IMac :: Unable To Clean Install

Nov 16, 2010

I want to do a clean install on my mac. It is starting to act up a little and I want to just clean it up and start over. I have parallels with windows 7 on the computer with office 2010.

I also have cs5. After I wipe and reload snowleopard can I reinstall my applications with the old serial numbers or are my serial numbers all used up? do i need to uninstall thm before the wipe?

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IMac :: Unable To Install Clean Snow Leopard / Instructions To Install On Internal Drive?

Dec 20, 2009

The internal hard drive on my early 2009 iMac is being replaced but I have to reinstall Snow Leopard myself.I did search in MRoogle and at Apple and cannot seem to find instructions on how to perform a clean Snow Leopard install on an iMac internal HD.

Can I do this? And if so how? Or do you think I should try and install Leopard on the existing Hd in the iMac? I still have these discs but have to get the SL applications install disc out of my drive (it's stuck and the iMac won't boot past the blue screen).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Clean Install (circle Slash)

Mar 28, 2012

I want to do a Lion clean install with a bootable usb. I already did it a lot of time on Leopard, Snow Leopard and even Lion.

But this time I'm not able to perform a clean install, after booting from the usb the apple logo is substituted by I circle with a slash. 

I already check the HDD with Disk Utility and their is no problem with the HDD

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IMac :: How To Do A Clean Install On Old System

Nov 22, 2009

I am going to be selling my old imac 20" ( 2007), How do I erase the memory and reinstall the OS? How long will it take? I assume I have to reinstall OPS 10.5 and 10.6 ?

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Software :: How To Clean Install Mac OS X 10.3 On Imac

Sep 19, 2009

The hard drive has been nuked and their is nothing on it, no operating system or anything.

I have bought a set of install disks for Mac Panther 10.3, however the computer will not read them. I hold "C" down as I turn the computer on but I get nothing except a flashing box with a question mark in it.

I have tried using the disks for my MacBook Pro but it tells me they are the wrong disks, however they at least load up to that point.

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IMac :: Factory Or Clean OS X Install On New IMac?

Aug 8, 2010

Just wanted to find out if any one will do a clean install of SL on their new imac? I hear there is a lot of bloatware ie Printer Drivers, Asian Language Fonts etc that take up a lot of unnecessary HD space.

I'm getting an i7 very soon waiting for possible iLife update, but will pull trigger what ever happens before July 7th for educational discount.

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IMac :: Clone Vs Clean Install When Going From Hard Drive To Sdd?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm drop shipping my 27" imac refurb to OWC for them to install the sdd, ram, etc. Someone here said OWC will clone the hd to the ssd and then the end user went back and did a clean install. Wouldn't it be better if OWC just installed the SSD, left it clean, and I did the install from the disks myself? I mean I assume it's a time issue why they would clone, not fresh install. I have plenty of time to do it. Is it not that simple? Is there something more fangled to it, or is it just running the disks and doing what they say?

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IMac :: Clean Leopard Install Without Destroying BootCamp

May 11, 2009

I'm turning my old white imac into a bedroom plex viewer (it will eventually become a kitchen computer) and I want to do a clean install. This was my primary workstation for years before I got my Mac Pro and its just loaded with crap, all of which I've backed up to sort through later

It currently has Tiger and I want to upgrade to Leopard (I bought a family pack for it and my powerbook). I have a bootcamp XP partition which I would like to keep and not destroy. Can I do a clean install except for the windows partition? Or will doing a clean install destroy bootcamp.

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Do A Clean Install Of Operating System 10.9

Dec 12, 2014

I inadvertently did something wrong - and now have malware on my machine. How do I get rid of it? And how does one do a clean install of operating systems OSX 10.9?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reinstall Apple Software After Clean Install On 2009 IMac?

Jun 24, 2012

Completed a clean install of Lion on 2009 IMac, which initially reacted poorly to an upgrade (my first attempt to move to Lion). How do I reinstall iPhoto, Garageband, Aperture, Final Cut Express, iMovie, Logic Express? These were all preinstalled with original purchase. How would I find the serial numbers that will inevitably be asked for? The App store wants to charge for these items, and other non-Apple software I've purchased for the App store won't download again.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5

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MacBook Pro :: After Clean Install Snow Leopard, Can't Install Bundled Application (ilife)?

Apr 2, 2012

This is the first time i reinstalled(clean install) my snow leopard on my MBP. All went fine but then i inserted the disc for bundled application (which contains the ilife apps) but it keeps failing. 

It says that "the installation failed. the installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. contact the software manufacturer for assistance". 

I've also done my research on this matter. I've gone thru a few steps i tried as below without success: 

1)normal install - fail

2)repair permission - fail

3)install in safe mode - fail

4) install using another admin acc - fail

5) made an image out of the disc and install - fail

6) used a similar disc(my dad's since we have identical version) - fai

7)updated my system and install - fail

8) reinstall the mac - fail 

i cant think of any other solution as im a bit noob when it comes to mac. is there any other things i could try before taking it Apple?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Want To Do A Clean Install But It Didn't Come With The Install Disks?

Nov 28, 2010

i just bought a macbook pro and i want to do a clean install but it didn't come with the install disks. is there a way to do it without buying new disks?

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OS X :: New Leopard 10.5.6 Install - No Choice For Upgrade Clean Install?

Jan 27, 2009

I purchased the new Mac Box Set with Leopard 10.5.6, iLife '09 and iWork '09.

I was 50/50 on which type of Leopard install I wanted to perform today.

Looks like the disc made the choice for me and performed, what I'm assuming, is the upgrade. All of my files, settings, etc. were intact after the reboot.

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Windows On Mac :: Win 7 Retail - Install Over RTM Via VMWare Or Clean Install?

Oct 22, 2009

I have the Win 7 RTM currently installed on my Mac Pro, on a dedicated internal hard drive. I'm running VMware 2.0. I have the retail version of Win 7 arriving today. Anyone know if I can just install through Windows, i.e., while running my existing Win 7 installation via VMware, or do I have to go through the whole clean install via Bootcamp routine?

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OS X :: SL Upgrade VS Clean Install VS Archive And Install?

Aug 25, 2009

I have many questions but few clear answers. What would be the benefits of doing a clean install vs. an upgrade? I have an iMac 8,1 which supposedly is eligible for a 64 bit kernel. Would I have to do a clean install or an "archive and install" to get the 64bit kernel? Also, can someone explain to me exactly what an "archive and install" is/does? From the name, I'd assume it would back up your HDD to an external storage unit, then do a clean install, but I'm probably way wrong.

One more question. If I so happen to choose to do a clean install, would Time Machine be an adequate way to restore all my data after the update? Any help or answers to any of the above questions would truly make my day. You will also be rewarded $1,000,000,000 in Happy FunTime money.

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MacBook Pro :: Clean Install Possible With Any Other Install Disk

Jul 8, 2010

I have recently done a Time machine back up of my MB Pro 15" then wiped my hard drive trying to clean it up so I could install Windows 7 with Boot Camp. I had my original Install Disk which I forgot was Tiger, Having used one of my brothers company licenses to upgrade to Leopard but that disk is now with him in another country. So now I can not restore from my Time Machine backup. I have a Leopard Install disk for a Macbook Pro 13" which I also own. Is it possible to use this disk to re-install Leopard on my 15"?

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IMac :: Unable To Install The Airport Software

Jun 13, 2009

Here is the situation:

I moved in with family who have a PC and router (Netgear) through charter (cable provider).

However I've had an imac g3 450MHz for the past 8 years and it still works fine..except..

The OS is 10.4, and I seem to have a problem connecting to internet with wireless. Apparently somehow the original airport software was deleted. I did purchase an airport card and adapter and successfully installed that.

However my problem is getting airport software back on my Imac. I tried installing Airport 3.1 however my computer insists its already installed so it won't install the airport software. But a search confirms that there is no airport any longer on my Imac.

In any case, I'm not able to get on the internet.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install IMac/m74 Gddr3_16mx32?

Dec 16, 2009

Newish 20" iMac (black border around glass).

Wiped clean and installed Snow Leopard, ran boot camp wizard and gave the windoze partition 100 GB, then rebooted.

No matter what disc I try to boot from (Windows 7 burned, Windows 7 pressed from microsoft, Windows XP SP3) I just get a black screen with white lettering in the top left that reads:

113-B22505-011 M74 GDDR3_16Mx32 64bit

Haven't been able to find anything on google. I figured the win7 might be problematic due to the way microsoft makes their discs (have had to burn mac-friendly dvd versions in the past) but I can't figure out why the XP cd wouldn't work...

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Applications :: Unable To Install Virtual PC 7 On Imac

Feb 20, 2010

I'm currently trying to install virtual PC 7 on my iMac. The initial part of the install runs ok, but once I click on complete, I get an application quit unexpectedly message.

If I reboot the mac, and try and manually run the VPC7 app to complete the install I just keep getting the message.

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IMac :: Unable To Fix Boot Camp / Can't Install Windows

May 1, 2010

I own every piece of software and hardware from Apple there is and I cannot understand that it seems that everything is about the iPad and iPhone right now. I have been having these issues since I got my 27" iMac. I can install Windows 7 just fine on my MacBook Pro and my previous 24" iMac.

Ever since I got the 27" iMac I get a black screen when installing Windows. I have found some posts that have a way around it, which seemed to have worked but now I am getting the blue screen of death. Doesn't matter if Windows 7 is supported by Apple or not but Boot Camp is and it should be corrected.

There is no excuse that after 6 months this issue has still to be addressed, all Apple talks about now is iPad and iPhone, I am sick of it.
BTW I own an iPad and I don't see the big fuss about it, I bought it mainly to read books and watch Netflix on the go.

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OS X :: Which One Is Better - Install/Archive Or Clean Install?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm a newbie, forgive my question but I just did an Install and Archive yesterday, but I don't know if I really should be doing a CLEAN INSTALL...

FACTS - I have an MB403LL/A (2.4GHz C2D, 2008 Early Peryn) which I use to make music with ProTools 8 LE and Reason 4.0.

- Upgraded RAM from Corsair to OWC RAM (4GB)

- Before the Install & Archive yesterday I was experiencing problems with Safari freezing up and not being able to relaunch. I believe this was due to the RAM, hence, I bought new and better RAM.

- I could not boot up my MacBook one morning, so I trouble-shot it and the only thing I could do was Re-Install the OS X.

- I did the Install & Archive with the OEM Samsung RAM and put in the OWC RAM AFTER that.

QUESTIONS - I would like to really have a fresh install of everything but not sure if there is much difference between the Clean Install and the Archive and Install? (I would just move the files I need to my external HD)

- With the Clean Install - will I be bringing my MacBook back to where it was fresh from the factory?

Should I buy the AppleCare for it? I was thinking of upgrading but there is not much difference in performance to what I have... 2.4 C2D at 4GB RAM...

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IMac :: Unable To Install Windows Xp / Stuck With White Screen

Mar 29, 2010

My brother got an iMac and yesterday he tried to install windows xp with boot camp. But unfortunately he made a mistake and the iMac shut down. Now the mac is stuck with a windows xp in it, and when he tries to start up the computer, it says "the start-up sound" and just stays with white screen. It sounds like the mac reads from the xp cd when it starts, but I can't get the cd out.I have looked everywhere and tried everything:

Hold down the primary mousebutton while it's starting,
Hold down "fn" and the "eject" button while it's starting,
and hold down "alt" while it's starting

I can't find any "pin-hole" to a paperclip or something.

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IMac PPC :: Unable To Find Driver Platfrom PowerMac 12,1 10.4 Install?

Feb 11, 2012

Got an iMac G5 manufactured in 07' (PPC)  from a relative and I am trying to erase the HD and restore.I'm putting the disc in it gives me a kernel panic screen- Grey install disc 10.4.10 Not sure what the heck is goin on here.  New to mac's this is what code is shown at top of kernel panic screen- cpu 0 caller(0x002E59BC) Unable to find driver platform PowerMac 12, 1

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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IMac :: Unable To Install Dell Printer / Usable Driver Loaded Into OS X?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm an IMac newbie, so please excuse me if this is "old" information. However, I've done a lot of searching and can't find a "simple" solution. Maybe there isn't one. Again, please excuse me if this is dumb...Just got a new 27" IMac. I have a Dell AIO 966. I know now there is no OEM driver. But, I thought there was a Lexmark driver model (that might show up in the OX 10 install process I could substitute, or a Generic driver. So far, no luck. And frankly, some of the things I am reading when I search are either old, old posts or too complex for me.

Is the simple answer, "get a new printer?" Or, is there a usable driver loaded into OS X? Is there a thread or post that I am missing?

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IMac :: Unable To Install Snow Leopard / Installer Can't Extract Files From The Package

Sep 20, 2009

At first, I tried to upgrade and the upgrade failed to the point of rendering the system useless. I then decided to reformat the drive using disk utility and try a clean install. I then got this error and I'm stuck and have no clue what to do now: "The installer can't extract files from the package for BaseSystem. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." I have never encountered anything like this before.

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IMac :: Unable To Install Windows 7 Premium / Bootcamp Black Screen Appears

Feb 1, 2010

iMac 27" i7 with OS X v 10.6.x when I create the bootcamp partition for windows 7 and I install from my original DVD of Windows 7. I format the partition during the install of windows 7 and on the first reboot after windows 7 first part of the install, the screen shows the Windows 7 logo and says continuing installation and then a black screen and then nothing.

I have to hard power off the iMac and then it starts over says the thing about the system didn't shut down properly and gives me the option to start safe mode etc. and does the same thing each time.

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OS X :: How Often Do You Clean Install?

Mar 25, 2009

So I bought my Macbook August of 2007, and have only Archive & Installed when Leopard came out.

I don't have any noticeable problems yet I know a lot of people wipe their computer clean, back-up any important programs and files, and then re-install their OS. Do a lot of people do this?

I kind of want to but it's my first time doing it so I don't want to mess anything up or forget something I need, etc.

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OS X :: How Can I Use The UTD For A Clean Install?

Sep 4, 2009

I am getting my UTD disc next week sometime, and I would like to know how to do a clean install with it.

Before I would put the disc in, then go into the install process through finder, the computer would reboot, and then I could access disc utility from the top bar and just erase my disc.

Then I would continue and install the new OS on my blank hard drive. With the UTD disc, I hear people saying that you have to delete a file on the disc? Which file is this?

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MacBook Air :: Clean Install Over 9gb?

Nov 10, 2010

just got my MBA today and followed the clean install sticky here. However, I did not get the options to remove some of the software listed in the instructions.

I just checked the space and it looks like that the install took around 9GB of space? Is that correct? Bear with me where as this is my first Mac...

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MacBook :: How Do You Do A 'clean Install?

Jul 4, 2009

Basically, the guys at the Apple store said the hard drive on my 2008 entry-level Mac book had died so I went out and bought a new one from Western Digital.

But when reinstalling, the screen froze on 'verifying destination volume', then packs up and suggests I start again.

Searching this forum I see that others have had this problem and that one solution is to perform a 'clean install'. My question is, how do I go about doing that?

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