Applications :: Safari 4 Constant Crashing After About 1 Minute?

May 5, 2009

I can't figure out why Safari crashes after about a minute after launch. It doesn't crash when I log in as another user. I deleted the plist files, and the cache, but it doesn't help. I uninstalled Safari 4 and it crashed immediately on launch with Safari 3. I reinstalled Safari 4, and it once again crashed after about a minute. I deleted everything in ~/Library/Safari. I repaired permissions. It still crashes. Firefox works flawlessly.

What should I do next? This is the first time in about 10 years that I can't seem to diagnose a problem on my mac. Very frustrating. Does someone have any idea what I should do next?

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OS X :: New Safari (5.01) Constant Crashing?

Aug 13, 2010

Safari keeps crashing on open (it doesn't even start to open - just goes straight to crash report). It seems to be doing this since I upgraded to 5.01. I have posted the crash report below which is always the same - ie it crashes on thread 3 but I am unable to decipher why.

I repaired the permissions a number of times - and rebooted. This worked once and safari was up an running again. But the next time I came to open it it was broken again. I have even tried a reboot into safe mode which I believe rewrites all permissions rather than just repairing them - didn't work!

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.3 Keeps Crashing / When Try To Edit A Simple 2 Minute Video Clip

Aug 30, 2014

my Final Cut Pro 10.1.3 is crashing when I try to edit a simple 2 minute video clip.I have been doing a web video series for over 2 months now uploading videos every day - with no problems using this same workflow but now I am stuck and have a deadline coming up in 24 hours. 

I shoot with a Sony EX-3 camera using SxS cards which create XDCAM-EX files and I bring these into FCP via a Sony SxS external Thunderbolt reader, edit
and share to Facebook. I have an orange LaCie Thunderbolt drive that store my Library and Project files.  I have done this 70+ days in a row w/ zero problems.  Now, any time I try to get tomorrow's video ready, FCP crashes

I re-start FCP, my Mac (I use a new MacBook Pro that works seamlessly).I run latest Mavericks OS.The only different thing that happened otherwise is I got some TuneUpMyMac freeware on my Mac when I restart which I never chose to get and cannot delete this because it doesn't show up and I am concerned it is a virus that is messing up FCP 

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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Applications :: HD Constant Thrashing On Launching Safari

Mar 2, 2010

As soon as I launch safari, the HD will begin thrashing continuously for no apparent reason, it will do this for ~10 minutes (constant thrashing) and the noise alone is very annoying. As soon as I close Safari, the thrashing stops and everything is quiet again. Then I relaunch Safari and it starts thrashing again. No other browser behaves this way. Does anyone else have similar problems with Safari and is there any way to "shut it up"?

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Software :: Mail Constant Crashing For No Reason?

Feb 2, 2008

I have a problem with Mail. it crashed everytime i open the application, and i keep on reporting it to apple, and sometimes ignoring that, and nothing changes.

it happened to me before when i try to open a certain email from my friend. now when i open Mail, it automatically opens the first email on the list, and it's another email which has the same problem.

i don't know how to solve this problem.

My laptop is a Macbook pro 2.16ghz core2duo processor, 2gb ram, 160gb harddisk (80 gb free space), Running Leopard 10.5.1.

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MacBook Air :: Constant Unexplained Crashing And Failed Booting

Mar 9, 2010

I'm trying to diagnose problems with a friend's MacBook Air who due to language barriers cannot get help from the Apple Store. He has a Rev. A MacBook Air (with the 1.6GHz and 80GB HDD) and Snow Leopard. My friend is new at computers (this is his first computer) and only goes online to read the news, check the weather, travel research, etc. So the Air is the perfect machine for that. The issue started with a few weeks ago, he called me to ask me how to fix his internet. I wasn't sure where to start, but I suspected the Airport card. After testing the USB-to-Ethernet adapter which did not work, I figured it was something else. He told me everything gave him the "red" dot in Network Preferences (Well he didn't know to check there, as I had to tell him where to go). A PRAM reset fixed that which is good and he was able to go online again. Over the past few days he has called again because his computer would constantly freeze. At first it would be freezing and then it would work again after a few minutes. Sometimes it would just freeze and would require a forced shutdown (power button—5 seconds). Now of late it sometimes does not boot. I have been notified that it does boot past the gray screen, but stop right before when the desktop loads. Here is where it difficult: I do not know how to continue.

I can't have him run hardware tests off the Installation DVDs because he does not have an optical drive and even if he did, he would not be able to relay me the results of any test. I cannot have him take it to the Apple Store because well they wouldn't be able to speak his language). All my family friends come to me for computer help, so that's no good and his neighbors are well not Mac proficient and again call me for computer help. He does not email, text, send MMS, etc. So I can't even get the console files. I would like to suggest a Erase and Install, but again with no optical drive and the difficulty of explaining things over the phone—I don't think I can do it. Any one has suggestions on how to proceed? Maybe even what's wrong? The only thing I can think of is to give him my MacBook Air and have him give me his and then I can figure it out later, but that's a bit inconvenient (but I'm definitely willing to do that if that's the only solution).

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Applications :: Safari Constantly Crashing?

Oct 2, 2010

After Latest update (security update) that came out not so long ago, my safari experience has gone from good to bad. I have crash on me at least twice a day. Anyone else had this? I noticed that it usually happens when I try to compose email on Gmail, when I press compose and enter my friends email press enter to select contact, after that the wheel starts spinning and then you get "Safari quit unexpectedly"

Does anyone else have this issue? Also my startup times started to get slower.

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Applications :: Safari Shut Down And Keeps Crashing

Feb 11, 2009

Every single time I am on the web, a box will pop up telling me about some error that occurred, and then Safari will shut down. It brings up the dialog box telling me what happened, and then gives me the option to relaunch, report to Apple, etc. Does anyone else have this problem? I am completely caught-up on software updates.

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Applications :: Safari Crashing On Loading

Feb 25, 2009

If I load safari it come to crash.. I cant see window.. but if I uninstal it then its going good. Do you think it can crashing it some program? Do have anyone same problem?

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Applications :: Safari 4 Beta Keeps Crashing

Mar 16, 2009

I'm using Safari 4 beta and it keeps crashing after no longer than one minute of use. I have deleted the plist, reset Safari, uninstalled and reinstalled, used multiple users, and no luck. I've been using it since it first came out with no problems until now. I did a search but all the threads I saw were about Safari 3 and none of them had a solution that worked yet.

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Applications :: Safari Crashing Every 5 Minutes?

Dec 29, 2009

I cannot use Safari for more than 5 minutes without this error popping up (especially when using links). Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Safari :: MacBook Takes Over A Minute To Get Online When Switched On

Jun 14, 2012

I have 2 Macbooks, when I switch them on one immediately gets online while the other (newer Macbook) takes over a minute the initial time?


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Applications :: Safari Crashing - Delete And Reinstall

Sep 3, 2010

I installed a plug-in and no every time move my cursor it crashes safari can i delete and re-install safari some how?

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Applications :: Safari New Tab/window Glitch And Crashing

Sep 13, 2010

I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab or window may or may not open. If it does open when I type in a website it will either appear in the new tab or window and also change the previous tab or window to the same website, or it will fail to load in the new tab/window and only change the previous tab/window to what I'm trying to load.

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Applications :: Safari Crashing And Macbook Heating Up?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab appears but the website I want opens in one of my other tabs already open. or it will fail to load in the new tab/window. At the same time as this happening Safari is crashing more and more and my Macbook fan is whirring like mad.

Any ideas what's going on? It's so frustrating having to get chucked out or log out to make my tabs work for a short while before they stop functioning properly again.

I am not overly tecchy minded so may need hand holding to help me through this!

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Applications :: Safari Keeps Crashing When Watch StatTracker

Sep 24, 2006

I am having problems with Safari when I go to watch StatTracker which is used for fantasy football, the program uses Flash so I downloaded Flash player 9. But after having Stat Tracker open for about 30 seconds it crashes. I verified my persimissions and then repaired them thinking that would solve my problem. It didn't. So I was just wondering what should I do? Should I go and uninstall Flash Player 9? If I have to do that where is it located I can't find it in my application folder.

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Applications :: Apple Store Crashing Safari 4 / What To Do?

Jun 8, 2009

So this is weird. the USA apple store website is crashing safari 4 on my imac running 10.5.7. I did the update today from safari beta 4. I reset safari and emptied the cache with no luck. when it tries to load the site things freeze up for a few seconds then the app tanks

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Applications :: Safari / Pages Crashing (Quit Unexpectedly)

Nov 2, 2010

Lately I have been noticing some applications, most memorably Safari and Pages, quitting unexpectedly. I'm just in there and boom, out of nowhere, it quits. Has anyone else had this problem or know what may be causing it? I am on a brand new 15" i5 MBP running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I was going to switch back to Chrome from Safari, but since other apps are doing it too. I'm thinking it's not just the web browser's fault but the fault of something else on my computer.

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Applications :: Netflix Streaming Causes Firefox/safari Crashing?

Jan 18, 2009

When using either Firefox or Safari, recently, to watch instant movies via Netflix, the browser unexpectedly closes. Sometimes it gets to the buffering stage. I've cleared all my private data (history, caches, cookies...) and redownloaded flash/shockwave. I have the most current Silverlight too.

Any ideas? It worked perfectly since I've had it (about a month or two), up until today.

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Applications :: Flash Player 10 Constantly Crashing Safari?

Sep 15, 2009

I upgraded to Flash Player 10 a few days ago, and since then both Safari and Firefox are crashing almost every time i visit a page with Flash. I have tried uninstalling flash and reinstalling a developer's copy of version 9 but the crashes continue.

I have read a lot of complaints about similar problems, but have not been able to find a solution or even an explanation as to why it's happening. So I don't know if it's a conflict with the latest version of Leopard (not Snow) or what.

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Applications :: Web Browsers Crashing - Safari / Foxfire Freezes?

Dec 23, 2009

Late this morning on my iMac 24" with 10.6.2 it didn't matter whether I was using Safari or Foxfire the would both freeze and I get the maddening beach ball and have to force quit. Any ideas why this would suddenly start happening? I haven't done any thing special to the iMac as far as memory or anything. My laptop isn't doing it, just the iMac.

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MacBook :: Firefox / Word / Safari And Mail Applications Keep Crashing

Feb 15, 2012

My firefox, word, safari and mail applications keep crashing. I went to the Apple store last week for a diagnostic test but it hasn't do anything.

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Ebay And Safari - Constant Login Request?

Sep 27, 2010

I have just purchased my new iMac having made the leap from PC. Overall I love my new machine (and the iPhone and Apple TV that accompany it...) However, in a bid to recoup some of the large outlay, I was seeking to list lots of things on eBay this weekend. However, at what appeared to be almost every other key stroke/action I was returned to the home screen and asked for my login details again, and again, and again! Clicking the 'remember me' box made no difference whatsoever.

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Applications :: IP Refreshing Too Many Times Per Minute

Feb 19, 2010

Is there any way to monitor this and find out which program is causing it? I don't use Limewire or any other type of file sharing software. Every once in a while I'll see a slight spike (between 500-800KB/S) in bandwidth for no real reason, then my IP gets blocked. How do I find out what's going on behind the scenes?

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MacBook :: Applications Crashing While Working / Applications In IPhoto09 Crashing

Jun 21, 2009

Recently, in the middle of working with applications in iPhoto09 they simply crash. I get a message stating no harm was done but it's getting annoying as it's happening more often than not. I am new to mac, have had it now for maybe two weeks, but wouldnt expect apps to crash this often. Any thoughts?

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Applications :: Handbrake - Constant Quality For Compressed Dvd?

Jan 21, 2010

What should I set the constant quality at if I am ripping an already compressed dvd? I want a mkv of equal quality. I have a dvd backup of a movie that was made with DVD shrink. I figured I might need to raise the constant quality higher than I would normally.

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OS X :: Safari Keeps Crashing

Nov 5, 2010

I'm going to jump off a bridge if it keeps crashing on me like this. The worst part about it is that Safari doesn't have a feature that brings your tabs back if your browser crashes. Anywho, I tried reinstalling but I don't think that helped. I also tried clearing everything under preferences but that didn't seem to work. It's the most annoying when I'm watching YouTube videos in full screen and then once the video is over, I get that rainbow ball and next thing you know, Safari crashed. Does anyone know anything else I can do? I don't feel like switching back to Firefox. I love Firefox, but not as much on the Mac. And I think Chrome is just meh, I don't like Google that much since they're involved with almost everything.

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OS X :: Safari 5 Crashing Constantly?

Jun 7, 2010

Just did update to Safari 5.0 via software update. G4 Dual 867 OSX 10.5.8. Crashes every time I attempt to click on any link. Starts to connect, Beachball-crash. If left idle, without clicking any link, still crashes after less than a minute. Fixed permissions, re-installed with download from Apple site, permissions again..... no difference. Disabled Click to Flash, Ad Blocker...same thing. Just won't work!!!

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OS X :: Safari 5.0.2 Slow And Crashing

Oct 13, 2010

For a while now, the Safari 5.0 browser on my wife's MacBook Pro has been slow and sluggish with repeated crashes. So much so she started using Chrome.

Within the last week Safari on my MBP has been doing the same. Unreliable, slow, sluggish and crashing.

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OS X :: Safari Crashing When Trying To Print A PDF

Oct 29, 2010

Using Safari 5.0.2 and crashing constantly when trying to print a PDF file out of the browser. I am using the Schubert-it PDF Viewer to view and print. Sometimes it crashes when I merely click on the print icon on the website or after the PDF file opens up in a separate window and click the print button on the separate window. It has also crashed using different printers.

Could someone take a look at this crash report log and see if anything looks weird. This just started happening, so I am not sure what I did.I have it attached as a doc file since it was too long.

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