IMac :: Silent I7 - Computer Gets Little Hot?
Dec 28, 2009
I got a new iMac i7 8g ram. So far, it has run flawlessly. I've gotten pretty busy with it...and still there is no indication that there is any active cooling. The back of the computer gets a little hot, but not real. Should there be a fan running? And, where could I check?
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Nov 22, 2009
In other threads in the last few days, you might have noticed my frustration boiling over with the "chugging" sound of the Seagate drive in my i5. I exchanged the computer at the Apple Store but seeing how so many other people were reporting the same "rumbling" sounds, I hesitated for a couple of days before opening the new computer's box. I was considering returning it unopened for a refund and waiting a month or more before buying a new one, in case the annoying problem was sorted in a future batch. But I gave in and opened it Saturday... and I'm mighty pleased I did! My heart sank a bit when I saw it contained a Seagate as before � I'd been hoping for a Western Digital � but after using the replacement i5 for a few hours, I can report that this is undoubtedly the quietest drive I've had in any Mac. all I've noticed is the very lightest whir when coming out of sleep. I have to put my ear right up to the computer to hear any other sounds at all. I haven't stressed the drive yet (no games or major projects), but after some time on the web, playing back music files, watching a DVD, a quick bit of photo retouching and copying some CD tracks to the desktop and editing them in Peak Pro, everything has been noiseless. So obviously I'm happy and if things stay this way, I'll be overjoyed. To those with a noisy Seagate in their i5, and who are hesitating to exchange it because there might not be an improvement, I really do suggest you do NOT accept it as normal or unavoidable � I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the Seagate drive I have on this i5 (ST31000528ASQ) is the most silent I could wish for. And so far, I've seen no screen issues or any other problems. I hope I'm not talking too soon, but as of this minute, I have a computer that fully lives up to the expectations I had at the outset.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have an old g3 imac, 500 mhz, 20 gb hd, and for some time i've been planning to make it totally silent. As you know it doesn't have fans and the only noise you can hear from it is from the hd.
I was thinking to do it by changing its 20 gb hd for a ssd. As prices are still quite high (even for small ones), maybe a 16 or 8 gb would do the job...
An other option i've thought of, is using a cf to ide adapter, and a cf card, because a 8 gb ssd is still about 50 or 60 $. For smaller ones, i think it's better to leave it as it is now, because at least i'd like to have some music and some movies in it!
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May 10, 2010
I hesitate and I went for the MBP I5 2,4 with 7200 HDD (because of the 100 euros ecology bonus and the education reduction) but now I obviously hear my HDD (wich is like a little fan noise by the way) and I checked from store the 5400 is very silent. I assume it s normal because the noise isn't high but i m really sensitive to it. do you all hear your 7200 HDD ? are the 5400 TOTALLY silent ?
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Jul 19, 2010
Can anyone recomend some? Something fast and AC powered.
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Oct 1, 2010
I am looking for a 2TB HDD to add to my 3rd and 4th bay. They will be used for storage and backup only and need to be as silent as possible. I was looking at the 2TB caviar green. Is this a good choice? Is it a lot less noisy compared to a caviar black or blue? [URL]
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Jul 18, 2009
I have recently installed a Western Digital Scorpio Blue 500GB drive in my 13" MacBook Pro and it makes a constant noise. The noise sounds like the fans are running louder than usual, but the noise clearly comes from the HDD and not the fans. So, I take it this is not normal, so what drive should I get? This is the second WD SB drive I've had and the first one was faulty as it vibrated a lot and you could feel it when resting your hand on the MacBook Pro. The current drive does not have that problem, but this noise is really annoying. What I want is a large capacity drive that is really quiet. The advantage of the WD is that it doesn't make the 'clunk' noies the stock HDD does when you move the MacBook Pro.
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Sep 13, 2009
I was in a movie theater. Hit the silent switch, Alarm pissed off every one.
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Oct 29, 2009
I'm looking to set up a 4+ drive external eSATA raid system (likely raid5). My biggest need is quiet. I've tried 2 boxes thus far including the 4big quadra that was supposed to be engineered for noise, but it had an annoying fan speed fluctuation and was actually much louder than my mac pro. I have a drobo and that is also too noisy. I'm wondering of anyone knows of a box or other option that is either fanless (ideally) or has one large super quiet fan.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have a macbook running 10.5.8 and used to be able to print to the network connected (wired) HP Photosmart 6180 printer until recently. I installed a new driver as part of the trableshooting steps and while I can print a test page and see the status of the printer, I can't print from any applications like Word. I've tried all of the t-shooting steps I can find. What am I missing. The job acts like it's going to print and then the printer queue icon bounces with a caution symbol in front of it and the queue says connecting to print on port 631.... printer busy will try connecting again in <> seconds and there is nothing printing to it and the printer is silent.
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Jun 26, 2010
i need the commands to distribute some applications to MAC devices :
- Adobe Creative Suite 3 and 4
- Microsoft Office for Mac 2008
- Fotostation client
- Preference changes for Adobe suite.
- Apple Scripts/Applemounter deployment
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Apr 15, 2012
From one moment to another my itunes turned silent while playing a song. It still shows that the songs are playing, however there is no sound. it is not my macbook which is on mute because music on youtube etc still works..
MacBook Pro
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Oct 30, 2009
The new IMac 21.5" doesn't fit on my desk. I bought an ikea computer desk that has shelves and a place for the monitor. These new widescreen IMacs, don't fit while the old 20" did!
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm getting this softly high pitched sound at idle. I did not have this sound before until this month. I bought this thing in January 2010, yes this year. Does anyone know what could be going on? It does not make that sound when I'm using it, it's only at idle. I can even hear it when I'm lying in bed since this is in my room. Check out my signature to see what I have.
It sounds like a idle fan issue? The computer works fine, but it's just that high pitched noise that bothers me. I should take it to the apple store huh?
I decided to keep my current set up and use my mac mini as a desktop that mostly works as a media server like set up that holds my media for my apple TV if I run out of space on the ATV and later use it as a home theater computer when i get another HDTV. this is just fyi on why I have my mbp and mac mini still yet instead of having only one computer...
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Nov 22, 2009
I've been looking to buy a 21.5" iMac for a while now, but I want to make sure that the iMac I buy is not a downgrade from my desktop pc that I have now.
I want to start with the graphics cards.
My computer has the NVidia GeForce 9500 GT (256MB) graphics card. How does it compare to the 9400M that the base model iMac has? If it's better than my current graphics card, I'll probably go for the base model.
Otherwise, how does my graphics card compare to the ATI Radeon HD 4670 (256MB)?
Now to compare the processor. I have an AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core (2.20GHz) processor. How does it compare to the iMac's 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo?
I have 3GB of RAM so logically the 4GB standard of the iMac is an upgrade.
I usually play some (3D) games like the Call of Duty series on my pc, do some (but not very heavy) Photoshop (CS4), watch and make (not professional of course) movies, listen to music, and surf the net, and do some work for school of course.
In a nutshell:
-NVidia GeForce 9500 GT (256MB) vs NVidia GeForce 9400m vs ATI Radeon HD 4670 (256MB)
-AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core (2.20GHz) vs Intel Core 2 Duo (3.06GHz)
-3GB RAM vs 4GB RAM (logically, the 4GB)
-Playing 3D games, Photoshop, movies, internet, music, etc
Any recommondations?
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Oct 1, 2009
I know this may sound like a stupid question, but is it possible to have too many USB devices on a computer? I have a 1.83ghz mini and lately I've been having trouble with USB devices not plugged right into the computer itself. This includes a few hubs I've tried and the USB ports on my monitor. Some examples would be: 1. My apple aluminum keyboard, sometimes I have to unplug it and plug it back in when I start the computer or it won't work. 2. Just today, my iPhone wouldn't sync through a USB hub I've been using for quite some time but when I plugged it into my mac, it worked perfectly.
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Nov 19, 2009
At the login window, it says "NAME's Intel iMac (3)" Any idea why it would say 3? Anyone know how to rename it?
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Jul 7, 2010
I bought a macbook pro yesterday and tried to install snow OS X from the CD that the MBP came with onto my iMac, for some reason its not allowing me to. Is the OS X cd good for only one computer?
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Jun 13, 2012
My MAC has slowed down how to speed it up?
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Sep 16, 2006
Does anyone here have Limewire for Mac? I want to know if it will mess my comp up.
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Apr 7, 2009
I am trying to read a disc with photos created on xp or vista on my Imac, V.10.4.11, but i get this error, this disc is unreadable by this computer, are there any programs i can get to make it readable?
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May 7, 2009
I'm about to order the 2.93ghz 24" imac with radeon 4850 and I was just wondering what the fastest/easiest way to transfer all the data i have from my current pc would be.
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Dec 16, 2009
I use an HP 17 inch laptop as well. Set up Airport Extreme and everything seems to be working. Is there a way to use my iMac as a monitor for the Dell computer?
I really love this monitor so much I hate to hook the Dell up to my Dell 24 inch monitor and would rather give up that monitor and gain desk space. The only other option is to use a Samsung 40 inch LED TV as my Dell's monitor.
I use the iMac for video, pictures and music. I have Windows 7 running via Parallels but would rather just use the new Dell as a Windows computer and the iMac for personal use.
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Jan 12, 2010
I used to leave my other computer on all the time, should I do the same with my iMac?
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Jul 8, 2010
i have had my imac little under a week i been looking for any faults so can change soon as. I have 1 dead pixel, not yellow tinting, no buzz or hum noise but not sure about the hard drive it could be just me.
So how quiet should a imac be? i hear the hard drive working wen sometimes going through sites or doing program stuff nothing extremely loud though just quietish sounds that last few sec which different from the standard leave alone computer noise, which i think is normal with any computer but since i found at thread on hard drive noises i not sure now.
so question is really how quiet should a iMac be? i guess you should be able to hear it running but wen you are doing stuff should you hear the hard drive at all? just bit paranoid at moment since first mac.
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Jun 12, 2010
I got a nice shiny Windows 7 Asus laptop with Radeon 5780 and good processor. The only thing I don't like about it is the small screen; cause for me, good graphic cards mean nothing if the quality can't be displayed properly.
I successfully installed a game and played it on the Asus pretty fine, and I'm wondering if I can plug in my Asus laptop into my iMac and use it's superior display, and keyboard, too. Could I just download some program and put in a USB or something? I don't want it to be laggy, either
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Mar 24, 2012
I would like to know how to speed up, clean out my mac. It is 4 years old. Should I try MacKeeper or are there free applications I can download
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 17, 2012
How can I get *computer* to use external DVD drive? (1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 Version 10.3.9)
iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x), iMac G5 1.8GHz PowerPC G5 10.3.9
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May 8, 2012
computer turns off unannounced
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 12, 2012
How can I delete apps from my computer and subsequently have this filter to my ipad, iphones?
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