IMac :: Mystery HD In My ITunes Shared Folder?
Mar 10, 2010
Last night when I went into Itunes there was a basicly a hd in my shared folder with a couple hundred tunes and movies on it that I had never seen before. I actually clicked on a couple and they worked, I watch a bit of a movie. so I know I wasn't seeing things !
My scenerio is I live and work in a hotel. The HD in the shared folder had a name "colb's mp4". Since I could, I checked the hotel registry and saw the registered name in the room across from me was Colby......
How did he do this and how can I prevent this from happening again? My room has a hard wired connection and as far as I can tell he has a wirless connection??
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Apr 3, 2012
My wife has purchased Angry Birds Space on an her account on the same computer and we share the itunes but i was wondering if we coupld share apps as well.
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Jun 14, 2009
I set up my Macbook to share to my lowly PC, that was fine, but now I get a bar that says Shared Folder when I access the hard drive in my macbook from my macbook. Its incredibly irritating. I tried to 'fix' it but all I did was disallow permissions to my HD and was unable to access anything, had to re-install OSX to get it to work.
I did a search of the forums, but all I got was how to set up to share a folder, I got that part working fine.This is a picture of my Macbooks hd in Finder this is frustrating me, If i was on a PC something this simple would be easy, but Im still learning the ins and outs of OSX
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Dec 4, 2010
So basically, I was given a decent windows machine for free, and I'm trying to convert it into a place where all our family's files can be accessed.
However, I'm having a real tough time trying to connect to the windows 7 computer. I've tried Go>Connect to Server and put in "smb://" then the IP address ( in this case), and I get the error message saying I should check my IP address and contact my system's administrator.
Now, the part that baffles me the most is that in the finder left hand sidebar, I can see the homeserver and the other computer on the network. When I try to connect to either one of them, it takes a good 15 minutes then the computer gives up, even when I connect with the administrator username and password.
Is it a problem with my computer? I've got them all on the same workgroup (MSHOME) and are connected to the same router.
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Mar 20, 2009
via ethernet?
Is that all it takes to transfer files from a PC to a mac?
NOTE: Having sharing options enabled on both machines.
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Aug 22, 2010
For some reason I keep being asked a password when trying to access my PC through finder (under shared) I have tried all my passwords but none of them work!What's the best course of action, I have file sharing enabled, although there was no option to enable 'Windows Sharing' could this be the problem?It was working perfectly before I reformatted my PC (running XP)
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Mar 19, 2012
My MacBook pro (snow leopard) has had a major issue and the screen boots up with big colour blocks on it. Rendering it useless.
I've plugged another MacBook in via FireWire and it can see my shared folders. So it looks like its booting up and hard drive may be okay.Â
However I have vital files in my desktop and desktop is not shared, so i don't have permission.
Us there anyway to get to these files sobi can back them up before I hand the laptop over to Apple to be fixed. Basically I have some really important documents I badly need. It's my fault for not backing up
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 21, 2009
I'm connected via Airport to my company's wireless network. Last week I was able to connect to this network via my Macbook. Went home this weekend, come back and now I can connect and browse the internet, but I can't view the "Shared" folder with other people's public folders and shared files. Any idea what may be wrong?
I don't believe anything has changed, as over the weekend all I did was connect to two wireless networks at my house.
I have no idea what's causing this, and it's making it difficult to retrieve files I need for certain projects.
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Mar 13, 2012
I am teaching in a school and would like to know how to create a shared folder on the network that students can access from any computer on the network.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 14, 2012
I try to buy music in iTunes. I learned that I have not set correctly the rights on the shared folder in the Finder. I tried to correct the rights to read and write for all three user groups, it´s still not working.I figured that one of the three users is not correct:
1. system (me)
2. wheel
3. everyoneÂ
In my case, it´s not showing system, but it´s stating "loading" with a ?.I think I can´t buy music cause of the missing name in the shared folder, right?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 9, 2012
I have two users on my mac and am having some issues with sharing files. I created a shared folder and gave the other user read/write permissions. When I log in as that user, the folder can be accessed, but some of the files in that folder cannot be accessed. These are all photos, and for the most part I'm dropping them into the shared folder from iPhoto. Â
I tried it again by using the Public folder with the same result. However, there isn't consistency with the actual files that don't have permission. In other words, the shared folder I created may have a file that does not have permission, but that same file does have permission when I dropped it in the Public folder. So it is totally random as to which files in the shared folder don't have permission to be accessed. Â
I also tried to simply drag the files to the other user. Same result.
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Jan 1, 2009
I have several folders shared over to my windows XP. I am trying to add another one but it won't let me select it. I can see where the check mark is supposed to go but it won't let me put a check mark in it.
Windows XP Pro SP2
Fusion 2.0
Mac OS X 10.5.6
I added a picture so you can see what I am referring to.
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May 18, 2009
I'm connected via Airport to my company's wireless network. Last week I was able to connect to this network via my Macbook. Went home this weekend, come back and now I can connect and browse the internet, but I can't view the "Shared" folder with other people's public folders and shared files.
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Apr 30, 2012
I just noticed that on the left side of each folder, there is a section titled "Shared" and it is showing what looks like the computer names of two PC laptops from someone I know. I have never actually done file sharing with these computers, so I'm not sure why they are displaying here? Why do these display here? I come in contact with lots of people all day long and I do not see their computers in this list.
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May 16, 2012
I'm running OS X Server 10.6.8 and I created a new group in Workgroup Manager and I'd like to share a group folder for that group. I created the share and when I go to set the path for the group folder, Workgroup Manager keeps sticking the actual name of the group onto the end of the folder name I'm using. I have an example below since I know it is probably hard to understand what I'm trying to describe. On the group shared tab in Workgroup Manager, it asks for a Path name. My group name is Test and the folder I want to appear on the dock for this group is called Help. For the Path name I enter Help, since that is the name of the folder I want to appear. When I save the changes and go back to look at the information I put in, the Path now says Help/Test and when I log in, I have a question mark on my dock instead of the Help folder. This used to work in 10.4 without any problems. Now 10.5 & 10.6 want to call the group shared folder whatever the name of the actual group is.
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Jun 25, 2014
I was just copying some pics from my SD Card when I saw in Finder a shared golfer called Apprentice-PC.
Where this one came from and I want to delete
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Jun 26, 2014
My Macbook runs with Mavericks and I can't access to a folder which is shared on a external HD plugged to a PC with windows XP. That was possible with my old Macbook with 10.5.
For the shared folders which are in the internal HD of the PC, no problem.Â
I precise that I would like accessing with the "Shared" menu in Finder sidebar. If I use "Connect to Server", I'm able to see in the folder, but not to open the "children folders", excepted if I reuse "Connect to Server", by complementing the path, etc
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Jan 16, 2010
This is a mystery. I recently switched a number of files and applications between computers, installing some stuff from a 2001 vintage iMac on a Mini, OSX 10.4.11. Now when I go to shut down the Mini, up comes the closing warning box. Previously, pressing the return key would activate the Shutdown, now nothing happens so I must always click the Shutdown box using the mouse.
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Feb 14, 2012
Twice now I have seen a strange, black and white icon that flashes momentarily upon waking my MacBook Pro from sleep. It looks vaguely like an Apple remote. It goes away almost immediately.
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May 15, 2012
When I opened my Finder folder today I saw: jdwp Transport.H listed (second file from the top) I have no idea what this is or where it came from so I tried to trash it. But, The plug in your Admin password to make changes pops-up. And after the Adobe flash-player virus headache I am cautious to plug-in my Admin password. Is this something I should be concerned about?
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jun 27, 2008
In response to a report earlier this week pointing out that many of the applications in early builds of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard are dramatically smaller in size, a number of developers have weighed in to explain where all those missing megabytes went. Bryce C noted that the extra heft in Leopard's apps does indeed come from localization files, which are used to distill all of the text strings and other variables that differ between languages. Depending on the language preference set by the user, the operating system accesses the desired language files and uses them in conjunction with the common application code to simplify developers' work to deploy their apps to worldwide markets. Inside each application's bundle file in Mac OS X are NIB files, shorthand for the original name of the tool used to create them: NeXTSTEP Interface Builder. NIB files also contain any graphical resources used by the application. During development, Interface Builder is used to visually arrange the program's interface controls -- from buttons to scroll lists -- which are then mapped to actions. The original XML files used during development are named "designable.nib," but these files are not supposed to ship with the finished application. The final NIB files that are included with the finalized application are much smaller, and can usually be compressed even further.
Running these NIB files through a simple file compression results in dramatic disk savings. Bryce noted that the XML and HTML files stored within the bundle of Leopard's Mail shrink from 289 MB to 96.6 MB with a simple file compression, resulting in a file size comparable to the new Mail delivered in the Snow Leopard beta release. Apple earlier applied a similar technique to preference .plist files, converting them from plain human readable XML text files into compressed binaries to save space on disk. The added overhead required to compress and uncompress these files in the background as they are read from and written back to disk is insignificant. While Apple may likely be expanding the use of background file compression to save space in Snow Leopard, today's Mac OS X Leopard is unnecessarily overweight due to an error Apple made when packaging the system, according to a developer who asked to remain anonymous. Leopard apps all contain superfluous designable.nib files that should have been removed in the Golden Master. "Mail alone has around 1400 of these files, taking up almost 200 MB of disk space," he noted. Other suspected reasons for the dramatic weight reduction included lighter weight, resolution independent vector graphics and the removal of PowerPC code.
However, the same developer explained that "most of the artwork in the applications is the same as it was in Leopard. Snow Leopard is, sadly, not much further along in resolution independence than Leopard, at least in the developer preview." The move to vector graphics may make a small additional impact on tightening up the system, and even graphical interface elements stored as bitmapped art will benefit from the file compression noted above. As for the removal of PowerPC code, developers note that Snow Leopard's applications are still currently being delivered as Universal Binaries anyway, and that removal of that extra code has a very limited impact on file size when compared to the results of compressing large XML and graphics files related to interface localization and the complete removal of any unnecessary development NIB files. Leopard users tight on disk space can safely delete all of the designable.nib files stored within their apps and use a tool such as Monolingual or Northern Softworks Leopard Cache Cleaner to remove unused foreign language files, resulting in a free weight reduction without the wait. [View this article at AppleInsider]
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Jun 11, 2012
I recently had to reinstall Leopard on my computer. As a result, I lost Quick Time and can't access my ITunes folder.
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Nov 9, 2010
For no apparent reason, now when I create a new mailbox, the first column header contains a mystery icon consisting of two arrows, one pointing northwest and the other pointing southeast. When I right-click on the headers, there is no corresponding item in the pop-up menu (e.g. Attachments, To, From), so I have no clue what it is, nor can I hide it. Mailboxes I created prior to whatever it is that changed do not have this icon. I have not changed my OS, nor the version of Mail I am using. Can anyone tell me what this icon/column is for, and how I can get rid of it??
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Feb 19, 2010
A couple of months ago I was at the head office and connected to the in house Wifi. When I did, a bunch of shared drives or folders showed in my finder under "Shared". I figured no biggie, when I got away from the head office they'd go away. But they didn't. And I can't figure out how to get rid of them.See attached photo.
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Mar 9, 2012
after recent upgrades my iphone 3GS cannot play music shared by iTunes on my Mac. Both are connected to the same wifi network. Don't know (forgot to test) if this is 10.6 or 5.1 fault.When trying to connect to shared library I see only half of the grey circle and then stopped and in the result there is nothing in library.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 12, 2014
My former laptop has met with a terrible, horrific demise and unfortunately is no longer even operable. It contained several thousand songs, most of which I burned down from my old CD collection over the years. The rest I had purchased. I am now sharing a MB Pro with my S/O and want to transfer what is on my phone to his library. Â
I was successful in transferring the purchased items to his iTunes, but not the other songs. I also want to transfer a ringtone I have created in his personal library to my phone, but can't determine how to do that. Nothing I do seems to work and I've been researching the inter webs for days...Â
My other question is this: if I only check "sync tones" when conducting a sync and leave all of the other sync options unchecked, will it erase all of the songs on my phone, or just my current ringtones? I don't care about the old ringtones, they are easy enough to recreate, but obviously I would be devastated to lose what little I have left of my personal music collection!Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 6.0.1
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Jul 18, 2010
I think I have my mac setup to network with my laptop pc. I accidentally found my desktop PC on my mac the other nite but now I forgot how I found it. Where do I go on the mac to find my network shared pc's. My daughter put a movie on my laptop, was wondering if I could watch it on my mac?
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Dec 6, 2010
I have a Mac Pro desktop and a Macbook with (mostly) duplicate music on. But there is some music I only have on one or the other. Most uploaded from CDs and some bought from itunes, Amazon etc. Each has about 20GB each but as I said it's mostly the same. I want to do a complete clean re-install on the Macbook and then not take up its HD space with music, just use Home Sharing via the desktop/airtunes. Apart from literally going alphabetically through both, is there a neat way of comparing, to make sure that when I clean off the Macbook I don't miss something that isn't on the pro?
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Mar 28, 2008
How about fixing this one apple, when viewing/listening to a dvd/cd from a shared itunes library via front row, the artwork (CD covers/DVD Box Art) is blank. This worked in the leopard betas' but never has worked since release. I thought Apple was all about the experience, I guess they don't care about Front Row and shared libraries.
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Jun 21, 2010
So I'm stealing someones wireless internet with my macbook and have my itunes open. I turned off "share my library on my local network". However, I see their library on my itunes. Would they know that I am playing their music or even know that I'm using their internet?
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