IMac :: Process Running Full Blast?
Jan 1, 2011
recently I just noticed in the Meunmeters, on my iMac one of the cores is running in full blast, I took a look in Activity Monitor it shows that the fseventsd process is running 100%!I am curious what caused this?
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May 3, 2012
Noise of fan continuously running may also be the hard disk.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6)
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Jan 1, 2007
My G4 iBook's goes full blast when ever I open it (waking it from sleep mode) or when I turn it on. I don't remember this always happening. The fans are really loud, it bothers me. Not the end of the world, but if there is a simple solution I'd like to do it. Also the fan dies down pretty fast so I don't think its a huge deal, but if its going to lead to a big problem I want to fix it now.
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Jan 20, 2008
My menu icons kept flashing on and off for a while. I left the computer by itself for a bit and returned to find the fans blowing at full blast and the cursor wouldn't move. So I pressed the power button to turn off the computer and restarted
My console log showed this repeated about every 30 seconds for about 30 mins
I think the icon flashing was a result of having a film dvd in an external drive like in this thread [URL]
I've ejected a film DVD that was in a Lacie external drive and verified my internal and external hard drives to check for any errors. All were ok.
I'm not too worried about the menu icons flashing but I am bother about the fans blowing like this. The fans have blown at full blast and crashed the computer about 12 times in the last 4 months when I have been away from the computer. So i'm a bit bothered about leaving the G5 alone. I haven't been able to replicate this fan issue - its random. Erasing the HD and installing Leopard doesn't seem to have stopped if from happening (I had the same problem in Tiger)
I have attached a screen capture of my Stat widget below
The slots and backside fans are always stuck at 76rpm and 51rpm. Also CPU A is normally at a high temperature than CPU B. I think the highest i've seen that temperature at has been about 75 but i don't look at it often. These stats were just when I was importing a CD into itunes fans were quietish.
I'm thinking about getting Apple to have a look at my G5 while the Applecare is still valid (it should run out in May).
Can anyone look at their Stats and see if their slot and backside speeds are stuck at similar rpms.
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Apr 27, 2009
My mac has always been fine only getting up to about 70*c when encoding. Now it gets past that when doing nothing, and fans going full blast! Tried every mac temp. software. Looked in activity monitor, nothing major running, biggest thing is "activity monitor". I can just have it sitting on my counter, on hard surface, very hot fans full blast. Its a new MacBook White early 2009.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have a white MacBook and its three years old. It all of a sudden crashed last night and when I switched it back on the fans were running full, the time set to 1-1-2001 12:00am and there is an X through the battery sign. When I click on the battery charge symbol it says " No Batteries Available" although it clearly does as it runs without needing a charger. And then there’s the fan.
It started running at full speed (like I was playing a game or something) and it just runs like that all the time. I have restarted my computer and shut it down several times and the only problem fixed is the time. Also when the screen is shut it doesn’t go to sleep or even show signs that the lid is shut? I haven’t done anything to dislodge the sensor so I don’t know what the problem is.
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Oct 9, 2005
I just bought a new dual 2.0 ghz power mac G5 about 2 weeks ago. I set everything up and dowloaded all the updates for everything, and then about a week into using it the problem started. I left for work and when I got home that evening after the computer had been asleep all day, it sounded like the computer was taking off from a runway. It would not respond at all to the keyboard or mouse so I had to shut it down by holding the power button on the front of the unit and then start it back up. I called tech support but they had me turn the option off that puts the harddrive to sleep when possible and then turn off my screensaver. Well it was fine again for about a week and then it happened agin yesterday, not once but twice. I looked on apple discussion boards and there is alot of this happening. Well I took one guy's advice that seemed to know what he was talking about. I restarted holding the command-option-o-f keys down, then prompted the computer to reset the v-ram, and two other things he suggested to reset that I cannot remember. Then I restarted, trashed the energy saver prefs and ran a repair disk permissions task inside OSX. Well that is where I am now, and it has not done it again, but I am still trying to find out what exactly is going on here. I just spent $2000 on a machine and it appears messed up and Mac has no answer.
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Feb 28, 2009
I've got a little problem with my iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Nvidia Geforce 8800GS 500GB. When I start it up, the fans start blowing at full speed. I checked the apple support page for support and found my problem with all the symptoms being correct. The support said I had to reset the SMC by shutting down the iMac, then removing the power cord and all the other one's, wait 15 seconds and then put the power cord and the other one's in respectively. I did this almost 10 times, but my iMac still won't stop making those annoying noises. Maybe it has to do with the SMC fancontrol app my brother installed lately.
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Dec 26, 2009
maybe I haven't been paying attention but my HD seems to have a misc 50-150 GB of stuff on there that didn't seem to be there before, nor can I account for what it is. I have opened up the HD and gotten "info" on all folders there. The total amount of storage does not equal what the HD tells me I have. I get "info" on the HD and it says 300 GB used (20 GB left).The folders and size are as follows as listed on my HD:
Users: 154.46 GB
World of Warcraft (ashamed faced): 21.28 GB
Applications: 3.68 GB
Library: 6.34 GB
System: 4.49 GB
Limewire: 49.4 MB
Incompatible Software (?): 1.6 MB
Developer: 165 KB
iTunesShut: 479 KB
For a grand total of: 190.39 GB or so (not including the 50 mb or 644 kb) I'll include what is on my desktop as well (I assume it is already included on the list above but just incase).........
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Jan 1, 2011
I just found a 'hidden' process running in Activity Monitor. If it weren't for the indication of 64 bit under virtual memory, I wouldn't have noticed anything. This is the first time that I've ever seen a 64 bit process running with root privileges. On top of that, it's hidden. Whenever I try to quit or even force quit it, it comes back. Should I be concerned? I'm little worried right now. This wouldn't have any relation to the sudden loss of several fonts that occurred a few days ago, would it? (I lost Century Gothic)
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Dec 9, 2014
Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite/iMac mid-2011...My iMac is really slow to start-up, to run, and to have applications run. I have 32 GB memory, 113 GB hard disk capacity and it has never been slower in its life. There is a process called "bird" that is running almost constantly whenever I run Activity Monitor and it is taking up to 140% of CPU time. What is "bird"? Why is it running constantly and eating up so much CPU time? Why is my iMac so slow running Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite?
Other issues on my iMac include: Software Update is supposed to be updating and installing updates automatically and it is not. When I log in, I see a blank white screen with an apple logo and a progress bar below. It takes forever for the progress bar to get 1/4 of the way across, then the screen flashes and the progress bar finishes the remaining 3/4 really fast. And then once logged in, it takes forever for my dock icons to appear, and my iMac hard drive is chattering like crazy even though nothing is running yet. Whenever I launch Safari I get a progress bar in the address field that goes 1/3 of the way across and frequently hangs. All of these issues never happened before Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10), Safari 8.0
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Nov 10, 2006
I have a white 2.0 Ghz MacBook running Tiger 10.4.8 with the latest firmware updates, and 2 GB RAM. I also have an external IDE drive partitioned as FAT32, sitting in a relatively-no-name enclosure via firewire, daisy-chained through my Presonus Firebox external audio unit (I know, not ideal for recording). The MacBook's HDD also has an NTFS partition with XP residing there. Now, it all worked great for a month now, but this week I started having a strange issue. First I noticed that the fans started kicking in even though I wasn't doing anything special. I fired the Activity Monitor up, and indeed, the CPU load was at 140%. So I looked among the processes, and one named "Mass Storage" seemed to be frozen. The obvious, but perhaps a little dangerous, thing to do was to quit it, so I did.
The CPU load returned to normal, and I was still able to access the external drive just fine. So, now, whenever I connect the firewire drive, the mass storage process hangs. I quit it, and everything goes back to normal from there. The question is.. Why does it freeze, and also, what is the whole <i>point</i> of the 'mass storage' process if quitting it doesn't affect anything? When I plug the drive in, iPhoto launches automatically, and by the files that mass storage opens, I'm going to try and track down what's causing it to hang. The last file it opens on the list is /dev/urandom. Also, now that I think about it, FAT32 probably isn't the best filesystem out there. I do need the drive to be compatible with both OS X and Windows though. I suppose I could try HFS+ under OS X, and then using Mac Drive under Win to access the disk.
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Jun 5, 2012
Noticed that Safari is running slow and sticking during the loading process. Also iTunes is freezing mid-song. Is there a bug or have I finally gotten a virus?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 13, 2010
The problems:
Yesterday and the day before were particularly warm. I didn't really notice until yesterday that my computer was running particularly hotter than normal, even while sitting on my desk for long periods of time. Later in the day yesterday, it was pretty warm and my MBP was running hotter than normal for just sitting on my desk. Noticeably hotter too. At the time, I was running quite a few programs: Safari, Firefox, Msn, Text Edit, and possibly Photoshop as well.
All of a sudden, when I try to open Photobooth, the computer freezes itself for the first time since I can remember... it takes nearly 5 minutes to unfreeze itself, force quitting Photobooth in the process. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I tried opening Photobooth again after everything was back to normal. Same thing, but this time it was taking even longer to try to unfreeze itself. I got kind of impatient and pissed, so I closed a bunch of programs. Tried to log into msn to tell my friends why I left randomly... and yeah, the computer freezes up again. I tried to click into the Finder to force quit the program, but the Finder freezes up and won't even open the "force quit" panel. At that point, I waited a few minutes and then forced a shut down via holding the power button.
I waited a few minutes again, and tried to turn on my MBP. I log into my account like normal... my desktop image comes up, but it just sat there. No files, no HD, not even the Finder toolbar at the top showed. I let it sit like that for about 15 minutes. Nothing. Fed up, I forced a shut down again. Closed the lid, and went to sleep. The next morning, it was cooled down considerably, so I started up the computer again. Same deal, except after about 15-20 minutes the HD image loads. And then a minute or so later, my files load, along with the Finder toolbar at the top. Hooray! ...not really.
I open up Safari. Things seem alright. I get to my email, then try to open Firefox. Firefox immediately gives me the "Well, this is embarrassing..." message upon loading the window, and about 20 seconds later quits itself without warning. I tried opening it a couple of times, nada. Same thing happens over and over. Same with Photoshop. I haven't really tried any other programs... because eventually my problems got worse.
I went through the day taking notes for my classes on Text Edit, because apparently Text Edit and Safari are okay with my computer at the moment (using this right now, actually). When I get back, I try to restart my computer to hopefully give it a chance to shut off and start up again to fix the application force-quitting problem. Worse. It goes to restart, and then gets itself stuck on the load image of the purple aurora/galaxy default desktop background. Considering the issue that I had that morning, I let it sit for a considerable time. Nothing happened. So I had to force a shut down again. The ONLY way it seems to be able to start up is to force the shut down and then start it up again. The desktop takes several minutes, if not 5 or more, to load my desktop files. If I try to do anything upon it immediately loading my files, icons, etc., it will freeze up for several minutes trying to execute the command. Ex: clicking on my HD to get to the Disk Utilities application. Eventually, I got the Disk Utilities to open and run a disk repair. The repair was quick and suggested only a few issues with things like Quicktime.
^ it was a bit too late at this point to call a mac place about my issue, so I called my parents. I tried to print something out for my mom via Text Edit and the computer froze up again. Couldn't even get the Finder to unfreeze itself. Forced a shut down, and now I'm here. Safari's up. Just about the only thing that is actually still working. And so is the Disk Utility.
I'm unsure of what to do next... I have two external HD's. One is brand new, nothing on it. I'd love to attempt backing up all of my files before taking my computer in to get it checked out. Not really 100% sure how I might attempt that, considering the way my computer has been handling doing much of anything at all lately. Any advice on what to do next before I take this sucker into a mac shop would be really great.
~Admittedly, I don't treat my computer the best that I could... once I left it on my bed for a while and it had to shut itself off because it overheated. It was fine afterward, but a few times I've fallen asleep after leaving my computer on my bed. When I would wake up, I would immediately check it. Sometimes it would wake up from being asleep (checked the temperature; usually not that warm thankfully), other times it seemed to have turned itself off. I attributed this to the battery running low... but I'm actually not sure. Maybe I let it overheat itself again? I'm not entirely sure, sadly. This is my first laptop though, so I'm kind of slowly learning the "no-no's" of how to treat my computer. Thankfully, I read enough around here to invest in the extended warranty.
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a 27" Imac and want to use an old 19" monitor as an external unit. I have it hooked up and turned on. Just the old wallpaper shows on it. There isn't an icon or anything diff on my iMac screen for it. How do I use the external? I realize this is pretty dumb, but I'm a newbie here and my Mac expert son is in NC....
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a Mac Pro with several raid array and single drives attached (1x Wiebetech RTX600 Raid 5 through SCSI; 1x CalDigit HDElement Raid 5 through miniSAS; 4x internal drives).Unfortunately, due to various reasons (electricity outtage and software crashes), I'm experiencing system crashes and need to hard re-start the system. Upon restart, I am able to boot back into Mac OS X, but sometimes one, or both of the raid arrays will not mount.However, after a period of 0.5 - 2 hours, the array would magically re-appear again. Sometimes this might even happen to internal drives that I had mounted inside the chassis of the Mac Pro.
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Feb 26, 2010
I am wondering if anyone knows of a good osx based alternative to Process Explorer on windows - what I'd like to be able to do is graph CPU and memory for a specific process and ideally see what network connections a specific process has open. atMonitor seems to do this pretty well generally, but not for specific processes (this is for monitoring a multiplayer flash game).
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Mar 4, 2010
20'' Aluminium iMac, 2.4ghz, 4GB RAM, 2133.
My internal hard drive recently fatally crashed out so I replaced the hard drive with a nice big 1TB one. Since i put the machine back together and reinstalled OSX (Leopard 10.5), this fan has been going constantly:
The one you can see at the bottom there. I guess its the CPU
I installed the iStat widget to check what the temperatures were like inside. I got this back:
By this point I'm assuming the sensor/s is either disconnected or something worse, and the fan is being clever and safe by running all the time. So I open it up and check the connections which seem to be fine, but i give them a blow etc and THEN I got a reading on the temps, and the fan was working nice and calm. I closed her up, and typically, the problem started again.
I assumed that the case had something to do with it, pressing on the sensor or something. Which it wasn't.
I did all the things I did the first time again, but this time with no temperature readings at any stage.
Now I'm not sure what to do. The fan is running at full speed all the time and I have no temperature readings, save the two shown above. I also tried the application 'Temperature Monitor' with the same results.
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Mar 27, 2009
Brand new 2009 octo, with the 2.2x ghz CPUs. Turn it on, start NO apps. Let it sit idle. Within a few minutes the fans ramp up to FULL jet engine speed. I can't hear people on the telephone. And never stop. Let me reiterate that I am running NO apps. My load averages are in the zeros.
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May 18, 2012
Machine: iMac intel core 2 2.66Ghz Model A1224
sn# YM******ZE3
Ran the hardware test by pressing 'D' key. hardware test came back with error :4SN/1/40000000: T00P-65.250
I am guessing some sort of temp sensor might need replacing.
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Jun 23, 2012
MY fan is running at full power continously
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 5, 2012
I just got my iMac today and started the migration process, and I'm wondering how you do this safely. I decided that I would rather do this process overnight so I can start using my Mac right now.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 23, 2014
I have a late iMac 2013 and have had problems since day one and always just assumed it was bad RAM as i upgraded to 16GB, from 8. I finally took the RAM i purchased out and have left the original RAM in and still continually get the below error after restart.
I have removed Kasperky via the Kaspersky removal tool but i notice it still references it below? Unusually it seems to be ridiculously unstable when i am downloading any Movies i have purchased from iTunes (the current movie has crashed 4 or 5 times today) or if i am ripping a DVD i have purchased using iSkysoft. I have started in safe mode but that made no difference, i actually think it has gotten worse since i removed the extra RAM.
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80184dc24e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f998730ae, type 6=invalid opcode, registers:
CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x000000010bdeb000, CR3: 0x000000001b390000, CR4: 0x00000000001606e0
RAX: 0x0000000000000000, RBX: 0x0000000000000000, RCX: 0x0000000000000000, RDX: 0x0000000000000000
RSP: 0xffffff8123b03e48, RBP: 0xffffff8123b03e80, RSI: 0xffffff811dbb6800, RDI: 0xffffff80eb940000
R8: 0x0000000000000000, R9: 0x0000000003de1658, R10: 0x0000000000000000, R11: 0xffffffffffffffff
R12: 0xffffff80eb940000, R13: 0x0000000000000001, R14: 0x0000000000000000, R15: 0xffffff8123b03e50
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 21, 2012
I am running OS X Lion on my startup disk is full. I checked my storage in the about this mac window. 49.72GB of my HD space is taken up by Other. Also in Disk Utility under the partition almost the entire rectangle is light blue. I am worried that my MacBook is to old to run the software. I use my machine to run Adobe CS4. The error turns up when I run Photoshop so I am unable to run the program at all.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 31, 2014
I had to delete a Yosemite partition I created on my mid 2012 macbook pro because the 16gig available filled up fast.
I check my HD and it was almost full to capacity, it shows I had 2.2 TB of photos and 1.5 TB of audio.
I don't know if this photos and music kept adding each time I sync my iphone or each time i log on to Facebook.
Anyway I would like to FREE UP THE SPACE but how, and would I need to have 3plus TB of external DH to do this, or what??????
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 on an iMac and continuously have problems booting the machine. The boot process occasionally hangs at the gray screen, but more often it hangs at the blue screen. Sometimes it makes it to the login screen where the cursor occasionally freezes. Whenever these problems occur I have to shut down by holding down the start button, then restart again. Usually the second boot is successful. This booting problem occurs frequently, even after running Disk Warrior and repairing permissions. I don't think this is normal behavior. Has anyone else had such problems? Is there anything I can do to correct this behavior, or is this something that needs to be fixed by Apple?
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May 21, 2008
I am running the following system:
Apple Macintosh (Intel)
PROC 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
The hanging appears to have been caused when I accidently moved about 40GB of old photo's onto my desktop. Almost immediately I tried to cancel but all that happened is that the system has hung. Processer can be heard working in the background. Being new to MAC I am pretty stumped. Have tried the obvious forced restart using the power on/off button but no luck. Is there a way I can get in and stop this process say at start up?
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Mar 4, 2007
I just purchased a Mac Mini and am using a DVI to HDMI cable to connect it to my 42" Sony KDF-E42A10. I am unable to achieve full-screen resolution and downloaded SwitchResX to manually adjust the display. Does anyone know the timing parameters for the Sony or how to achieve full-screen resoltuion?
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Nov 15, 2009
I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.
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Sep 2, 2009
Anyone using Freehand 10 in Snow Leopard?I know that various older versions of FH won't run, but I can't find reports of the specific version I have: FH10.(I have tons of important logo artwork in that format, and Illustrator's support for FH files is miserable. I will have Rosetta installed of course.)
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