Applications :: Moving Files Between OSX And Windows In Bootcamp?
Feb 5, 2008
i'm about to buy my first mac but unfortunately i need to use windows from time to time. So I am currently trying to figure out whether to go with virtulization or bootcamp.
So here is my question: Can OS X see the windows partition and if so can you move files without any problems?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have set up a Windows XP virtual machine on my MacPro but I want to also get it into Bootcamp so i can try playing some of my PC Games. Is there anyway I can keep the files/settings I have with my Virtual Machine, or do I basically have to start from scratch? and then, if i can do something here, how?
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Aug 17, 2009
I guess I just want to know if it is possible. I have a bootcamp partition of xp on my mbp and I recently got a desktop PC just to have. I wanted to copy the bootcamp partition onto my pc and was wondering if this is possible. I have Winclone and use that regularly to backup my windows xp partition on my MBP.
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Apr 2, 2010
I'll be moving my OS and Apps on my MacPro to an Intel 160GB SSD, while keeping the home directory (except for the home library) on an HD using Carbon Copy Cloner.
At least that was the plan until I thought about my bootcamp partition with Win7. Whats the best solution for moving the Win7 partition or will I need to rerun boot camp and reinstall Win 7?
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Dec 24, 2010
I recently swapped the 500Gb WD drive out of my Macbook Pro for a 500Gb Seagate Momentus XT drive. OSX transferred across without any trouble, but despite using WinClone to backup the Bootcamp partition (running Windows 7 64-bit) I haven't been able to restore it successfully. What happens is that it appears to restore, and I get the dual boot screen when I hold down the Alt key, but on selecting Windows I end up getting a screen saying that some component or other is missing. I might choose simply to use Windows 7 under Parallels on this machine if I am faced with a full restore, since that way I can more easily backup the Windows side, and since it's running (MUCH) better since swapping drives. However, IDEALLY I'd prefer to restore my existing partition...
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Sep 29, 2010
I made an attempt to use Winclone to move Win7 (NTFS, 64-bit) to a new hard drive. After the image was deployed I rebooted. On the new drive,Win7 BSODs - I can't even boot into command line mode as it summarily reboots. The original bootcamp partition boots perfectly, however. I know Winclone was discontinued - assuming other people have used it with Win7 and have not had problems, without having to use Win7's DVD to do a repair install or to - for the moment - delete the original bootcamp partition that I know works, are there any means to fix the boot sector or alleviate this problem? (I think the BCD wants to point to the wrong partition, despite it starting to boot on its own...)
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Mar 24, 2010
when I lost my entire collection of PC games, I've gone through the process of making a .iso file of all of the games I've purchased. I have a few games in .iso files sitting on my mac desktop. For some reason, I cannot install Windows Vista on bootcamp anymore, as whenever I try to start up, I get an error saying something like the file "Wmilib" is missing or something, and I can't repair it using the startup disk no matter what. Which leads me to crossovers. I spent my money on it, and am hoping I didn't waste it. Whenever I tell Crossover to load from my mounted .iso file, and hit the "proceed" button, it takes me to the top drop-down menu, where it asks me to select a program to install.
The only problem is that I want to install from my mounted .iso file, and not from the list of supported programs, which is stupid. I've also tried just directly opening the "Setup.exe" file right with Crossover, and that still does nothing, which is very frustrating. Is it even possible to install games on crossover using a .iso file? And if so, what am I doing wrong, that whenever I hit "proceed" button it takes me right to the list of supported software and WON'T LET ME INSTALL without choosing one?
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Oct 24, 2009
Last night I installed VMWare Fusion and Windows 7 on my Unibody MBP running SL. When I use Fusion, my computer slows to a crawl. I spent a few hours getting Windows set up and installing software last night.
I would like to try using Boot Camp instead, but do not want to lose all of the software and files that I have installed. Is it possible to set up Boot Camp, and keep the same Windows setup?
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Dec 3, 2008
how can i move my bootcamp partition to a new comp while keeping everything working the way it is now?
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Apr 16, 2009
I used to have XP installed on another intel mac with bootcamp. This computer was running 10.4 and I was able to open up the Windows partition from the icon on the desktop. From there I could drag in new items, take some out, whatever I wanted to do.
Now, however, on my new 10.5 computer, it seems every single folder is locked and protected in the windows partition I access from OS X.
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Nov 29, 2009
I've been trying to move some files from my Mac HD to Windows partition, but I keep getting the message "The item ___ could not be moved because ___ cannot be modified." Anyone know how to fix this?
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Mar 5, 2010
I encounter this error code when I try and move windows files from HDD onto USB or external disk. It has only occurred since Snow leopard.
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Oct 28, 2008
I am having trouble moving files between a windows computer and a mac. When I save a file on the USB from the [URL]. there is no problem, and when I extract it to my mac there is no problem. BUT when I delete the files from the USB stick, it looks like everything is okay (window of usb is clear, and therefore there should not be anything on it right?) But if I go to the settings for the USB to see if the entiry capacity of the USB is available again, then I find out that this is NOT so.
So basically my problem is that my USB tells me it is occupied, when in fact it is not, could it be something with the cooperation between pc and mac perhaps?
What do you think the reason for this is? and how could I fix it?
The problem is that I now have 3 different USB-sticks which are useless.
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Sep 3, 2010
I recently upgraded my internal HD from the factory 120 gig to a 500. Because my itunes library is so large (250 gigs) I had been keeping most everything on an external WD drive. Now I'm trying to figure out how to move all these files from the external to my new internal drive without having to reset all my playlists and such (I have two iphones and an ipad pulling from certain playlists. It would be a huge undertaking to redo all this).
Does anyone know of an easy way to accomplish this? I thought about just copying and pasting all the music directly to the itunes folder. But then when I go to play the song in itunes it says the file cant be located (the external HD is disconnected) and asks if I want it to search for the song. For a few songs this would be fine. But with 46,000 its out of the question.
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Sep 19, 2008
How can I get files from the Mac OS side over to the VMware/Windows side where I can work on them with Windows apps?
Moving files from Windows XP/VMware Fusion to a destination on the Mac OS side is as easy as dragging files over to Finder and dropping them when the Finder window becomes active. However, I haven't been able to do the reverse operation.
There's got to be an easy way to move files from the Mac side over to XP/VMware.. But I might lose my mind before I discover it.
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Feb 11, 2009
I have a lot of mp4 files; vmovies, TV shows, music video's, everything. But, when I load them into iTunes they all show up under the movies tab, and I can't find a way to move them to different categories.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have an external drive that has all of my music stored on it. I already have been using iTunes with the external drive and have all my artwork and play lists setup. I want to move the music files to my internal drive on my 24" iMac. What do I need to do in order to move the files and not lose my artwork and playlists?
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Jun 10, 2010
I keep my iTunes Media folder on my external drive, but I found that recently iTunes has put several of the albums I've ripped on my local drive (/Users/<me>/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music, I assume that's the default location). Not sure why, though I know there was a time when my drive was inaccessible for some reason, so perhaps I ripped them then. Anyway, point is I want to move them to the external drive where the rest of my music lives. I tried just "moving" them in Finder, and I say "moving" because Finder doesn't really let me move but rather copies to the external drive. Which I think is part of the problem, since I then moved the local versions to the trash bin, from which they still played on iTunes. I guess iTunes (or MacOS in general) tracks where files move. Once I emptied the trash, though, iTunes claims it can't find them. Even though shiny new copies are right there in my iTunes media folder on the external drive.
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Jan 12, 2009
Me wife bought a MacBook to replace her crappy Windows laptop. She's a heavy iTunes user who has downloaded 100+ songs from iTunes and wants to make sure she doesn't lose the songs. I'd like to move all the songs to the Mac iTunes clients, reformat her iPod to Mac, then put all the music, playlists, etc back on her iPod. What's the best way to transfer all her songs to the Mac before formating the iPod?
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Aug 5, 2009
I have MBP running 10.5.7 2.4 with 4 gigs of ram and I need to run Windows. I would like to run it stand alone to use all my available resources, as I will be running PS AE 3DsMax ect..., but the kicker is I would need access to my Mac files.
I read that "bootcamp" installs will not allow access to Mac files and folders while in PC and vise versa... true? Parallels will but then Im not taking advantage of all my hardware resources running windows this way... Do suggest run a "bootcamp" install and use a removable for storage of all files so I can go back and forth with them if need be? I have files on my mac right now I will need to open and have access to inside of Windows programs.
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Sep 10, 2009
If I create Excel files on the Windows side (bootcamp), can I access those files from the Mac side? I basically want to send the files via Mac mail as I don't want to set up Outlook on the Windows side. I won't be opening the files, just attaching them to the email on the Mac side.
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Nov 21, 2009
I bootcamped my Macbook Pro with minimal assistance from my mac geek husband tonight - and messed up - BIG TIME. When in the "partition mode" of windows it asked which of the systems I wanted to FAT or partition. Well - me not knowing - thought the 200mb space was a little small and deleted it.
When the system restarted and I read the error - I knew I was in BIG trouble. So I went to boot camp assistant and got this message:
The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition.
Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again.
I am FREAKING out BIG TIME! Can you help me to restore the information - so I may go and humbly as my husband to help me do it right - or maybe google the directions before starting.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have tried to install windows on my mac and bootcamp says files can't be moved, I haven't got a problem with reinstalling my mac provided someone can tell me if it's possible using a backup from time machine and the process needed please. I've no idea whether it will work and I want to be 99.99999% sure before I do anything as I have important work on my mac which I can't afford to loose.
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a 46 gig itunes music folder that I had moved from my PC to a NAS several months ago. I set up itunes to have the music folder on the Macbook that I use day-to-day point to the songs on the NA. The songs link to the respective folder on /Volume/Music/Artist/Album/song The NAS has been having issues staying connected so I just moved all new songs (I had kept at least 44 gigs on the PC as a backup when I did this 6 months ago) from the NAS to the PC. I finally figured out a way to reliably connect to the PC (running Win7) from the Macbook via SMB. The songs are now located on Volume/iTunes Music/Artist/Album/Song My question is - how do I instruct itunes that the songs are now located on the PC rather than the NAS? Should I just 'delete' all files in iTunes and then add the PC's folder? Is there a better way??
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Apr 5, 2006
When partitioning so that I can install XP, bootcamp claims that specific files cannot be moved, making it so that I am unable to install XP. It then orders me to ~gasp~ back my files, and reinstall OSX. Anyone else have this error message? I wanted a 14GB partition, and that would leave about 16 additional gigs free on the OSX partition
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Nov 23, 2009
I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this question and I'm really stumped. I've installed Bootcamp as I've realised Fusion is no good for gaming, however. I can't download all of my games again off steam due to a cap on my internet.
I've looked everywhere and is there anyway I can copy and paste the program files from my current virtual machine onto my new bootcamp machine?
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Dec 16, 2010
This morning I tried to play one of my albums and it told me it wasn't able to locate the files (on my external disk) so I located them manually and for some reason it has created a new iTunes folder in the root of my HDD (even though the iTunes prefs still pointed at the external disk) and moved the files in to that.
I deleted the album from the library and then imported the files from the new folder. It imported them fine and copied them to the exiting iTunes folder in the ext HDD but then immediately copied them back to the wrong iTunes folder. Then it told me it couldn't find them again!
I've now discovered 4 other albums that it's doing the same thing with and no matter what I do I can't get them to import, stay on the ext HDD and remain connected.
I've re-installed iTunes and restored my library file from before I upgraded to 10.1.1(4) but it's still doing the same thing.
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Jan 15, 2009
I recently bought a 160GB external hard drive, and decided to transfer my iTunes music to it. I followed the instructions in the Help section of the iTunes program. The first time, I mistakenly created an empty "iTunes" folder and put an "iTunes music" folder inside, where i proceeded to copy the files. I had already set the defult location of the library to my F: drive, my external hard drive. However, the original location of the files stayed in iTunes. Again, following the advice of the iTunes program, I deleted the original folders, and I dragged the new iTunes music folder into the window - at which point i had TWO copies of each file - the first one with an exclamation beside it (original file missing) and the second being my new copies.
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Apr 29, 2010
am new to the Mac world and just bought the Macbook Pro 13" 2.4GHz. I desperately need to run some Windows applications on the new Mac. Apart from knowing that Bootcamp can only run Windows or Mac at a time and Parallel allows switch between Windows and Mac, can anyone help me to decide which option I should go for please? In particular
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Mar 17, 2009
Just wanted to run a couple of little games on my comp that i can only find in .exe and was wondering if there was an app that would let me run them in OS X.
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