OS X :: Leopard Hangs On Shutdown
Oct 29, 2007
I have a MacBook Pro 2.16 C2D that I just updated with Leopard. I noticed that occasionally the computer will hang when I attempt a shutdown. I didn't have this problem with Tiger so I assume it's a bug in Leopard. When I try a normal shutdown all I see is my desktop wallpaper and that little circular animated icon. I have to hold in the power button to force a shutdown.
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Jun 6, 2012
When I shutdown my iMac, then will loading the grey screen.Sometimes, it can shutdown normally, but once I turned on the iMac over than 3 hours.It will hang on the grey screen. I need to press the power button 10 seconds turn it off.I just installed winebottle and diablo recently and I deleted these softwares.but problem still here, I copy the log that I turned off a few minutes ago...Method selectedRowEnumerator in class TransparentTableView is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release and should no longer be used. [code]
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), iOS 1.x
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Mar 26, 2008
When ever I turn off my iMac (AL mid-2007 running 10.5) it seems like it hangs during shutdown. It takes about 60 seconds to shutdown and after about 30 seconds it starts to show. It looks like this, except it still shows my wallpaper... (This is just an image I found on the web). I am not sure why it is taking so long to shutdown lately... I don't remember it taking nearly this long in the past. Here is a photo of everything that is running during shutdown and it still does it. (I usually try to close out of apps before shutting down).
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Jun 20, 2010
When I had just installed the Intel X25M (80 gb G2) shutdowns took merely 2 seconds. Now, after the dock minimizes adn hte icons disappear, the computer just hangs for 10-15 seconds, turns into a blue screen and hangs for maybe 10 seconds more before actually shutting down (black screen, everything off).
Does anyone know what is wrong? The drive is only 2-3 months old, and I still have 40 Gb free.
I was thinking it is some program that is running in the background that is having trouble quitting.
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Mar 12, 2012
I have random hangs in OS 10.6.6, I have been noticing these hangs *more* after a period of inactivity (screensaver, after inactivity of 20 or more minutes) , but I have had the system hang on me while I am using it actively as well.   OS 10.6.6 has been on this drive since 7/2011 , without hangs but I recently upgraded Firefox to 10.0.2, - perhaps a factor?Â
Energy save set to never for sleep on either CPU or display.  I do put to sleep if I am leaving for a while.Â
FYI On Launch, my MacPro opens Mail , iCal and Firefox. The Mac is a January 2007 Mac Pro Quad core 2.66gh.  I never had a single hang with the computer until this. Â
Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Dec 24, 2008
I am trying to install leopard on an older macbook (white version) which has 10.4.something. I plop the dvd in, it recognized the dvd I double click and hit install, it asks for password and restarts. When it restarts it hangs at the screen where the apple logo is and the circle below it just rotates. It doesn't start to install.
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Dec 9, 2009
Everytime I plug or unplug the headphones(iPhone 3GS ones) from my uMBP the systems hangs, sometimes even with beachball.
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May 5, 2010
I have a unibody Macbook Pro running OSX 10.6.3. Everything is up to date but the computer is now on its second hard drive and fresh install of OSX and is still unusable. After the hard drive was replaced, it worked flawlessly for an evening. However, the old symptoms reemerged the next morning. Symptoms: very slow to boot or freezes on gray screen with status circle frozen grey circle with slash through it on boot
once it boots, if it does boot, the beachball constantly spins/freezes... I have literally no software installed on the fresh install and it still does it when attempting to boot in safe mode Also, the hard drive when checked gives the following errors even after I repair them in drive genius (the same errors the old drive reported):
invalid file count
invalid directory count
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Mar 16, 2012
My iMac has slowed down signficantly recently and sometimes hangs at log-in or very occasionally at other times. The screen grab of the activity monitor shows the amount of memory 'used' at log-in with no software open - is it normal for half the memory to be 'used' already?
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Mar 21, 2012
I have a applescript that sometimes hangs (this is on a blind server). reason is that the application (JSMS, it sends text messages via my mobile phone account) can not connect to the server. it than pops a message saying so, but as a result the script does hang and interferes with other stuff.
is there a way to have the script stop (would 'try if' do this?) or alternative is to force quit this script after 10 minutes with an other script.
Info:MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
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May 21, 2012
Lately ( after setting up FileVault ) my iMac ( Intel ) hangs between changing from one user to another ( working user to admin user for example ) , and does the same on startup . After I select a user and enter the PW , the computer hangs on the intermediate splash screen .Â
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 on an iMac and continuously have problems booting the machine. The boot process occasionally hangs at the gray screen, but more often it hangs at the blue screen. Sometimes it makes it to the login screen where the cursor occasionally freezes. Whenever these problems occur I have to shut down by holding down the start button, then restart again. Usually the second boot is successful. This booting problem occurs frequently, even after running Disk Warrior and repairing permissions. I don't think this is normal behavior. Has anyone else had such problems? Is there anything I can do to correct this behavior, or is this something that needs to be fixed by Apple?
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Oct 11, 2009
After recently doing a fresh install of Snow Leopard, it was working great for about a week, and now it hangs at boot and flashes the Apple Logo, a NO sign, and a folder sign. I booted in verboose mode and it say that it could not load drivers.
I had this problem before and I used Leopard's (10.5) Archive and Install feature to fix it.
Where is this located on SL (10.6) ? I DO NOT want to loose my data
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Dec 7, 2009
A few months ago I had a problem with my Macbook Pro, (late 2009 model, 15" 2.53 ghz) that many users with Snow Leopard have, the random 30 second freezes. I simply reset the PRAM and SMC and I never encountered it again. Now, out of the blue, on Sunday (yesterday), I started experiencing these hangs again, but worse. The night before I had been browsing the web and my battery went to reserve and shut down, so I plugged it in and when I awoke and turned it on I started experiencing problems. I figured I would try the same fix, and it almost seemed to make the problem worse. Now if I shut down the computer via "apple -> shut down", then turn it back on and log in etc., from the first few seconds the machine hangs. If I open a folder I get the immediate beach-ball and the machine is un-responsive for anywhere from 1 minute - 5+ minutes.
I have read a lot of fixes for this problem, but most of the people's problems resulted from using Safari or Spotlight. I strictly use Firefox and very rarely even open Safari, and I think I've used Spotlight maybe 3 times total, none in the past few months. So far the things I've tried are:
- Reset PRAM
- Reset SMC
- Run Disc Utility and verify, repair etc. (from SL install disc)
So I'm wondering right now what can I do? Its finals week right now and im in college so wiping my HD is not an option. I feel like there is just something hanging the computer but I can't find the culprit.
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Mar 1, 2010
Recently Snow Leopard has become one slow ass OS, and I originally though it was because I was going low on HDD Space I was at 11GB free, went and deleted a lot of stuff and it was still slow, currently on 13GB, but it doesn't seem to of been that. I am now thinking it may have something to do with deleting the preference files for Spotlight because it wasn't working correctly (but that made it worse, won't find Apps).
But I am not sure if that is it either, CPU is not really used much either, and all that is happening is Beach Balls 24/7 so is there anything I can do to find the root cause of the issue before doing a fresh install of Snow Leopard (which will take hell of a lot of time as I need to ask my parents to send it back, so would rather there is a fix without reinstallation).
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May 10, 2009
I'm knew to MAC world, and leaving Windows. I have a DSL connection over an USRobotics 9003 router (wired), running with no problems on a PC (Windows XP). I have bought the lastest iMac 24" on the market with Leopard around 3 weeks ago. I plugged into my USRobotics 9003 and looked to work fine, until.... there is no connection to the web, neather from my PC or Mac. Well my workaround is reset the router, and I can surf for a couple of hours, then it hangs again. This workaround is a pain in... What can I do, so I can forget resetting my router at once?
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Apr 2, 2012
All I get is the grey screen and the little circle with the rotating fan blades. Then they stop spinning and it just hangs.
I cannot boot up. Is this a bad hard drive? Â Are there other keys I could hit to make something work?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 25, 2012
I've got this peculiar problem with my MacBook Pro Intel Core i5 running 10.6.8 with all the updates. Whenever I open the computer after logging out, the login window hangs. The insert bar in the username field doesn't blink and I get the spinning beach ball. Sometimes there's no cursor at all. If I close the lid without logging out there's never a problem. But of course that's not an aceptable solution.
I can not reproduce the problem with a fresh account, so I assume there's something wrong with my account. I've had this problem ever since I setup my original account. I've gone through the system.log and I do see some errors during the time the computer goes to sleep after I logout, but I don't know if they are serious or normal warnings.
Info:MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 15, 2012
My Mac Pro hangs up midway through loading Excel spreadsheets, small and large. I've tested the 14GB of ram with no faults. Tried two different new versions of MS office - school and business to no avail. Maybe video card?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Brand new MS Office - business
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May 25, 2012
I downloaded the most recent safari upgrade for Leopard (Not Snow Leopard). Every time I try to use it, Safari hangs the entire computer before loading the home page and takes a minimum 10 minutes before I can do anything. I just get the Spinning Pinwheel of Death. I tried reinstalling it but that hasn't worked.
Power Mac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1GB Ram
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Mar 23, 2010
I've just bought MacBook with pre installed MacOS 10.6.1, then updated it to 10.6.2. Sometimes (approximately 1 of 5 times) it does not shutdown - there are only my wallpaper and active mouse pointer. I've been waiting for a long time, then just turned off it with holding power button. It seems I have a problem after high hard drive activity (a lot of copy, delete and move operation)
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Nov 2, 2009
Over the past month I have encountered a number of bugs with Snow Leopard on my MacBook Pro (mid 2006). Ever once in a while, usually during high performance task (like watching flash or encoding with handbrake) the temperature of my cpu will spike to 85-90 degrees celsius and then the system freezes.
During this freeze, I can still move my mouse, but I am unable to click on anything on the dock or any program. Moving the mouse over the dock does not invoke the magnification either. I have to do a hard reset to fix the problem.
Also every once in a while, a long blue horizontal line will appear in on the screen. (sometimes their in iChat windows, sometimes safari, and sometimes the desktop as shown in the photo).
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Jun 20, 2010
i got a white screen when i booted up last night, so i saw it as an opportunity to upgrade rather than trying to fix it. I popped in a fresh copy of snow leopard, it made my white screen boot up. before installing, i opened disk utility and erased my hard drive, and it automatically made a single partition, titled "untitled" and mounted it. i installed to "untitled" and turned install log, and the progress bar is empty. time remaining: about 30 minutes log: checking catalog file is the last line, and it's been there for over 1 hour. i restarted and now it says "volume headers need minor repairs" "repairing volume" and hangs there now.
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Apr 15, 2012
My iMac 27 late 2010 does not shut down when shut down in the normal way. I have to shut down with the push button. I have tried disconnecting all the usb connected hardware still no use. Can any body help.I have OS Lion 10.7.3?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 4, 2012
in safe mode works normal, but usually start after a while leopard hangs, I've done hardware test dvd and normal passes through the test okay what do I do
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 1, 2008
This is getting ridiculous. Every time i shut down my macbook i get a kernel panic message. What's worst is that sometimes at the next restart i can't get my keyboard to work, even though i did the keyboard update. Anyone else getting these? EDIT: And because i'm an idiot, i missed the other thread about this: [URL]
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Sep 4, 2009
I am pretty new to the forums but I installed snow leopard on an 2008 iMac 2.4 ghz, 3gb of ram and 250gb hard drive on September 1, 2009 and had no problems shutting down.
Then on Wednesday when I shut down it goes into a kernel panic and tells me to restart. When I go into the other user account it does not do that. I have a picture of the error log that i got when I started the computer up to submit to Apple. Can someone please help.
I have reset PRam, repaired permissions, and reinstalled Snow Leopard but recovered it from a Time Machine Backup. I do not know what to do.
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Mar 9, 2012
My macbook will not shut down. I have to 'force' a shut down. I don't like doing that. I heard forcing your laptop/computer is not good for it. I try clicking the 'apple' on the left hand side, I click shut down, and it just automatically turns right back on. I don't like forcing my poor laptop to shut down.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 29, 2012
My dad has a problem with the force-shutdown operation in that when prompted for an admin account's credentials, it does not recognise/accept his credentials, even 'tho they are correct. It also doesn't accept my credentials. Like the account my dad is using, I am also an admin user. To get around this problem, we have to log out the user who is logged in and then shutdown.Â
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Apr 15, 2012
When my laptop shuts down if change my dock it goes back to its old self when I turn my laptop back on and the same for my bookmarks I can't change them so that they stay there?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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