IMac :: Accessing Xbox 360 HDD Without Using XSata Cables

May 2, 2009

Basically need to know if there is a method of accessing the 360's HDD from an iMac (3.06GHz model) without using XSATA or xsata cables as, you know, there isn't a way to connect xsata cables to the iMac, as far as I know anyway.

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IMac :: Correct Cables For Installing SSD?

Sep 24, 2010

I'd like to confirm that the two links below are the proper cables for installing a SSD in the new iMacs. Symbology confirmed for the power cable for me already, can anyone else who has installed an SSD confirm the other? If not, can you post a link from Amazon of the correct one? Left Angled Sata Cable - [URL] SATA Power Y [URL]

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Hardware :: Connecting IMac To A Second Display - What Cables

Jan 9, 2009

I bought a second screen a few days ago, the 23" LG M2394D. I have got it connected to my 24" Aluminium iMac. The resolution of the monitor is 1920x1080 and the iMac is 1920x1200. System preferences lets me assign the different resolutions on the different screens, but the quality on the second screen at 1920x1200 is very dodgy. If i put it to 1650x1050 it looks better, but not as good as the apple display. I have also noticed that the picture is 'too big for the screen', i.e. there is some of the picture outside of the screen area that i cant see. I have the screen connected via the Apple MiniDVI to dvi connector and then a DVi to HDMI cable into the screen. Is it the HDMI that is causing some of the problems? would a straight DVI cable work better? Here is the screen: [URL]

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Intel Mac :: How To Record Video From Digital TV To IMac / What Cables / Applications

May 28, 2012

I have a Panasonic Viera (2006) digital TV. It has every possible port on the back (and even ports on one side.)The TV is connected to a digital TV tuner/hard disk recorder unit. The tuner also has a ton of ports. What do I need to do in order to send video from the TV to the Mac and record it on the Mac?(Either live TV or video playback from the hard disk recorder.)With my old analog TV, I used the Interview XLR8 USB video capture device with the Interview application or BTV application. (I think even Quicktime could record from the XLR too.)Seems digital TV doesn't work with the XLR8. Is that right? I tried the XLR8 with various combinations of inputs/outputs but can't seem to get any video to appear on the Mac.

I see that HDMI is one way out from Mac out and view on the TV.I also have a VCR and DVD player connected to the TV via a switcher box.With the variety of digital and analog outputs from these devices, seems I should be able to get video from the TV into the Mac.

2.8GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 4GB; 1TB ; 27"

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IMac :: IMac 27" I7 2.93 Slower Then Old MBP - Disk Accessing Data All Day

Dec 3, 2010

Got my new iMac 27" i7 2.93 for three weeks ago. Everything was kind of fine but now everytime i boot it starts to write to the disk, and since you really can hear when the machine writes to the disk, it's obvious when it does it. The disk is a WDC WD1001FALS-40Y6A0

- I turned of spotlight indexing, rebooted, 30 minutes later it was still writing like there was no tomorrow.

- Checked, just Google Chrome trowing messages (which is running slower then on my old MBP Santa Rosa 5400 rpm).

- Ran disk utilty repair permissions, still no luck.

- Used Lingon to get rid of **** at startup, still no luck.

- No disk encryption.

The bottom line: The machine runs slower, boots applications slower and functions slower then my old MBP 2.4 ghz Santa Rosa 2007 with a 5400 rpm hdd. I tried to run a blu ray mkv from the internal disk, stuttered as hell and didn't work despite VLC being the only open application. Then i ran it from an external 5400 rpm Firewire drive and it worked flawlessy. What is up with this? Shall i reinstall and empty my disk?

Is there any software for checking what applications is currently writing to the HDD?

Screenshot from my activity monitor.

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IMac :: Accessing Another Mac On The Same Network?

Aug 26, 2010

Im setting up my new 27" iMac, coming from a G5 PowerMac and am having an extremely difficult time setting up the network to see another Mac computer in the same room.

I am able to setup the File Sharing and I can see the hard disk drives that Ive allowed but on my old setup, I was able to view EVERYTHING on the networked Mac and I didn't even add them all to the File Sharing. I don't know how I did it but I can't seem to replicate it.

What is it that I'm not doing right?

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OS X :: Imac 4 - Someone Accessing Network?

Oct 20, 2010

I recently noticed a "device" in Finder called "imac 4". If I click on details, it says PC Server. If I go to the Sidebar preferences, and uncheck Bon Jour, then it disappears, so that tells me it has something to do with this. I have read a little on what this is,and it has to do with file sharing on networks, or shared printers and such. I haven't done anything new that I can think of, so I'm wondering why it just started showing up. Could someone be accessing my network? It is a secured network with an AirPort base station.

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IMac :: Using As A Screen For Xbox 360

Aug 18, 2010

I bought a mini displayport to vga adapter to connect my xbox 360 with vga output to my iMac as the woman at the apple store told me this would work, however I can't get it to work, and reading here it looks like I need a box this correct?

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OS X :: Playing Xbox 360 On IMac Monitor?

Nov 14, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to use my iMac as a monitor to play my 360 on. I think it has to do something with DVI cables, but I don't know how to do it or how it works. To the best of your knowledge, how do I set up an xbox to play on my monitor with DVI cables and whatever else I need?

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OS X :: Connecting Xbox 360/PS3 Into IMac 27 Inch?

Mar 22, 2010

Hi, I want to connect my PS3/X360 to my iMac 27 inch. There is one problem, standard adapter from HDMI -> miniDisplay or adapters in connection: HDMI -> DVI -> miniDisplay does not deal with this.

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IMac :: How To Connect Xbox 360/PS3 To The 27"

May 5, 2010

Can connect the following devices:

Xbox 360
Sony PS3
Blu Ray

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PowerPC :: Accessing A Disabled IMac G5's Hard Drive?

Jul 25, 2008

I have an iMac G5 with a broken graphics card. As a result it won't get past the start up screen when booting. I have a new mac on the way, but I'm wondering what would be the easiest/cheapest way to access my files on the old iMac.

I've read about taking the HD out and using a SATA/USB connector to attach it to the new computer as an external HD. Is that my best option, or is there a way to boot the iMac and just access the HD via the iMac's firewire/usb ports.

I've run the CD diagnostic tests and it says everything is fine, except the graphics card.

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IMac :: Possible To Play Xbox / WiFi On System

Dec 5, 2010

I have an iMac 21.5 inch 3.06ghz 500gb Hard drive 4gb RAM got it a few days ago and was wondering was it possible to play my xbox, WiFi on it?

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IMac :: Using 27" Video Input With Xbox 360?

Oct 20, 2009

Do you think the new video input in the 27" iMac would be suitable for playing on the Xbox with or will there be any lag?

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OS X :: Connecting IMac To Xbox 360 Wireless Adaptor

Jan 15, 2010

I've searched for hours upon hours trying to find solutions to my problem. I recently purchased the xbox 360 wireless adaptor hoping it would pick up the internet sharing I have coming from my imac, which is connected to a modem via ethernet cable. I send out the internet on my imac as I have 2 windows laptops and my iphone which all connect with no problems what so ever.

The xbox wireless adaptor will see my imacs network but just won't join. There are a few people around my neighborhood that have unsecured networks which the xbox wireless adaptor picks up and connects to no problem. I now want to try the apple usb to ethernet converter with my imac to see if I can connect the xbox 360's RJ-45 into either the apple to ethernet converter or the imacs ethernet port while still receiving the internet from my modem.

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IMac :: Using I7 21.5" Screen To Use As A TV To Play Xbox?

May 21, 2010

I was wondering if i could someone connect my xbox to my iMac i7 [10.6.3]

and be able to see my xbox screen on my Mac, basically replacing my TV but only to view my xbox.

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PowerPC :: Using Imac G5's Screen To Play Xbox?

May 24, 2010

Can I use an old iMac G5's 20' screen to play xbox 360 games?

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IMac :: Finding To Play Xbox On 21.5"?

Aug 11, 2010

I just want to play my xbox and use my iMac 21.5" as the 'Tv'.

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Hardware :: Play Xbox 360 With IMac Display?

Dec 10, 2008

I have an iMac from late 2006. Intel Core 2 Duo 17" monitor 1GB RAM 128MB video card I'm purchasing an xbox360 soon and I'm wondering if there's a way to use my iMac's display as the screen for the Xbox? It would really help since, I wouldn't have to buy a TV along with it.

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Hardware :: Using IMac As A Wireless Router For XBox Live?

Jan 31, 2009

I have read a few forums and walkthroughs where a lot of people, often everyone, eventually had sucess in connecting their XBox 360 to their mac and accessing Live. I have tried everything I can find to make this work. Here is what I have done:

I am running Leopard and using a Linksys Router. I began with the following:

On the iMac:
Ethernet Connection (manual)
Subnet: 255.255.255

Last, I tried using making the primary and secondary DNS addresses the same. Every time I have the same problem.... it fails when testing the DNS.

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OS X :: IMac - How To Get Modern Warfare 2 Running On Xbox Live

Nov 10, 2009

Having a bit of trouble getting Modern Warfare 2 running on Xbox live. My setup is: BT Home Hub 2.0 wirelessly supplying my iMac with connection. I then have a ethernet cable running from the iMac feeding the internet connection to power Xbox Live. Previously this has worked flawlessly until. I try and play Modern Warfare 2. Currently when in the game screen it tells me that my 'NAT type is STRICT'. This isn't the case on my PS3 which is wireless where my NAT type is OPEN.

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OS X :: Finding IMac 27-inch As External Display For Xbox 360/PS3?

Dec 22, 2009

Today I bought iMac 27-inch. Firstly I planned to buy 21.5 inch, but when I saw this 27-inch I decided to buy it. I've got Core 2 Duo version.

So, I wanna to connect my 360 to this iMac. I have Mini Display -> DVI adapter and than DVI -> HDMI adapter and the problem could be sound. DVI does not transmit any sound. So is there option to play sound from 360 on my iMac or via headphones? What if I connect stereo cables (into mini jack using adapter).

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IMac :: Media Setup - Connecting HD Monitor And Xbox 360

Jun 22, 2010

Here's my idea on a setup when I move into my garage. Xbox 360 connected to iMac 27" with a Kanex XD HDMI to Mini DisplayPort adaptor. A FreeView box also connected via HDMI though the Kanex XD adaptor using a HDMI switch. Or instead of the FreeView box I might get an EyeTV TV Tuner so I can use the new app to watch live tv on my iPhone.

Here's my other idea...
Mac Mini connected to my 42" Samsung HD monitor via HDMI
Xbox 360 also connected to the monitor with HDMI
A FreeView box also connected via HDMI to the monitor with a HDMI switch to change between the three.
I suppose it depends on screen size at the end of the day.

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Intel Mac :: Have A IMac 27" I7, Can Connect Xbox To It As A Screen

Apr 25, 2012

have a iMac 27" i7, can connect xbox to it as a screen?i just wanted to know if i can use it?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Belkin AV360 Review - Successfully Play Your XBOX 360 On Your 27"

Aug 8, 2010

I finally got a chance to sit down and test out the Belkin AV360. I have seen other people complain of problems with the Dr. Bott and Kanex (note I have not tested either of these, just posting complaints I have seen) products. Well Belkin has really impressed me.


It has a simple setup. Plug in the HDMI cord from your XBOX, Playstation, whatever into the belkin box. Then plug in the Mini Displayport cord and USB cord from your iMac into the Belkin box. Then when you are ready to play, just turn the XBOX on. Your iMac will automagically know when it is turned on and flip to display the XBOX on the screen. When you are done playing, just turnoff the XBOX and your iMac instantly switches back to the desktop. It really is idiot proof.


The Belkin AV360 does display in 720p. Visual sticklers will probably not be satisfied with this quality when they know that the iMac's screen is capable of more. 720p was fine for me. Definitely could see some pixelation because I was sitting pretty close to the screen which only enhanced the pixels. I was still satisfied because I doubt 1080p would be much better since I was sitting so close.


Everything you need to connect your iMac to the Belkin AV360 is included in the product. You only need to supply the HDMI cable to connect the Belkin to your XBOX. This can be picked up for about $3 at Monoprice.


I give this product 4.5/5 stars. The only thing that I would like to see improved is for the Belkin device to be a little bit smaller (stuff can always be smaller right?) and brushed aluminum instead of white as Apple seems to be moving towards the brushed look over the classic white. Those are minor inconveniences and do not distract from the overall experience of the product.

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Mac Pro :: Where Are The Airport Cables

May 14, 2009

This is the inside of my Mac Pro.

I've recently acquired an airport card, but i can't find the cables needed...

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Mac Pro :: What SATA Cables Need To Connect

Nov 6, 2010

Recently I tried installing a 2.5" SSD in a 3.5" enclosure (Icy Dock) in one of the internal drive bays in my Mac Pro. The enclosure was defective, apparently, because the SATA ports on the enclosure didn't quite line up with the internal SATA ports in the MP drive bay. Unfortunately, I pushed a little too hard to get it in and I ended up bending the metal brackets that the black plastic SATA port is screwed on to in the Mac Pro.

The result is that the SATA port is now bend down at about a 10% angle, which is enough to prevent me from sliding a hard drive in and connecting it. I've tried to bend it back to the normal angle, but I wasn't successful.

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MacBook Pro :: What Cables Do I Need To Connect To My HD TV

Nov 7, 2010

It is a recently purchased LG TV, and the latest Macbook Pro bought in July.

It would help if you could post some links from the Apple website or whatever.

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MacBook :: Connecting To TV Using RCA Cables?

Sep 6, 2009

Okay i have a ten year old Sony Trinitron TV. I am trying to connect my Macbook witch has a mini Dvi port to my TV that only has the S-video and RCA inputs. I have the DVi to VGA adapter and a VGA to S-video/RCA adapter. when i plug everything in i get nothing on the tv and my computer does not seem to detect the Tv What do i do? i have been looking and cant seem to find a answer.

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Mac Mini :: Using DVI / What Cables/adapters Do I Need

Jan 25, 2010

I've made the decision to buy a mac mini and I'm preparing to order online. I have one question: can you explain the video outputs? I want to be able to hook up my flat screen monitor that can be connected via VGA or DVI and my flat screen TV which has VGA or HDMI inputs available. So, what kind of video outputs does the mini have and what ables/adapters to I need to hook up my monitor and TV?

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