IMac :: 21.5" Screen Doesn't Turn On When Waking From Sleep?
May 8, 2010
I'm not entirely sure how long my iMac has been doing this, maybe two weeks? When I try to wake it from sleep, the screen does not turn on. At all. At first I thought this was because my mouse and keyboard might not be functioning correctly, naturally the only remedy was to turn the computer off with the power button and to restart it (which took an abnormally long time). Today I remote connected with Back to my Mac screen sharing and it did not turn on either. I know it was awake because when I pressed the brightness buttons on the keyboard, it responded on my MBA's view of the screen. Normally, Back to my Mac does turn the screen back on. Anyone else have the same problem? It doesn't seem to matter WHEN it goes to sleep either. I've tried resetting the PRAM already and no dice.
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Mar 27, 2010
Has anyone had this problem?
I have a (reletively) new iMac purchased in Nov. 27" 3.06 Ghz 4 GB Ram. The machine sleeps on it's own overnight from non use and then when i get up in the morning I click the mouse and I hear the machine waking up, (harddirve, cd-rom, etc.) but the screen stays blank. This happens in OSX and Win7 doen't matter what OS is running so it appears to be a hardware issue. Maybe there is a firm ware update, or somthing. To use the machine at that point, my only option is to force the machine to shutdown and then reboot. If I reboot to fast, meaning if I don't wait about 5-10 seconds after the shutdown, then the machine proceeds to boot but without any visuals, the screen stays blank.
Should I just take the system back to the apple store? Will they grab the current image and put it on a new machine...
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Jun 17, 2014
I am running Mavericks 10.9.3
I enable security preference pane requirepasword on waking from sleep.
I select sleep or close lid on my MBP but nothin happens.
How can I enable?
MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 2 HG Intel Core I7 8 GB Ram
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Nov 21, 2010
my mbp i7's double tap doesn't save when i set it to a certain "double-click speed" so when i put my mbp to sleep or restart it, i'm forced to go back to the settings and set my double-click speed again. The point of me doing this is because for some reason, my double-click doesnt register or hi-light the text in the URL or text in essays etc. when its set up to the fourth notch on the slide bar. so i have to put it down to 0 on the bar in order for my double tap to register. Its really annoying to have to redo this every time i come back to my mbp.
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Aug 7, 2009
Is it possible to have the user account log in screen appear automatically when the computer is woken from sleep (regardless of who was logged in etc when it was put to sleep?).
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Jun 5, 2012
I frequently get a blue screen of death after waking from sleep. I have to restart the computer to resolve the issue. This problem only began about a week ago, long after I updated to 10.7.4 on my iMac.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 22, 2014
I just purchased a brand new macbook air this past week. I noticed within the first day of using that if my machine went into sleep mode, and I hit a key to take it out of sleep mode, it would go to a black screen with my cursor for about 30 seconds.
It does not do it every time but enough that it is annoying. I am coming from a mid 2011 mac air that did not have any issues. (only replaced for all day battery)
Do you think this a hardware or software issue? If i swap this mac out do you think I will just encounter the same thing?
I have read numerous posts regarding waking from sleep issues but they all seem to be affecting MacBooks purchased between 2012 and 2013.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 6, 2010
I almost always put my iMac to sleep every night. Ever since about a week ago it started waking up, and waking me up, in the middle of the night. And yes in that week I have tried shutting down and it still does it the next day.
I don't have any apps open that I don't normally, didn't change any settings i'm pretty sure.
I tried the list from apple that lists reasons it would wake unexpectedly and googled but nothing works.
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Sep 8, 2010
After I put my iMac to sleep it keeps waking up by itself. What would be causing this? (OS 10.5.8 Leopard)
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Nov 15, 2009
My 24in iMac is waking from sleep after about 5 seconds every time, as well as restarting itself after I shut down. This problem started early yesterday evening, and so I did the usual: resetting the SMC/PRAM/NVRAM with no luck. I checked console for messages and found lots of references to imagneto_user_agent (I'd installed iMagneto shortly before and then deleted it as it didn't seem to be working properly). With some help from another user I managed to delete all the hidden/locked folders and files connected with this app using a combination of Trash It and fiddling in Terminal.
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Dec 19, 2009
Newbie here, It has just come to my attention that my 27" iMac wakes up during the night. It is always put to sleep at night rather than turned off. My parents are staying for the weekend & sleeping in the same room as the imac, & mentioned this morning that screen turned on a couple of times during the night. I looked at the time machine back ups & found it had made 2 during the night.
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Jan 6, 2010
So I have my iMac running W7 64 and whenever I put it to sleep, it sometimes wakes up from it. I have a wireless mouse which I switch it off and still it wakes up.
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Apr 6, 2009
I bought a new unibody Macbook pro in December and have had it linked to a Dell 2408WFP for 4 months now (dell monitor as primary monitor, macbook as slave via apple mini displayport to DVI adapter) and I am also using the dell USB ports to hook up my apple wired keyboard and logitech revolution MX mouse. Problems occurring ever since the beginning include: Occasionally the computer refuses to wake up either screen. It may flash blue and look like its going to come out of sleep (or monitor shut off) with no problems but then hangs. This is intermittent and I cant seem to trouble shoot what causes it. On top of that, more frequently, the Macbook screen looks washed out (loss of colour depth). It doesnt flash and there are no blank/white areas of screen, just very poor colour depth. This can occur even coming out of screen saver mode. It seems to correct itself with time or disconnecting the dell monitor. Main programs I always leave open are Firefox +/- Transmission. Seems to happen regardless of programs being open or not. Have updated everything that Software Update can find to update. Anyone else having these problems or have any ideas how to fix?
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Aug 17, 2009
I have a 2 month old 13" MBP which I absolutely love. The only hitch is that there is an oddity when connected to my Dell 2008wfp display. It only happens when I wake the MBP from sleep. A number of things happen sometimes. Usuaully, when I wake the MBP from sleep, i get a black screen on both displays and all I can see and control is the cursor. Sometimes the main display will be black, but the MBP display will show the desktop wallpaper, but again, I can only see and control the mouse cursor. It should also be worth mentioning that the keyboard is rendered non-functional as well.
Sometimes, OS X will appear on both displays, with mouse cursor active, keyboard inactive, but I am unable to click anything or interact with anything OS X.
Anyway, I'm at the point where I need to mention this because it happens quite frequently and its getting rather annoying. The only way I can get out of this hang, is to cold reboot the machine. It happens everyday and at least 50% of the time I wake the MBP from sleep. When not connected to the display, I never get this occurrence. Also, this display worked perfectly when I used to own the classic 15" MBP, so its hard for me to pinpoint what exactly is the anomaly that is happening.
Anyone else experiencing this same issue? I am using a mini display port to DVI adapter to the Dell display.
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Nov 5, 2009
The AirPort on my new iMac 21.5'' 4670 is having problems these past couple of days. Every time I put the machine to Sleep and wake it up again, the AirPort cannot find any network. My wireless is fine and there are other wireless networks the machine can detect when it functions well. I have to restart the computer to have the AirPort work properly again. I thought it was a temporary issue, but after repeating a couple of times, it seems to be very easily recreated. And sometimes the AirPort does not function even from a restart. I have to restart another time to have it work.
Does anybody else have the similar problem? I hope it's just a software problem that will be addressed in 10.6.2.
(I posted here because it never happened on my other Macs before.)
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Sep 9, 2009
Just after my warranty expired I developed what I suspect will be an expensive problem. Upon awakening from sleep my computer cannot recognize the internal HD. I total freeze. If I power down & reboot everything works. If I boot the computer from an external HD clone of my internal HD a can put the computer to sleep and wake up without a problem EXCEPT:When I do this the computer removes the internal HD icon from the desktop and Iget a dialog box informing me that the internal HD was improperly disconnected.
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Nov 5, 2009
I have a 24" mid-2009 iMac, bought in June. It's behaving oddly over the past week or so. It fails to wake on sleep on the first attempt, but always succeeds on the second. When I say fails though, I mean that it *does* wake up, but goes back to sleep again after a few seconds. The other issue happened today, when I woke it up, in a cold room, the fans started up at full speed (I assume). It sounded terrifying to me as my iMac has never got that loud - not even playing games. I restarted it and it was the same, but died down after a while.
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Feb 21, 2012
Airport does not connect automatically after iMac waking from sleep
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 7, 2012
When waking from "sleep" the screen appears normal but, the pointer leaves a trail of grey as it moves and the whole screen will turn grey if I keep moving the pointer. The computer is effectively dead. Have to shut down by using power off for six seconds and then re-starting. I know little about computers!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 29, 2010
Sometimes when I open the MBP after it's been in sleep mode, the screen won't turn back on. I hear the disc drive power up, but nothing on the monitor. I have to turn the computer off and restart it.
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Mar 27, 2012
macbook pro doesn´t turn on BLUE screen,
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 25, 2014
So I bought my 13inch MacBook Pro Retina two weeks ago. 70% of the time when opening the lid the screen will not turn on but my keyboard backlight will. I then have to either close the lid and open again or press the power to put the system to sleep and wake again. It seems the system is working fine just not the screen.
I have tried the SMC and PRAM reset which seemed to work for half of the day, now the problem is back.
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May 25, 2012
my G5 was in sleep mode during 2 power outages. She will not turn back on, have tried unplgging, wait then replugging and turning powerstrip back on. Also tried holding down command,option, p & r keys along w/ powerbutton..I'm on my kindle fire rt now, but definitely need my Mac back up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Jul 18, 2010
This morning, I synced my iPod with my MacBook and upon completion and permission to disconnect the device, I pulled out the USB cord. At that point the computer instantly turned itself off, and when I hit the power button, I could hear the system trying to start up, but the screen remained black and the sleep light glowed continuously. I unplugged the charger, took out the battery and put it back in, and tried all the troubleshooting tips under the Apple Support guide with no success. I also discovered that when I closed the laptop while it was "on," it would seem to boot up a little more before returning to the black screen. I left it alone for a few hours, and when I tried again to turn it on, it booted up normally and as I was searching for updates, it shut down again as it had earlier.
Does anyone have anything for me to try? I don't want to have to take it into a shop because I can just barely afford to, but I need this computer! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-)
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Feb 28, 2012
Lately my iMac G5 doesn't go into sleep mode. I have it set to sleep after 20 minutes of no use.Also, I find the fan runs louder than normal.
iMac G5 20, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 20 inch 2.1 GHz G5 iMac
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Dec 3, 2014
I recently had my screen replaced because of a crack. Now I find when I open the laptop to use, after being on sleep mode. It momentarily turns blue, sort of flashes/glitches then works normally. Should I be concerned?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Mar 3, 2012
Is it that there is just too much going on for the system, I have my HD encrypted.
MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), HD encrypted
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Aug 9, 2010
my Imac is an Intel-based 2.4ghz with a 250 gb harddrive early 2008 model and my problem is it won't turn on. I just left my imac on sleep and then the power trip at my house, my imac was plug in a surge protector, and now it won't turn on.
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Jan 29, 2009
I can't remember the last time my iMac running 10.5.6 went to sleep by itself. The screen goes off, but it never goes into full sleep by itself. Airport is turned off, I put my cable modem in standby, never sleeps. I read somewhere in another forum that this was a bug with 10.5.6. Is that your experience?
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Jul 25, 2010
My iMac goes to sleep and doesn't want to wake up. I have to restart the ugly white thing to continue using it.
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