Mac Pro :: (4,1) Won't Charge IPod When Plugged In Through Wired Keyboard In Bootcamp (Windows 7)
Jun 22, 2012
I am unable to charge my 4G iPod (plugged into wired Apple keyboard) under Bootcamp in Windows 7 (64-bit) running on my Mac Pro (4,1). As soon as I reboot into OS X, the iPod starts charging immediately. What do I have to do to get my iPod charging through my keyboard?
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Feb 13, 2012
i am running awin7 in bootcamp. in this bootcamp i am using outlook 2010. i cannot create an "@" in emails. is there any shortcut to create an @? is there any combination to create the windows "alt gr" on the macbook air keyboard?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 4, 2009
I've just bought a Mac mini to use as a media centre, and I picked up the Apple wireless keyboard and mouse while I was at it. It wasn't until I got home that I read the "requirements" section on the side of the mouse and keyboard boxes, where it states that an existing keyboard and mouse are needed for setup.
I have a USB mouse, but no keyboard (my other Mac is a MBP), and nowhere to borrow one from (all my friends have laptops).
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Aug 7, 2006
I'm getting a 1.25Ghz 15" Al Powerbook assuming I can fix it. It's got one major problem - it won't charge the battery, or see that it's plugged in. This problem just happened suddenly, it wasn't a gradual thing at all, and there was no physical damage that caused it. The Powerbook still booted and worked fine off of a freshly charged battery, but the computer won't charge that battery anymore.
I think it's a broken DC-in board that needs to be replaced, but before I dump $50 - $75 on a new one, can anyone tell me if it might be something else, maybe something I could check for free?
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Jan 31, 2008
I recently bought a new battery for my ibook G4 and thought that it would solve the issues I was having with my battery. When I went to plug in the power adapter, the battery icon does not change to show that it's charging, so I borrowed a friend's because I thought I needed a new adapter, but it's still doing the same thing. So I've ruled out that it's not the battery or the adapter.
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Nov 3, 2006
for some reason my powerbook battery charge slowly goes down even while it's plugged in. The power light is green as if it's fully charged but it goes down about 1% every day and then if i unplug it and plug it back in then it starts to charge, goes up to 100% like it should and then starts all over again. It never used to do this so i don't know why it's doing it now.
It started happening around the time apple had that huge recall so then i got it replaced but it still does it so it can't be the batteries fault (at least it doesn't seem likely)
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Apr 12, 2012
my mac book pro won't charge even when plugged into a known good outlet, 'Connection to computer is solid power cord is in good condition. This computer is about 1 month old
mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Dec 4, 2014
I have been using my MacBook pro for a lot of film editing and motion graphics. Recently, I noticed that my battery kept going down, even when charging. I thought nothing on it and kept using it. After around 4 hours, the battery went from 90% to 23% WHILE plugged in. This got me nervous. When I plug in the MagSafe charger, the light comes on and I get the "charging" symbol in my toolbar. The light turns orange and then, after a few minutes, the power starts to go down instead of up.
The laptop does charge, but only when I am running no application, when the screen is shut or when the laptop is powered off. Bear in mind that right now, I am on Firefox, that is the only application open, yet the charge is still going down. I assumed it was because I was using Premiere CS6, After Effects CS6 and Cinema4D, but now even when they are not open, the batter will not charge when I am using the laptop.
I am currently only running Firefox and Finder. Now the laptop is charging as usual. However the second I open up Premiere, After Effects etc, it goes down.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), 2012 edition
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Aug 13, 2009
After installing the bootcamp drivers the backlight will never turn off...I imagine this to be a problem for many but is there any known fix to this issue? The light, even on dim drives me absolutely nuts.
BTW Leopard is on 10.5.8 but I doubt that matters since I'm running in XP with boot camp. Bootcamp application in XP is version 2.1
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Sep 2, 2010
just curious, does anyone else's MBP's battery slowly lose charge over time even though it's plugged in? I've got a 2010 MBP 13". Mine only is ever at 100% right after I have used the battery and just recharged it. then it will slowly lose that charge over time until I unplug it, use the battery enough for it to actually charge the battery when I plug it in. (Oh, and coconut battery has never said it ever had 100% full original battery capacity, best it ever said was 97%).
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Aug 7, 2009
my laptop is less than a month old, but i've noticed when it's plugged in (i don't run on battery power), the battery percentage is going down. not the capacity, but just how much charge the laptop has. (excuse me if i'm using the wrong terms). and in about one-two weeks, the battery goes down past 95% and it starts charging itself.
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Oct 20, 2008
I have an iBook G4 Mac laptop. It's a model that pre-dates the duel cores that are now standard. I'm having an odd battery issue and I'm wondering if my battery is fried. The other night the computer was run on battery power and was reduced to 25% capacity. Normally this is fine. We just leave it plugged in and the battery charges. This time the battery is not charging. The ring around the power cord that connects the computer is staying green and the battery's capacity is at 28%. I left it plugged in over night and there has been no change in the battery's charge level.
If I disconnect the power cord and re-connect it the light will turn orange to indicate it's charging, but a few seconds will go back to green or blink between green and orange. I have re-started the computer twice. I have switched power outlets and have brought the laptop into the office to see if it was a power supply problem at my home. I even switched out power cords. I recently bought a spare cord when my original cord became frayed around the power connector. Is this a sign my battery is finished and needs to be replaced?
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Jun 19, 2014
So i noticed I had no charge left in my little battery icon on my Macbook Pro so I plugged in my charger. There is a little green light on my charger but it is not charging the macbook pro.
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Dec 13, 2007
I tend to use alot of my F-keys in Windows through bootcamp, but certain F-keys with secondary functions on the mac keyboard such as changing the brightness or volume up and down (as an example), keep functioning when I press them.
I did shut off the secondary F-key functions in the Mac system preferences, hoping it would stay inactive when I'm in Windows. Unfortunately they still turn my brightness up and down when, let's say, I hit the F1 or F2 keys in Windows.
Does anybody know any way to shut this off in Windows? Does it have to do with any drivers installed?
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May 28, 2008
I just have a quick question about Boot Camp.
Is there any way that I can remap my keyboard ONLY when I'm in BootCamp, so that it's like I'm actually on a PC? By this, I just mean that Command = Alt / Option, Alt / Option = the Windows logo key, and Control stays the same? If so, please tell me how, as it's really annoying while gaming, seeing as the games are formatted for a regular PC keyboard.
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Dec 1, 2007
The iBook battery will not charge nor will the light on the charger show any color when plugged in. The battery time until full charge icon is stuck on "calculating."
1) The charger is fine since I checked it on another iBook. (Light comes on and changes appropriately.)
2) I have multiple batteries so any one individual battery is not the problem. Also it registers the proper charge capacity.
3) I've reset the PMU and it does not help.
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Jun 21, 2014
I have my MacBook Pro won't charge while connected to the wall charger but still acknowledges it is connected and appears to be running off of the wall itself. no LED is on either. Just began happening all of a sudden. No Warning.
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Jun 30, 2008
i had my ipod on logitech docking system and it was charging but now it is stuck on charge,,,even tried hooking it up in car & on mac but it didnt change any solutions
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Sep 1, 2008
I own a 5th Gen ipod (clickwheel) that i recently reset, but now it will not charge or sync with my itunes. when i connect it to my computer it shuts off saying, "no battery power remain connect ipod to power." then it goes to a screen that says "wait very low battery." i leave it still plugged into my mac and in a couple minutes the apple logo appears and then "do not disconnect." it appears to be connecting to my itunes and begins to sync, but then it shuts off due to "no battery power," repeating the entire cycle it did before.
How can i fix my ipod? i do not own a separate power charger for the ipod and unfortunately the nearest apple store is four hours away.I also don't understand why it won't charge while connected.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a Mack-book pro 13inches that i recently purchased but my problem is my mac will not recognize my usb flash drive or recognize my iPod when i plug it in.
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.0.4
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Dec 28, 2006
When I boot up with the XP disk I get to the selection screen for either Home or Pro (MSDN version) and I can't make a selection because the keyboard is non-responsive. I've tried several times with no success. I've got a MacBook c2d with the latest OS and firmware updates.
Boot ROM Version:MB21.00A5.B00
SMC Version:1.13f3
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Oct 27, 2008
I've probably had Bootcamp running for almost a six months and last week I got on my Windows like normal. But to my dismay my trackpad, mouse, and keyboard were not responding. It just seems completely random since I didn't change anything or do anything different. Anyone have any solutions besides reinstalling?
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Oct 20, 2009
Ever since I updated to snow leopard, whenever I boot into my windows partition, it loads fine I just can't type anything nor move the cursor with the mouse at all. I've tried to insert the snow leopard disc while in windows and it doesn't really do anything.
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Nov 20, 2009
I will be purchasing the DiNovo Edge keyboard today, so I have to decide. Is it better to get the Mac or windows version? I will be using a Mac Mini and accessing Windows XP through Parallels. My Bootcamp partition is my VM.
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Aug 22, 2010
Having a VERY strange issue with my new 27" iMac. I've tried installing XP twice now and everything works fine through the installation and after XP boot initially without any Apple drivers. Keyboard (wired) and my Magic Mouse work just fine.
Then I install the Apple drivers and after a restart XP does not recognize and keyboard/mouse. Even if I hook up a standard USB windows keyboard and wired mouse, nothing. Booting into Mac OS everything works fine, but nothing in XP, including safe mode.
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Nov 19, 2009
I am looking for a wireless keyboard/mouse to replace my current USB wired to fulfill the following requirements:
1) Must Work with OS X, Bootcamp and Parallels.
2) Work with Windows XP (currently) and Windows 7 in future.
3) Whatever wireless technology, I only want ONE receiver for both KB and mouse.
4) bluetooth or NANO or other
5) Keyboard MUST be high contrast (example-black keys/white letters). This precludes current Apple keyboard.
6) Would like NOT to mix and match brands.
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Jul 24, 2009
Along with a first mac mouse, I am also looking to buy a keyboard for my MBP for use at home when connected to the 24" screen.
The big question is however, the small wireless or the fullsized wired apple keyboard?
Are therer any issues with the bluetooth connection? Like, does the MPB need to have booted completely before it is "active" or will it be active from the boot chime? (this could be usefull when needing to boot into bootcamp )
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Mar 4, 2012
I just purchased a brand new wired keyboard from apple for my imac G5, I was told it would work with what i have running, leopard. I followed instructions, plugged in
and checked for upadates, there was none, but the volume button is not regonized, the volume button instread brings on gadgets, or make the gadgets leave, in other words, some keys work for something else, or not work at all.
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Mar 28, 2009
Just bought a new wired keyboard with numberic keypad. It isn't flat and wobbles anytime I use the keypad, arrows, and even delete/backspace.
I know that the keyboard has received mixed reviews in regards to manufacturing and quality but has anyone else had this problem?
Want to know if I have a good chance of having the same problem if I return it and try another one.
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May 21, 2009
Now i use the macbook with XP
i got the new apple non numpad wired keyboard today i found i can't use Fn + <- for Home Key like my macbook.
i must config something before use ? how i can config it?
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