Windows On Mac :: MS Office Enterprise 07 Not Installing SP2?
May 14, 2009
I installed Vista Ultimate on my Rev B. MBA last night and nearly everything has been fine.
However, some of the Microsoft updates continually fail, primarily the Office 07 SP2 update, which I really would like.
Also, the keyboard backlighting worked fine initially, and could be controlled with the function keys, but since installing 79 updates overnight to bring the OS up to speed, my keyboard backlighting no longer works in Vista, but everything else controlled by the fn keys work as they should. When I press the keyboard backlighting fn keys, it just comes up dimmed out and with a circle with a line through it indicating that I can't use it.
I recently installed the 2011 version. So now I have 2008 and 2011 on my Mac... Is it ok for me to uninstall the 2008 version or will that get rid of all my docs, spreadsheets, presentations?
I have a few issues with device support I thought I ping this community about:
1) Wireless Adapater doesn't show up in Device Manager (and doesn't work of course) 2) iSight, Network Controller and Performance counters all have (i) issues in Device Manager (update driver online doesn't work) 3) Resolution maxes out at 1280x800 (me thinks this is because it thinks the monitor is a generic PnP monitor)
Any ideas on where to get the proper drivers? I did the bootcamp stuff using the latest and greatest with the new MacOS.
Ready to install Office 2011 for Mac. Currently we are running Office 2008 for Mac.
What is the best way to eliminate Office 2008 and to ensure a clean Office 2011 install?
For most Mac programs, I would normally drag the application folder to the trash, and then do a library search for some entries related to the program. Will this work for Office 2008 to Office 2011? I ask because the M$ installers seem to more than simply add the app to your app folder and update the libraries - and don't get me started on the horrors of the Windoze registry errors.
Does the new office have the same 1 time use code as the windows version of office? I'd like to install office 08 on my PB, but don't want to risk having to buy a new version once I get a new MBP later this year.
I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question, but I wanted to get opinions from you guys. I use Microsoft Word, Excel and sometimes, Power Point quite often at college. They have PCs of course... and I have an iMac. And I wanted to get Microsoft Office at home.
Now, I was looking on the web for different prices and all that. I wasn't sure between buying Windows XP (because I work with XP at college, not Vista) and downloading Bootcamp, or Microsoft Office for Mac. Also, I wasn't sure if the Mac version was similar to the one for Windows... and also if I could transfer files from the PC to Mac versions without problems.
Basically, money wise, if I buy one or the other, there isn't too much of a difference. But I haven't looked everywhere for the best prices available, although I'm guessing it's pretty much the same most places (internet).
Recently just bought a macpro and my roommate had a copy of office. I installed it, but it reached the max capacity of installations already so I uninstalled it and bought a new copy and new product key. Everything works great, but when I am on the same network as my roommate and try to open up a MS application, it tells me that I have reached the max capacity for installations under my roommates product key. The installation process does not ask to me to input my new product key so I am on why it is telling me I am still on his and what I need to do next.
I am brand new today to Mac. I'm a PC user of 15 + years. I purchased a brand new IMac today, 2.66 ghz, 4 gigs of ram, etc. I purchased a copy of MS Office 2008 along with it as I need it for school. The computer came with an upgrade to Snow Leopard so I installed that first, had no issues. I am now trying to install my copy of Office and it keeps spitting out the CD. I put in a music cd and it played fine.
I just got a copy, with multiple licenses from work of Microsoft 2008, since my new MacBook Pro didn't have only had the trial version. I Installed it the other day, but every time I click to open anything up, it comes up with the free trial version and asks me to put in a product key, or buy one.
I loaded a trial version of MS Office 2007 for a college course. After the fact I remembered I purchased already a full version for my iMac. Once I removed the trial version from my Mac Pro and installed the full version, I continue to get a err message stated "this id doesn't support this version of enterprise". I removed and reinstalled the full version several times with no success. I need (I believe) to install the full Office 2007 for school projects. Or is their a good alternative to ensure all facilitators can view/open, and edit all of my submitted work.
While installing microsoft office i recive this error.
"office 2011 14.4.2 Update can't be installed on this disk. A version of the software requried to install this update was not found on this volume.  "
I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.
But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.
I've been trying for hours and cannot fix it. I recently installed Office 2008 and since then I cannot save documents on my desktop. Also I cannot download software because it keep saying that the memory is full or "I don't have permission" to do so. I tried to reset the permissions in utilities, but that didn't work.
This now happens for any document, not only office documents. It appears the iMac regards the printer as ready and waiting, but the printer keeps looping the same page and the paper jams every time. After getting the paper out, the printer re-starts the same page again - with a new paper jam as result.
The printer is a Samsung CLP315 colour laser printer, connected through USB.
Only "solution" is to get the paper out and then quickly turn the printer off, and start it again to print a new page. I have an iMac 21", bought in May last year (the then new generation).iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have noticed a slight slowing down in the responsive of my imac (surfing net / carrying out tasks). I have plenty of storage space and the only changes made recently are installing Citrix and MS office.Â
i m not sure if it has something to do with office 2011. coz i did not change any system configurations, only installed office for mac today.
airport also seems broken. can not sharing my internet for iphone.
internet sharing is on, firewall is off. iphone can connect to the wireless, but wont DHCP the right ip address. before it was something like 10.0.0.x when its working. now the ip adress i got on the iphone its
Installed MSOffice on my MBP with SL already installed. Office immediately wants to be updated with a "critical update" which is 200+ MB. Nearing the end of the update I get a message that says the update had a technical error, and it then shuts down. After this nothing in Office works.
Then I tried to post a message on MS's Mactopia forum and it won't let me log in. So I can't post, and I can't create a new account.I dragged the corrupted Office to the trash (their uninstall program wouldn't work either). Reinstalled Office and everything works. But it's not updated.
I'm working on an inherited MacBook Pro, and Installing the MS Office 2008 program from my employer, an online educator. The program installs, but I can't open any of the applications except for Entourage.
I can download MS Office update (a critical one), but it does not install, it shows the download on Terminal, which I don't begin to understand. Where do I go from here?
I just bought a new 1 TB WD RE4 Sata 3 Enterprise boot drive in anticipation of a new MacPro release... well I going to have to wait... but I will just use in in my current 2007 MacPro to run Lion and I want to do a clean install. It was bought as a bare drive wirh no jumper set... but intrigingly it says in it the following: Jumpered Pins 1 & 2 enables SSC (Spread Spectrum Clocking)What is this, should I or do I need to use this? Jumpered pins 3 & 4 enables PUIS ( Power Up In Standby)What is this and should I or do I need to use this?
I am just used to jumpering for master or slave but there is no mention of it on the drive so if I don't of shouldn't use any of the above jumper settings do I need to jumper for Master and slave anymore or is it unnecessary with these new generation of HDs? My machine is a 2.66GH Dual core Xeon and I am running PS CS 6 and LR4
Info: MacPro 2.66, Mac OS X (10.6.7), GB ram.. iLife 08 /Aperture / CS 5
I've heard Office:Mac isn't that great, and doesn't make up for what iWork 09 is missing. So I'm wondering what people think about it and why does it get such a bland reputation? Also, do people use a combination of the above? Such as iWork and Office:Windows? Both Offices? I do mainly word processing, some soft Excel work (no hardcore giant spreadsheets...yet), and general PowerPoints for presentations. I have access to cheap iWork/Offices (school discount) and a family pack of the top-level edition of Office:PC (family) so it isn't a big deal to get any of the above.
Lastly, what's the difference between Camino and Firefox? I use Firefox currently and love it, mainly due to the add-ons (weather at the bottom, Gmail alert, skins, page views, other customizations). Tabs seem to be on all browsers these days, so are there any other key differences?
I saw that MYOB 2010 Mac has a Xserve app out now. I tried MYOB trial 2010, but didn't like it. It doesn't auto grab your bank statements or have some other key features I want. I really wish there would be a enterprise version for Xserve also with contractor attachments. Anyone use QB mac 2010 on their Xserve with a hack?
My company would like to purchase Final Cut Pro. From what I have read, the company can get an Enterprise AppleID. However, even with an Enterprise ID it appears that we only get a code. Then the user has to use their own AppleID to redeem the code and install it on their work Mac. My question is once they leave the company how do we make sure they can't download the same app at home and how do we set it up so the next employee can download the same app without us paying again for the software? Our policy is to wipe machines when an employee leaves and set everything up from scratch which would wipe out the Final Cut app.
Prior to upgrading to Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac from Office 2008, one of my widgets (url...) displayed a double-arrow character (⟷) in the text. Since installing Office it has been replaced by a question mark in a box. I haven't encountered this problem elsewhere yet.Could installing Office have altered other files or fonts to cause problems?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Whenever trying to connect to a WPA2 Enterprise WiFi network, I only get an IP address when it is the first time. (Authentication in itself works fine, it is getting an IP address that is the problem.) What I mean is the following:Â
1. I start up the computer
2. I connect to the network just fine
3. Suppose now I turn Airport off
4. Then I turn Airport on again
5. Now it doesn't work anymore! I still get authenticated (PEAP) fine, but I now get a "self-assigned IP address" and can no longer connect to the Internet.
6. When I restart, the same happens, i.e., "go back to step 1"Â
It seems as if the computer keeps a wrong cache of something, which is only cleared after restart?Â
It is not a big deal, would have been worse if I couldn't connect at all, but still quite annoying that I have to restart every time.