MacBook :: Cannot Copy Files From Hard Disk To The External HD
Jun 9, 2012
I have an external HD where I back up data from other Window laptop. when I connect this HD to Macbook, it is available as read only. I cannot copy files from my MacBook Hard disk to the external HD.
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Jun 4, 2014
How to copy files to external hard disk and use it for both mac and windows. there is the fat32 formatting bt i dont wanna use formatting because i already have a lot of content on the exteral hard disk.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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May 27, 2012
Do I have to copy each file individually or can I copy an entire folder to external hard drive?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Mar 27, 2012
I have to send my Mac Book Air to technical service. They told me they cannot guarantee to save the data in the computer so I should save all my data. I cannot pass all the pictures and files to a hard disk. How do I do this?
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm using a macbook and would like to copy over several games over to my friend's external harddrive. The files are rather large -8gigs, 6gigs, 4gigs.
For some reason it wont allow me to copy the files to the HD. only prompting me with the message "the operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 0)".
I presume that it's formatted correctly because I was able to copy a smaller file (363megs) without any troubles. However, whenever it involves these large torrents it prompts me with that same message.
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Mar 14, 2012
I want to drag files to an external hard drive as a hard copy. I have already set up "Time Machine".
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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May 26, 2012
I have had both my MacBook and external hard drive for over three years now, and have never had a problem. In the last week, my external hard drive stopped letting me copy files onto it. When you try to drag and drop it just comes up with the blocked symbol. I have tested this with other hard drives as well and keep getting the same error. I've read other forums where it seems the answer is just to reformat the hard drive to the correct format, but I've never had a problem before so it seems strange that the format would just suddenly change.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2014
How do I copy files fromone external hard drive to another external hard drive via mac book air
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Feb 15, 2011
i need to copy data from MAc to my external hard disk, con'n can copy but iam administrator on the computer
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jan 11, 2011
I have an external 2TB Western Digital Caviar drive hooked up to my 2006 iMac through a docking bay and USB 2.0. I'm running 10.6.6 and the drive is formatted as Mac OS Extended. It's my media and backup drive and I'm always copying stuff to and from it. All was well and good with the setup and I had no problems for probably 5 or 6 months. Just around Christmas, though, I started getting alerts when trying to copy files over to the drive. Error Code: -50.
Basically, I can still view/read files on the drive and play songs in iTunes, but if I try to rip a CD, iTunes hangs and dies. If I try to copy any file over using the Finder or empty the trash with files from that drive, I get the -50 code and alert. A restart will fix the problem for a little while but then it's back after maybe 30 minutes or so that's obviously not a good long-term solution. This page claims it is an "Error in user parameter list" but I have no idea what that means. I've done a bunch of Googling, but people are saying it's anything from problems with networked NTFS drives (which it's not for me) or that it's a disk permissions issue (no bootable system on the drive).
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Mar 7, 2007
I have a 38gb iMovie file on my MacBook. I also have a 160gb external HDD. I want to copy the file across, sounds simple right? It will start copying happily but when it gets to about 8-10gb I get this error message (EVERY TIME!): Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error has occurred (Error code -1309). I really do not want to delete this file as it is a wedding video I did for a friend only a few months ago. I am trying to copy across to a Freecom II drive using USB.
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Apr 15, 2012
Why can't I copy my photo files from my Mac Book Pro to my External Hard Drive?
iPad 2, iOS 5
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Apr 22, 2012
I m able to copy and paste selected files from external hard drive to my mac but not the other way around. Im not able to copy files from Mac to external hard drive.
The same is working fine with USB flash memory.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), The same is working fine with USB
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Jul 9, 2009
My dear baby, a 3 year old macbook pro died last week (way to young). Fried logicboard. Apple wants 1.550 dollars to fix it, so I guess it is gone for good.
My question is, is it possible to take out the harddisk, put it in an external enclosure and plug it in to another mac to get the files?? If so, what enclosure should I buy?It is a summer 2007 macbook pro.
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Jun 10, 2012
I had downloaded some files to add to an external hard drive, the hard drive was assigned to a pc before adding these files so it wouldn't let me add files from my MacBook..
Had a look around online and made some changes (well thats what I thought) and I was able to transfer files form my MacBook onto the external hard drive.
What I then figured out was that there was nothing left on the hard drive except for the two file sI just transferred..
It turns out I deleted everyting without noticing.
The stpes I followed was to go to disk utility then select the hard drive and click erase (not knowing this would erase evrything).
So now I have two files on my hard drive and no idea how to recover the 'delted' files.
I tried using Disk Drill, which found the files but then it said I need to buy the full version to recover them.
I am wondering if there is any free methods to recover these files at all
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)
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Sep 2, 2014
My 500gb iMac (purchased April 2010) is about at capacity. 350gb of space is taken up by home movies (.mov) in iMovie. I bought an external hard drive and have moved about 200gb over to that drive.
After transfer, I deleted the original Events off iMovie and emptied the trash. I checked in both iMovie and in Finder and no longer see those files present on the Mac.
I thought this was going smooth and everything worked perfectly, but….when i went to check how much storage space i created on the Mac, the amount of available space barely budged (i moved 200gb of data to the new drive and i created about 30gb of space on the Mac).
Are these "deleted" files hidden somewhere and I need to go delete from somewhere else? How do I make sure I get back the storage that i need?
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Feb 26, 2012
Any NTFC free drivers fo mac.? want to copy data from Mac to windows/External disk
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2012
Why my MacBook Pro does not copy its files to USB disk (NTFS file system 500GB).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 28, 2012
Cannot copy to MacBookPro or open InDesign docs from external disk.Error code -36 and -43.They appeared to be locked.I unlocked in Information, but receive the same message."The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found."
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 15, 2011
I've download a Seagate Diagnostics programme to check whether my external Seagate FreeAgent Desk is working properly or not. However, when I run the programme, it indicates that cannot find the disk.
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Jun 27, 2014
I have a Seagate 1 TB Backup Plus Drive which was working perfectly fine until I plugged it into a USB hub. It detected it while in the hub and I was able to get files off of it, but when I ejected it from the hub and put it back into the USB slot on the computer it was not detected by finder. It shows up in the disk utility and I clicked verify and repair and it says:
Verify and Repair volume “Seagate Backup Plus Drive”
Checking file system
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
Is there any way to get this to work properly again? Or if not is there a way for me to recover my files on the external hard drive?
I have a Macbook PRO late 2011 running OS X Mavericks.
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May 6, 2012
I would like to copy the data I have in my time machine to another external HD so that I have two backups; one I can store offsight and one I can have connected to my computer.Can this be done and if so, how does one do it?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 10, 2014
i have been trying to copy files on macbook air to my external hard disk which i used for my windows pc, n=but im unable to do so. and i even cannot delete the files on the hard disk. but i can copy the files on hard disk to my air.
MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.2
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May 4, 2012
how do you copy the itunes folder to an external disk? I want to put the data on another computer/
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Mar 3, 2009
I want to partition my external hard drive for my g4 power based mac running Leopard.I will have one partition for Time Machine and the other for Carbon Copy Cloner.Here are my questions:1. Which partition scheme should I choose for Time machine?2. Does Carbon Copy Cloner work the same way for non-intel macs as it does for intel? Do I need to click on the OS 9 check box to make my version of CCC bootable (I want a bootable clone)? Which partition scheme should I choose for Time machine?
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Sep 22, 2010
I added a second harddrive to my Mac Pro. As it happens, it is larger than the primary harddrive. What I would like to do is use the larger harddrive as my Mac OS disk, while using boot camp to set the smaller one up with windows. when I set up the larger one with 10.6, do I have to use the install disks, or can I just copy all of the files from the old disk to the new? Are there any hidden files that I need that might get left behind?
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Mar 22, 2012
I am able to copy files on a pen drive but I am unable to copy files on a hard disk directly.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 3, 2009
I can not copy my files from my Download folder in my mac to my usb external hard drive, I get this error message: (This item could not be moved because "External Disk" could not be modified)
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Apr 24, 2012
I have a 2TB Western Digital My Book Studio FW800 external that has 5 partitions, connected to my 2011 iMac. I had help doing the partitions and don't really remember the reasoning, but one is just for my SuperDuper! backup, one is Miscellaneous, one for movie clips off my camcorder, one for misc scanned photo's and one for my genealogy research. I back up using Time Machine to a Time Capsule and also to this WD hard drive with SuperDuper!
Recently I'm getting a pop up message that "Mac OS X can't repair the disk "Genealogy"'. And it needs to be reformatted. It's become a read only disk. When I look in Disk Utility it shows all the partitions as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" EXCEPT for the one in question. I also noticed that there are a lot of files with "date created" being the same date in 1969! These files may be letters I've written or photo's I added to that partition within the last few years.
I think I have to completely reformat the entire external hard drive to repair this, but I want to make sure. Because it's going to be a major hassle backing it all up to another external (having to get one first) and then figuring out how to make the files that have turned "read only" in that one partition, back to their original state! Does this sound right, that I have to reformat the entire external hard drive? And how do I get the read-only files back to their original state.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 15, 2011
Recently I purchased an external hard disk, to put all of my pictures of my baby due to space limitations on my internal laptop drive. Since my Canon camera 10 megapixel pictures take up a ton of space this was occurring at an alarming rate. My intention was also to back up to DVD but never got to it. This is both a comment and a question.
Now said baby, is getting really good at pulling cords etc. He managed to do this on the external drive firewire cable. As far as i know the drive was not in the process of actually writing. However, after a few minutes and trying to re-plug the drive the OS crashed with a Grey Screen of Death hardware error that tells you that you need to push the power button..
This apparently corrupted the drive's directory. Upon reboot the drive would not mount. Since there were time machine backups on the drive too Diskwarrior was not able to reconstruct the drive in the built in memory available on the computer. Time machine stores millions of files and Diskwarrior apparently wants to keep it all in memory at once. Since my computer has 2GB you would hope that would be enough but apparently not. So that failed. Other utilities seemed to be able to find the files but not restore the directory. I also took it to the apple store they were not able to recover it.
I have to say this is extremely distressing, and hard to believe that a simple accident like this could cost the loss of thousands of pictures. I did send it to a rescue company but that was expensive but I think apple needs to do something about this situation.
On Windows there is a way to disable the write cache for external drives. This is not available for Mac OS X. This would prevent this rather common occurrence of a plug accidentally becoming disengaged when the drive is not in the process of writing. This reduces the odds but I still think apple, in order to become clearly superior, needs a better solution.
I know Apple has experimented with ZFS would this not eliminate this possibility of this kind of disaster? Is this in Snow Leopard desktop? I know they are thinking this is a business customer focused technology but clearly if it can eliminate this kind of thing then I think it is extremely useful to their non server customers. Perhaps there are other ways of dealing with this issue but ZFS is designed to deal with these issues. HFS+ is extremely fragile to disk corruption.
I know my situation is not that uncommon and this is not the first time this has happened to me with an external drive. You would think I had learned. I hate to think of how many other people have had the same thing happen to them.
MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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