ICloud :: How Long Does It Take For Changes To Appear
Mar 28, 2012iCloud: how long should it take for changes made on one device to appear in my others?
View 5 RepliesiCloud: how long should it take for changes made on one device to appear in my others?
View 5 RepliesHow long does it take to load iCloud on my Mac? I am up to the part where it is 'accessing account information' and its been going for hours. I dont have a huge amount of things on mobile me.. What sort of information is it accessing, from mobile me or my computer too? Where can I check to see how long it has to go, or in fact has it crashed and I dont know? The wheel is spinning!
iWeb '08
How long does it take to "access account information" when you are moving from MobileMe to icloud? It has been churning for quite some time. Does it take even longer once you "access account information"?
I just did a clean reinstall on my mac and it needed to install some files and it is installing and it has been sitting on running itunes installer script for about an hour and doesnt seem to be doing much. Is this normal? I don't want to reset the computer in case something messes up
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Imac.When we moved from mobile me to icloud, the calendar no longer pushes to icloud.Message in calendar is: The calendar url... was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
A couple of weeks ago my IMAC 24 started taking a long time to bootup, 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
It starts with a blank white screen for 1:45, then a black & white blinking world icon comes up for 2:15, then a blinking black & white Apple icon comes on for 30 seconds, then a pale blue blank screen for 20 seconds. Then the wallpaper comes on and it seems to go to a regular boot from there. Where can I access what is happening during all of this 5:20?
I am a new MBA Owner, not even a week only yet but like everyone I'm confused how I lived before without this thing, it goes everywhere with me! My post pertains to power management. I have been taking the AIR with me everywhere but just closing the lid and stowing it instead of turning the machine off. My question is how long will the AIR last in Standby mode? I understand it depends on how much you use it on a daily basis but do some users charge it in the morning and just pop it open throughout the day like a cell phone? Do some users actually turn the machine off each time?
View 9 Replies View Relatedim just curious (and maybe a slight bit worried) about how long my macbook air should last on a full battery. it seems like it gets less and less all the time. its not my primarily used cmputer (i use my iMac mostly) but i still use my MBA most days whether it be in bed or on my travels to friends' houses etc.
when i do use it ive usually got a socket handy so its always charging and when its in the house not being used, its pretty much always on charge which means the battery running out isnt a big deal but the few times i actually don't have the MBA on charge it seems to run out pretty quickly. i do tend to run a lot of programs, however.
how long should partitioning normaly take? i'm partitioning my 250 gb harddrive in my UMBP (2,4ghz) and it has been busy untill this verry moment, and I started it 5 hours ago. is this normal? would every bit of progression be lost if I quit the proces and restart it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn Mail, when you add an account, why does it take so ridiculously long to verify with no way to skip verification? At first I thought this was just my system but I've now had a friend ask me why it's so slow (took 17 minutes) and he's on a different ISP and everything. This means that 100% of the computers I've seen take an unacceptably long time to verify the account. This problem only appears to affect Apple Mail. I find it hard to believe that Apple could release something this bad, so I have two questions:
1. Is this normal?
2. Why does it happen?
We're all used to the idea of technology, memory, price, and TIME. But how long do you think before you can get a 512 GB SSD for around $200? I'm guessing 2 years, and by that time SSDs will become standard and everyone will be asking around that time what could possibly make Hard drives faster. It would even be perfect to replace your old hard drive instead of buying a new computer, just back up your data and re-install the OS and you practically have a brand new computer. And of course by that time there will be SSDs that surpass the current Intel ones.
View 13 Replies View RelatedHow long does your MBP battery last when your doing ur stuff like internet, gaming etc etc. and your brightness of ur screen, wifi turned on etc?
View 6 Replies View Related1. How long does it usually take to be validated? Mine hasn't yet, but no worries.
2. On the page where it shows your coverage and stuff, is the picture there supposed to be the same as your Mac? Because it shows a blackbook and mines evidently not black
Ok, I've got my MacBook Air, it's great, but, I have no plans to buy another computer for at least 2 years. So, under normal to heavy drive use, will the SSD hold up for that time?
View 17 Replies View RelatedHow long does it take to download Lion? I have been waiting over 1.5 hours. I have broadband through my university so there is plenty of bandwidth.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How long does it take to download Mac OS X v10.7 Lion?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), trying to upgrade
I realized that the reason I couldn't get iCloud up and running on my MacBook Pro is because I hadn't upgraded to OS X Lion. So I purchased the new version in the App Store and started the download. By the next morning it was still downloading. And when I got home from work today, still downloading.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm looking to upgrade from my current MBP to a higher performing one. I bought my current mid-2011 13" for basic use, word processing, internet, etc. I now work at an internet marketing and design agency though and it's not performing well enough for my needs.I run a fair number of programs (evernote, skype, ical, excel, word, itunes, firefox, and chrome with a bunch of tabs open at once) at the same time and my RAM (currently 4gb) is always maxed out right now. My current computer also won't handle photoshop, which I need to be able to use (not all day, everyday, but I do need to be able to use it). I'd like to be able to run Boot Camp or Parallels as well. I spent a few hours today researching and got it down to roughly 2 options. My main issue between the two is long term value, which one will work the longest/be worth the most in 3-4 years when I want to upgrade.
Option 1. Buy a 15" MBP 2.6ghz Retina with 16GM Ram upgrade. I know this is more than enough for my needs, I would mainly be buying this with the hope it would last a long time and so be worth it. My main problem with the Retina is the inability to upgrade so I feel like I have to make sure I get everything on the front end. (Cost $3k)
Option 2. Buy a standard 15" MBP knowing that I could upgrade to a SSD and add more RAM when I need it. My thinking is that RAM and SSDs are only going to get cheaper so why not just hold out for if/when I need it.
So which option do you think I should choose? If I go with option 2, is it worth it to upgrade to the 2.6ghz processor? I would get the 8gb RAM either way so it would effectively be a $300 upgrade.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Just curious to what other users are experiencing. How long does it take to shut down your computer (for those that are on OS X Mavericks)? I purchased a Macbook Air 11-inch, 2014 last week and noticed it's taking about 12-14 seconds to completely shut down the computer. Just wanted to gauge if my experience is "normal" or something I need to resolve.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to download Cloud 1.I put my Apple ID and Password in.It didn't take.I changed my password and it still didn't take.Also, when I tried to download mobile me, it wanted my 'member name and ID'.Is that separate? All I want to do, actually , is sink my contacts in Yahoo to gmail on safari.I was able to do that on Mail in Mac, but not on Safari.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
mail will not accept my apple password since setting up iCloud?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm in the UK but the only ICloud time zone I'm offered is the Pacific. I'd be grateful for suggestions on how to sync my calendar in the week view with BST. At present the nearest I can get is the Azores.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
In Account Information Outgoing Mail Server says: iCloud is offline. But apple says it is on line?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Good day everyone. A few months ago I asked for help regarding my browsers constant crashing. The problems still exist. I am taking some online courses since I lost my job a few months ago, but it has become impossible to complete these courses because my browsers keep crashing. I tried Safari, Opera, Firefox, and even Netscape, but they all keep crashing. I took advice from one of the people who responded. That person suggested that I created a New Account with Safari alone as my browser, but Safari also crashed with that new account. What else can I do? I paid for these online courses but I cannot keep my browsers open long enough to even finish the first session.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy iBook has lain dormant for the last 6 months. The battery of course has therefore run down. I plugged it in to power, left it plugged in overnight. But when I turn on the power switch, I heard a whirring noise, and then silence. a couple of times, it actually powered up and my desktop showed up, but then in a few seconds, it turned itself off.
Is there any way I can get the computer to tun on and stay on?
I have about 22GB or about 23,500 items to be emptied from the trash. Most of items are just jpg images. I just started to commence emptying and it is taking approximate 1sec to delete one item. So by calculation, it will take 6.5 hrs. !
At same time, I'm just doing my normal spread sheet work.
Is there anything wrong?
Am trying to use Mail (version 3.6 on OS 10.5.8) and when I view a message would like to be able the 'To' and 'Cc' fields without having to use Long Headers or Raw Source options (which I found under the View - Message menu). These give far too much unnecessary information, but I need to be able to easily see who else the message has been sent to. This seems really basic for an email program and I suspect it is really obvious, but I've looked everywhere and on the web with no answers!
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen you MBA reaches 0% charge - it auto sleeps the machine in hopes that you will soon charge it.
how long you have to actually get it plugged in?
I had the white model from 2006 and it lasted around 3 hours.
My Aluminum MacBook lasts 4.5 to 5 hours, depending on if I watch video
It lasts 2.5 to 3 if I'm watching or editing video
Something happened to trash! It used to just say "empty" as the empty button. It now reads "empty securly" and takes way too long to empty plus it slows my laptop down. Im using a 17' macbook pro.
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