The name(s) cannot be changed! must cancel out.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Previously migrated account
I've recently upgraded to Mac OS Lion Server, and I'm having a big problem that's keeping me from finishing my last bit of work on a project. I've been trying to create network users so that they can sign in on any computer, and access their files via the server, but I've been told time and time again to create a Directory Administrator.Â
When I try to create one, I get this error
I am running a Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard Server and have configured a global security policy using the following command: [code] When a network user is logging in from the login screen, it disables the users account after 3 attempts.This is the behaviour I expect (maxFailedLoginAttempts=3).When a user locks thier screen, a password is required to return to the desktop (also part of the intended security policy).If a user enters an incorrect password for the screensaver, it immediately locks the the networked account. To be clear, it takes only one failed attempt to lock a networked user's account from the screensaver.I have tested local accounts set up with the same global password policy, and the screensaver locks the account after 3 failed attempts, as I would expect.Anyone know how to make the screesaver not be so fussy?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Server
I just made a TM backup of two user accounts (A & B) on one iMac.I now want to delete the files and accounts from the iMac and create a new user account.(A & B shared this computer and it is now going to be used by a third person alone. I don't want all the additional unused A & B account data clogging the hard drive.)Â If I delete the original A & B user accounts, will I still be able to access the backed up files? How?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), iBook G4/iMacFP/G4Tower/Bondi/3400/165/SE/Plus
We use on our Server the OD. About 25 User can ue with their Account every Computer in the Office. Now wo saw the size of the harddrive has very less free space. When we click Apple-I on the users we see it is very low space uses, but this is because all the private folders are blocked. Is their a way to calculate the Open Directory size of every User Account?Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to system preferences and then groups and users, it is showing that a guest user has set up a profile. I did not set this up. My computer won't let me erase this user.  The "minus" symbol at the bottom of the tab is highlighted grey and my mouse can't select it. Also, the box that says "let this user administer this computer is checked and it won't let me uncheck it. Weird. What do I do?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I am sole user of the Mac usually and use an admin account. Though I've read in a few places that you should set up a standard account and use that for day to day activities. What does everybody else do?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have no administrator accounts on my imac! After upgrading to leopard, everything changed to standard accounts, even my root user. I tried to do what the apple website said, and change passwords and check off the "allow user to administer" box, but when i log out of root user and back into my main account, the box is not checked off. Nor when logged in as the root user will it let me to lock the settings to make sure it goes through.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan the administrator unlock a disk image that another user made?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
We had a HDD fail on one of our office Mac laptops (a power pc G4). Apple repaired it and I restored all files etc from a backup. I was the administrator during the restore. Before I could get back, the user changed that account to a standard account and changed the name. Now there is no way to change the account back, because there is no admin to authenticate the change. Anything I can do? I am not an advanced computer/Mac person.
View 2 Replies View Related