Windows On Mac :: XP Side Of BootCamp Keeps Restarting

Oct 23, 2008

My computer was running extremely slow and seemed to be freezing, so I restarted and now it is restarting and coming to the screen that says Windows didn't shut don properly and asks if I want to run in safe mode, normal, at last known good configuration. I have tried every option, but it looks like it is restarting properly, then it powers off and back on to the same screen over and over again. It briefly shows the blue screen of death, but not long enough to even read it; it just flashes, then goes on to restarting. The Mac side seems to be working fine, but I have a lot of Windows programs I need to use, so I need my Windows side to work as well.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Restarting Automatically?

Jul 25, 2010

(15" 2010) running OSX and Windows XP via Boot Camp.1. When I'm in XP, and I want to reboot the computer in OSX, and I right-click on the little grey diamond in the system tray and select 'Restart in Mac OS X', the computer stops responding. I can move the mouse around, but everything else is completely stuck (can't click on icons, buttons, etc) and the computer doesn't restart. If I go to the Control Panel, select the OSX disk, and then restart the computer using the Start menu, it works just fine.

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OS X :: Windows Side Of Bootcamp Won't Go Online

Nov 18, 2009

What do I need to do to get vista to recognize that there is a router sitting right next to it?

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Windows On Mac :: Accessing Files From Other Side Of BootCamp?

Sep 10, 2009

If I create Excel files on the Windows side (bootcamp), can I access those files from the Mac side? I basically want to send the files via Mac mail as I don't want to set up Outlook on the Windows side. I won't be opening the files, just attaching them to the email on the Mac side.

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Windows On Mac :: Internet Slow Speed On OS X Side Of BootCamp?

Jan 20, 2009

After installing Windows Vista and running both OSX Leopard and Vista I started noticing a slow down from my Firefox and Safari both. Up until now I have had really good speed and great browsing and torrent downloads using Transmission,,I switched over to Vista and it was fast so I thought "what the heck is going on here", checked out the forums for some advice on different DNS etc, tried all of those with no results so finally called my ISP and they ran a traceroute with me from utilities and the first ping was coming back that I was behind a firewall. Checked the Mac's firewall and turned it off still no luck, made sure Little Snitch was off, still nothing. Thought how is this possible.

ISP(Time Warner Cable-Roadrunner) advised me to take the cable modem back and switch it out for a new one because they said my speeds were definitely not right. Well I decided to check my Vista and sure enough the windows firewall was on,restarted my iMac and used trace route again from network utilities and the firewall was gone. So some how even though I was running Leopard only at that time still with bootcamp somehow the firewall in Windows was bleeding over into OS X. I'm not a computer engineer but I thought they (Vista/OSX Leopard) were running independently from each other in bootcamp. Just wanted to let you guys out there know about this because it seems that some of the quirky issues that you can't find answers to might be attributed to this.

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OS X :: Bootcamp - Wireless Router Works On PC Side But Not On Mac Side

Sep 8, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro and I had AT&T help me with the settings in OS X so that I can surf the internet with my modem via ethernet. Everything worked fine. Then I installed Windows XP SP3 with Bootcamp and bought a Linksys Wireless N Router. I used the install disk on the PC side to get the router working, assuming that the Mac side would work just fine when it found the network. Now I can connect to the wireless router when I'm in my PC partition, but when I try using my Mac partition. It does not work. (Ethernet works with both) When using other people's wifi connection, I have no problem. Only at my house do I have this connectivity issue.

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OS X :: Organizing Finder - Side By Side / Tile Windows?

Jul 23, 2010

Is there a way to organize your finder windows automatically like Windows does? By this I mean, tile the windows and/or side by side? I know I can do it manually, but I just would rather have the functionality available.

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Software :: How To Make Mac Windows Align Side By Side

Nov 13, 2008

is there a way to make mac windows align side by side, like the funcion in windows where you can select some windows and align them side by side.

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OS X :: Vista Side Of Bootcamp Won't Eject CD

Nov 2, 2009

Whenever I have a CD or DVD in Vista on my Imac, I can't eject it, I need to restart in OSX to eject it. Is there something I am doing wrong, like I need to activate the rest of my keyboard?

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OS X :: Internet Flawless In BootCamp But Sporadic On Mac Side

Jun 21, 2010

I have a 2008-era MacBook Pro and I am using a Belkin Wireless G router with Road Runner cable internet. I've been having sporadic internet outages. Things will be going great, and then all of a sudden, my connection will die for 15-30 seconds at a time. Websites won't load. In the network diagnostics utility, it tells me that my ISP connection is dead and then it will cut back on. This happens several times per hour. I originally thought it was an issue with my ISP, and then I decided to spend a day just working in Windows Vista via Boot Camp. Well, there were absolutely NO outages and pages loaded WAY faster than they do on the Mac side. I also tried plugging in the cable modem to the computer. There were no problems there either. Since I can use WiFi without incident in Windows and hooking the cable modem directly to the computer causes no problems on the Mac side, I can only conclude that there has to be some sort of settings problem that is causing this.

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Windows On Mac :: Restarting Windows/mac Correct Procedure?

Dec 20, 2008

Id just like to clarify that I can set the default os to boot up in windows and in mac, why both?

Thats not my question, my question is when i restart windows it will boot up mac os since thats the default, is this correct?

Theres no sort of temp file or setup so it only restarts windows?

(this mouse wheel is so annoying when it stops working all the time!)

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Windows On Mac :: Loading XP And Froze When Restarting

Jan 27, 2009

I was loading windows xp home addition on my macbook pro and it froze when restarting. Now when I start the computer it just pulls up a black screen that says press any button to restart, but pressing the buttons does nothing.

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OS X :: Dock Shifts Windows To Side

Dec 13, 2010

I set the dock to appear on the left side of my screen with auto-hide turned on and magnification turned off. It's not at full size. I like to keep my windows maximized such that they take up the entire screen. What I've noticed, however, is that when I put the dock on the sides and open a window for any application (Safari, outlook, etc), it'll be shifted to the right just a little bit. This makes part of the desktop background visible, as the application window isn't covering the entire screen. I know it's not a big deal, but it kind of bugs me and I keep on moving the windows back to maximize the screen, but it keeps on shifting to the right. How do I prevent this? I thought it might be because the dock was too big, but really, it's not.

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OS X :: Maximizing Windows - Slides Out From The Side?

Jan 29, 2009

Every time on Messenger, or another window I right click to get to a certain conversation, it never comes up when I want it to... it just simply goes to the first conversation I opened - and then when I minimize all the windows, after a few seconds it slides out from the side.

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Windows On Mac :: Doesn't Have Right Side Ctrl Key?

May 29, 2010

I have a unibody Macbook Pro and using windows 7 via bootcamp. The problem is that macbook doesn't have full windows keyboard and I need the right side "ctrl" key. Is there a way to create such kind of button?

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MacBook Pro :: Run Windows Along Side Lion?

Apr 13, 2012

how do i run windows along side lion??  do i need to purchase windows

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MacBook Air :: Migrating Bootcamp Image / Blackbook Bootcamp Partition Having Windows

Jan 30, 2009

Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.

Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....

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Hardware :: 2 Laptops Side By Side. AIRPORT. 1 Connects Great, 1 Barely At All. Any Thoughts?

Jul 24, 2009

We have two Mac Laptops, 1 is the little white Macbook, the other MBP. We have DSL coming in and then thru a 2wire modem then thru the Airport. The 2 wire modem is connected to a PC. All of this sits about 40 feet from the bar where we use the laptops and is a straight shot.

My problem is that the the newer MBP is stuck in the mud when it comes to connecting, and then holding any type of signal strength with the wireless signal.The older little white MB works great, every bar on the wireless icon is black, on the other (as I type this they are both on and side by side..) only has one.

When pressing Alt/Option and clicking on the wireless icon the good computer shows a transmit rate of somewhere between 20 and 26 when I have checked it several times this morning, the bad one has never been above one.It seems for the price I paid for the Airport Ex. BOTH of these units should be getting full strength signals.Ever had this problem? No of any possible solutions?The fact that the slow one is my wife's machine doesn't make life any easierI figure before I make an Apple reservation I could do a little research myself.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Edit 2 Separate Photos And Make Them Display Side By Side On Same Page?

May 6, 2012

I am attempting to edit two photos. My goal is to take the two photos and place the objects side by side so that both my daughters appear in the same photo.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Merge Pictures Side By Side / Photo App For Merging Photos?

Mar 6, 2010

I need some sort of free program to take two pictures and put them side by side. It's a one time deal so I don't want to pay for it, I just have images of artwork and their respective placards that I'd like to be able to put side by side as one image so it's easier to follow. I know it sounds basic and probably dumb but I literally have zero experience with photo applications.

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MacBook Pro :: Find A Side By Side Comparison Of 2009 Vs 2010 Macs?

Jun 28, 2010

I got a macbook pro base model last year (2009 model) and my girlfriend just got a macbook base model last weekend (2010 model)Seems as though her macbook has better specs than mine... I'm also considering upgrading to Snow Leopard but don't really see the point.That inertia scroll thing hers does is pretty cool... other than that everything is pretty much the same to the naked eye after a few hours of use.

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IMac :: Good Side-by-side Processor Benchmark Comparisons Out There?

Dec 18, 2009

I'm looking for a comparison between all iMac processors. I believe that the only processors used for iMacs have been G5, Core Solo, Core duo, Core 2 Duo, Core i5 and Core i7. If I'm missing something let me know.

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MacBook Pro :: Monitor Sticking - Hinge Wiggles From Side To Side

Jul 25, 2010

When i try to close the monitor of my MPB 13' it clicks in the hinge area like its sticking when i close it, i also feel tention which is released. It sounds like I am breaking it and it does it several times when I close it. When it is closed and I go to the back the black part of the hinge wiggles from side to side.

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Mac Pro :: Apple Cinema Displays Will Not Plug Into Card Side By Side

Aug 25, 2014

This seems an odd problem so I may be missing something -- but the connectors on my two Apple Cinema Displays will not plug into the card side by side.  The plastic casing is just a tad too bulky, so you can't quite get the second connector in if the first plug is filled.   It's the card that originally came with the computer, a Mac Pro 1,1. 

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Mac :: How Would I Get The Windows Side To Connect To The Internet Via Ethernet?

Aug 13, 2010

I just installed the Home Edition of Windows XP (from 2002) via Boot Camp. I'm having trouble getting online in Windows. Most of the Internet options seem to revolve around modems, which I don't have. I use a router connected to my computer via Ethernet. There's also a wireless function, which I can use in a pinch.How would I get the Windows side to connect to the Internet via Ethernet? I don't intend to spend much time online on the Windows side (due to viruses), but I'd like to be able to go online if necessary.

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Fails To Make BootCamp Partition

Jan 23, 2009

I want to try out Windows 7. During this process though I deleted my winXP partition. When I went to create a new BootCamp partition in The BootCamp SetUp Assisstant, it failed to create the partition on my harddrive.

I was greeted with the error, "BootCamp SetUp assistant failed to yada yada yada, please backup and reformat your harddrive."

So my question is do I really have to reinstall Mac OS X? (I backup with TimeMachine so it won't be a big deal but still thats a very long process.) Do you guys have any tips or anything to get Mac OS X to partition my main HDD?

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Software :: Can Two Different Versions Of Toast Exist Side By Side

Jul 14, 2008

I have Toast 6 Titanium from a LaCie drive I bought some time ago, and just got an EyeTV with Toast 8 basic. Is there anything in T8 that I might need, TT 6 seems to work fine. I keep reading that nothing much has changed after version as far as typical burning needs. I know that support for newer formats has been added with the later versions so I am asking is T8 even necessary having TT6?

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MacBook :: Speaker On Right Side Louder Than On Left Side?

Jan 10, 2009

It's only today that I noticed my MacBook's right speaker is considerably louder than the one on the left. I opened Sound panel in System Preferences to see if the balance was off, but it was set at dead center. Then, I dragged the balance slider all the way to the left to see if the sound coming from the left speaker was okay at all. Well, it sure isn't. Very muffled, muddy sound. No highs at all. Dragging the slider to the right side reveals a very different sound texture. Very crisp, as it should be. Really weird. Anybody else experiencing this odd speaker behaviour?

I googled for this problem and found this thread, right here on Mac Forums. It's a thread for the MacBook Pros, though. The people with a MacBook Pro think it's because there's a subwoofer on the right side. Well, the MacBook doesn't have a subwoofer, so it can't be that. Any ideas? Is it repair time?

By the way, I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook, the 2,4GHz model.

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OS X :: How To View Multiple Pictures Side By Side In Preview

Jun 24, 2009

When I open up more than one picture (e.g., JPEG) in preview, it displays one picture at a time, putting the other pictures in the sidebar. Normally this is ok, but sometimes I need to look at two (or more) pictures side-by-side to compare things. How can I do this in Preview?

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IMac :: Side By Side Safari Sessions On 27"?

Apr 18, 2010

Supposedly, the new 27" iMac supports 2 side-by-side safari windows perfectly. However, on mine, they overlap by about 3 inches and if I drag the 2nd window to the right, it does not entirely fit without adjusting the width of one or both windows.

Is there a way I can optimize Safari (or the iMac display settings) for the 27" iMac display so that by default each window takes up exactly 50% of the screen width and a new window will sit perfectly side by side?

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