MacBook Air :: How Long (on Average) Will The SSD Last
Jun 24, 2010
Ok, I've got my MacBook Air, it's great, but, I have no plans to buy another computer for at least 2 years. So, under normal to heavy drive use, will the SSD hold up for that time?
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Nov 24, 2008
Like, click on Safari on the new MBA (does the SSD have anything to do with it?). How long does it take to launch, as well as some other apps?
What about on Rev A MBA? (non-SSD)
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Sep 5, 2010
My Macbook Pro keeps a constant temperature of approximately 80-85 degrees Celsius with only the internet browser running. Is this too high? I have also talked about my computer shutting off on games that were not very graphic intensive like Torchlight.
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Sep 12, 2014
My load average is often ridiculous. For example, when I wake from sleep it's usually 45 or so. Even when I'm doing nothing with the machine (CPU is about 10% in each core) I still see load averages of 1.2 to 1.6 or so.Is there a way to figure out what is causing the load?
Macbook unibody 2.4, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 6, 2010
I just bought a new Macbook Pro this week but as much as I love it, I still need to plus it 2-3 hours into(Full use tho) it's use. The up to 10 hours of use is obviously for standby time?
What is the average battery use time you get when using the computer fully WITHOUT being plugged? is there anything that I can do to make it last longer?
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Feb 5, 2009
I have a PowerMac G5 running tiger and am having painfully slow internet connection speed. There are 2 comps hooked to the router from the modem(my MAC and a PC), then another Router between the MAC and an XBOX 360. The other comp has consistently fast internet speed. I pinged [URL] and got the average above, no packet loss. I have:
-reset modem and both routers
-contacted my ISP all ok there
-bypassed the both routers and still slow(this leading me to think its a software-settings problem on my end)
-reinstalled OS
still slow. besides preforming a seance I am clueless, which isnt saying much.
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Jul 1, 2012
I have a mid 2011 27" iMac (the one with thunderbolt) and the display is starting to fail after 1 year of average use (an hour of use every day on average).The display is now much dimmer on the left half of the display (the GPU sits underneath that portion) and also flickers the whole display now and then to a lower brightness.I am about 45 days out of warranty and basically will have to cough up $500 to have it fixed by Apple.Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? The genius bar employee thought that it was something he has seen happen to displays when exposed to heat over long periods of time.So basically playing starcraft 2 and doing video encoding killed my display if you believe that to be the cause.Are there any conditions in which apple would recognize this as a manufacturing defect and fix it free of charge? Otherwise it looks like im writing a check for $500 next week.
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Jun 6, 2009
I recently acquired an Airport Extreme Base Station. Its the previous generation - i.e. the one that does not have the dual band technology. I am getting extremely poor upload speeds to this drive while trying to backup (using time machine) or transferring even small files. Generally the transfer speeds are less than 1 mb/sec. Is this normal? I was under the impression that under wireless N, these transfer speeds would be much faster. I am literally within 5 feet of the router.
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Jan 1, 2006
I was just looking at the battery info for my PB which is about 1.5 years old. It says that my cycle count is 59. I was wondering how many cycles the average battery will do with a reasonable charge time? My absolute max capacity is 4400. I found the information with the following command:
ioreg -l -w 0 | grep IOBatteryInfo
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May 2, 2012
I'm in IT at a shop that is 98% Mac based. At this point in time, we would like to use Lion Server to provide Time Machine backups and software updates to our users. The environment is as follows: We are all using laptops, connecting to our network and the internet using wireless only. The mini has an ethernet cable attached and wireless will not be enabled for it. All Time Machine backups and software updates will be done wirelessly. The backups will be mostly text files, although in some instances there will be large amounts of said files. Of course I will limit and exclude certain folders and file types from backup and I would like to have the user do their first backup via firewire/thunderbolt so the largest amount of data will not be pushed over the air. I'm currently running tests with a few users doing just Time Machine backups to the Mini and all is going well, but I'm curious as to how many people I will be able to place on one Mini before it becomes too much. We have about 70 users now and could be close to 100 by the end of the year. We are a company that will continue to grow too. Anyone have thoughts or experience with a large user base doing backups to a Mini like this? How many users could I fit on each Mini? Would I be better off just going for the Mac Pro?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 2, 2010
i've got a 6 year old 12 inch powerbook G4 1.33 ghz that has internet speeds around 5177kbps, but overall its a bit dated sooo I wanted something a bit more new. I recently picked up a white 2.4 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook, HOWEVER the internet wireless speeds on it is dismal in comparison. I'm getting download speeds on average around 405kbps and upload speeds are pretty much non-existant! I've matched both of them to the same internet settings and they are both running 10.5.8. So again I'm stumped and if anybody can give me some idea as to what to do, Id greatly appreciate it!
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Jun 5, 2009
I've been looking at a number of different Firewire 800 enclosures to use with my new Mac Mini and I have seen lots of complaints with almost all the enclosures that I have investigated, including the Newertech MiniStack v3 which I thought should be a good one. A recent enclosure I came across that I haven't seen any bad reviews about is the Icy Dock (MB559UEB-1S). I'd like to know if others are using this and what they think about it. The next question has to do with the type of hard drive to put into the enclosure. Is it worth getting a high performance drive, or will the Firewire 800 interface be the bottleneck even with an average speed drive?
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Feb 19, 2009
I apologists straight away if this have been covered recently, but i need to ask.I have MacBook with Intel Core Due Processor, 2 GB ram.What is the average temperature CPU temperature for standard usage ( I know that standard usage is very arbitrary, and by this I assume safari, iTunes and let say Pages to be the only major apps running ).I use iStat pro widget and according to it my CPU temperature is 55*C. Is this too high? Lately the fan has been turning on more recently almost without any apps running so I think that there might be some hardware problem. I ran HardwareTest it found nothing.
The macbook is 2 yrs old. Do i need to get it cleaned or is there something else I should be worrying about?
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Sep 21, 2006
Just had to replace the logic board on my PMG4 DP 1.25GHz machine. For the life of me, I can't remember the operating temperature before I swapped the board. Currently it's running at 130F - 140F. This seem about right for the other folks running these machines?
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Mar 2, 2010
Is it normal for my CPU to be averaging 75�C? sometimes 80�C. I've a 3 windows from FireFox open, Thunderbird and the finder window.
iStat says the following:
HD 34�C
CPU 74�C
Enclosure Base 33�C
Enclosure Base 2 33�C
Enclosure Base 3 30�C
Enclosure Base 4 35�C
Heatsink B 60�C
Northbridge 47�C
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Jun 23, 2008
I am a new MBA Owner, not even a week only yet but like everyone I'm confused how I lived before without this thing, it goes everywhere with me! My post pertains to power management. I have been taking the AIR with me everywhere but just closing the lid and stowing it instead of turning the machine off. My question is how long will the AIR last in Standby mode? I understand it depends on how much you use it on a daily basis but do some users charge it in the morning and just pop it open throughout the day like a cell phone? Do some users actually turn the machine off each time?
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Feb 13, 2009
im just curious (and maybe a slight bit worried) about how long my macbook air should last on a full battery. it seems like it gets less and less all the time. its not my primarily used cmputer (i use my iMac mostly) but i still use my MBA most days whether it be in bed or on my travels to friends' houses etc.
when i do use it ive usually got a socket handy so its always charging and when its in the house not being used, its pretty much always on charge which means the battery running out isnt a big deal but the few times i actually don't have the MBA on charge it seems to run out pretty quickly. i do tend to run a lot of programs, however.
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Aug 5, 2009
We're all used to the idea of technology, memory, price, and TIME. But how long do you think before you can get a 512 GB SSD for around $200? I'm guessing 2 years, and by that time SSDs will become standard and everyone will be asking around that time what could possibly make Hard drives faster. It would even be perfect to replace your old hard drive instead of buying a new computer, just back up your data and re-install the OS and you practically have a brand new computer. And of course by that time there will be SSDs that surpass the current Intel ones.
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Oct 13, 2009
How long does your MBP battery last when your doing ur stuff like internet, gaming etc etc. and your brightness of ur screen, wifi turned on etc?
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Jul 1, 2014
Just curious to what other users are experiencing. How long does it take to shut down your computer (for those that are on OS X Mavericks)? I purchased a Macbook Air 11-inch, 2014 last week and noticed it's taking about 12-14 seconds to completely shut down the computer. Just wanted to gauge if my experience is "normal" or something I need to resolve.
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Dec 23, 2008
When you MBA reaches 0% charge - it auto sleeps the machine in hopes that you will soon charge it.
how long you have to actually get it plugged in?
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Jan 7, 2009
I had the white model from 2006 and it lasted around 3 hours.
My Aluminum MacBook lasts 4.5 to 5 hours, depending on if I watch video
It lasts 2.5 to 3 if I'm watching or editing video
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May 24, 2009
Just bought a new MB unibody! How long should I charge battery on first charge? Also, can I use it or do I need to fully charge first???
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Aug 3, 2009
I just got a new mbp 15 inch and I calibrated the battey over night. At 8am est I plugged it in so it could be charged. It is now 10:43 and the Light still has not turned green. I haven't turned it on , so it should be charging quicker.
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Sep 11, 2009
I have a 15" MBP (2.66Ghz, late 2008), I usually don't have WiFi turned off, so I just wanted to know how long does it usually last with WiFi off and semi-high brightness setting for the display. The only activity is typing in Word and maybe a few non intensive Photoshop stuff.
I'd like to get an estimate because I have no power adapters where I'll be using it.
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Nov 24, 2009
My laptop's 1-year warranty includes battery and the battery does not last long anymore. Does this mean that I can get a new battery with the warranty?
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Jan 27, 2010
media event the MBP was not even mentioned. It was pretty much the new release of the iPad. The MacBook Pro released June 08, 2009. Obviously we can see that it has been over 6 months, and down to be an update.
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Mar 31, 2010
I am receiving a new mbp today and was wondering how long I should charge the battery for optimal battery life?
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Apr 23, 2010
Mine only lasted 2hrs 30min on full charge (4th cycle. 4 day old), did the calibration and then it's now lasting about 4 hours. (it showed 7 hours in the beginning but number changed quickly as I opened Safari and browse online)
10 Hours? Come on Steve! Even with the dimmest light, bluetooth off, wireless off, no application running i've never seen 10 hours on MBP13". Not even 9 nor 8.
And I found this article.
"Macworld's 13"MBP Review: The 10-Hour Battery Lasts Four Hours"
At least the author was playing Quicktime Nothing much and 4 hours. (Factory defect?)
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Apr 27, 2010
Every time I use my MBP alum a lots and after I close everything the machine gets and still very slow and I have to restart my Mac to refresh the memory.
My mac spec is MBP alumenuim 2G 2.2 .
I would like to notice I did not face this problem in the past with my old MBP 2007 4g 2.4ghz
So anyway I could free the memory or something instead of restarting the machine
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