OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Screensaver Comes On For A Minute On Display
Jun 28, 2012
My screensaver comes on like it should, or comes on from hot corner, but won't stay on. I've tried a number of things including:
-Trashing the prefs file (Library>ByHost>com.apple.screensaver.....plist)
-Starting from they DVD and fixing permissions and verifying/repairing the startup volume,
-Quitting all applications (I thought it was Time Machine or Chrome, but no)
-Making sure "wake for ethernet" is off.
-Disabling Bluetooth.
It'll stay on for a minute or less, and then stay off. So I'll come back and my display will be on. It also wakes up if I set the display to go to sleep.
Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Apple 23" Cinema Display
I put a new hard drive into my iMac 24". I could not install OS X because every time I turned the machine on it would shut down in less than a minute at the grey screen and Apple logo - whether the disk was in the slot or not. I finally was able to install Snow Leopard via firewire from a Macbook Pro. It runs fine - but I can only access the iMac Snow Leopard installation from the Macbook Pro. When I turn on the iMac, it still shuts down every time. The new drive was formatted with the Disk Utility as an external drive - since I couldn't get to it while it was in the iMac. My Snow Leopard disk was a full version, not an upgrade.
I want the equivalent of a windows theme file for mac with rss as a screensaver. I have an rss feed; how can I bundle an executable file (automator, bash) to excute a 'System Preferences' -> 'Desktop - Screen Saver' -> '+' -> 'Add RSS Feed...' insert the RSS feed url -> launch or test or just set as the active screen saver.Â
I am running a Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard Server and have configured a global security policy using the following command: [code] When a network user is logging in from the login screen, it disables the users account after 3 attempts.This is the behaviour I expect (maxFailedLoginAttempts=3).When a user locks thier screen, a password is required to return to the desktop (also part of the intended security policy).If a user enters an incorrect password for the screensaver, it immediately locks the the networked account. To be clear, it takes only one failed attempt to lock a networked user's account from the screensaver.I have tested local accounts set up with the same global password policy, and the screensaver locks the account after 3 failed attempts, as I would expect.Anyone know how to make the screesaver not be so fussy?
I have an external monitor that I attach to my MBP to watch movies. Is there a way to turn on my screen saver or power down the screen on my MBP when I'm watching a movie on the external display?
I'm having a really hard time trying to find a nice freeware screensaver that will run in my TiBook with dual displays. I was wondering if anybody here know of a good freeware screensaver that will work with these requirements: Must run well on TiBook in dual display mode (667MHz G4, 1GB RAM, 16MB Rage 128) Must be somewhat cool/interesting.
I love the iTunes artwork screensaver that comes built in to OSX. Basically, the screensaver is displaying all of my podcast 'album covers', where as I really just want it to show the album covers in my music library. Is there a way to get the screensaver to ignore the podcasts? I was thinking maybe the easiest way to do it would be to move the podcasts folder in my iTunes library to another directory rather than in 'music', but would that mean iTunes would save new podcasts to the new directory or save in the original automatic spot?
I have a 24" ACD plugged into my iMac, and they work well together (other than the ACD needing a boost, but we'll discuss that some other time).
I can't seem to get backgrounds to stick; I set a background on both displays, but whenever the machine wakes up from sleep or a screensaver, it's back to the default nebula/star field of Leopard. When I try to once again set those displays, the folder containing the pics, which had been added to the preferences interface, has disappeared from that pref pane.
im using that converter which converts the mac port into VGA and im using a VGA to the tv and its only showing the screensaver. NOTHING ELSE. Also strangly enough it does show DISPLAYS when I open the prefrences.
I got a 24" iMac (2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo variety) about 6 weeks ago and hooked up my Matrox DualHead2Go to find it wouldn't push the two external monitors to their 2x1680x1050 potential. Ok fine, I got an Arkview USB2 to DVI adapter and had one monitor attached to the inferior DVI port, the second connected to the Arkview adapter and both worked at 1680x1050. Today I updated the box to Snow Leopard to find that neither solution works any longer.
The Arkview adapter simply disappeared. The computer refuses to see it and the console seems to indicate that it tries to talk to the adapter but gets nothing back. My guess is something changed in the way SL talks to drivers which trashed that solution. Then I tried the Matrox again thinking 2880x900 is still better than 1680x1050 and while it sees the Matrox box and sees it as 2880x900, the second monitor never "lights up". Does anyone know of anything that actually works with SL that will let me attach the two external monitors?
I have a strange issue on my Mac, it s running OS X 10.6 with all software updates completed. Last week I started getting odd display issue as attached. I have foudn an updated drive for the NVIDEo card and put this on but no difference.
I'm thinking about getting a Mini to use as an HTPC with a 42" Sharp Aquos LCD TV. if I connect the two using DVI to HDMI, will Snow Leopard detect that it's an HDTV and allow me to use the new 1080p setting without having to use SwitchRes X or DisplayConfigX? The 1080p setting works on my MBP when in extended desktop mode, but not in mirroring mode (because resolution is limited to the 1440x900 of my screen). I'm hoping that since the Mini has no display, 1080p setting will work out of the box. If someone could confirm that would be great.
Is there a way through a third-party app that I can have display presets? I have three 17" Apple Displays and a 52" Sharp LCD. When I'm sitting at my desk I'd like to have my monitors setup one way but when I'm sitting in front of the 52" LCD I'd like things to be setup different. For instance, when at my desk, the middle monitor of the three Apple displays get my dock and Apple bar. I have spaces enabled and certain apps reside on certain monitors and spaces.
When I move in front of the 52" LCD, I'd like to kick in a preset that moves things around without having to manually do it each time in the System Settings. One idea I had was to create another user. Not bad on the surface but it's kind of hassle not having the same routing to my other user's documents folder. Plus my software starts getting wonky.
I'll bring up 2 application screens for comparing some data. I move them arround a bit to line up data. After a few such moves - one screen suddently vanishs (to the right or left). I bring it back by reinstating the application - but then the other screen disappears. So now I can't get the 2 screens to stay on the display at the same time. I don't know exactly what triggers the first disappearance
I created a short page in Pages. I want to display this as my desktop as a reminder to do a task which will appear when i turn on my computer each morning. I cannot set this page as my background. I tried drag and drop as well as saving as a document etc. How do i display this as a background?
Alright first of all, Hello to you all, I've been reading this forum for a couple of month even though this is my first intervention and i need a tip. Alright my situation is the following: I have:
-Macbook Pro Unibody -Macbook C2D -Snow leopard Disc x2 -Snow leopard image I cloned to a hard drive partition.
The situation is I have bought two licenses for Snow leopard because i have two macs. The macbook pro is the computer i use everyday and is fully functional. The macbook however took a big drop about a year ago and the display was totally broke along with the DVD and the hard drive. I retrieved an old HDD i had with leopard installed and put it in the macbook along with an external display and i now use this computer as a media center. The problem is i want to install snow leopard on it. The DVD drive is broken hence the reason i made a disc image and i wanted to install from the disc image. SO i restart the macbook with the alt key and as expected, the image from the usb drive is detected and i launch the install. The problem comes from the fact that when the installation starts, the external display is set as secondary display and i cant control the installation which is displayed wont eh broken display. Is there a way to remotely install SL or to set the external display as only display at boot through holding a bunch of keys?
Okay, so I installed Snow Leopard on my parent's Mac mini and it has a Hanns.g display connected to it. In 10.5 Leopard, the colors looked normal (still not as good as an Apple monitor, but colors were close enough). Anyway, like I said, I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now the monitor's color is all out of whack. I tried re-calibrating it and everything. The weird thing is, I got the Finder to look okay, but all of the blue icons in the Dock (iTunes, iChat, Safari, QuickTime etc) look PURPLE! Also, the menu bar selections are the same purple color instead of that light blue. The other weird thing is... looking at the Finder icon in the Dock looks half purple and half light blue, but when I hit cmd-tab, it looks half blue and half light blue. The cmd-tab icon of the Finder looks like I'd expect it to look, but all the colors are completely destroyed in the Dock. Another thing is... scroll bars seem to look like normal blue too. One more thing... when I tried doing the manual calibration, it shows you how bright to make the monitor with the little graphic. The graphic looked so washed out that I couldn't make the monitor dark enough (on the darkest setting) to get even close to the picture that the calibration tool wants me to see. Is Snow Leopard only compatible with Apple monitors? I installed Snow Leopard on my Mac Pro (Apple Cinema Display) and all the colors are consistent. The colors look the same regardless of 2.2 gamma or 1.8 gamma, so please don't bring that up. I want BLUE icons... not purple!
I have an original MacBook (1,1) that I use without the lid (the display was destroyed, and replacement was too dear, so I took the top off altogether). It's actually a pretty handy desktop. One problem is that sometimes windows go astray because the "Displays" setting is set for two screens (mirroring does'nt work because it reduces the resolution to 800x600). I am wondering if there is anyway to trick the macbook into thinking the lid is closed, and/or disabling the internal display altogether (basically so that only the external monitor is recognized).
Info: 2 GZ Intel MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), MacBook 1,1
How to Assign Display profile to all users? I have tried using the admin login but it fails? I was trying to calibrate my Mac display and try to apply it for all user level, but when I try to login using a different user it switches back to the default profile. How do I resolve it?
After installing Lepord 10.7.4 I have lost the Display resolution except for 1920 x 1200 and 960 x 600. Neither of these is acceptable for my iMac. Before downloading 10.7.4 I had all kinds of resolutions shown in System Preference Display. How can I can I get back to them?
Before I had a 9c84 panel, went to System Preferences> Displays> Color> OPen Profile. Before (This was when I was running Leopard) I went down to 13 and found the panel type.
Now I get 'aagg' 'para' 32 parametric tone response curve on that line. Underneath in the description device manufacturer and device model are blank.
My Macbook pro's display has started playing up. Having green flickering lines which come and go randomly, especially on images with a lot of black. Right now, the lines just disappeared as soon as I connected to mains, to start recharging the laptop. I'm using OS X 10.7.4 with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M.
My computer displays grey screen and apple logo for 10 minutes or more during start up and shut down. Sometimes it refuses to shut down. This issues started after installing OS lion. What do I do?
I set her password and set the preferences to require a password to log in.Now, if she's not at the computer a while the screensaver kicks on, and after 30 minutes it kicks the logged in profile back out to the login screen. The problem is the screensaver never resumes?Even if I set the S.C to 3 minutes, manually log out to the login screen it'll sit there and show that (never go to screensaver or powersave mode for the monitor).
fonts must be messed up in Snow Leopard. Some system things display strange fonts. For example, my user name in upper right hand corner of the screen doesn't look right.ALso, the font on the "tabs," in Safari is not correct, and I can compare it to other SL computers.
Some web pages, such as [URL] and [URL], will not load in Safari. The error screen says "Safari has repeatedly encountered an erro while trying to display [URL]" I have tried repairing disc permissions and have re-downloaded and re-installed Safari, with no luck.