MacBook :: Battery Life Of MacBook White 2009 For Playing Game On Windows And Browsing ?

May 20, 2009

How good is the realistic battery life of the base MacBook White 2009 for both playing a game on Windows Boot Camp and just browsing the internet over WiFi?

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MacBook :: MB Mid 2009 Battery Life - Get Only 3 Solid Hours Of Web Browsing ?

Nov 11, 2010

when I bought this thing, I easily got 5 hours, but two years later and 489 charge cycles (according to coconut battery) I am lucky to get 3 Solid hours of web browsing.What is the life span of these batteries, I am assuming I might just go to Apple and buy another one for $129.00 a rip off but what can I do, I will not use another brand of battery.

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MacBook :: Battery Life On Late 2009 White MacBook & Screen Shadow ?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a late 2009, white unibody MacBook which is 7 months old, and I have been noticing that the battery life is getting less and less, and am rather confused.I reset the SMC as per Apple instructions, and then followed the battery calibrating guide to the letter from, and tonight it seems to have lasted... 3.5 hrs! Hardly the quoted 7 hours that Apple spec, and I am simply doing light web browsing, nothing else.Am I doing something wrong? The machine sits connected to magsafe 90% of the time, but I cannot envisage that would cause any problem, as it knows when it is charged, so afaik no more current can get to the battery to damage it

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MacBook :: 2009 UMB Battery Life With SSD

Nov 21, 2010

Looking into getting a SSD 128GB for my 2009 uMB but I am wondering if that helps extend your battery life because I am getting 3.5 to 4 Hours on a single charge now. I just wonder if I can get more than 5 hours out of the battery with an SSD, then I can use the external drive for everything else but OS and Applications.

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MacBook Pro :: 2009 Battery Life ?

Jul 6, 2010

My battery life is very bad. goes down 40% in half an hour just viewing the internet. Only one year old, still have warranty with Applecare. Will I be able to exchange it for a replacement, how does this work?

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MacBook Air :: How To See Battery Status While Playing A Game

Sep 4, 2014

Some games seem to close off menu bars and everything else.My daughter plays the sims 3 and sometimes uses battery power, but she always panics that the mac will just shut down due to lack of battery power. 

How does she see what the power is at while playing the game? ts normally just in the menu bar, but like i say this game overrides all that info until the game has been quit. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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MacBook Pro :: 17 2009 Vs 2010 Battery Life ?

Jul 25, 2010

Can anyone who has used both tell me if there really is a noticeable battery life increase?

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MacBook Air :: What Is Battery Life Playing DVD's On 13"

Apr 10, 2012

What is battery life playing DVD's on 13" macbook Air? 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13" macbook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Running Windows - Battery Life?

Oct 27, 2009

if I'm going to be running windows 7 through bootcamp almost full time.. would it better to get the 15" with 9400m only since the other models I've heard default to 9600 under windows. I don't play games and want to have good battery life while using windows.. so does the 15" w/ 9400m only seem like the better option for this?

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Windows On Mac :: How Is Xp Battery Life Compared To Windows 7 Battery Life

Jul 20, 2010

how is windows xp battery life compared to windows 7 battery life on mac using bootcamp?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 + MBP + Gaming Getting Hot While Playing Game

Sep 28, 2009

Hey just wanted to ask if it is possible that my late08 mbp which runs under WIN7 home premium is getting too hot while playing? Just played about 15 mins when my screen (aion)ingame froze (but sound + mouse didnt) and a few seconds later i've heard skype shutting down - and a few seconds later everything started to shutdown -> bam bluescreen for about 1 sec -> restart O_o happened now 3 times in an hour..

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MacBook Air :: Noisy Fan While Playing Game

Nov 24, 2010

I just got my new air and absolutely love it. I had seen pretty impressive graphics performance. What I didn't expect was the fan noise. I knew it was loud, but this thing sounds like the old G5's! It makes me kind of scared to play games to be honest. Are they going to substantially decrease the life of my machine? Do you think a laptop cooler would really help with this?

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MacBook Pro :: Overheats While Playing Game?

Dec 22, 2009

I just bought my computer 3 weeks ago. I installed windows in bootcamp and a few games on it.

When I play a game on it.within about 15mins.. my macbook pro (2.8GHz model) gets extremely hot. It's about 65 deg C (145 F).. I can hardly touch it just above the keyboard region. I'm guessing this is where the processor is.. The fans also kick in at full speed.

I do understand that the computer will get hot under heavy load.I'm just wondering if it is normal for the computer to get SO hot? Will it damage my computer in the long run? Should I go get it checked out at the apple store?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Check GPU Performance While Playing Game

Nov 16, 2010

How can I test my MBP i7 GPU performance while playing a game (Red Alert 3)? Is there a tool I can use to measure FPS etc? How about GPU temperature? I'm new the GPU performance world, so I would appreciate some education on this.

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Windows On Mac :: Playing Empire Total War In Lowest Quality / Half-life 2 Can Be Played In Highest

Apr 19, 2009

Well I'm running Windows XP SP2 with Boot Camp 2.1 and everything seems to be working fine, but when I'm running Empire: Total War, I have to have the quality on the lowest possible setting. Where as with Half Life (well when I ran it in Parallels this time) runs on highest quality.

Is there something I can do? I didn't think Empire: Total War was THAT graphic intensive, especially if Half Life 2 runs fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Late 2008 15 Battery Life - Watching Movie From Hard Disk Use Less Battery Than DVD?

Nov 11, 2009

i just ordered a late 2008 macbook pro 15 with the dual GPUs (9400m and 9600m GT) and I'm a little worried about the battery life.

-What can I expect if just doing normal every day stuff (web surfing mostly?)

-does watching a movie off of the hard disk use less battery than watching it off a DVD? Is there a big difference?

I'm not a big gamer but would like to have the horsepower to play a game should one come out that I want. I'm also not a big traveler so battery times are only of average importance.

Basically, I'm asking if I made a good purchase considering I have only average concerns for both battery and game performance. They had the new 7 hour battery 15" macbook pro for the same price but it doesn't have the dual GPUs.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Life Slightly Shorter After Calibrating Battery

May 4, 2012

I calibrated my MacBook Pro battery and then noticed that the battery life seemed slightly shorter after that. I calibrated it according to this: [URL]

Just wondering if I have done anything wrong...  

One more question... What do they mean by "At this point, save your work. Continue to use your computer; when the battery gets very low, the computer will automatically go to sleep." Does it mean that I have to use the computer until it just shuts down or should I shut it down once the "Low Battery" warning pops up?

Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Aperture 3 Sucks The Life Out Of My 2009 Macbook Pro ?

Feb 20, 2010

I love Aperture 3. I really do. It can do many things that take much longer to do in Photoshop. However, Aperture 3 COULD NOT BE SLOWER. Does anyone else experience this? I feel like I'm switching back to Vista every time I open it. It makes me want to throw my Macbook Pro at the wall. Also, ever since I installed Aperture 3 on Mac, the REST of my Mac is much slower, even when Aperture 3 isn't even in use. I don't understand it.I really hope that an update addresses this issue.

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MacBook :: Good Battery & Terrible Battery Life?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a 13" 2.4 GHZ white macbook that I bought in march of 2008. About 4 months ago I all of the sudden started having problems with battery life. It was very abrupt. I used to be able to take my macbook and sit through 3 classes or more with no trouble in regards to batter life. Then suddenly the battery would drain within a few hours. It has remained that way since.

I've spent the last month or so looking around forums and other places to try and find someone with a similar problem and possible solutions. As a result I've discovered that my situation seams to be somewhat unique.

Using cocoanut battery I tested my battery's capacity and it remains at a solid 98%. How can my battery still be at 98% capacity and have such a short battery life? I also seam to be losing charge while my macbook is closed. How and why does that happen? If I leave my macbook closed for a day or two it can lose up to 25% charge just sitting there!

I've tried loads of things including turning off unnecessary things such as sharing and bluetooth and calibrating my battery, all with no avail.

What is going on?? My battery is too old to be eligable for a recal and I'm not paying $30 just to have a phone conversation with a "Genius". If anyone has any idea what's going on and any possible advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

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MacBook Pro :: Short Battery Life For Unibody Battery'

Apr 17, 2012

I am getting a very short battery life out of my "New" A1261 battery -  we're talking 2.5 hours tops.  I've recycled it a few times, but this is no where near the "7" hours that is quoted.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Downloaded The Battery Health Monitor - Macbook Battery Life ?

Dec 29, 2010

I have just bought a MacBook. I have downloaded the Battery Health Monitor and it says obviously that my current capacity is at 100%, with 5,791 mAh. I would like to know how many hours does this value correspond to, because it has certainly not been the highly announced 10 hours battery life

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Turns Up To 5000-6000 Rpm While Playing Game?

Jun 19, 2012

I just bought a Macbook Pro 13" (the high end). I'm mainly gonna use it for text editing, internet, watching movies, some photo work, music etc. But I would like to play a game now and then so I bought the new Diablo 3. I know the computer isn't made for gaming and lacks graphics due to the intigrated graphics card. Despite this I am able to play the game, but the fans turns up to 5000-6000 rpm. I was just wondering if I'm gonna reduce the lifespan on the computer (especially thinking about the battery) a lot - or if I shouldn't worry.


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Windows On Mac :: Tips For Improving Battery Life MBA 11.6

Nov 8, 2010

I am running windows 7 on my new MacBook Air, this is a requirement for my work, so can't be changed. I bought the MBA because it's a beautiful laptop, thin and light, great screen, and great keyboard. My battery life, however seems to be terrible, especially compared to statistics I have seen on other reviews/threads. At the moment, when I am unplugged, I have brightness at 30%, I have the hard drive set to sleep when not in use. I have bluetooth turned off and WiFi on. I almost exclusively use the computer to work on google docs. So, turn on the computer, work for half an hour, in Chrome, either sending and receiving emails or writing in Google Docs. (I can't figure out if this qualifies as "light browsing", but based on my battery drain I would say it's not...) I have a plug-in to block flash, and haven't been running flash on any website since I started using the computer.

Here are my statistics:
Last night, typed (on the web) for half an hour and went from 100-80% battery.
Put the computer to sleep for 9 hours, and when I woke the computer it was at 74% battery.
Typed and checked email for forty minutes, went to 57%
Woke the computer two hours later and was at 49%
typed (on the web) for half an hour and was at 29%
put the computer into hybernate, turned it on ten minutes later at was at 27%
I've now been typing for about half an hour and I'm at 15%.

I'm losing, roughly, 20% of my battery for each half hour of typing in a browser, with flash disabled. That means 2.5 hours of browsing. I need to get 4 hours if I'm going to keep the computer.

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Windows On Mac :: Turn Off Bluetooth To Conserve Battery Life?

Apr 2, 2009

I am using XP Pro under bootcamp on a Macbook Aluminum 2.0 Ghz. I was wondering if there was a way to turn off bluetooth to conserve battery life. Also, there is a major difference in battery life between Windows and OS X. In OS X I get about 4 - 5 Hours. Whereas when I'm in XP I get about 2 - 3 Hours. Is this normal?

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp's Effect On OSX Battery Life?

Jul 18, 2010

I installed Boot Camp recently and am I just imagining things or does having boot camp installed (but not running it) reduce the battery life on me running Mac OSX? (Yes I know running Windows takes more out of your battery life, but that's not what I"m asking here)

If I am wrong, would being "logged in" windows 7 cause this effect?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Getting Hot / Battery Life Reducing

Aug 10, 2009

I've had this MBP for just over 8 months now, I'd intially purchased one in november, but the audio out used to give a crackle sound so they replaced the laptop. Moving on to the point - in the last week or so, I've noticed the MBP suddenly seems to get very hot and the fans turn on and thus suddenly becomes very noisy. I was using it on the bed so could appreciate that I may have been blocking the vents, but I've had it on a stand the past couple of days and it still seems to do it for no particular reason. The charger usually always gets ridiculously hot, but the MBP used to stay relatively cool, now the MBP gets hot independently of whether its being charged or not. Moreover, my battery life has gone from what used to last 4 hours, to around 2.25.

Cocunut battery gave the following stats:
Current Battery capacity: 4483mAh
Load Cycles: 222
Age: 8 months

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MacBook Pro :: Intel HD3000 Lion Drivers - Some Textures Go Black While Playing Game?

Apr 30, 2012

So I am basicly trying to play warcraft 3 on my late 2011 MBP 13. I managed to install the via a older snow leopard macbook. The problem that I have and is specific to my video config is that some textures go black. This does not happen on any other macs on Lion with a video card that is not HD 3000. For instance playing on a 2007 macbook is ok on lion. I attached screen shots from each machine so you understand better what I am talking about.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: White Macbook (non-unibody)/20 Hours Of Life?

Nov 29, 2010

So i have the mid 2007 (i think) non unibody white macbook.

Yesterday after some normal usage i noticed the battery had only 30 minutes left even though it had 94% left, also the Service battery Now message had appeared

This was odd cause even though my mac is quite old a few days before the battery was lasting a normal 4-5 hour charge.

after leaving it charging over night after trying to recalibrate the battery(i dont think it actually ran all the way down as it lasted minutes while not on battery power even though it was 99%), resetting the pram, nvram and SMC, the battery now reports 20 hours of life left, but the "Replace now" message came on.

now obviously i would be ok with 20 hours of life left, but its had 20 hours left for 30 minutes an hasnt decreased

Ive googled and searched the forums but couldnt find an answer ...

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MacBook :: Upgrade White 2009 Unibody To A Ssd

Feb 5, 2012

I am wondering how hard/expensive it would be to get my MacBook uprgaded to an SSD, i have heard they are much more reliable?!?!

MacBook, Mac OS X(10.6.2)

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MacBook Air :: Rev B Vs Rev C Battery Life

Sep 5, 2010

I am interested in getting a refurbished Macbook Air. I was looking at the following two models:

Macbook Air Rev B., 1.86 GHz, 2GB RAM, 128 GB SSD for $1349 OR
Macbook Air Rev C., 2.13 GHz, 2GB RAM, 128 GB SSD for $1549

Other than the processor difference of 0.27 GHz, and based on reading the technical specs of each system, I don't see any difference between the two machines. The one piece of information that I couldn't find was the advertised battery life for the Rev. B unit. The Rev. C unit is supposedly rated for 5 hours of wireless productivity. Is the same battery used in the Rev B also or is the battery of lower WHr?

My needs are pretty simple - I would like to get the Air as a small and portable, easy to carry machine for rounds and writing up patient notes, consult notes, etc. It will not be my primary machine, but hopefully a worthy road-warrior. I will be using Windows for the clinical electronic medical record application, but other than that, all other use will be on Mac OS X. Based on this, would you recommend going with the Rev B or Rev C. Money is tight, and this will be a gift from one of my mentors, but I do want to get the biggest bang for the buck. If the only difference between the two machines is processor speed, I can't justify spending 200$ extra just for a 0.27 GHz gain.

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