Windows On Mac :: Accessing Files From Other Side Of BootCamp?
Sep 10, 2009
If I create Excel files on the Windows side (bootcamp), can I access those files from the Mac side? I basically want to send the files via Mac mail as I don't want to set up Outlook on the Windows side. I won't be opening the files, just attaching them to the email on the Mac side.
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Aug 24, 2010
i just realised that now on bootcamp you can see/edit the mac partition on windows via bootcamp; unlike before you could not without using software like macdrive. is this safe? now windows could alter your mac partition, viruses/spyware could infect it. is there a way to turn it off?
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Aug 4, 2010
Can a virtual machine be able to access the partition with windows on it? So you can either boot up from the partitioned windows via bootcamp OR access that same partitioned windows through parallels for quick access while on OSX?
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Oct 23, 2008
My computer was running extremely slow and seemed to be freezing, so I restarted and now it is restarting and coming to the screen that says Windows didn't shut don properly and asks if I want to run in safe mode, normal, at last known good configuration. I have tried every option, but it looks like it is restarting properly, then it powers off and back on to the same screen over and over again. It briefly shows the blue screen of death, but not long enough to even read it; it just flashes, then goes on to restarting. The Mac side seems to be working fine, but I have a lot of Windows programs I need to use, so I need my Windows side to work as well.
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Nov 18, 2009
What do I need to do to get vista to recognize that there is a router sitting right next to it?
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Jan 20, 2009
After installing Windows Vista and running both OSX Leopard and Vista I started noticing a slow down from my Firefox and Safari both. Up until now I have had really good speed and great browsing and torrent downloads using Transmission,,I switched over to Vista and it was fast so I thought "what the heck is going on here", checked out the forums for some advice on different DNS etc, tried all of those with no results so finally called my ISP and they ran a traceroute with me from utilities and the first ping was coming back that I was behind a firewall. Checked the Mac's firewall and turned it off still no luck, made sure Little Snitch was off, still nothing. Thought how is this possible.
ISP(Time Warner Cable-Roadrunner) advised me to take the cable modem back and switch it out for a new one because they said my speeds were definitely not right. Well I decided to check my Vista and sure enough the windows firewall was on,restarted my iMac and used trace route again from network utilities and the firewall was gone. So some how even though I was running Leopard only at that time still with bootcamp somehow the firewall in Windows was bleeding over into OS X. I'm not a computer engineer but I thought they (Vista/OSX Leopard) were running independently from each other in bootcamp. Just wanted to let you guys out there know about this because it seems that some of the quirky issues that you can't find answers to might be attributed to this.
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Sep 8, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro and I had AT&T help me with the settings in OS X so that I can surf the internet with my modem via ethernet. Everything worked fine. Then I installed Windows XP SP3 with Bootcamp and bought a Linksys Wireless N Router. I used the install disk on the PC side to get the router working, assuming that the Mac side would work just fine when it found the network. Now I can connect to the wireless router when I'm in my PC partition, but when I try using my Mac partition. It does not work. (Ethernet works with both) When using other people's wifi connection, I have no problem. Only at my house do I have this connectivity issue.
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Jul 23, 2010
Is there a way to organize your finder windows automatically like Windows does? By this I mean, tile the windows and/or side by side? I know I can do it manually, but I just would rather have the functionality available.
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Nov 13, 2008
is there a way to make mac windows align side by side, like the funcion in windows where you can select some windows and align them side by side.
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Feb 5, 2008
i'm about to buy my first mac but unfortunately i need to use windows from time to time. So I am currently trying to figure out whether to go with virtulization or bootcamp.
So here is my question: Can OS X see the windows partition and if so can you move files without any problems?
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Aug 5, 2009
I have MBP running 10.5.7 2.4 with 4 gigs of ram and I need to run Windows. I would like to run it stand alone to use all my available resources, as I will be running PS AE 3DsMax ect..., but the kicker is I would need access to my Mac files.
I read that "bootcamp" installs will not allow access to Mac files and folders while in PC and vise versa... true? Parallels will but then Im not taking advantage of all my hardware resources running windows this way... Do suggest run a "bootcamp" install and use a removable for storage of all files so I can go back and forth with them if need be? I have files on my mac right now I will need to open and have access to inside of Windows programs.
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Nov 21, 2009
I bootcamped my Macbook Pro with minimal assistance from my mac geek husband tonight - and messed up - BIG TIME. When in the "partition mode" of windows it asked which of the systems I wanted to FAT or partition. Well - me not knowing - thought the 200mb space was a little small and deleted it.
When the system restarted and I read the error - I knew I was in BIG trouble. So I went to boot camp assistant and got this message:
The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition.
Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again.
I am FREAKING out BIG TIME! Can you help me to restore the information - so I may go and humbly as my husband to help me do it right - or maybe google the directions before starting.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have tried to install windows on my mac and bootcamp says files can't be moved, I haven't got a problem with reinstalling my mac provided someone can tell me if it's possible using a backup from time machine and the process needed please. I've no idea whether it will work and I want to be 99.99999% sure before I do anything as I have important work on my mac which I can't afford to loose.
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Nov 2, 2009
Whenever I have a CD or DVD in Vista on my Imac, I can't eject it, I need to restart in OSX to eject it. Is there something I am doing wrong, like I need to activate the rest of my keyboard?
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Apr 5, 2006
When partitioning so that I can install XP, bootcamp claims that specific files cannot be moved, making it so that I am unable to install XP. It then orders me to ~gasp~ back my files, and reinstall OSX. Anyone else have this error message? I wanted a 14GB partition, and that would leave about 16 additional gigs free on the OSX partition
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Nov 23, 2009
I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this question and I'm really stumped. I've installed Bootcamp as I've realised Fusion is no good for gaming, however. I can't download all of my games again off steam due to a cap on my internet.
I've looked everywhere and is there anyway I can copy and paste the program files from my current virtual machine onto my new bootcamp machine?
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a 2008-era MacBook Pro and I am using a Belkin Wireless G router with Road Runner cable internet. I've been having sporadic internet outages. Things will be going great, and then all of a sudden, my connection will die for 15-30 seconds at a time. Websites won't load. In the network diagnostics utility, it tells me that my ISP connection is dead and then it will cut back on. This happens several times per hour. I originally thought it was an issue with my ISP, and then I decided to spend a day just working in Windows Vista via Boot Camp. Well, there were absolutely NO outages and pages loaded WAY faster than they do on the Mac side. I also tried plugging in the cable modem to the computer. There were no problems there either. Since I can use WiFi without incident in Windows and hooking the cable modem directly to the computer causes no problems on the Mac side, I can only conclude that there has to be some sort of settings problem that is causing this.
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Mar 24, 2010
when I lost my entire collection of PC games, I've gone through the process of making a .iso file of all of the games I've purchased. I have a few games in .iso files sitting on my mac desktop. For some reason, I cannot install Windows Vista on bootcamp anymore, as whenever I try to start up, I get an error saying something like the file "Wmilib" is missing or something, and I can't repair it using the startup disk no matter what. Which leads me to crossovers. I spent my money on it, and am hoping I didn't waste it. Whenever I tell Crossover to load from my mounted .iso file, and hit the "proceed" button, it takes me to the top drop-down menu, where it asks me to select a program to install.
The only problem is that I want to install from my mounted .iso file, and not from the list of supported programs, which is stupid. I've also tried just directly opening the "Setup.exe" file right with Crossover, and that still does nothing, which is very frustrating. Is it even possible to install games on crossover using a .iso file? And if so, what am I doing wrong, that whenever I hit "proceed" button it takes me right to the list of supported software and WON'T LET ME INSTALL without choosing one?
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Sep 14, 2010
I am having trouble connecting my mac to the pc, when I try to connect to the server and enter the pcs ip address it says connection failed and the ip does not exit...etc. I've followed the guide on here to and on [URL]
Does anyone have ideas why this is happening...? My PC is the desktop connected straight to the modem and my macbook connected wirelessly through the router.
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Nov 17, 2009
Right so im a newbie, just received my 27" i7 and absolutely loving the switch from winblows. Heres the situation i have two accounts, 1 being family and 2nd being business. They are both administrators but i've uploaded photos, music etc. onto the family account but i cant open them with the business acc. theres a little red stop sign by the folder. how do i overcome this for full access
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Nov 19, 2009
While logged in to a mac (using 10.5) using an account with admin privileges ( the one that was set up on installation): How do I manipulate files in another users account ( my child's managed account) user>child'sname>documents?
The folder tells me I don't have sufficent privledges to access.
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Sep 1, 2010
I start a new job next week, and I will be doing a professional qualification alongside it. I have work to cover before I start, the information is all on a website. It specifies that you need windows and internet explorer to access the information. I can log in, but when I try to load the information, a new window opens, but the literature doesn't load. It works on a windows PC at the internet cafe however.
Does anyone have any ideas about how I could access the information, I have already tried changing the user agent on safari to internet explorer which hasn't helped. Anything I can do short of parallels?!
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Jan 16, 2009
I've been struggling all week trying to share a drive out from a mac and mount it remotely onto a windows 7 machine. Also I haven't been able to see any of my macs in the network in windows explorer on the windows 7 machine.
I found this somewhere else on the web so can't take the credit, but it works for me and I can see my whole network, macs, windows and shared folders from either, all on windows 7 now.
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Aug 10, 2009
I am having trouble accessing files with my brothers MBP (running latest v of leopard) from an external HD (FAT32 format) plugged into my iMac (also running latest leopard.) I have tried logging in as myself on the MBP, but all that appears is my main hard disk and my home folder.
It's very important that I have access to this drive!
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Jan 1, 2009
I have a problem with Unix Executable Files. On a certain mac, when I access a file from our server using 10.4.11 most files display as Unix Executable File. I can go to another mac and it will show the same file with the proper file creator icon and description. I am not sure why this single 10.4.11 Mac is doing this.
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Jun 13, 2009
I need to copy some files to proper locations as my system got crippled.
I need to do this through the Terminal but while it's running from the OSX boot CD.
How do I access my regular boot volume (named "System") from this angle?
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Apr 9, 2010
I have a network consisting of three Macs and a PC running Windows XP. One of my printers (a Canon Pixma MP830) is USB-connected to one of the Macs with sharing turned on. Thus, I am able to print to this device from any of the Macs. How can I access this shared printer from the Windows device? I can't determine an IP address because the printer doesn't have one.
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Apr 21, 2010
We have a client who has a MAC Mini running OS X. System is not booting into the OS, its freezing up during boot process. Data on the hard drive is critical to the user.
- The hardware utility on the OS X install cd says there's no problems, but when removed from the mini, connected to a PC, and tested using bootable cd IBM Drive Fitness Test and Seagate Seatools, the drive fails both tests.
- The drive has been connected to our data transfer system (running Windows XP) and unsurprisingly XP sees the drive in disk managment, but doesn't see the partition in Explorer.
- Research online led us to HFSExplorer, which dies see the MAC partition and file tree. But any attempt to extract files results in a Java runtime error saying that the source cannot be accessed. Once this error is received, HFSExplorer crashes and must be relaunched, and will not detect the MAC partition again until the computer is hard shutdown and restarted. THe physical drive vanishes from disk managment when the error occurs also.
- Further research led us to MacDrive, which mounts the drive (after reporting that it detected an error and asking if we still want to mount). We can again browse the file tree, but as soon as we attempt to copy anything, it fails and the explorer window with the MAC partiton vanishes. Again, the system must be hard restarted in order to restore access to the partition.
- Found a repair utility in the MACDrive program. Running that results in the error "80070002: The system cannont find the file specified."
- I'm out of ideas at this point. Anyone have any advice? As I said, the drive contains data critical to the client.
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Apr 10, 2012
I have a Mac Mini with 10.6.x Onec in a while, especially when restart Airport Extreme for upgrade or something else (both are connected with ethernet cable cat5e) ALL PC's on the network having problem accessing Mac Mini Server while All MACs are fine and can access all folders no problem. Usually takes about 3-4 min for PC to connect to server. Then once it is connected (it loads all folder and files in that current window on the PC) i can go from folder to folder with no delays. However if i close the window with all folders then again i have to wait for around 3 min. to load everything all over again. AFP and SMB are ON. Today i made an experiment and turned SMB off and the problem still excist with the difference that after 3-4 min delay no folders were shown.
It seems that the PCs have hard time establishing connection with the server which is weird that Macs don't have that problem. It must be something with the setting of Mac MIni. Other wise i have no problem accessing Internet so the routher is working fine. DHCP is ON on the AP Extreme.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Sep 21, 2010
My Macbook crashed recently and it just tells me to turn it off when I start it. I've exhausted all the recommended options in the manual (default settings, etc.) and unfortunately, I'm missing the first one of the Tiger installation/restoration discs . Is there any way I can access the files I need to back up using Carbon Copy Cloner on an external hard driver (which in this case would be an ipod)? It seems to think you can, but nothing on their web site seems especially clear in this. Also - I don't have access to a Mac right now, so presumably I won't be able to unpack the files the CCC DMG on Ubuntu or the ipod - not sure whether that matters or not.
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