ITunes :: Copy Its Folder To An External Disk?
May 4, 2012how do you copy the itunes folder to an external disk? I want to put the data on another computer/
View 4 Replieshow do you copy the itunes folder to an external disk? I want to put the data on another computer/
View 4 RepliesI've recently got a new MacBook Pro, and for at least 6 years or more, I've been using Windows to handle my iTunes library. At one point, when trying to transfer my library, somehow I lost ALL my music. As a result, I learned to back it all up...And I learned to be patient when doing so. Any way, I want to make sure that when I transfer my files THIS time, I do it right. I just need to consolidate my iTunes library that I have backed up to an external hard drive to another folder on the same drive.
Then when I move it to iTunes on my Mac, I only have to put the files into the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder. That said, I'm fairly decent with using the terminal; I've used Ubuntu for a while, and right now I'm using Fedora. I would use the terminal on my Mac, but I really don't want to use it there; I'll stay safe and let my Fedora computer do the work. That said, I know that both Mac and Fedora have "rsync" and "find" as part of the UNIX kernel both are built off of. With all that out of the way.
My question is simply which commands I ought to use to manually consolidate the files in the iTunes folder to a separate folder on the same external hard drive. I also happen to have a number of duplicate files, for some reason, except the duplicates are sometimes .mp3 files, while others are .m4a files. While the majority of my music has been restored because of "Purchased" section of the iTunes Store, I'm unsure of which files I'm looking to preserve; Do I just copy the mp3 files, or both? I hate doing music database repair.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Do I have to copy each file individually or can I copy an entire folder to external hard drive?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
How to copy one folder from Mac and copy to external HDD ?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am trying to copy my iTunes folder from one external hard drive to another external hard drive but I keep getting an error message "unable to copy because file (song name) is in use". It starts copying for a while but keeps stopping when the error message pops up. No songs are playing so I am not sure why it says certain song files are in use.
Mac book pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
When importing songs into iTunes, the software by default is set to copy the music files to the iTunes media folder and convert them to .m4a format. This, of course, results in having two copies of each song after the import is done. Before I disable this option I'd like to know what you think are the pros and cons of having this option enabled/disabled.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have two Macs, a desktop PM G5 and a laptop Black Macbook, both running 10.5.8. Currently when using the laptop I can see and access the PMG5 and its files through my wireless connection. I'm planning on picking up an external drive, and I'd just like this confirmed, as in its access ability. If I hook up the external drive to the G5 so I can leave it there, and access its files through the G5. will my laptop also be able to access it through the G5. In other words, when I access the G5 from the laptop over wireless, will the external drive appear as just another folder and/or device on the G5 and I'll be able to move and copy files just like I already do?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using a macbook and would like to copy over several games over to my friend's external harddrive. The files are rather large -8gigs, 6gigs, 4gigs.
For some reason it wont allow me to copy the files to the HD. only prompting me with the message "the operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 0)".
I presume that it's formatted correctly because I was able to copy a smaller file (363megs) without any troubles. However, whenever it involves these large torrents it prompts me with that same message.
Any NTFC free drivers fo mac.? want to copy data from Mac to windows/External diskÂ
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an external HD where I back up data from other Window laptop. when I connect this HD to Macbook, it is available as read only. I cannot copy files from my MacBook Hard disk to the external HD.
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Mac OS X (10.5.6)
new do you drag or move or copy a file or folder from the desktop to an external drive? I have tried dragging and copy/pasting.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm trying to copy photos from my Pictures folder to my external HDD connected to my Time Capsule and received the following error. The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8058). If I connect it direct to my Mac it copies fine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2TB HD, 4GB Memory
I want to copy my iPhoto library to an external drive but I cannot find the folder on my Mac Air. When I open Finder there is no Picture folder showing so I cannot find the iPhoto library.
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Yesterday I made a copy of my itunes folder to store on my HD. I have until now stored all iphoto, music, vids folders on external drives in case something went wrong with my imac. Lesson learnt it happened to me as my external drive crashed and I lost it all. To solve the prob, I want copies on both external and the imac HD. Â
Now when I open itunes...everythign has gone. Its as if I have a brand new itunes oporating.( I did have the most up to date version before this all happned) I have redirected the path(in preferences) to the new location and checked it both ways with the old and new copies but now none work.Â
I also went to a randon song in the folder and tried to play it but it would not even play. It as if the path has gone Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an iTunes playlist with 20GB of music inside, which I'd like to copy to a memory stick of mine. With small playlists (100 songs or so), I just select all songs in the playlist (CMD+A) and drag them into a folder, and that's that. But with a playlist with about 20GB of music, this doesn't seem to work. It seems like it's starting to copy all the files, but about a minute later, it just aborts the action without an error message of any kind. Does anybody know how I can accomplish this?
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How to copy files to external hard disk and use it for both mac and windows. there is the fat32 formatting bt i dont wanna use formatting because i already have a lot of content on the exteral hard disk.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
When i transferred all my Music and Movies from my PC, i put them into the specified Music and Movie folders, but when i used itunes to open all of them, iTunes makes a copy of all of them and put then into it's own folder.
doesn't this take up 2x the space then?
Is there an easy way to copy a playlist from iTunes to a USB-stick (for use in the car)? The folder structure of artist > album> track should be kept.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have at 2010mbp + 2tb wd world edition.
I cant drag music, or play directly from my nas with finder ( tried add library, no can do either) I get an error that I dont have permission to copy to my OSX disc.
I'm logged in as administrator.
It works great on my gf's 2010 mb.
So I tried different versions of itunes. including 9.1 and the current 10.
It works fine in boxee and vlc, so im kind of confussed.
What app do I download on my mac so I can make a dvd copy of my imovie I made to a DVD? I heard idvd was discontinued?
Receiving error message "Attempting to copy to the disk....failed. You do not have the privilege to make changes" when attempting to syn iPhone 4 in iTunes
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have just purchased an IMac and when I sync my iphone I receive the following message Attempting to copy to the disk "Macintosh HD" failed. You do not have enough access privileges for this operation.Â
I have various user accounts setup and changed the permissions to the local hd to RW access for the usersÂ
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
How can I create a new folder in an external disk that is connected via USB to my Mac?
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My iTunes Library is too large and taking up too much of my iMac's 1Tb HD. The iTunes Library is currently at 381 GB. Along with a healthy music collections, I have a ton of video files. I recently tried to import more video files and I got a message that there was not enough room on the hard drive. Â
I have read up on how to copy the itunes library to an external hard drive, and although time consuming sounds pretty easy. However I have a few concerns about 'MOVING' the itunes library. Essentially copying it to the new external hard drive and then deleting the old library on my iMac's HD.  If I do that will I have issues with:Â
1. Using iTunes playing songs, video etc. Will it have difficulty locating it's new location because it is no longer on the 'local' HD? Or if it works ok, will it be really slow?
2. Will my 2 Apple TV's not be able to stream the content?
3. Will my Time Machine backups automatically include contents of the new external HD? I am assuming not.  Â
OR is it just plain easier to leave the iTunes library on the local iMac HD and delete music and video not currently being used? ie; add it into iTunes when I want it, and delete it when I don't?Â
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 8gb ram
I am running OSX 10.9.3 on a 3GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac with 12GB RAM, and itunes 11.2.2 (3) 64 Bit. My itunes library is large (approx 1 TB) and contains mostly ripped CDs, vinyl and ripped DVDs and BluRays. I usually add media using the File/Add to Library command. This set up has been reliable for a couple of years at least.Â
At time of writing itunes will still happily add music files, but is no longer happy to add movie files. I get a message telling me that the disk which contains my itunes library (I use a 2TB external HD) cannot be written to or read from. Clearly this isn't true as I can write music files to it. Â
I tried disk repair in the disk utility and it tells me the drive is healthy. I thought maybe there is a maximum itunes library size. As a check I tried starting a completely new itunes library on a different external drive and the problem persists.Â
I have >500GB spare space on the drive containing my itunes library. All my drives are formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled) so should not suffer any file size limitation.Â
I am using a Mac Mini with OS X 10.7. I am having an issue with an external disk that was previously used as my main file source with an older Mac Mini. It seems there is a certain folder on the disk that I can't open or access that contains my lossless music files. When I look at the permissions it doesn't let me set them and also doesn't show "me", with the name I use to login to the system, as having access, or even showing up in the permissions on GetInfo.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Is it possible to copy/export/burn a TV show from iTunes to an external media (DVD disk, memory stick, etc) such that it can be played on a different computer? I'm starting to think the answer is 'no', based on other discussions here, but thought I'd ask in case I'd missed something.
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