Windows On Mac :: 7 RC Without Wired Peripherals?
May 5, 2009
Have downloaded and burned both 32/64bit versions in case of driver support issues.
As I custom configured my iMac, I only have wireless keyboard/ wireless mighty mouse.
Is it possible to go through a windows 7 RC install without wired peripherals? ie, is the bluetooth initiated during the install process?
Using a 2009 iMac, 3.06/4GB/1TB/4850
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a late 2008 Unibody MacBook 13" with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed under BootCamp upgraded to 3.1.
Here's my problem: when I'm connected to a wired network that uses DHCP and I wake from sleep the adapter does not acquire the IP. I need to disable the adapter, reenable it and everything works fine.
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Jun 22, 2012
I am unable to charge my 4G iPod (plugged into wired Apple keyboard) under Bootcamp in Windows 7 (64-bit) running on my Mac Pro (4,1). As soon as I reboot into OS X, the iPod starts charging immediately. What do I have to do to get my iPod charging through my keyboard?
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Nov 12, 2009
across an OS 9 disk and it boots and all on my iBook clamshell. Just when I get to the screen where I choose what HD to install it on, there is 'no peripherals'
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Jun 7, 2012
bluetooth peripherals won't connect
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Aug 27, 2010
I recently bought a used (early 2008) MBPro 15" 2.5 SR to do some video editing. Unfortunately it will not recognize my Sony DV camera, or an external HD connected via FW400 or my 12" PB booted in target disk mode. The camera and the hard drive both mount instantly on my 12" PB and a friends 15" PB. Also, when I check the Firewire status under System Profiler all it says is: Warning: Unable to list FireWire devices (in red). This is regardless of what is connected to the port or if nothing is connected to the port. I have tried rebooting the PRAM and changing the Firewire port's network preference to OFF as recommended by this post: [URL]
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May 5, 2008
i have a mac mini which up until recently was working fine. now it won't read my external lacie drive, my lacie d2 burner or my m-audio firewire solo. i've tried rebooting, unplugging, replugging, switching cables...all to no avail. i hate to think that i have several hundred dollars worth of paperweights now. the system profiler recognizes that i have a firewire port, only when i plug something in it doesn't read it. are the ports on my peripherals fried?
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Jul 3, 2012
Can USB2 peripherals (hard drives, USB microphones, et al) be used with a MacBook Air that only has USB3 jacks?
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Apr 14, 2009
This is something I've been wondering for a long time. I seem to have a lot of screen-related issues with the Pros that I sit in front of in the main. Brightness controls going haywire displays not turning on, etc. There is also the odd attached USB device lockup, but I'd been putting this down to the devices themselves and the occasional, app-level instability of Leopard. More recently though, I've been seeing a pattern that's leading me to suspect the Pro's more than the peripherals. Is there a documented case of possible USB hub connection issues in (fully patched) 2008 Pros? The most frequent issue is monitors not behaving as expected when the system is booted until the monitors themselves are unplugged from power. There are also less frequent but present problems where iPods lock up, keyboards stop working, etc. I can't really abstract the problem down to an OS issue or a hardware issue, but the need for me to unplug the monitors seems to indicate that there is some sort of USB initialisation issue - as with the other minor problems I experience with other monitor-connected USB peripherals. Since I only use multimonitor environments as far as my Pros are concerned, all USB connections are usually made from the backs of the screens. So the big question is is this a screen USB hub fault, or a main-unit intermittent fault? All of the monitors I'm using have been to Applecare for one reason or another, although I'm not sure if they check everything in these repairs.
Can anyone else shed more light on this issue? It's pretty hard to replicate reliably and it's not been something I can go to Apple with any degree of certainty, yet the little minihoops I have with this problem (and oh so many other Apple issues, but that's by the by) irritate me immensely in comparison to my rock-solid, near-zero-such-issue, non-Apple environments which I also use daily.
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Sep 20, 2009
can you do this with an airport extreme or time capsule? I assumed that by connecting the USB line of my ScanSnap scanner to these devices, I would be making them wireless (i.e., so I wouldn't have to plug the USB into my actual computer). It doesn't seem to work for some reason. Is it b/c that's not possible, or am I doing something wrong?
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Jan 25, 2011
I downloaded a photoshop tutorial video and the guy was using what looked like a drawing tablet and a stylus to make selections and even to apply effects and so on. Though he was using a mac system I'm sure i could still get those that work on the pc. Pls could anyone direct me to a site where i can get them
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Feb 18, 2008
Macpro, Apple extreme, Comcast cable modem.
it's right next to my mac pro (soon to be repaired mac pro)
is it better to just wire it to the modem? or is wireless the same speed?
what am i missing out for using wired? why wouldn't i just wire it?
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Jun 14, 2009
So I got a new Macbook about 3 months, and I've been sitting on a couch in the same room with the wireless router. However I'm getting a bit sick of having to use a couch as my desk and I want to get internet in my room.
Our house, is reasonbly new, and I know that all the phone wires are cat5 (I'm 100% sure), so I was thinking of setting up a wired network.
Since our house is made up of concrete and steel beams, the wireless signal isn't that great in our house. We have a D-Link G604T which is a piece of junk so I will get a new router in the near future.
So currently, we have some sort of filter in the room where the router is, so we can plug in the router without having to worry about putting filters on all of our telephone lines.
However, if I were to put internet in through the same line, I'm guessing I would have to get some filters.
Hopefully what I want to do is get a phone jack to Ethernet converter and put internet directly into the wall and hopefully I will get internet in all of the phone jacks. I could probably take the cable out and put a Ethernet end straight on the cable.
I was also thinking If I get a airport extreme of some other gigabit router, I would technically get less latency and would retain my internet speeds even though I would getting internet through a long line of cables.
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Aug 7, 2010
I dunno if this is the right forum, but I use a MBP, plus, I couldn't find a more fitting category. Anyways, I'm gonna try and set my PC up to my monitor tonight, but my PC uses Ethernet to connect to the internet. My MBP on the other hand, connects to the router via WiFi. So, I wondered, would it be possible to hook my PC up to my MBP, to provide internet access? I mean, I can use my MBP as a wireless router, so why not as a wired router?
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Feb 8, 2012
My mouse is set to scroll horizontaly and vertically but it will only scroll up on a page, not down. Is there any way I could fix this so my mouse can scroll down as well?
iPhone 4
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Jun 8, 2010
Can anyone recommend a brand of wired routers that is super easy to set up for the Mac?
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Jan 11, 2011
Is there any point in mixing wired and wireless connectivity with a Mac Pro? Would this bump up/down speeds at all?
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May 11, 2009
Just wondering what type of network connection you use (if you have a choice). Do you run wireless or wired?
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Jul 24, 2009
Along with a first mac mouse, I am also looking to buy a keyboard for my MBP for use at home when connected to the 24" screen.
The big question is however, the small wireless or the fullsized wired apple keyboard?
Are therer any issues with the bluetooth connection? Like, does the MPB need to have booted completely before it is "active" or will it be active from the boot chime? (this could be usefull when needing to boot into bootcamp )
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Dec 1, 2009
I have a wireless network (n) created by an Airport Extreme.
I also have an Airport Express and another Airport Extreme.
My computers work fine with the wireless. But the PS3 is very slow, and is 'G' only.
I was hoping to figure out a way to use one of my extra devices (the express or extreme) to connect to the 'n' network - and output a wired connection to the PS3 (and old xbox actually).
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Aug 14, 2010
I was wondering if I can make a wired USB to wireless, Bluetooth whatever. I want to use my old G3 mice and keyboard with my new mac mini but I want the keyboard and mice to be wireless!
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Feb 17, 2012
I have an Mid-2009 13 Inch Macbook pro. I decided to upgrade my memory to 4 gigs using thirdparty memory. However, I have noticed that the amount of Wired memory usage has gone up a quite bit. My Wired memory usuage usually goes as much as 900 mbs and this is outrageous because I don't particularly open any major applications. My Kernel Task right now sits at 397 MBs, which is huge as well.
I find that with one firefox or chrome browser open, I can easily use over 90% of my 4 gig ram and that's when watching you tube becomes very difficult 9freezes a lot.I understand that I never had this problem with Windows, or even when I run bootcamp.
Here is a print out of my processes:
Active Memory: 1.91 GB
Free Memory: 1.02 GB
Wired Memory: 853.4 MB
Used Memory: 2.98 GB
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mid 2009 13 inch
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Mar 4, 2012
I just purchased a brand new wired keyboard from apple for my imac G5, I was told it would work with what i have running, leopard. I followed instructions, plugged in
and checked for upadates, there was none, but the volume button is not regonized, the volume button instread brings on gadgets, or make the gadgets leave, in other words, some keys work for something else, or not work at all.
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Mar 19, 2012
Am currently renting a room in a boarding house, and have a wired connection within my room with access to free Internet (included in rent). Yet am worried that as I am connected to (given I needed no password to access) is a relatively insecure network, I am leaving myself open to hackers. Is this the case? And if so, what methods can I go to so I can protect myself from potential intrusion (already unchecked all boxes in sharing folder and switched on the firewall)
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May 11, 2012
My MacBook charger wire is fraying. Can it be repaired?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 7, 2010
Need to covert my Kodak all in one to wireless. Getting tired of having to connect my pro to it. Are there in a ways to do this?
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Nov 30, 2010
just wanted to know if there was any way to:
- Connect to my Time Capsule via Ethernet (no connection to modem)
- Connect to Virgin Media Router via WiFi
I can't connect my Time Capsule to my modem (i did think of that lol), any advice would be appreciated Regards, skate71290
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Jun 5, 2006
I have a PC (running XP Pro) that accesses the internet through a wired router (D-Link) hooked to a cable modem. My boyfriend just moved in with his iBook and Airport Express. I hooked the Airport Express to a LAN port on the wired router, and it basically works fine. He is able to access the internet wirelessly without any trouble. I also connected the printer to Airport Express and he is able to print wirelessly. However, I thought I was going to be able to also print to the printer because following info from Airport FAQ.
Question: AirPort Express connects via wire to my third-party router, and I have plugged a compatible USB printer into AirPort Express. Will it share the printer with my non-Apple computers, too?
Answer: AirPort Express acts as a print server for any Mac OS X 10.2 or later, Windows 2000, or Windows XP computer that is on the same subnet, regardless of whether the third-party router is wired or wireless.
Can anyone comment on this? How can I make this feature work from my wired computer? Is there something I need to do to make them on the same subnet? Also, if there IS a way to print via Airport Express, is there a way for me to access airTunes too?
I did read a somewhat similar situation and this is what was advised. "Manually give it an IP address and subnet in airport admin (under the internet tab). For example if your router IP address is 192.168.x.1 with a subnet of give your Airport Express 192.168.x.2 i.e. give your Airport Express 1 IP number higher than your router. Also make sure you are not distrupting IP address from your Airport Express, and you are creating a wifi not joining."
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a MediaSmart Server due on Friday. I have an iMac, MBP, MB, and two PC's using an Apple Airport, how should I connect the MediaSmart Server EX485 to my airport, wired or wireless? Is there a performance difference between the two setups?
If wired offers best speed then I can easily do that as they will be near each other.
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Mar 28, 2009
Just bought a new wired keyboard with numberic keypad. It isn't flat and wobbles anytime I use the keypad, arrows, and even delete/backspace.
I know that the keyboard has received mixed reviews in regards to manufacturing and quality but has anyone else had this problem?
Want to know if I have a good chance of having the same problem if I return it and try another one.
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