Mac Pro :: Create A New Folder In External Disk That Is Connected Via USB To It?
Mar 30, 2012How can I create a new folder in an external disk that is connected via USB to my Mac?
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How can I create a new folder in an external disk that is connected via USB to my Mac?
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
What program can I use to do this?
I have Toast but can't see a way to do it without burning to disk.
I have not got any disks yet and I just want to convert the video files to DVD folder to be burned later when I get some disks.
I created a password protected folder in Snow Leopard. I created a new blank disk image with 128-bit encryption. Now I can mount the image, enter my password and: Access to secret files!
Question: I selected the disk image and deleted it. A password was not this true? Can anyone just delete the disk image without entering a password?
How to create a new folder on a NAS disk with the autorisation drwxrwxr-x When i create a folder on my Network Disk with my MacBook Pro under OSX 10.6, the autorisation is:drwx--S---3 Yvnjewab 70 Tue Jun 5 09:55:17 2012 Exercices.But when i do the same from my Windows XP computer i have what i want:drwxrwxr-x5 Yvnjewab67 Wed Sep 14 16:36:13 2011 Parerasse Maison.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I have an external HDD formatted in NTFS that I used for all my DVD backups items connected to my Mac (running Mac OS X 10.5.8). In any event, I was re-installing windows on my Laptop (which is a PC) and put the old copy of windows on the external drive. Well, I don't need it anymore and was trying to delete it but it won't delete. I have tried everything short of initializing the drive which I want to avoid so I dont lose all my DVD backups. It's in the trash but it just won't empty.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a Lacie 1TB external drive. I'm trying to create another partition on it using Disk Utility so that I can use one of the partitions for Time Machine. When I go to add another partition, or even just resize the existing one, I get an error saying drive must be HPFS+ with Journaling enabled. It is. I've seen reference to this error in searches, but have not found a solution. Is there a fix for this, or another tool that I can use to re-partition my drive without wiping out existing partition? I have about 450GB worth of data on the drive that I might be able to store somewhere else temporarily, I would just prefer not to have to go through that....
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow do you copy the itunes folder to an external disk? I want to put the data on another computer/
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to create a Folder inside a Folder { Sub Folder } in Bookmarks.
How do I do this. I had started a Discussion about this here: [URL]
I am using a Mac Mini with OS X 10.7. I am having an issue with an external disk that was previously used as my main file source with an older Mac Mini. It seems there is a certain folder on the disk that I can't open or access that contains my lossless music files. When I look at the permissions it doesn't let me set them and also doesn't show "me", with the name I use to login to the system, as having access, or even showing up in the permissions on GetInfo.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I would like to create a Smart folder that only has applications & utilities in a sub-folder.Â
This will be similar to the default applications folder that shows in the dock, but without all the extra files & folders - just a list of applications.Â
I can do this by esily by just having a smart folder of applications showing only type=application.
However, I would still like to have utilities in a sub-folder.Â
If thats not possible, then it would be OK to have 2 seperate smart folders, 1 for apps excluding utilities & 1 for utilities only.Â
Is there some way in the smart folder options i can exclude a sub directory?
I must have done something to my installation of OS X. When I go to create a new folder, it automatically creates the folder with the name "untitled folder". The problem is, the name isn't selected. Normally, when you create a new folder, you can just type the name immediately. For me, I have to create the new folder, then click on the name to select the text and then type it. Also, when I do go to type in the new name, the text "untitled folder" doesn't disappear. I just type over it.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm using MacBook Pro Early 2011 model with Mountain Lion (10.8.5).
I recently noticed that there was an application folder in my home folder (the folder with your username), but that application folder had been empty. I remember I used to be able to access to my applications from that folder, but not anymore.Â
Since the folder was empty, I deleted it before doing further research.Â
After deleting the empty application folder from the home folder, I looked up and some said the application folder in the home folder and the application folder in Macintosh HD are two different folders. I don't know what it means, but I would like to have an application folder with applications in my home folder. Is this possible? or should I just make an Alias folder and put it in my home folder?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Within iphoto library, how to create a folder with sub folder?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWith TimeMachine, I backup two external drives (let's call them drive A and B). Recently, drive B broke and I restored the data on a replacement drive and gave the volume the same name as the broken one had. I made TimeMachine aware of the fact that this new drive corresponds to the old one by using the "tmutil -a associatedisk" command as described here: [URL]When TimeMachine started the next backup, it did not perform all full backup of the new drive, though still way more than it should. So far so god.Â
The problem is: if TimeMachine performs a backup while the new drive (the replacement of drive B) is not connected, it does not create the hard links for it. Drive A is not connected either, though hard links for it show up in the Backups.backupdb folder for this backup. If the replacement drive is connected the next time, TimeMachine will perform a full backup of it ... most likely because the previous backup does not contain any hard links.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I need an application that can sync two folders. One (original source) is on my MacBook and the other is on a Western Digital Hard Drive connected to a NAS on my network. Is there any free application that can do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the folder and files of an Operating System which I want to make an ISO of.
I want to create a BOOTABLE ISO so I can burn it to DVD and install.
How can I do this? I also have Toast v10
How can I create a shortcut to a folder?
And also, how do I create a shortcut to open an application?
The Keyboard Shortcuts in the Preferences is for creating Menu Bar shortcuts!!!
I have problems to create a new folder on my desktop. When I try this message come up:
"The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have the necessary permission."
I am also unable to trash or move any files on my desktop. I am the admin and there are no other accounts.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a group of pages with the same theme. How do I create a folder for them on desktop? I don't want to save them in Cloud.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Not sure what version of Pages I ha
I get this question mark along with a folder when starting up. I tried holding down the option key when turning on the power and then I get an internet recovery along with a globe. I click on the arrow below it and it takes maybe 15 minutes to start up. Then i get this disk utilities screen. I'm now unable to do anything. When going into disk utility, disk 0 shows with Mac OS X base system underneath it. All the clickable buttons are faded out. Is there something wrong with the hardrive? and where could i get this fixed? There isn't a warranty on it.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to create a passworded folder? Nothing too special, but I don't need a whole file vault setup.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a secure folder to pop documents in. i've tried using disk utility, failed, permission issues even though i'm adminstrator, tried the cmd line (scary) so what else?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I'm new to ApplesScripting. I've found this script that I'd like to change: --This script will make a new folder on the desktop with current date and dialog box--format the date to 2010-11-19tell (current date) to get day & (it's month as integer) & (it's year as integer)set TheDateFormat to the result as text -- asks for folder name with date as default answerset TheFolderName to text returned of (display dialog "Name the folder" default answer TheDateFormat) --make folder with date & user entered texttell application "Finder" make new folder with properties {name:TheFolderName}end tell The desired changes:- Date format should be: 150412 + a letter (a, b, c) if the folder to be created already exists.- Place the cursor at the start of name dialog, no selection active.- The new folders should be created in /Users/Hans/Dropbox/Jobs/Another question is related to execution of the script:- How can I start the script easily with a shortcut key or a Dock icon?- Is it possible to select client name from a plain text file containing client names in separate lines?- Is it possible to have zip files automatically unzipped to subfolder names with the zip package name?- Regarding the Dock icon I could even imagine that I drag a zip or other file from an email or the Desktop to the icon and that I only have to type the clients name to have the file moved to a new folder. user entered texttell application
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been, having issue with creating a Folder in my "Mac 10.7.3" in Macintosh drive, this is happen sice Thursday this week, the problem I have is that every time I want to create a New Floder, Transfer folder or Delete any file in Macintosh, is keep asking me to inter a password, ( Finder Wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this) but I never had this issue three days ago, I was in the phone with Apple technical support for about 40 minute today.dose any one know how to anable this password settings ?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2010-silver
Whenever I try to create a new folder on the desktop, it gets created but it is invisible... How can I make it visible?
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to download a software on my macbook pro for school but any kind of software i try to download does not work and i keep getting the same the installation failed the installer can't create the folder "/var/folders/4_/kvc34hv1741dpkjd8pw1rf000000gn/T//Install.476p5XYcx." problem. I did the recovery hd to repair my hard drive and that is ok now. I also verified the softwares on disk utility and it says all of them are ok. I have plenty of room on my hard drive for the soft ware and i do not know what else to do. -version 10.7.5 processor 2.4 GHx intel core i5 memory 4GB-
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
I'm connected via Airport to my company's wireless network. Last week I was able to connect to this network via my Macbook. Went home this weekend, come back and now I can connect and browse the internet, but I can't view the "Shared" folder with other people's public folders and shared files.
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