Windows On Mac :: Have Gotten A Few BSOD While Playing DotA?
Feb 23, 2009
I have recently bought a new macbook pro early 2008 and have installed bootcamp on it to play games.
I have noticed that with the stock nvidia drivers that came with the bootcamp cd, I was able to set my screen brightness at a pre-determined level once and for all without adjustment.
However, with that stock drivers, I have gotten a few BSOD while playing DotA, so I have updated my drivers to the latest nvidia beta laptop drivers, that made the brightness issue pop up.
Now whenever I switch on my mbp, I would have to go and set the brightness of my screen to my desired level EVERY SINGLE TIME, if not it would be turned back to maximum contrast every time I opened a single window. Now this pisses me off a lot as I game a lot.
Any of you guys have the solution to my problem?
I would greatly appreciate all of your inputs!
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Dec 22, 2010
Naturally I had to restart my mac a few times, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary; everything performed as expected. Even played some counterstrike in windows before I rebooted back into osx.
A few hours later I tried booting back into windows, and it says there was an error and gives me the usual boot options (safe, last known working config etc etc). After I select one it begins to work, but after 5-10 seconds I get a bluescreen that lasts for a split second before rebooting. /repeat.
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Jul 27, 2010
I have a copy of Windows 7 for my mac and when I installed it it forced shut downed immediately! I boot it up by pressing option and chose the windows partition and it is a black screen with a flashing underscore that blinks once, then rapidly blinks until It shuts it off. I have read every fourm and they say nothing about booting up problems.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have a 13" 2.4GHz mid-2010 MBP, with a legit version of Windows 7 installed. Sometimes I virtualize using VMWare, but usually I boot right into it when I use it to play games.
It's all been going well, until I would sometimes just shut the lid while I'm on Windows 7 bootcamp. When I open the lid, the computer is shut down, and I have the option of booting into OS X or Windows. If I choose Windows, it's as if it went to sleep (which should be happening as I'm closing the lid instead of shutting down).
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Oct 2, 2009
So I had a Macbook with Windows 7 partition (RTM from MSDNAA since I need it for Visual Studio 2008) and I created a backup with Winclone. I got a new MBP 13" and so tried to install the partition from Winclone.. It says that it was restored successfully but when I start up my computer I get BSOD and my computer keeps restarting. (Think its due to hardware change?) I cannot even repair it with the windows 7 cd.
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Aug 16, 2010
My parents are having the exact problem described in this thread (and I've been tasked with remote tech support): [URL] Upon startup, WinXP gives them a BSOD reboot loop while indicating that a DLL file is possibly corrupt. Booting in Safe Mode won't work, and reverting to an earlier snapshot merely delays the problem by 24 hours or so.
The obvious and ideal solution would be to boot into Repair mode from the install disc and copy the clean DLL to replace the damaged copy. The problem is that, according to the thread, I'll need to first get Fusion to accept a floppy image of SCSI adapter drivers for me to even be able to enter Repair mode. The link for that image was broken in the thread, but a little Googling directed me here: [URL]
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Nov 9, 2010
every few minutes of use in my macbook pro, i'm getting the BSOD and this the details:
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Sep 3, 2009
Has anyone ever had something like this happen? I have a 13" unibody MBP, and I installed XP on bootcamp. I installed civilization IV on XP and played it for a while. Booted back into OSX and used that for a while. Then I went back to XP and now everytime I try to start civilization IV I get a BSOD memory error on XP and it crashes. I'm going to go ahead and install Vista instead and hopefully I'll still be able to run Civ4 fine and not have it crash hard everytime I try to run it after booting between OSX and Vista.
Anyone ever have something like this happen before? I find it strange that it didn't start crashing until I booted into OSX then back to XP.
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Sep 28, 2009
Hey just wanted to ask if it is possible that my late08 mbp which runs under WIN7 home premium is getting too hot while playing? Just played about 15 mins when my screen (aion)ingame froze (but sound + mouse didnt) and a few seconds later i've heard skype shutting down - and a few seconds later everything started to shutdown -> bam bluescreen for about 1 sec -> restart O_o happened now 3 times in an hour..
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Jan 7, 2011
I was trying for a long time now to play old games like: Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and even newer ones like POP:Sands of Time, Hitman: Codename 47 and so on, on my iMac using Radeon HD 2600 Pro video card. All of these games aren't working well, I've tried everything, spent a lot of time trying to get appropriate drivers and make it work. I'm sure there are some of you that have/had the same issues like me, ofcourse using the same video card.
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Sep 1, 2008
My friend is having this little problem with Quicktime. Every time he plays a movie (not in fullscreen) and make the window bigger, it starts to shrink until its the smallest it can go. This doesn't happen in fullscreen, does anyone know what the problem is?
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Nov 20, 2008
I dont know if this belongs here or on the Windows Mac section but has anybody tried to run CoD WaW on the Alu MacBook
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Jan 31, 2009
Say you use Bootcamp...can you play Games for Windows and PC games on your mac?
For Games for Windows, will you be able to get achievements on them?
Such as Fallout 3.
Can I run that on my macbook Black, the old one, bought just before aluminium macbook was released.
2.4 Ghz Intel Core Duo
Intel GMA X3100 (Video card)
I dont think you can upgrade video card on Mac, so would I need to get a new Mac with the Nvidia cards to play Fallout 3, or will my mac suffice?
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Mar 29, 2009
What drivers do I need to play games on parallels 3.0? I can't seem to install the x1600 driver..
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Aug 4, 2009
I had this issue before and posted about it here, but no one seemed to really have an answer for me.
I'm asking again because maybe something new has come up?
I've been having an issue running games in Windows for some time now. They run fine, but then sometimes it will freeze up, then my whole computer reboots. I don't really know why it does this, and it happens randomly. I could be playing for hours or minutes before it does this.
Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
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Aug 6, 2009
So I installed SF4 on my iMac and was wondering what kind of controller is out there to play with this game.
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Apr 6, 2010
I just recently installed Windows 7 via bootcamp and I was just wondering if there is a way I can play my music files that are stored on my Mac partition while I'm on windows. I do have MacDrive installed but I still can't seem to play anything.
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Apr 15, 2010
A while ago I edited a video for a client. Everything went well until the project was actually, well... done. I edited in iMovie, converted the clip to MPEG-4 and burned it to DVD with free software called Burn. The disc played just fine for me on a couple different machines, but he could never get it to play in Windows Media Player. I told him to install codecs; still nothing.
So instead I burned the DVD again, this time in iDVD. So I'm guessing this time the video format was in MPEG-2. Again, the DVD played perfectly fine when I tested it on two different machines. The client tries to play the DVD in Windows Media Player. Still nothing...
I've told him to download VLC, but he's arguing the fact that this disc should work on pre-installed software on every PC (in this case, Windows Media Player). I do agree with him on that, but let's face it, Windows Media Player is not the best software to use. So my question: What is the best way to go about this? I've tried using Burn and iDVD with no luck (on his end).
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Jul 19, 2010
I have a Snow Leopard and Windows 7 partition. On my Windows 7 partition, I'd like to be able to stream music that I have stored on the OSX one. Is there any way to do this? I'm able to access the files using programs like HFXExplorer, and I'm able to copy music to the Windows partition when I'm on the OSX one, but when I try accessing the OSX partition from the Windows 7 partition, I'm met with empty folders.
Copying all the music is out of the question as there is a great deal of it, for which I just don't have the space for doubles. Is there anyway to simply stream the music from the OSX partition in a music client; winamp specifically?
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May 11, 2012
I work for a law firm and we received a CD which contains a .mov file. When we try to play it in Quick Time, it plays the audio, but NO video. We are trying to play it is Quick Time (version 7.7.1) on a Windows XP Pro PC. When Quick Time first opened, it gave a message saying "Additional software is required for QuickTime to playback this media. It may be available from the Quick Time Components page." I clicked Continue and it took me to the Components page, but it lists like 10 different components and I have no idea what we need. Is it a CODEC? I have tried converting it to a different format usinig two different softwares and have gotten errors.
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Mar 16, 2010
I'm about to pull the trigger on a Mac Mini and make the switch to OSX. However, there is a TV subscription that I use that plays the channels through windows media player. I tried watching them on my sister's Macbook but it didn't work - Quicktime replaced the WMP box and said that there was an unknown source or something.
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Jun 23, 2012
I'm trying to play a 20GB .mov (I have donwloaded the ProRes Decoder for Windows codec) and also export the file to a smaller one on my PC. The file opens but stutters and freezes; audio plays okay. On the export side, it goes through most of it but fails at the end.
Toshiba Satellite A100/A105 Series, Windows XP
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Apr 19, 2009
Well I'm running Windows XP SP2 with Boot Camp 2.1 and everything seems to be working fine, but when I'm running Empire: Total War, I have to have the quality on the lowest possible setting. Where as with Half Life (well when I ran it in Parallels this time) runs on highest quality.
Is there something I can do? I didn't think Empire: Total War was THAT graphic intensive, especially if Half Life 2 runs fine.
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Sep 6, 2009
A Mac running windows would be able handle the Total War series of games right? They take a lot of graphics and memory so I just wanted to make sure and see if it would play perfectly just as on a gaming PC.
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May 20, 2009
How good is the realistic battery life of the base MacBook White 2009 for both playing a game on Windows Boot Camp and just browsing the internet over WiFi?
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Nov 19, 2009
I was working on some home work in window Xp and I got the BSOD!!!well I lost my work, but there was a back up that god, know this happened while i was scrolling my mouse, and playing music in itunes as the computer stopped itunes stopped and crashed, Strange?I got a Screen shot of the screen and I'll post it, if any one has a suggestion to help stop this then by all means please help me I suck at windows
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Dec 23, 2008
About 10-15mins after starting a WoW session in 10.5.6 on a Mac Pro, the screen goes into powersave mode, and cannot be returned. This is leaving me with no alternative but to hard reboot!
I can hear the fans going mad as I'm playing, so wonder if it's a heat issue. If so, what to do about it?
Can anyone suggest:
a) How to break out of screen power save without hard rebooting?
b) What the issue may be and how to investigate/resolve it?
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Dec 25, 2008
got dual core 2.8, 10gb memory and 8800
Trying to play a .mkv 1080p file with vlc, quicktime using perian and mplayer
all fail at doing a good job. vlc does the best job but drops frames, so annoying.
I didn't have this problem a few weeks ago before i reinstalled osx.
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Jun 7, 2009
I can't get them to run in Safari. I can run Hulu clips and others. I can use the same computer and run them with Firefox.
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Dec 14, 2009
When trying to learn how to play these files, a google search led me to another thread on this forum written by someone with the same problem. Another user suggest MacHacha as a decompression tool. I tried this, and it appears to have successfully decompressed the files into a basic .wmv file, however I am still unable to play the file.
When I try to open it, quicktime says it is not a movie file. I installed the newest version of flip4mac, and still get the same result. VLCPlayer and RealPlayer also give me similar notifications.
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