IMac :: Booting With Leopard - Process Occasionally Hangs

Aug 21, 2009

I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 on an iMac and continuously have problems booting the machine. The boot process occasionally hangs at the gray screen, but more often it hangs at the blue screen. Sometimes it makes it to the login screen where the cursor occasionally freezes. Whenever these problems occur I have to shut down by holding down the start button, then restart again. Usually the second boot is successful. This booting problem occurs frequently, even after running Disk Warrior and repairing permissions. I don't think this is normal behavior. Has anyone else had such problems? Is there anything I can do to correct this behavior, or is this something that needs to be fixed by Apple?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: IMac (2.8GHz Core 2 Duo) Occasionally Freezes With Black Or Coloured Screen?

Jun 21, 2012

Every few weeks my iMac will suddenly freeze, the screen going black or white or pink etc. The only way I can get the computer back  is to hold down the power button to force a shutdown. Then after a restart everything is OK for a few more weeks. Usually it occurs when I am on the internet. I click on something and suddenly the computer is frozen. I am on OS X 10.6.8 and usually use Safari. Ironically when I opened this forum 5 minutes ago there was a similar sounding problem at the top of the list!

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.

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MacBook Pro :: Hangs On Boot Process After Win7 Install

Jul 6, 2009

I have a (check sig) and just tried to install the Windows 7 RC 64-Bit onto a Bootcamp Partition. I had been using the Beta way back, but had cleared that partition in advance for a clean install. With that I had no problems...ran the 7 beta fine alongside OSX. I followed the same procedure I had done for the beta install with RC, following the guide on the internet. Everything seemed to work out peachy, Windows 7 booted fine, I added all my settings again. Then I switched over to OSX to eject the disc, which was fine although the boot in was quite sluggish. I set the boot drive as "Macintosh HD" in System Prefs, and proceeded to try to boot into Windows 7 again....this time it was no go.

The screen came up with the white cursor on black, and then the "Starting Windows" showed, with the animation above it. At some point during the animation, it just froze. My fans were at normal speed and everything. I tried many times, same story. So I thought I would shut down, boot into OSX, and try to erase the partition. That didn't work either. When booting into OSX, the start-up chime sounds with the white screen, then the gray Apple logo shows up....and that's where it stays. I reset the PRAM, no luck. What could be the reason it hangs on BOTH boot processes? Because for a short time they did both work, and I could not have erased my OSX partition or anything because I did boot into it once after installing the Win7 RC. I also can see both partitions when I boot holding Option...

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Safari :: Hangs On Print Process - Never Stops Preparing

May 8, 2012

Safari hangs on print process. Starts "preparing" but never stops preparing. Clicking cancel leads to a continuous "canceling" which never stops. Must force quit safari.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Process Hangs - Pinwheel Pops Up - Shortcut To Cancel Operation

Mar 7, 2009

I've only had my Mac for about three months after years of suffering through Windows. I'm still learning the Mac-way. A couple of times (like just now) I was reading a page on the web when the process hangs and a pinwheel pops up. On Win you could hit ctl-alt-del and cancel the operation. Is there any such combination on Mac? The only way I've found to clear the operation is to turn it off since it is not responsive to any key or key-combination I've found. I'm running Leopard on a G5 Powermac with 2GB of Ram and my browser is FF 3.0.7.

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Software :: Mass Storage Process Hangs On MacBook Running Tiger

Nov 10, 2006

I have a white 2.0 Ghz MacBook running Tiger 10.4.8 with the latest firmware updates, and 2 GB RAM. I also have an external IDE drive partitioned as FAT32, sitting in a relatively-no-name enclosure via firewire, daisy-chained through my Presonus Firebox external audio unit (I know, not ideal for recording). The MacBook's HDD also has an NTFS partition with XP residing there. Now, it all worked great for a month now, but this week I started having a strange issue. First I noticed that the fans started kicking in even though I wasn't doing anything special. I fired the Activity Monitor up, and indeed, the CPU load was at 140%. So I looked among the processes, and one named "Mass Storage" seemed to be frozen. The obvious, but perhaps a little dangerous, thing to do was to quit it, so I did.

The CPU load returned to normal, and I was still able to access the external drive just fine. So, now, whenever I connect the firewire drive, the mass storage process hangs. I quit it, and everything goes back to normal from there. The question is.. Why does it freeze, and also, what is the whole <i>point</i> of the 'mass storage' process if quitting it doesn't affect anything? When I plug the drive in, iPhoto launches automatically, and by the files that mass storage opens, I'm going to try and track down what's causing it to hang. The last file it opens on the list is /dev/urandom. Also, now that I think about it, FAT32 probably isn't the best filesystem out there. I do need the drive to be compatible with both OS X and Windows though. I suppose I could try HFS+ under OS X, and then using Mac Drive under Win to access the disk.

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Software :: HD Turns Over After Bong Sound In Booting Process?

Jul 31, 2008

I have noticed that my hard drive turns over before the bong sound during booting which I cannot remember if this has happened before,I have had his macbook 4 months and for the life of me I can not recall if it has happened before?

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Intel Mac :: Since Updated To 10.7.4 Booting Process Taking 5 Minutes

Jun 3, 2012

I have a problem with my iMac. I have on a second partition lion installed. Everything worked great, but since I updated to 10.7.4 booting needs about 5 minutes. Already checked the partition and the access rights.

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Mac Pro :: Hangs When Booting Alternate Partition

Mar 24, 2008

1) I have on one of the drives a separate OS X partition to boot from (10.4.11). It hangs just as it gets to the desktop and goes no further. I never get a menu bar or a pointer or any of my desktop icons. The booting never finishes. I've tried to re-install the OS, except for problem number 2.

2) When I try to boot from my Mac Pro CD ROM, it does the same thing. It gets to the blue desktop and stops there. No pointer, menu bar, or anything. So I can never get to fix problem number 1.

My main bootable drive in bay 1 still boots just fine, although it frequently seems to take a tad longer. But it does finish the booting process so I have a partition to work with.

I recently replaced the stock cooler on my X1900 graphics card, and that's when the problems started, though I'm not clear how that could be the cause.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: IMac Running OS 10.5.8 Hangs Between Changes Of User?

May 21, 2012

Lately ( after setting up FileVault ) my iMac ( Intel ) hangs between changing from one user to another ( working user to admin user for example ) , and does the same on startup . After I select a user and enter the PW , the computer hangs on the intermediate splash screen . 

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: There Is Always A Blue Screen Appears After The Apple Logo During The Booting Process?

May 28, 2012

There is always a blue screen appears after the Apple logo during the booting process. And then everything is back to normal. What is this thing? Is there something wrong with my screen or something?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Hangs At Flashing Underscore For 45 Seconds Before Booting

Jan 16, 2010

I've now properly installed Windows 7 to my MacBook, but now I'm getting this problem and can't find a fix.
Basically, I turn my MacBook on, select Windows, and it leaves me at a black screen with a flashing underscore for 45 seconds before it actually begins to do anything (making boot times unbarably slow). This is seriously annoying me, but it doesn't seem to have a fix. Edit: Oh, some details. Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit), MacBook Pro 13" (2009), Snow Leopard installed, using rEFIt to multi-boot, bootcamp 3.0, and have never had this problem with any other version of Windows.

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IMac :: Snow Leopard Install Hangs On Repairing Volume

Jun 20, 2010

i got a white screen when i booted up last night, so i saw it as an opportunity to upgrade rather than trying to fix it. I popped in a fresh copy of snow leopard, it made my white screen boot up. before installing, i opened disk utility and erased my hard drive, and it automatically made a single partition, titled "untitled" and mounted it. i installed to "untitled" and turned install log, and the progress bar is empty. time remaining: about 30 minutes log: checking catalog file is the last line, and it's been there for over 1 hour. i restarted and now it says "volume headers need minor repairs" "repairing volume" and hangs there now.

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IMac :: Noticeable Loud Pop From Speakers Occasionally?

Jul 1, 2009

Just got my brand-new 24-inch iMac yesterday, unpacked it and hooked it all up last night (2.93 Ghz, Nvidia120 card). First off, absolutely beautiful computer. But... I'm already noticing a loud "pop" from the speakers on occasion. In doing a little research, I've seen where others have had this problem, but mostly with external speakers. Mine is with the built-in speakers.

Seems to happen when I open a movie or sound file --- and only when one hasn't been opened in the last few minutes. I get a fairly loud "pop" upon opening the file, then everything's fine. If I immediately open another movie or audio file, I don't get a repeat of the pop, but if I wait, say, 5 minutes before opening another movie or audio file, I get the pop again. No peripherals hooked up (other than cable modem) and no software installed that didn't come on it.

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IMac :: Crashes Occasionally After Shutting Down Hard Drive

Dec 16, 2010

I have an iMac7.1 with Intel Core Duo, 2.8 GHz, 4GB Memory. I'ts crashing occasionally without any related program start or running, or at least I never found out any relation between software or operating system. I had these with the old tiger 10.4 system and it's continuing with Snow Leopard 10.6 - This is what happens: Just in the middle of my normal work (sometimes I don't even do anything at all), I recognize that the harddrive stops spinning (I can tell from recognizing that the low humming noise from the drive just goes away). After that, I can click on active window, but see the spinning beach ball. No matter how long I wait, this is not changing so that I have to turn off the iMac by holding the power key for a few seconds.

After reboot, all works fine. Yesterday I had another crash just a few minutes after reboot. But in most cases it works fine for another day or two until it crashes again. I already ran DiskUtility (no harddisk errors found) and tech tool deluxe without finding any problem. In old Tiger 10.4 I needed to run a disk repair after each crash (obviously due to shutting down the system using the power switch), since Snow Leopard I never had to use disk repair after reboot. Maybe anybody can give me a hint if there is something I can do about that. Apple care don't help me much, because I don't have an apple store nearby and I don't own a car to bring the machine in.

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IMac :: Grey Screen Of Death Appearing Occasionally?

Jan 8, 2010

This has been going on for a while. It happened first a month or so ago.

I turn on my 2008 iMac 24". The screen turns white like always, but no Apple icon appears. It starts to make a loud nice again and again. Bip, Bip. Pause. Bip, Bip, Pause. Bip, Bip. Pause.

I turn it off. Turn it on again. Same thing happens. Repeat.

I take out the cable powering the computer and go to school. I put it back in when i returned and turned the computer on. It worked fine.

Nothing happened again until a week after. I was sitting working on the computer, when it out of nowhere shows the "grey screen of death". I turn off the computer, take out the cable, leave it out for half and hour or so, then turn the computer on. It works fine. Works for a week. Same thing happens again.

Now it starting to appear more often tht though, and I'm afraid to turn it on until i get an external HD so i can Time Machine, in case it will appear more often for every time i turn it on.

The guarantee is not valid anymore (never purchased AppleCare) and i can't bring it to a store and show them what it does, because it doesn't always happen.

I read that it might a kernel panic somethingsomething, and that i need to wipe the HD. Though that was when the computer had the grey screen all the time. Not just occasionally like on mine.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Sound Disabled Occasionally On Start Up?

Mar 26, 2012

So as the title says when I boot up my iMac, on occasion, it seems to have the "Updating" Status bar, then the mac boots normally, then the sound is disabled. As I said though this dose not happed all the time but when it dose the only way to fix it is by rebooting the iMac once again. Processor  2.5 GHz Intel Core i5Memory  8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Graphics  AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MBSoftware  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b)

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Has Parallels Desktop Installed

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IMac :: Connecting External Monitor To 27" IMac Use Process?

Nov 14, 2009

I have a 27" Imac and want to use an old 19" monitor as an external unit. I have it hooked up and turned on. Just the old wallpaper shows on it. There isn't an icon or anything diff on my iMac screen for it. How do I use the external? I realize this is pretty dumb, but I'm a newbie here and my Mac expert son is in NC....

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OS X :: Re Fsck-hfs Process At Start Up - How To Disable Speed Up Process

Sep 21, 2009

I have a Mac Pro with several raid array and single drives attached (1x Wiebetech RTX600 Raid 5 through SCSI; 1x CalDigit HDElement Raid 5 through miniSAS; 4x internal drives).Unfortunately, due to various reasons (electricity outtage and software crashes), I'm experiencing system crashes and need to hard re-start the system. Upon restart, I am able to boot back into Mac OS X, but sometimes one, or both of the raid arrays will not mount.However, after a period of 0.5 - 2 hours, the array would magically re-appear again. Sometimes this might even happen to internal drives that I had mounted inside the chassis of the Mac Pro.

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OS X :: Good Process Explorer Equivalent - Monitor Process CPU And RAM

Feb 26, 2010

I am wondering if anyone knows of a good osx based alternative to Process Explorer on windows - what I'd like to be able to do is graph CPU and memory for a specific process and ideally see what network connections a specific process has open. atMonitor seems to do this pretty well generally, but not for specific processes (this is for monitoring a multiplayer flash game).

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OS X :: Sources Detail Changes To Snow Leopard Installation Process

Aug 12, 2009

People familiar with Apple's upcoming Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system are corroborating reports this week that the software has achieved Golden Master status, adding some additional insight on various enhancements and changes that users will notice during the installation process when compared to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Build 10A432 reportedly went GM a bit earlier this week and is currently on its way to manufacturing, where it will pressed onto optical media ahead of a formal availability date next month. The GM build also began making its way into the hands of some Apple Care support representatives and Apple Technicians on Wednesday.

Some of the changes and enhancements to the Snow Leopard installation process are as follows:
Although Rosetta and Quicktime 7 are both included on the Mac OS X 10.6 installation DVD, both are designated as optional installs by default. However, if Mac OS X 10.6 is being installed on a Mac that contains a registration key for Quicktime 7 Pro, the installer will install Quicktime 7 automatically. Options to "Erase and Install" and "Archive and Install" are no longer present in the Mac OS X 10.6 installer. According to those familiar with the software, this was done for convenience, so that users do not accidentally erase and install their Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard partitions. However, "Erase and Install" remains available through Disk Utility, which is also included on the installation DVD.

If you need to reinstall 10.6, it automatically archives and installs for you. A reinstallation will not affect your Mac OS X version number. In other words, reinstallation of Mac OS X 10.6 on a Mac that contains Mac OS X 10.6.1 (when it becomes available) will not overwrite any new components delivered by 10.6.1. So when the re-install is complete, you will still be running Mac OS X 10.6.1. This will save users considerable time. There is no "Previous System" folder at the root level after reinstalling. If a power outage occurs, installation will pick up from where it left off. To prevent the Blue Screen error that plagued some users when upgrading to Mac OS X 10.5, a software compatibility check is included that has a list of known "bad" apps, and disables them. Those programs are moved to an "Incompatible Software" folder.

Unlike Mac OS X 10.5, you cannot install Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard on computers where the hard drive reports a S.M.A.R.T. failure. Installation initially triggers a large chunk of data to be copied from the installation DVD to the user's primary hard drive. The bulk of the installation is then managed from the hard drive, speeding up the installation process considerably. After a successful installation, that large chunk of data is automatically removed. Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard is priced at $29 for the single user license and $49 for the five-license family pack. The upgrade prices are available for users of the current version of Mac OS X, 10.5 Leopard. Snow Leopard will only be available for Mac users on Intel-based computers.

Also available is Mac OS X Server 10.6 Snow Leopard. Priced at $499, Leopard Server is said to be the most significant improvement to the server operating system since Mac OS X Server was launched. Amazon is also selling box sets with Snow Leopard, featuring the OS, iWork and iLife for $169 and the five-license family pack, iWork and iLife for $229. For more on Apple's upcoming operating system, read AppleInsider's extensive Road to Snow Leopard series. For the sake of completeness, AppleInsider notes that it has heard some rumors that Snow Leopard could be released as early as August 24. However, these anecdotal tips cannot be confirmed with any degree of certainty at this time.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Can Tell What Program/process Is Opening Safari

Apr 24, 2012

Some program or process is opening Safari. It's not going to any pages in a window, it just opens and is on.  I shut it down, and it comes back sometime later - I don't know the pattern though.  how I can track this down? I'm on a 1 year old iMac 10.6.8?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 with Thunderbolt

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Ghost Sh Process Takes 95% Of Proc

May 25, 2012

I just noticed that there is a process named "sh" which takes between 90 and 95% of the proc all the time. I just installed all available updates, but I can't be sure this is related. 

The process I'm talking about cannot be seen in the activity monitor, but I can see it with istat. In command line, I'm unable to find it. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Process Running Full Blast?

Jan 1, 2011

recently I just noticed in the Meunmeters, on my iMac one of the cores is running in full blast, I took a look in Activity Monitor it shows that the fseventsd process is running 100%!I am curious what caused this?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Do Migration Process Safely For IMac

Jun 5, 2012

I just got my iMac today and started the migration process, and I'm wondering how you do this safely. I decided that I would rather do this process overnight so I can start using my Mac right now.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: BSD Process Name Corresponding To Current Thread

Aug 23, 2014

I have a late iMac 2013 and have had problems since day one and always just assumed it was bad RAM as i upgraded to 16GB, from 8. I finally took the RAM i purchased out and have left the original RAM in and still continually get the below error after restart. 

I have removed Kasperky via the Kaspersky removal tool but i notice it still references it below? Unusually it seems to be ridiculously unstable when i am downloading any Movies i have purchased from iTunes (the current movie has crashed 4 or 5 times today) or if i am ripping a DVD i have purchased using iSkysoft. I have started in safe mode but that made no difference, i actually think it has gotten worse since i removed the extra RAM. 

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80184dc24e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f998730ae, type 6=invalid opcode, registers:
CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x000000010bdeb000, CR3: 0x000000001b390000, CR4: 0x00000000001606e0
RAX: 0x0000000000000000, RBX: 0x0000000000000000, RCX: 0x0000000000000000, RDX: 0x0000000000000000
RSP: 0xffffff8123b03e48, RBP: 0xffffff8123b03e80, RSI: 0xffffff811dbb6800, RDI: 0xffffff80eb940000
R8:  0x0000000000000000, R9:  0x0000000003de1658, R10: 0x0000000000000000, R11: 0xffffffffffffffff
R12: 0xffffff80eb940000, R13: 0x0000000000000001, R14: 0x0000000000000000, R15: 0xffffff8123b03e50

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Leopard Hangs On Shutdown

Oct 29, 2007

I have a MacBook Pro 2.16 C2D that I just updated with Leopard. I noticed that occasionally the computer will hang when I attempt a shutdown. I didn't have this problem with Tiger so I assume it's a bug in Leopard. When I try a normal shutdown all I see is my desktop wallpaper and that little circular animated icon. I have to hold in the power button to force a shutdown.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Disable Yellow Highlight During Search Process

Jun 21, 2012

This is not a question about the highlight color that you set in system preferences.When you search for text, the found text jumps out at you in blaring yellow, all too literally in your face. This was useful when they first introduced it in Safari-- but now it's all over the OS. In a text editor, where the search result might be a whole paragraph, it's agonizing. It's getting to where I have to look away from the screen when I hit Search, and wait a moment for the color to die down. Isn't there any way to disable it? It hurts my eyes.I found a thread from pretty exactly two years ago asking the same question:[url]

iMac intel, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: IMac Hanging - Stop Process At Start Up?

May 21, 2008

I am running the following system:

Apple Macintosh (Intel)
PROC 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

The hanging appears to have been caused when I accidently moved about 40GB of old photo's onto my desktop. Almost immediately I tried to cancel but all that happened is that the system has hung. Processer can be heard working in the background. Being new to MAC I am pretty stumped. Have tried the obvious forced restart using the power on/off button but no luck. Is there a way I can get in and stop this process say at start up?

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IMac :: Imac 27" Brief Mechanical Ejection Sound From Dvd Drive When Booting Up

Dec 2, 2009

Had a quick question. I'm on my third 27" stock 3.06Ghz imac that was replaced yesterday. The good news is that so far it doesn't seem to have any of the problems of my previous two 27" imac's. There is one thing though. A couple of seconds after pressing the power button to bootup there is a brief mechanical sound from the dvd drive like a quick ejecting sound even though there is no cd in the drive. My first 27" imac dvd drive made the sound but the second imac 27" Imac I had didn't. Is this sound normal? Would be curious to know why two out of the three 27" Imac's I had make that noise.

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