IMac PPC :: Power Outage G5 Was In Sleep, Now Won't Turn On
May 25, 2012
my G5 was in sleep mode during 2 power outages. She will not turn back on, have tried unplgging, wait then replugging and turning powerstrip back on. Also tried holding down command,option, p & r keys along w/ powerbutton..I'm on my kindle fire rt now, but definitely need my Mac back up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Mar 30, 2010
I put my i5 to sleep around midday, came home from work @ 4, and my iMac would not respond to keyboard, mouse, or power button mashing. My wife noted the power had gone out upon seeing the microwave clock. I checked the outlet (her Macbook was plugged into the other receptacle), and there's still power going to my machine.
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Sep 8, 2014
This is now the 4th time this has happened, but this time I have at least what I believe to be a cause. After a power outage of about 30 seconds this past thursday all of my printers attached to my imac have disappeared. Not only this, but when attempting to even press cmd p from any program that I could possibly print from slows down the system to a crawl, and eventually crashes. When going through system preferences the printers menu takes about 10 minutes even come up, and when it does, it's empty. When attempting to add a printer back the system once again slows to a halt eventually not responding. I've tried restarting multiple times, making a new user account (which worked for about 3 months the previous incident happened.) The only thing that has fully fixed this problem in the past was to re image the computer. Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 6, 2012
My 2007 intel imac lost power a while back and has been slow and somewhat erratic since that happened. My area suffered a power interuption that lasted a couple of minutes. When i turned the machine on the next day I used the disk utility to verify the disk and repaired permissions. the disk was fine but there were some permission errors which were repaired.After doing all that I found Finder could no longer search and find files, I could still access a file normaly but I could not search for a specific file or a group of files 9 .dmg for example)Firefox was very slow to fully load (30 seconds), one loaded the internet access was fine - 20 mbs or so. I downloaded the latest version of Firefox but it did no good.I had loaded Enequeue a week before the failure occured and that stopped woking. When i would click on a song in my library it would just hang.console error msg indicated the library had changed.A remote printer that had worked fine before the event was no longer reachable. I can see the printer but I can't print to it and if I try to modify the printer settings in CUPS I have to reload the printer driver on the remote machine (a 27" 2011 Imac) because that computer shows the printer as being paused.
All of this seems like it's either a permissions problem or a corrupt system file. I've done the following ton try and fix it Used Disk utility to verify the diskUse disk utility to repair disk permissionsDone a safe mode startReset all the plists.This older imac is used mostly to access my music files on the new Imac, I then use the optical audio output to feed an outboard DAC attached to me stereo in the living room. The new imac is backed up daily but this one is not because it really doesn't have any data on it. It seems that i should be able to fix this without reinstalling everything. Both machines are running OSX 10.6.8.Is there anything else i can try or should i just reformat the disk and reinstall OSX?
Imac intel 2.4ghz, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Jun 7, 2009
My power went out while I was using my iMac today. I was wondering if this could have caused any damage to the computer and if I have to run any utilities etc to investigate?
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May 20, 2012
My iMac has no more sound after a power outage. I fear the soundchip is fried. I've tried all things like reparing permissions and verifying disk. I've read something about PRAM resetting?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), iOS 5.1.1
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Oct 2, 2006
I'm currently out of the country doing field research and just the other night, there was a power outage here and now my ibook won't start up. Of course, being in a "third world" country, I wasn't able to invest in a good power surage protector.
Is my computer dead for good?
I have a lot of work that needs to be done and my computer is essential here. Anyway, I can rescue my computer? I press the power button and it does absolutely nothing.
What do you people think might be the problem and how much am I looking at to fix this?
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Sep 21, 2009
well i've had my mac for about 5 months now, its a OS X 10.5.8 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 1067MHz DDR3. I have an AX and it has worked flawlessly until about an hour ago. The power in my barracks went out, (im a Marine by the way) and all of a sudden i can't connect. I've tried resetting everything (i.e. the AX, the internet, and my mac) many times and nothing has worked. I've restarted my computer, the light is green on the AX, and my mac says im connected, but i can't get to the internet.
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May 17, 2010
My computer temporarily shutdown after a power outage. Something I was downloading on vuze went from 50% complete down to 0%. I presume vuze has lost it due to the crash. Any ideas on how I can get it to 'remember' again?
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May 9, 2009
Yesterday evening there was a little lightening here abouts and the whole town lost power for around seven hours (I do not believe my home was struck, just the utility.) Upon manual restart, the date and time on my eMac had reverted to I think December 1977. Odd, because the PRAM battery is less than a year old, and they generally last me three to five years. Also now, when I start up my eMac, Airport asks me to choose a network to join and then asks me to enter a pass word. The Network Preference remains checked, "Remember any network this computer has joined." What ever could have happened, and how do I fix this?
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Jun 7, 2012
1- I have a Mac mini server running in the basement on a flat screen TV, I use this as my home enertainment center. There are Apple TVs on the rest of the TV's in the house and I have home sharing onÂ
2- thunder storms have caused a power outageÂ
3- The library has been cleaned. The items i still had for down load are still down loading, but all my movies, songs, apps, ect are not listed. Â
4- I was always going to get around to backing it up, and didn't. Iknow, I knowÂ
I think all the items are still there, I tunes just can't find them. One of the two hard drives was approaching full and i was looking at relocating the itunes files to the second hard drive, BUT being a novice with computers I was stumbling and never got it done. I had looked into it and remember scrolling through the screens that had been listed in forums. How do i search for Itunes files? the program runs, but the data is not there?How do i teach Itunes to look where i dropped the files when and if i find them? Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mac mini server
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Jun 23, 2014
I rebooted after a power outage, which switched off my mac. Booting up it took a long time, maybe 30Â min. Since then every task takes a very long time eg. to open mail 3 min. I got disk utility to open, my boot drive comes up in red, I still havent got any info on it.
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Mar 21, 2009
i just got my new imac 2 days ago. I was wondering is there another to turn on the power without pressing the power from button? (cuz i remember u can power on from the keyboard b4)
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Nov 4, 2010
Will this have done any damage? The macbook pro was not powered up, but I had the the mac ac adapter plugged into a power strip with the magsafe adapter connected to the laptop, since I keep it plugged into ac all the time at my desk. The power strip was on while the power outage happened. I had the 3 prong extender cord of the magsafe plugged into the power strip. The power outage was due to a problem with some power lines in my neighborhood, not from a surge of overuse of fuses in my home, so my whole block was without power for about 2 hours.I did notice the power strip has always had 2 lights on; one red, not protected, & one green, grounded. The outlets in my room are only 2 prong, so I have a 2 to 3 prong adapter plugged into the wall that the power strip plugs into. I know this is not the best, but my house is a 1950's era house, & I do not have the knowledge & have safety concerns about trying to convert my bedroom outlets to 3 prong. I hope this did not cause damage to my macbook pro. Is there anything I need to do before powering the mac on to use the next time? besides convert my 2 prong outlet to 3 prong? will there be any static charge? this outage happened on a very hot & dry day in my area.
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May 8, 2010
I'm not entirely sure how long my iMac has been doing this, maybe two weeks? When I try to wake it from sleep, the screen does not turn on. At all. At first I thought this was because my mouse and keyboard might not be functioning correctly, naturally the only remedy was to turn the computer off with the power button and to restart it (which took an abnormally long time). Today I remote connected with Back to my Mac screen sharing and it did not turn on either. I know it was awake because when I pressed the brightness buttons on the keyboard, it responded on my MBA's view of the screen. Normally, Back to my Mac does turn the screen back on. Anyone else have the same problem? It doesn't seem to matter WHEN it goes to sleep either. I've tried resetting the PRAM already and no dice.
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Aug 9, 2010
my Imac is an Intel-based 2.4ghz with a 250 gb harddrive early 2008 model and my problem is it won't turn on. I just left my imac on sleep and then the power trip at my house, my imac was plug in a surge protector, and now it won't turn on.
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Aug 6, 2010
I left my iMac on overnight last night to finish downloading some stuff. I woke up and all our clocks are flashing, so we must've had a blackout. Anyway, I went to check the progress of my downloads, and the iMac was off. I pushed the power button and nothing happened. No fan noise, HDD noise, nothing. I've been trying for almost two hours now and nothing is working.
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Jun 19, 2014
When I need to go somewhere or just eat lunch, I put my iMac to sleep. After that, when I come back to wake it back up, it stays black.
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Nov 30, 2009
Just got a replacement imac 27 stock C2D yesterday for a defective one I had earlier, however, I couldn't get this new one to turn on till just a few hours ago. I just figured out the power button needs quite of bit of pressure to turn on. Seemingly just pressing it until it clicks isn't enough. Should this be looked at or is this normal?
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Feb 15, 2009
I just bought my Intel-based iMac last night and it took forever to turn on out of the box. I guess I made a mistake by doing a "soft" power down last night, because this morning it will NOT turn on. I've tried using the power button and waiting. I've tried unplugging and plugging it back in, and then using the power button, and waiting. Nothing works. I've been a PC user for 20 years and just bought this, my first Mac, last night. I think I've made a huge mistake! How the heck do you turn these things on????
iMac Intel Based
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Jul 22, 2009
First, sorry for the longer post - I have to explain everything. I just bought a 24-inch iMac, Mac OS X 10.5.7, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB, 1067 MHz DDR3. I also just bought an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) from CyberPower. Everything's great, but I still have this one question which is bugging me. What happens when my iMac is in sleep mode and the power goes out? I have set the settings so that my iMac shuts down after 10 minutes of "battery" (UPS) usage, but I am not sure if it will do that when in sleep mode? The UPS is connected to my iMac via USB cable so that they communicate to each other in the case of the power outage, etc. This is what somebody wrote elsewhere on this topic: "Using the Deep Sleep widget, I've worked around this issue: I changed the default sleep behavior to Safe Sleep (hibernation+sleep).When I'm on the grid, my computer will now safe sleep after 3 hours of non-use. If I go off the grid and onto UPS while the MP is awake, the Energy Saver preferences will safe sleep after 1 minute. If for some reason this doesn't occur, Energy Saver will invoke a shut down after 5 minutes. If I go off the grid and onto UPS while the MP is safe sleeping, no big deal since contents are written to the HDD and RAM with this configuration."
I've downloaded the Deep Sleep widget and am using it now. Obviously, the user up there is using a MacPro, and not an iMac, but it should work the same. So, I am not concerned about losing data, and blah, blah, blah... what I am most concerned about is my iMac not working properly because it wasn't shut down properly. I know that there is a very low risk of this happening, but I've spent big bucks on this iMac and I want to make sure that it is shut down properly 100% of the time, if I can help it. If my iMac loses power when in deep sleep, will it be ok? Obviously, I am still using the UPS in deep sleep, but that UPS (battery) power will not last long and will shut down. I am going to turn my iMac off when I don't plan on using it for several days, but if I'm just out and about and the power goes out and my iMac is in deep sleep, will it be ok with the power going off? I contacted CyberPower and this is what they had to say after a long back-and-forth. "You will want to use the deepsleep tool. I had the belief that sleep was the same as windows hibernation where everything is saved to disk. Since deepsleep will save to the hard disk, you would not lose anything when the power is lost when the battery runs out." Despite all of this, I wanted to hear what everyone else thinks about this, especially those of you who might have experience with this kind of stuff. What do the rest of you do when it comes to UPS, etc.?
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Jun 19, 2008
I have a 20" intel-based dual core Mac which i have had for about since early 2006, i haven't had any big issues with it until a few days ago when it suddenly shut itself down and refused to power back up. I ran through the checklist that Apple Support provides, including resetting the SMC by unplugging everything and waiting 15 seconds or so but none of it worked. Eventually I just left the power cord unplugged overnight and in the morning I plugged it back in.
After having the power cord plugged in for a few hours and the machine turned off, i tried pressing the power button again and to my amazement it powered back on! Immediately i ran the TechTool Deluxe software that came with my extended protection plan (now expired) and everything was fine. Later that night however, I had left my computer on for a few hours before returning to it and realizing it had shut itself off again. Now I am back to where I started, going through the checklist provided by Apple and am really starting to get concerned. Does anyone know of anything else I can do, short of taking it in to an Apple store? Or is something needed to be replaced?
IMAC-Intel (Early 2006)
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jul 1, 2009
my iMac won't turn on. The day before yesterday happened the same thing, but after a few tries with the power button, it eventually turned on - and all ok yesterday. Both the day before yesterday and today, the general power was turned off for some minutes, but the iMac wasn't running. So now, I've tried to reset the SMC, removing everything attached, but nothing.
At least I can clearly hear the tic tic tic button, probably of the timer, because I set up a schedule to let it turn on at a certain hour. What can I do? It's a white iMac, never had a problem.
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Aug 22, 2014
As the title states, I can no longer put my computer to sleep using the power button. I have to put it to sleep using the mouse. I miss the convenience of the power button. The window for energy saver is not like the display in support, it is missing the "Allow the power button to put the computer to sleep" option. Very strange. I am running an older desktop (2009) with Mavericks, fully updated. 10.9.4
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 7, 2014
iMac 27 locking up after sleep mode requiring full power shut down and rebooting in safe mode then shutting down and rebooting normally.. Permissions and this check show no errors, the only error sleep mode failure. Boot up is very slow as well as wake up when possible is slow. Yosemite seems to need a new release in order to correct the boot problems. System operates more like a Windows machine than Apple machine what's going on?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 27, 2012
I still use this old PowerMac G4 (hopefully Apple builds a new MacPro soon!) and when not using it, it is in sleep mode.Unfortunately my cats like to touch the keyboard, thus waking up my Mac.Is it possible to wake the mac only by pressing the power button?
Dual 1 GHz PowerPC G4, Mac OS X (10.5.8),
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Feb 19, 2012
Older Power Mac G5 Dual Quad will not turn on. Just turned off while working. Good news everything backed up. Can anyone offer help to solve problem??
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Dec 2, 2010
i'm typing this with a look of scared-********ness on my face...Ok, so i had my MBP (i think it's the 4,1 model, 2.6 core2duo with 4gb ram BTO) connected to my tv and a couple of external hard drives, set it to sleep last night with the lid open, hit the spacebar this morning to wake it and nothing happened
I disconnected frok everything and tried the following to no avail:-Holding the power button turns it off but hitting it again brings it back to the same state, sounds like it's working but keys don't respond and monitor's off.-I tried resetting PRAM but keys don't respond-Took off battery, held power button down for 20 seconds-Took out the two RAM chips and swapped them around-Tried reconnecting the TV to see if it would re-detect monitors-Closed the lid to see if it'll re-sleep and wake up properly but what it does is that the light on the front lights up but doesn't start blinkingAt this point i can't think of anything else to do so please help me out!I'm taking out both battery and RAM chips and leaving it on the bed in hopes it will lose all charge and memory of this ****-up.Btw, there's no warranty and no applecare on it, if push comes to shove i will take it to an applestore but one: i can't really afford that right now and two: i don't really trust them here in greece
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Feb 17, 2009
I keep hitting Suspend Activity... to save my old HD... then 5 minutes later I suddenly remember something I needed to do and fire it up again.... I manage to do this about 20 times a day and was wondering if it might be better for the HD to leave it to go to sleep all on its own. Does the physical effort of re starting each time put more strain on my HD than leaving it on. I have an "OLD" Pismo G3 and have night mares about it crashing for good, 'cos i cant afford a new Mac for the moment.
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Jun 22, 2014
My early 2011 17inch macbook pro wont turn on after going to sleep. So i switched it off and then turned it back on again. the laptop wont boot. No chime, a blank screen and the sleep light stays on. I tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. No luck. So i left it switched off for a couple of hours. Then i tried switching it back on, It BOOTED!
I got my screen replaced last year Under APPLE care. Ever Since that i have been having problems with my laptop. My speakers started jarring and got it replaced, My battery had to be replaced. i did a hardware test and it said i dont have any problem.
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