The noise starts immediately after hitting the start button and continues as long as the computer is running.It sounds similar to fan blades rubbing on something. This started while I was using the computer.
At times my iMac (27" July 2011) starts making loud fan noise with mouse showing turning rainbow. The only way to stop is forced shutdown by pushing back button for a while. Yesterday I switched to widget screen and saw hard drive fan speed > 4000 rpm without CPU and temps by on the high side.
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
My 20inch Imac which is running Snow Leopard and has been running fine for a long time now. It has just started to turn it self off then re start up on its own about 1 or 2 minutes later and then some times I just can't get it to turn back on again. I think it could be the psu?
I have an iMac G3 which I am VNC'ing in. Its never going to be turned off, and I am never going to look at the screen, so how do I turn it off? I Want to save the CRT, and its not needed. I Know there's a way to actually turn off my MBP's Screen.
2010 is a big year for me with my iphone 3g contract to expire in july, which means i can finally grab a slice of the fourth Gen Iphone, and my first bite into a Imac computer. Being a long time PC vista user 3 unfortunate years I'am tired of the windows world, yesterday I went to JB HI FI and i got quoted for $3,450.00 AU for an IMAC 27 Inch model which is orginally $3,626.00 AU. with i7 2.8ghz processor 8gigs of ram extended warranty and ms office
I'am holding off till tuesday to wait for WWDC to see if there is any news on Imacs. If there isn't I assume that it will be a quiet update, should i wait for the quiet update or buy one after the conference blows over.
People iMacs are turning off. This has been happening to mine for months.Â
I have 24GB of RAM. I expanded it with memory from Crucial's website when I first got it. This problem seems to be getting worse. I come back to my computer to find that it has restarted itself. Â
The iMac is running OS X 10.8.5. The model identifier is iMac13,2.Â
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 24GB RAM 2.9 GHz i5
I feel a bit silly, but I've not been able to turn off the tone that happens after I turn on my iMac. I've got the volume turned all the way down at the speaker icon, top right of screen
I have a 24" 2007 iMac, the first aluminum ones, 4Gb of Ram and a recently upgraded HD to 1Tb (from a 320Gb failed drive). Recently, I have noticed that under some active usage, such as playing World of Warcraft or Excel, the screen will start to turn completely off for 10 seconds, and then back on for 10 seconds. It will continue to do this for about 3 hours, turning on and off every few seconds or 15 seconds. It will mostly turn completely dark but would also sometimes flicker. The curious thing, is that if I continue to keep playing, the screen would cease doing this after about 3 hours and then be completely normal and fine, but the next night.
The symptoms would repeat itself, and would consistently go away after active usage (3 hours or so). Imagine this, as if the iMac itself needs to be "warmed up" for 3 hours before normal usage. It would also appear that if I hit the machine (or tap it), this may sometimes bring a dark screen back to life for a few seconds. I plan to bring it to support, but I just want to get some ideas from you guys as to what this can possibly be.
Some of my guesses: 1) It cannot be software as physically hitting it or my dog barking would affect the rate and speed of the random turn Ons and Offs. 2) It could be a loose connector from my recent transportation of it while upgrading my HD, but then why would it become normal after 3 hours of usage? 3) Maybe something to do with RAM or video RAM? It is faulty, and thus only prolong heavy usage would "run it in" for the session? After not using it for a while, it goes back to its failed state?
I tried googling this right after I bought my new iMac (on black friday). There is a little switch at the bottom of the magic mouse for turning it on/off. My question is every time I turn off my computer should I switch the button to the off position? Is there any benefit from leaving it on/off?
Whenever I need to shut my computer down from the apple menu it hangs. It does the same thing whenever I try to restart it. It's annoying. The only way I can get results is to physically shut it off.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.06 Ghz Intel Core Duo
Windows user here that just ordered a 27" QuadCore iMac. Usually on my PC at home, whenever i'm not using it I turn off the monitor but leave the computer itself running most of the time (I run a lot of torrents, VNC, etc). Is there a way to turn off only the display and keep the computer running like I normally would on the PC?
I have a first gen iMac 24 Intel with a dead logic board. However everything works in it. The screen, power supply, isite, speakers. appear to work fine. I got a MacBook Pro to replace it and I wanted to know if there is a way to turn the old iMac into something that is more like the Apple 24� display, even if I need to do electronics work in it.
I am in IT and have access to a lot of dead stuff I can scavenge for parts. I am also an electronic technician, so I should be able to do this. I just don�t know what I need to do.
Hunting down info on this topic has come with that there are controller issues. If I can pull a controller out of another dead LCD display that I happen to have, I can see it working. I can even see the possibility of adding the electronics from a USB hub to pipe USB functions over a DVI cable. And get the iSite and speakers working.
I'm looking to turn my new macbook pro into an external mimic monitor for my new imac., so that I can move my mouse from the imac screen to the pro's screen. How do I do it? Is it possible to do it wireless?
I've never owned an imac since I don't care for the AIO concept due to the fact that when your computer becomes obsolete, you lose the monitor as well, without any good reason. I really need a new computer, and as usual I'm thinking about the mini. The problem is that they are really slow and I need the hardware of the imac. I figured that buying an AIO, isn't that bad if you can still use the monitor even when the computer's hardware is obsolete. I've summed it up to a couple of questions:
1. Can you use the imac as a monitor for another computer without turning the enitre hardware on? Perhaps you can easily mod it, so that the monitor is the only thing working. 2. As a follow-up question, if something goes wrong with the imac, that isn't related to the monitor directly (i.e cpu, ram, hdd, etc..), could you still use it as a monitor for another computer?
If the answers to those questions are positive, I'll probably get a 27" imac.
I have my iMac connected to my wireless router via ethernet, but also airport is on. At the top right I can see I am connected to my network. How can I chose the faster ethernet to connect without turning of airport? How can I be sure the connection is with ethernet and not wireless?
I have a new 27" I7 that appears to have the high pitch sound issue if the brightness is not at max or lowest. How "common" is this issue?
I do not need the perfect iMac (I have some gray banding and the 1TB HD grumbling and it is not a big issue to me) I just wanted to see if this high pitch noise is considered a defect and needs to be fixed/replaced or it is more common than not with the iMac.
rite as some will already know i have took back my 27" iMac a total of 6 times and now i am on my 7th (4th one had screen issues), after actually accepting the "belly rumbling" "popping" noise and just getting on with the i5 experience, i thought i would actually contact Seagate direct on the actual matter for the rest of people on here who have doubt about there seagate hard drives.So i ring the operator i told him the whole story his first reply was sorry we dont support apple hardware! my response was "respected but the hard drive used is a seagate product"! he then replied saying sorry sir i misunderstood and quickly responded how can i help. I then repeated the problem and he asked for the HDD serial number, i was then very specific on the the noises we are all hearing and he made me repeat what i said a good 3 times so he had a very good understanding (in other words he did take this all seriously) he then said he was going to talk to the relevant person and put me on hold....10 minutes later he's back on the phone and he again asked me a final time! (ffs) to explain the noise he then quickly said in response the hard drive is supposed to make that noise. he named it the barracuda in seagates terms.
I get some fan noise occassionally on new Intel iMac .. is this normal ? Sometimes their is no noise .. apart from this everything is working fine ... look forward to some replies in regards to fan noise.
I just bought a new iMac (2.93) today and every time I turn it on it makes a weird zzzZZ noise. Same thing happens when I wake the computer up from sleep mode. It sounds like its coming from the disc drive area. IDK if this is normal or what to do to fix it
I have seen several threads on the Internet but never an answer to the noise problem Imacs seem to have when in sleep mode. We have an Imac, 27' 10.6.5 2TB bought this summer, in the bedroom which we use as a TV. When we go to sleep we put the Imac to sleep as well with the remote and the ZZZ on the screen. During the night however the Imac fan or harddisk starts to spin as if the whole thing is going to startup but then it winds down again and it does this every hour or so. It is so loud that it wakes us up. Some nights it does it some nights it doesn't. Before we actually had the screen come on too but now it doesn't do that anymore.
I have (had) a 24" iMac, which I purchased on Christmas Eve this past year. I love it, but it had a tendency to make all sorts of nasty noises. This was mostly a clicking that the HDD made for about 5 minutes on startup. I ended up backing up my iMac and the shop where I bought it exchanged it for a new one without question, so it's no longer an issue for me. But I've read that a clicking HDD is not uncommon on the Mac and I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it's really that serious an issue? The store employees where I bought it all said that it was an impending HDD failure, although I've heard that isn't always the case. Any thoughts on this?
Someone on this forum posted a complaint about his new iMac being pretty noisy in comparison with his previous 2.8 Ghz iMac. Could any of the owners of the new 2.93/3.06Ghz iMac comment on this issue? Do the new machines get really hot and make awful noise? Or are they pretty silent? The noise is a real dealbreaker for me.
Yesterday I started my iMac G5 and after about 15 minutes, it froze. It's happened before but I can always move the mouse. This is the first time it has actually properly froze. After about 2 minutes, I got a very loud whirring noise. I left it for about 5 minutes and it didn't die down. It has now been left for about 24 hours with the occasional turn on to see if it's fixed. No joy. Now it won't even turn on.
I have an iMac and it is making a constant clicking noise, like twice a second it is clicking (kind of like a slow moving fan sound but a more distinct 'Click'_
Well I have been following the HDD noise threads for awhile now, (since I to have a "hungry iMac") and was wondering what the final word was on the issue?
How did you guys get the issue resolved? Return and replace? HDD replacement at authorized repair location? Give up? Did it even get resolved?
So from what I can read, it seems the Seagate drive is the hungry one? Is the Western Digital any better? Or is the consensus that the 2TB one is better?
I personally don't think there is anything wrong (as in malfunctioning) with my machine...its just the rumbling noise is kinda irritating. I know my case is clear cut in my mind too...cause even before I read this forum, the first few times I heard mine I actually thought it was MY stomach growling. Then I came and read the threads and saw what was going on.
So, can it be fixed? For me to go through the hassle, I need to know that something other than simple exchange can be done to remedy...cause I personally think that will not do anything. I would be willing to bet and exchange (all things being equal) would do the same thing.
my Mac has developed a problem where it would work fine for a couple of minutes, but then the fans would come on full blast, it all works fine but it's really loud and gets on my nerves quite alot.
would replacing the fan fix this or is it something more complicated then that?