IMac :: Factory Or Clean OS X Install On New IMac?
Aug 8, 2010
Just wanted to find out if any one will do a clean install of SL on their new imac? I hear there is a lot of bloatware ie Printer Drivers, Asian Language Fonts etc that take up a lot of unnecessary HD space.
I'm getting an i7 very soon waiting for possible iLife update, but will pull trigger what ever happens before July 7th for educational discount.
The internal hard drive on my early 2009 iMac is being replaced but I have to reinstall Snow Leopard myself.I did search in MRoogle and at Apple and cannot seem to find instructions on how to perform a clean Snow Leopard install on an iMac internal HD.
Can I do this? And if so how? Or do you think I should try and install Leopard on the existing Hd in the iMac? I still have these discs but have to get the SL applications install disc out of my drive (it's stuck and the iMac won't boot past the blue screen).
I have a 2007 imac which i want to restore/erase the hard drive so it's like its out the box. I have the orignial Install DVDs but when i put them in they won't run because i get the powerpc is no longer supported message. I upgraded to lion but no longer have the disk for it..Any Ideas how i can restore?
I want to do a clean install on my mac. It is starting to act up a little and I want to just clean it up and start over. I have parallels with windows 7 on the computer with office 2010.
I also have cs5. After I wipe and reload snowleopard can I reinstall my applications with the old serial numbers or are my serial numbers all used up? do i need to uninstall thm before the wipe?
I am going to be selling my old imac 20" ( 2007), How do I erase the memory and reinstall the OS? How long will it take? I assume I have to reinstall OPS 10.5 and 10.6 ?
The hard drive has been nuked and their is nothing on it, no operating system or anything.
I have bought a set of install disks for Mac Panther 10.3, however the computer will not read them. I hold "C" down as I turn the computer on but I get nothing except a flashing box with a question mark in it.
I have tried using the disks for my MacBook Pro but it tells me they are the wrong disks, however they at least load up to that point.
I'm drop shipping my 27" imac refurb to OWC for them to install the sdd, ram, etc. Someone here said OWC will clone the hd to the ssd and then the end user went back and did a clean install. Wouldn't it be better if OWC just installed the SSD, left it clean, and I did the install from the disks myself? I mean I assume it's a time issue why they would clone, not fresh install. I have plenty of time to do it. Is it not that simple? Is there something more fangled to it, or is it just running the disks and doing what they say?
I'm turning my old white imac into a bedroom plex viewer (it will eventually become a kitchen computer) and I want to do a clean install. This was my primary workstation for years before I got my Mac Pro and its just loaded with crap, all of which I've backed up to sort through later
It currently has Tiger and I want to upgrade to Leopard (I bought a family pack for it and my powerbook). I have a bootcamp XP partition which I would like to keep and not destroy. Can I do a clean install except for the windows partition? Or will doing a clean install destroy bootcamp.
I inadvertently did something wrong - and now have malware on my machine. How do I get rid of it? And how does one do a clean install of operating systems OSX 10.9?
Completed a clean install of Lion on 2009 IMac, which initially reacted poorly to an upgrade (my first attempt to move to Lion). How do I reinstall iPhoto, Garageband, Aperture, Final Cut Express, iMovie, Logic Express? These were all preinstalled with original purchase. How would I find the serial numbers that will inevitably be asked for? The App store wants to charge for these items, and other non-Apple software I've purchased for the App store won't download again.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5
I recently bought a used Imac 24" Alu and 30" Apple Cinema Display that were obviously never cleaned before and therefore there is sticky grunge/dirt on the aluminum on the Imac and even worse on the aluminum and plastic part of the 30" Display, as well as on the lcd itself.
What is the safest and most effective way of cleaning off this grungy dirt. I have read that people use IKlear for both the display lcd and the surrounding aluminum and plastic, but is this really sufficient?
I will need to insist on lifting off the sticky grunge like dirt on both machines.
I think I know what to do in terms of cleaning the lcd display on the 30" ACD.
But there is grungy dirt there too. A simple lint-free water-wet clothr will just move the dirt and grunge around, I think, not off. Perhaps IKlear will do it. Any firsthand recommendations?
I want to restore factory settings in a REALLY old iMac - we're talking the blueberry one with the huge protruding butt - but I no longer have the set-up/systems disks
My uncle bought a iMac PowerPC G3 for my mom for $5 at a garage sales. Now I would like to format it so it would be brand new again but I don't have the disks. What do I do?
Sold my imac and was wondering the best way to have it restored back to new for the next owner? I did have to upgrade to leopard when I bought this. So I would like Leopard to be on there for next owner.
I have a 27"imac which is 3 months old, purchased new from an Apple store. I have purchased a 15" macbook pro as well. The imac is not being used so I want to reset it back to factory settings wipe all personal and keychain data so I can sell it.
I recently came across an old iMac G3 by a dumpster (It is perfectly functional, the fact that I found it by the dumpster has nothing to do with the problem). I brought it up to find out that every user created on the computer is password protected. I've been trying to get past it, but it's impossible. I can't afford an install CD, resetting the PRAM and the PRU doesn't do a thing, and Open Firmware is a pain. Is there any way to get into the iMac without having to buy a disc or go all around town trying to find the original owner so I can get his passwords?
I have to reset my imac G5 that runs OS 10.6.8 to factory settings. I am not selling it but I do want to wipe everything off the hard drive and start over.... fresh.
So my mom just bought an iMac from her friend's mother, and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings using the Installation disks that came with my MacBook Pro. I just inserted the discs and clicked "Install Mac OS X" and then it gives me a "Restart" button, but I cannot restart it without putting in the Password which I do not have. Is there another way to do this?
How do I crash my MacBook Pro , in order to bring it back to company specs. In other words I am trying to get my Mac to be exactly like it was when i purchased it.
So I have had my 27" i7 (July 2010) for about a month. On initial install the RAM showed 12gb (which is correct). I had the stock 4 GB and then added 2 4GB chips from OWC. They displayed correctly.
Now, suddenly am showing 6GB. Bank 0 DIMM 0 empty, Bank 1/DIMM 1 2gb, Bank 0 Dimm 1 Empty, Bank 1 Dimm 1 4gb.
Reseat all and try again? Seems an odd failure. Bank 0 give up the ghost? Just seems really odd both factory and add in ram suddenly failed...
i just got a new imac and thought i'd firewire from my old one, but doing this is set up after the intro video only let me register in my ex's name (who the older mac is registered to) - i obviously dont want this! how do i reset my imac so that i can register it without his name as the owner of the imac?!
I recently sold my older MBP and already backed up the system via Time Machine. However, I need to wipe clean the hard drive for the new user. Is there a clear cut way to restore the system? I do not have the boot drive with me as I am traveling but would like to know if there is a way without using the disk.
I forgot my admin password on my iMac recently and so i used the reboot with OS X snow leopard install disc to reset the keychain, but now on my login screen, it used to be just my account name, there is one called "Other" so i went into accounts in system preferences and tried to delete it but it isnt there?is really annoying me p.s. the "other account" isnt actually an account it says "Other" and when you click on it asks for your username and i type in the admin accounts name and password (admin account is the only one on this computer), and it just opens up my admin account.
I just spent the past 5 hours trying to install Windows 7 via BootCamp on my new 27" iMac.
It would get past the initial installation and then after the final reboot just before it runs off the hard drive and asks you for a serial number, the screen would go black and I couldn't do anything.
So I found this solution here:
Except the instructions on that site are for an iMac with an NVIDIA Graphics Card. The 27" iMac has an ATI card. So at step 6 I deleted the file named: ATIKMDAG.SYS from the same directory.
Then clicked restart and was able to finish through the install process.
Summary: (from a response below)
The way the iMac 27" DisplayPort works in the system, when installing windows it will output to BOTH the iMac screen and DisplayPort.
When Windows 7 install is reaching a certain point it is making a choice as to which display it believes it the primary display. ]
If you have a display plugged into your iMac's display port or have that ability you will see your install is working just fine, the problem is just that windows believes the active displayport on the back of the iMac is the primary display and moves all video to the port..
that is why you see a black screen. Rebooting and doing the driver deletion steps does work as it will allow windows to run on a generic driver unable to make that choice.
Note: you will need an additional monitor and a Mini-Display Port adapter to plug the monitor into the iMac to use the above method.
The BootCamp driver that loads only give a max resolution of 1980 X 1440 so everything looks stretched. Installing the ATI drivers from ATI did no good. (See the update below to fix this)
Also be aware that only the keyboard will be active during the install so you will need a usb mouse unless your really good at navigating Windows with only a keyboard.
After installing Windows 7 if you run windows update there is an update available for the ATI card. Once installed and restarted the resolution is now fixed.
When you go into the resolution settings in Windows 7 the display now shows up as a color LCD and the max available resolution is 2560 x 1440.
i am looking at ram upgrade options as i am about to dive in and purchase the 27" quad core imac.i know we need to install in pairs but do the 'pairs' need to match. can i leave the 2mb pair that comes with the computer AND add a pair of 4mb giving a total of 12mb?