Intel Mac :: When Moved From Mobileme To Icloud / Calendar No Longer Pushes To Icloud
May 20, 2012
I have Imac.When we moved from mobile me to icloud, the calendar no longer pushes to icloud.Message in calendar is: The calendar url... was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct.
I have moved my account to icloud but cannot get the mails on my macbook air and get the message: Moved: [URL] when I try and synchronize in mail. I am using OSX 10.6.8.
After I moved to iCloud it took few days for my mail account [URL] to work on my iphone and PC computer but is still gray on my macmini and would not allow me to access at all.
When I have a new event in Calendar on ICloud, I sometimes like to have "alerts" more than two days out. For instance my drivers license expires in July and I want a 30 day reminder but I see no way to set an alert that far out in the calendar in ICloud. ICal had (has) that ability.Â
Writing this on behalf of my dad who is not that technical, he is the one having this problem. First he noticed that mail in his the was not working. He then tried logging into iCloud on the web but could not. He has one Apple ID which won't allow you to login anywhere, not iCloud, nor even this Apple Support Page.The Apple ID and password are definately correct and have never been changed. We have tried going to [url] to reset the password. After entering the Apple ID and hitting next, then selecting the option to answer security questions, first question, date of birth, comes back and says date of birth does not match records. So went back and selected email authentication. It then says that an email has been sent. The problem here is that he cannot access his email to receive the email notification. Mail is not working because of the problem with the account. Also cannot log into iCloud either to receive the email. I don't really want to create a new Apple ID, as this will cause a lot of hassle.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MobileMe iCloud Account
I installed Lion on one of my MacBooks and am moving to iCloud from Mobile Me. I need to keep using 10.6.8 on my work MacBook for use with Adobe applications that I use daily. Will I stilll be able to access my Mail account on the MacBook that isn't running Lion?
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
the emails I have not deleted from my mac-book will not be available after I switch to iCloud? Also, I have an iPhone4 and an original iPad. Will these, along with my mac-book, still be compatible? IE synched?
My wife has a MobileMe family account email address - I want to make sure I don't lose her email when I switch to iCloud.  Anything I should know or do before I switch?
In the past, if I didn't move forward when Apple moved forward, all that happened was that I did not have access to new features.This time, with the demise of MobileMe and the introduction of iCloud, if I don't move forward I lose features, but even worse, even if I do move forward, I still lose features. In particular, the lack of syncronization under iCloud of Mail's Rules, Accounts, and Smart Mailboxes means that on our several machines I have to manually do updates multiple times, which of course leads to multiple mistakes. In my view, what Apple has done has the look and feel of customer abuse, something usually attributed to another large tech company. I can't avoid losing functionality, whether or not I move forward with Apple.Â
I have been reading the discussions and trying to get my email on my Outlook to work. I can receive emails on my iphone and ipads, but no longer on my Outlook. I have already moved my account from mobileme to icloud.Â
Apparently I allowed iCloud to delete all of my calendar and reminder information from my Mac.Can I restore it from iCloud, if not can I restore it from Time Machine?
One of an ongoing series of issues moving to Lion (whatta workout!). This one involves Mail and iCloud. Porting my MobilMe to iCloud has been problematic - I' ve been asked to do it three or four times, with each time being succesful when viewing through Safari. But now I've realized that the iCloud mail is not being picked up by Mail on my iMac (2009). I go to System Preferences to see if I can do something about it, but iCloud isn't there - just MobileMe.
So I click on MobileMe and (again) it asks me to move everything to iCloud. I do this and some error is generated (can't get it to replicate & don't recall what it was), and I can't sign in - it doesn't recognize my login, although I'm still currently in iCloud via Safari - clear as mud? Yikes. Bottom line: Mail can't get at iCloud mail to download, and sign-in seems broken. In 25 years on a Mac, I've never come across this level of Windows-like challenges.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5
My iMac is too old to upgrade to Lion, so when I switch from MobileMe to iCloud, I understand that I will no longer be able to use my desktop mail app to retrieve mail, and my calendars and contacts will no longer be in sync with my iPad and iPhone. So when I switch over to iCoud, is there any work-around for this so that I can continue to use the desktop mail app on my iMac or otherwise get mail on my desktop, and keep my mail, calendars and contacts synced between my iMac, iPad and iPhone?
Info: MacBook, iMac, iPhone, eMac, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
I've activated icloud and its caused problems with my calenders. if i stop it will i loose all my calender events. Its duplicated and removed some for my mobile devices.
I have an old pre-Intel G5 Mac desktop and want to keep using Mobile me Mail and Entourage because they work so well and I have been using them for 10 years. I cannot get the mail system to work having moved everything else to iCloud. Followed the instructions but it just does not work and the server will not accept my password. Any ideas?
Why am i have trouble registering my imac with iCould i have managed to configure all my other products over to iCloud but can not do the same with my imac it will not sync. I have tried deleting and adding the account again still no luck.
I need to print my entire 2011 calendar for tax purposes. How do I go about doing this? I never dreamed it would be so difficult! Help please. If I have to go week by week, I think I might be sick.
I have an iPhone with my Work calendar Synced with my work computer (outlook Calendar). Also, I have iMac 27" i5 with my Home calendar (iCal).This has worked fine and separetly for the last 3years.My home calenders allow me to organise my life with payments and is very important. My work calendar, well that speaks for it's self. I install iOS5 on iPhone and Lion on the iMac which unbekownence to me have iCloud syncing on and doing stuff that has totally corupted my iMac Home Calendar.My home calendar has my work calander mixed in with my home calendar and reminders popup every few minutes that I have already dissmissed.They won't stop popping up.The same one over and over and they go back a month or more.Additionally, when I try to add an event it sometimes puts it in very day instead of a monthly re-ocurring event and then it won't delete the event.I've tried to turn off iCloud, and it does all the right things and appears to turn off but then when I go back in it is on again.The Work Calendar (Windows 7 Office 2010) doesn't show any symptoms and has kept working as it should on my work computer as on the iPhone. Neither appear to be effected.I've tried all the delete files and reinsralls but iCal seems to just get more confused. It renames calendars and is totally out of control to the point of no return.I can't find any where which shows how to delete iCal and do a fresh install of iCal and not have iCloud sync.I have searched Google for months and months with no joy.What I need is to stop iCloud and it off permently as it appears to be a problem for how I use my apps. I do not want to use iCloud for calander or anything just yet.I need to get my original .ics backup in iCal that I have and working on it's own and with out the cloud or syncing.
Info: || iMac 27" i5 and 20" G5 || Macbook intel & iBook G4 ||, Mac OS X (10.5), || iMac i5 and G5 || Macbook and iBook ||