ITunes :: Split Mp3 File Into Tracks?

Apr 4, 2012

How can I split an mp3 into tracks and then record on a CD?

Mac OS X (10.4.4)

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Applications :: Easiest Way To Split Recorded Tracks?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a huge box of records (probably about 50 or so) that i am recording in order to put on CD. I have about 10 of them done already, with each side of the record in its own garageband project. Now i need to go about splitting each side into separate tracks. Is there an app designed to streamline this process? I've tried splitting the tracks apart in garageband but it just takes forever.I recall hearing that Toast has an app designed to record vinyls, is that what im looking for?

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Applications :: Split Continuous Mix Into Tracks With No Gaps In Sound In Garageband?

Jun 28, 2010

Tried a search but was tough to wade through the many threads - so forgive me if this is an oft-asked question:I record continuous DJ mixes straight from vinyl records -> mixer -> macbookpro running garageband. I do all of my mixes in one take and no post-processing or anything like that. So my technical production skills are lacking, to say the least. However, I can't stand the one and half hour long single track.

Is it possible to add track markers and track names within garageband - but do so in a way that no gaps are between songs - then export the whole thing as a file for download (or, rarely, burn to a CD)?This way, the listener can skip around to their favorite song, or listen to the whole thing with no gaps to ruin the "journey"

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ITunes :: Link Duplicate Tracks To The Same Source-file?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a number of tracks on both an artists album and again on a compilation album, not to mention greatest hits. (eg Today by Smashing Pumpkins on both Siamese Dream and again on Triple J Hottest 100, Vol. 2). I know it's a little OCD, but I like having the tracks available through both albums on iTunes (depending on my mood, I'll put the album on or go for a Triple J Mix). Even so, I'd like to decrease the 4.82GB worth of duplicates somewhat. If there is a way to do this automatically, that would be great, but I doubt it. There is also, of course, the risk of deleting album releases in favour of Live recordings or vice versa to consider in this. 

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Equalise Volume Of Tracks On Itunes As Some Tracks Quieter

May 17, 2012

How do I equalise the volume of tracks on iTunes as some quieter than others?


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OS X :: How To Split A Mkv Video File?

Oct 10, 2010

What I have been trying to do is transfer a .mkv video file which is 4.37 GB in size from a hard drive which is format NAT32 to one that is FAT32. So what I am wanting to do is split the video file in 2 so that I can transfer it to the FAT32 because I dont mind watching 1 part then the other.

So is there any application out there which will allow me to do this?

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Applications :: Can You Split A DMG File Onto 2 DVD's ?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a huge dmg file of an application, that is 7 GB large. My disk burner is not letting my burn dual yer DVD's, so is it possible to split the file onto 2 DVD's ?

If so, how would you recompile them to load onto another Mac ??

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Software :: Any Way To Split AVI File?

Jul 8, 2009

I have an AVI file that is just a tad too big to be burned onto a single-layer DVD, even at the "most efficient" setting (forgot the exact wording) of iDVD. I would like to do one of two things: Lower the quality just a bit (I'm just a bit over the 4.7GB limit), or split the AVI I'm trying to put on a DVD in two and end up with two DVDs. I just don't want to spend the money on DL DVDs for this!

I have googled "split AVI" and tried Bananasplitter. Perhaps, due to its age, it failed to work. Anyone have any suggestions on accomplishing this. Especially lowering the quality a bit more on iDVD so that it'll fit on one DVD? I would love to get rid of that "Revolution Main" theme and simply have the AVI play immediately upon disc insertion. Perhaps that alone would allow the movie to fit on one single-layer DVD.

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OS X :: Split 1 MP3 File Into Multiple Songs?

May 15, 2009

How do I split a huge MP3 song into multiple songs? I have the .cue file which I guess is the data that tells the computer when to split the songs and what to name them. I have never split up a song (although I have combined multiple songs into 1)

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QuickTime :: Is MOV File With Mp2 Audio Tracks Compatible With Player

May 9, 2012

I export multiple .mov files with certain video stream and mpeg layer 2 audio stream inside, using MPEG Streamclip/VLC/FFMpegX. However it turns out that the sound part is not playbak correctly inside QT player. Is QT player not supposed to playback this kind of file? BTW, I'm on OSX 10.7.3, Quicktime player is version 10.1. 

MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud On Mac :: Saved Garageband File And Now Most Of Tracks Missing

Jul 1, 2014

I saved a Garageband file to iCloud and now most of the tracks are missing. Where did they go?

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OS X :: Split ITunes Folder?

Oct 3, 2010

Is there a way to have TV Shows and Movies located on an Airport Extreme external hard drive and music on my internal drive but it still all be in one iTunes library?

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ITunes :: Get Music Tracks Off Dvd?

Jul 7, 2010

My laptop crashed last week and I am now on a brand new operating system (windows 7) using a Dell Inspirion PC. Ive lost all my old music off my hard drive. I have a bunch of dvds a mate of mine burned for me back home that i brought to the USA, and i have no idea how i got the music off them originally and into itunes/on my hard drive. I cant copy directly from the dvd to my hard drive as each song is encrypted. I know my mates password in the case that happens in itunes and it asks for it, but im not being given the chance to enter it anywhere. Obviously itunes recognizes the disc and i can play the music in there generally, but i cant copy the music to the library.

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Applications :: Name For Non ID3 Mp3 Tracks In Itunes

Apr 11, 2009

I recently had a HD disaster, all my music (aprox 50000 tracks) got lost. With FileSalvage I got them back, problem is they all lost their id�s, now they are displayed by number. Musicrenamer works on the ones with id3 tag, but I�m still up the creek without the proper instrument. Itunes wont let me get the tracknames as the music wasnt imported using itunes. Anyone know if there�s a way around this? Third party software to get tracknames? I need acces to gracenote or similar database..

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Applications :: Which Of ITunes Tracks DRM On Them?

May 16, 2009

All of my music has come from the iTunes store, and I have updated the ones available to non-DRM status for the $0.30 that Apple charges. Now my question is, is there a quick way of seeing which songs I have that still have DRM on them? I think it's only a few, but I'm trying to figure out without clicking CMD+I on over 1,000 songs.

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OS X :: Deleted Tracks Won't Go From ITunes

Dec 22, 2009

i've just deleted thousands of tracks from my iTunes.

However, the artwork and the songs still appear on my iTunes after i deleted them, but if i try to open it the message "the song xxx could not be used because the original file could net be found. Would you like to locate it?" would appear.

Now when i try to add songs from iTunes to my movie project in iMovie, the above message would appear thousands of times and i will have to press NO each time.

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ITunes :: Add Tracks To Its Library?

Mar 17, 2012

I have just tried to add to albums to my iTunes library.  The albums are in folders on my hard drive. Previously I just selected 'Add to Library' from the iTunes drop down menu.  This would create a copy of the tracks in my iTunes Library.  From there I could drag and drop them into a playlist.I select 'Add to Library' as usual. Select the folder and hit 'Open'.  iTunes then creates a playlist for that folder but looks like it is playing the mp3's from their original folder location. It is not actually adding the tracks to my iTunes library.

As far as I know I have not changed any setting. I have been back in and revisited all of the settings options but can't see any issues there either. I have been using this 'Add to Library' method for around 10 years so am curious to find out what is wrong.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: Cannot Join Cd Tracks

Apr 25, 2012

My join cd tracks is greyed out. I been trying to join cd tracks into one. It did work but then after 4 months ago the join cd tracks got greyed out. I need this option cause i have single tracks that i would like to join into one. I did hightlight selected all i do see the blue but still no join cd tracks not avaible.

macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

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ITunes :: Why Does It Sometimes Separate Tracks

May 14, 2012

In importing my cd collection to itunes, I've noticed that sometimes it will separate a track or tracks into more than one copy of an album. Why is this and how can I make it stop? It's only happened a couple times but is still annoying. The other day it separated track 2 of a cd from the other tracks, so I had 2 copies of that disc in itunes. One with just track 2 and a second with all the other tracks. Today it separated each track of an entire cd, so I had 10 copies of the same disc, each with one song.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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ITunes For Mac :: When Put A CD In Tracks / Don't List By Name

Dec 8, 2014

When I put a CD in--a store bought CD, it just comes up at Track 01 etc. The CD name doesn't even come up.i recently tried it again and it did not work.

MacBook Pro

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ITunes :: Split-up Songs That Are Grouped As An Album?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm in the process of doing some major itunes organizing, and I'm noticing that some of my songs have automatically been grouped as an album when they are not actually on the same album.  I tried deleting all of the info for each song and just entered the artist and song title, but it is still saying that they are part of an album. 

MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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ITunes :: How To Split Content And Create A Second Account

Mar 31, 2012

I want to split my iTunes account.Currently I share with my son and now I would like to take audiobooks and a few songs purchased to a new account but leave the rest for him. Is this possible?

iOS 5.1

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ITunes :: Split Library Across Two Hard Drives?

Jun 25, 2012

I am busy ripping my huge movie collection into an iTunes library, so I can play through my new Apple TV to my HDTV. Trouble is, it looks like I'll probably need at least 4TB's of HD space before I'm all finished. What I would like to do is to buy an external HD unit with two 3TB drives, and split my iTunes library across them, while still being able to view all of the movies on both drives all of the time, and give me lots of extra room for future expansion. 

Is this possible? If not, does anyone know of an aftermarket Thunderbolt 4TB external HD? I found a 4TB drive, but not with Thunderbolt. 

Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPod Classic, Macbook, Apple TV2

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ITunes :: It Has Split Music From Same Album Across Two Folders?

Jul 2, 2012

I have somehow managed to end up with iTunes splitting music between folders ( was not me honest ! ). 

I have two Music folders within the same path.....A lot of my CD's now mysteriously have music split between two folders e.g. a single CD has Tracks 1,2,3 in one Music folder and track 4,5,6,7 is split in the other Music folder.....the same Album name exists in both locations but tracks are split between.  iTunes /  Preferences / Advanced - "Media Folder Location" = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/One level below this iTunes Media Folder Location structure there is another Music folder = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/Music           ***  I can only play songs using iTunes that point to this Red music folder location *** 

I have the following checked ( enabled ) : "Keep iTunes Media folder organised""Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to Library" 

I have ran from "File" / "Library" / "Organize Library" Menu the : "Consolidate files"  "Reorganise files in the music folder" can't be run as it's greyed out 

how do I merge back CD Tracks that have been split across these folders ?  

OSX 10.7.4 & iTunes version 10.6.3

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OS X :: ITunes & Multiple Audio Tracks

Jan 9, 2011

I have some movies on which I'd like to put multiple audio tracks. Here's what I'm doing. First, I add the second audio track in Subler and save. Returning to iTunes, I'm not given the option to switch in iTunes or QuickTime 10. So I go back to Subler and turn one track off, saving again. Now I'm given the option to switch. But the audio doesn't work. The standard track works fine. Switching to the other one makes a popping sound and then pure silence. Switching back works fine. This also happens in QuickTime 10.

So I tried to enable/disable via QuickTime 7 Pro. Turning a track off forces me to resave the file, but not like Subler, oh, no. QuickTime 7 Pro forces me to reencode the whole thing as an MOV, which takes forever and is pointless. I've done this without having to save before. What's going on? How do I add a second, selectable audio track that works on things in iTunes without QuickTime 7 Pro forcing me to save MP4s as MOVs and [insert any audio filetype with zero video whatsoever here] as MOVs as well?!

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ITunes :: Cannot Number Playlist Tracks From 1 To 30

Dec 14, 2010

iTunes won't list my tracks chronologically once they get past 9. I have a lecture series that has 30 tracks in it and when I number them from 1-30 as soon as iTunes sees another 1, like at the beginning of all the numbers from 10-19, it puts them after the number 1, and then moves onto the number 2. It's a real drag and other than alphabetizing the first 9 numbers I'm at a loss of what to do. Is there somewhere in preferences I can have it recognize two-digit numbers properly?

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Applications :: Repurchasing Tracks From ITunes

Sep 9, 2010

There are a couple of my puchases from iTunes that didn't make it over to my new laptop when I transferred everything from my old laptop. The old laptop has now died, so they are probably lost forever. I really don't mind re-purchasing these tracks (it's only a handful), but when I look for them in the iTunes store, there isn't the option to 'Buy', it only says 'Purchased'. How can I get iTunes to let me buy these tracks again?!

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OS X :: ITunes Tracks Not In Correct Order

Apr 6, 2009

The problem is that iTunes separates two tracks from the others. I've tried to check everything in the data. Nothing seems to work.

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Applications :: Tracks Not Upgradeable To ITunes Plus?

Apr 9, 2009

everything's in iTunes Plus now and of the 400+ DRM'd songs I had before, I still have 10 left. After the initial wave of iTunes plus upgrades, I was down to 40 or so. More and more came in until now I'm down to ten. Am I going to be able to upgrade these soon? I see the songs are available for purchase in iTunes Plus...

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ITunes :: 'Join CD Tracks' Greyed Out?

Feb 26, 2012

I've been searching everywhere for a solution to this: For a while I've been downloading audio plays, which come in about 30 tracks and which I put onto a CD then re-import after joining all the tracks to make them more manageable. This was working fine until today, when suddenly the "Join CD tracks" option is no longer available but greyed out. I've made sure the CD tracks are listed correctly - by track number - and I've made sure that the original tracks downloaded have been deleted before trying to re-import them. Still nothing - still greyed out. This was working perfectly until tod

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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