PowerPC :: Turning An IMac With LCD Into An Eternal Monitor

Nov 17, 2010

I have a first gen iMac 24 Intel with a dead logic board. However everything works in it. The screen, power supply, isite, speakers. appear to work fine. I got a MacBook Pro to replace it and I wanted to know if there is a way to turn the old iMac into something that is more like the Apple 24� display, even if I need to do electronics work in it.

I am in IT and have access to a lot of dead stuff I can scavenge for parts. I am also an electronic technician, so I should be able to do this. I just don�t know what I need to do.

Hunting down info on this topic has come with that there are controller issues. If I can pull a controller out of another dead LCD display that I happen to have, I can see it working. I can even see the possibility of adding the electronics from a USB hub to pipe USB functions over a DVI cable. And get the iSite and speakers working.

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IMac :: Turning MBP Into External Monitor Wirelessly?

Jan 13, 2009

I'm looking to turn my new macbook pro into an external mimic monitor for my new imac. ...like, so that I can move my mouse from the imac screen to the pro's screen. How do I do it? Is it possible to do it wireless?

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IMac :: Use As Monitor Without Turning Entire Hardware On?

Apr 13, 2010

I've never owned an imac since I don't care for the AIO concept due to the fact that when your computer becomes obsolete, you lose the monitor as well, without any good reason. I really need a new computer, and as usual I'm thinking about the mini. The problem is that they are really slow and I need the hardware of the imac. I figured that buying an AIO, isn't that bad if you can still use the monitor even when the computer's hardware is obsolete. I've summed it up to a couple of questions:

1. Can you use the imac as a monitor for another computer without turning the enitre hardware on? Perhaps you can easily mod it, so that the monitor is the only thing working.
2. As a follow-up question, if something goes wrong with the imac, that isn't related to the monitor directly (i.e cpu, ram, hdd, etc..), could you still use it as a monitor for another computer?

If the answers to those questions are positive, I'll probably get a 27" imac.

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PowerPC :: Using Imac G5 LCD As Monitor?

May 13, 2006

Just wondering if i can use my Imac G5 lcd as monitor for a pc? I want to learn 3Dmax and need to buy a pc,if i could utalise my Imac G5's display as display for a pc aswell would be a big help not only is it an excellent Lcd, but i could save $$.

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PowerPC :: IMac G4 Monitor Mod

Jan 24, 2008

I had a quick question regarding a mod I'm considering with a G4 iMac 17". Basically, I want to dismantle the original machine and make a new box to connect to the G4's arm and display. However, I remember reading somewhere that the G4's display used some type of proprietary connector and that this would be impossible. Can anyone who has more knowledge on this than me let me know if I can do this? Soldering is not a problem if needed.

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 As VGA Monitor?

Aug 18, 2010

Forgive me if this has been discussed on here previously, I didn't see anything in a cursory search, so here I am. I've come into ownership of a discarded iMac G3 (aqua, tray-load) that upon plugging in, starts, and then sits on the gray Apple logo screen for eternity, so I know that the CRT works. What I want to do is this: I currently have an LG flatscreen monitor plugged into a converter box that turns coax cable into a VGA signal, so I'm using the monitor as a TV, with external speakers, in my office. I'd love to be able to use this iMac in the same way, essentially just use the screen and leave all the guts in there spinning all day long. Now, I've seen a bunch of posts around the web about using the iMac G3s as external monitors for MacBooks and whatnot, but that all seems to rely on actually routing information through the computer itself, rather than just the screen. Has anyone done this? If I get one of the converters out there that'll turn the 15-pin monitor connection into a VGA hook-up, will the CRT still have power? Is there another option? Do I have to resort to iMac-quarium (which would still be a cool addition to the office)?

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PowerPC :: Using IMac G4 As Display / Monitor?

Nov 14, 2010

I have an old iMac G4 and I was wondering if I could just use the screen somehow since I don't need to use it as a computer? Could I use it like a TV to play xbox or something?

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MacBook :: Monitor Turning Itself Off Instantly?

Jan 9, 2011

I've run into a very nasty problem with my macbook (late 2007 normal macbook model I think). Whenever it closes, the monitor goes black. This is normal. What isn't normal is this: whenever I open it and then either start it/awaken it, it gives me the screen... and then the monitor turns the brightness off again! This happens randomly, I have to close and open my screen quite a few times to get it to work-even if I restart the computer. I don't what's causing this, or how to fix it, although I have a hunch that it's the hinge on the back; it started shortly (but not directly) after I replaced my CD drive... I have the tools and instructions needed to open my machine up if it's a fairly simple fix, but I need to know what's going on first.

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Power Mac :: Why Is ADC Monitor Not Turning On After Put G5 To Sleep

Mar 7, 2012

Why is my ADC monitor not turning on after I put my G5 to sleep? I am running an adaptor to my G5 from the ADC monitor (DVI to ADC).The screen usually runs fine when I reset the monitor or turn it off but as for when I put it to sleep, no such luck..This has happened once before and last time I just waited and randomly turned it on a couple days later and boom, the screen booted up.I have tried basic options, like resetting the computer several times, pulling the power cable out of the G5 for several minutes and even a PRAM reset but nothing seems to have made it work as of yet.I assume it's within the G5 as it has happened a few times and the monitor works fine when I test it on other computers..Also as I mentioned before this is not the first time it occured and it just randomly seems to come on whenever.

ADC Monitor and G5 Power PC, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Using IMac G5 Monitor With External Source?

Dec 9, 2006

I've been given (!) a G5 iMac which is practically brand new. It's only problem is that it suffers from the sudden shut off issue which seems to plague the G5 thanks to a faulty Power Supply and some caps on the mobo which get taken out by the PS. I've replace the power supply, but can't afford to get the mobo fixed, and since neither Apple nor any of the alternative operating system makers such as Linux will be supporting this system into the future, I figure that the hardware is essentially orphaned. I'd dearly like to use the screen though, as it's in great shape and is a beautiful display. So, my question is, can the internal screen be connected to an external source such as the video card of another computer? It would be great to use it for my music production machine. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. In the meantime I'm going to have a look around inside this beast and see what I can do.

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OS X :: Sleeping Vs Turning Off Monitor - What Is More Power Cut Friendly?

Feb 6, 2009

As the title asks, really. Is it safer for an iMac to be shut down from a power cut whilst turned on, or whilst sleeping? We tend to get a power cut once every couple of months.

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MacBook :: Turning Samsung Monitor Vertical

Jun 14, 2009

I connected my Samsung syncmaster 215TW with macbook - via minidisplay port reduction to DVI. when I turn the monitor verticaly, nothing happens... do I have to install some aditional software to my macbook?

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MacBook :: Turning Screen Into External Monitor

Dec 19, 2009

My 2006 mMcBook is dead and parted out. I still have the case and screen, but no HD, RAM, battery, or working logic board. How can I take the screen and make myself an external monitor out of it? I am presuming it's possible. I can solder a little and I love messing with parts from radio shack. So, has anyone heard of this? I tried googling it but couldn't find any search terms that brought me what I wanted.

Basically, I want to convert the video cable to DVI or even better, Display Port, and then figure out how to solder in a power source to just plug into a wall (since I'm assuming it'd be too big of a job to have it powered off of the FW800 or USB from the macbook pro). Is this possible? Since the computer is dead and gone, it won't hurt to experiment. Anyone have any links or guides to this?

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Intel Mac :: More Ram Or Eternal Hard Drive

Apr 15, 2012

From what I can figure out I'm in need of both more space on my computer and more ram.I've deleted enough that I now have 300MB free (from 1TB).  I'm a photographer, so those RAW files of mine take up a LOT of space.  It wouldn't hurt for me to put a few folders onto an external harddrive.  I think I can hook up my current external harddrive and a new one up with a hub and have both of those backup with my online backup service. leaving my computer with a lot of free space.  (I'm using Crashplan).  I'm scared to have all those photos in just one location... this way they'd be in two.  Would this work?According to the Activity Monitor I have 1.28 GB of free space (666.1 MB page outs).  So programs like Lightroom, etc. are starting to run a little slow. Financially I'll only be able to do these two things one at a time.  Is there one that's more urgent than the other

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PowerPC :: Turn Broken Imac G5 24" Into Monitor?

Mar 9, 2010

**Intel Imac 24 in. 2.4GHZ Core 2 Duo (NOT G5...my bad)

I know the "Using imac as external monitor" topic has been adressed in previous posts and it apparently can't be done. But this is slightly different.

I have this Imac G5 24" that is currently out of order. (won't detect hard drives when powered on 90% of the time and when it does i am experiencing ridiculous lag and random shutdowns...not to mention crazy overheating)

I sent it to tech support and after changing the hard drive, power supply etc.. and still not seeing any improvement i just stopped sinking money in repairs and got a new imac.

So now i just have this useless imac laying around and i figured i might as well try and recycle it into a secondary monitor.. I don't mind hacking it open since i have nothing to lose. I was just wondering if it could be done and if so would it be very complicated? I would rather pay a few hundred dollars in wires and IT than buy a cheap external monitor since its already a decent quality monitor and it matches the new imac

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Mac Mini :: Using Dual Display Turning Off Main Monitor?

Jul 8, 2009

i have 2 LCD's hooked to the new Mini as such:

1 going mini display port to DVI adapter to DVI on 19" Monitor (standard monitor)

1 going mini DVI to DVI adapter to a DVI to HDMI on 52" LCD (Samsung TV)

i just sold me iMac and switched to the Mini not only to be able to hide the Mini which i couldn't do with the iMac but also when i watch a movie full screen on the 52 i was never able to turn off the iMac monitor and would have to cover it with a towel so that it was dark in the room except for the 52 showing the movie.

my thought was that with 2 monitors separately hooked up to the Mini that i could solve the turning off the second monitor problem as they would now both have power buttons. besides making it dark in the room i also like to have the monitor off and so that i can have Plex on the 52 always in full screen mode so my wife can just hit "Watch Plex" on the logitech remote and the TV and Stereo switch to the proper inputs and away she goes to watch whatever without having to touch the computer which when both monitors are on works perfectly.

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 Monitor - Slight Red Color On Right Side And Light Colored Box On Screen

Sep 24, 2006

I just got an IMac G3 running OS X and OS 9.2.2. I am having monitor problems with it, the monitor has a slight red color on the right side and if there is a light colored box on the screen I get almost a run effect going to the right. This happens in OS X Tiger with all the updates, OS 9.2.2. I also have all the firmware updates, an external monitor looks great.

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PowerPC :: G4 Not Turning On

May 19, 2008

I have an old powermac G4 dual 1.42 the other day I decided to power it up to update it and it would not turn on. I push the power button it lights briefly and goes out. The light stays on if I hold the button down. The fan does not come on nor any noise from inside the case, etc. I have reset the pram, that little button, and I have replaced the battery, I have searched for the problem but nothing seems to fit my exact case. It's not my main computer and I am no where near an apple store and I'd rather fix the problem myself instead of paying an arm and leg for apple to repair it.

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PowerPC :: G4 Not Turning On - Just Fan Running

Feb 7, 2006

I went to turn on my Power Mac G4 this morning and only the fan would come on. No light. No computer start up sounds. No screen. Just the fan. I tried a new battery and that's not it.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Not Turning On

Jan 2, 2007

I have a 12" 1.33Ghz iBook G4 that does not respond when I try to turn it on. Every now and then I can hear the hard drives spin up but after that nothing happens. I've tried to make sure the problem wasn't being caused by my AC adaptor and battery and they seem to be fine. I even tried to remove my third party Crucial 1GB stick of RAM and it still won't work. Is there anything else I can try before I head over to the nearest Apple store?

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PowerPC :: Ibook Not Turning On

Mar 21, 2009

I have a iBook G4 with the following spec. 14� Screen 933 MHz Processor / 384 MB RAM / 40 GB HD, OS 10 panther Untill now it was working perfectly, last week in was on and hanged up and was heated for hours, Now when i was trying to switch it on it was not booting up and not recogninsing the hard disc, I tried to reboot i failed, than i tried to reload OS10 panther with the original disc no 1 it went on till the end and before finishing it showed error message. I tried to check and repair Hard disc and it was OK I think the problem is with memory ( which is inbuilt in the board) If i put additional memory on the slot and try to relad the OS will it work, or there is some other problem.

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PowerPC :: LCD Screen Turning Red In Corners?

Sep 22, 2010

I wanted to fix this hardware problem with my iMac G4 20". Basically the LCD screen has a redish tint in the corners, only really visible when displaying something bright/white. Also, when looking at the screen from an angle when displaying a black image, it looks completely red. What's the fault here? Is it the panel itself or the backlight?

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PowerPC :: G5 Not Turning On Only Red Light Shown?

Nov 30, 2010

Up until recently my PowerMac G5 has performed as it should for a computer its age. About two nights ago it shut itself down and I haven't been able to turn it on since. Power does cycle through the unit because all the fans will either cycle once or twice, or at the very least they will twitch. And now there's a tiny red LED on the motherboard and behind the power button that lights up whenever I try to power on the computer. I'm at a loss for where I need to go from here, though I feel rather certain that my computer has simply passed on. It's an original 2004 1.6 ghz single processor PowerMac G5, serial number unknown, since I can't turn it on.

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PowerPC :: IBook Turning Off At 0% Battery

Mar 6, 2007

My iBook used to come up with an alert that it was using reserve power, and then automatically go to sleep, so I could wake it as soon as I plugged it in. Now, there is no warning, if it gets to 0% it turns off, NOT sleeps but turns completely off without shutting down. This means any unsaved work is lost etc, its not at all good. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? (I have Tiger, iBook 1.44Ghz, 1.25 RAM)

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PowerPC :: Dual 2GHZ Powermac G5 Turning Itself Off?

Feb 2, 2009

I've bought a dual 2Ghz powermac G5 secondhand, and bought a new drive and installed 10.4.3 and updated to 10.4.11, the fans where always on full blast so i searched the forums and ran the Thermal Calibration utility, everything seemed fine for a week. Then it started turning itself off with a click from the power supply after i left it on all night while downloading.

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PowerPC :: Turning On Performa 5200CD - Dead Power Supply

Oct 18, 2006

dont know if this is the right thread but, i picked up a Performa 5200CD, from the dump, and its in perfect condition, but when you go to turn the power on, it does nothing, could this have a dead power suply, broken switch?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Booting - Gray Screen With Apple Turning Gear Comes On Start Up

Dec 30, 2008

A friend of mine brought over his 14" iBook G4, 1.33GHz, 60GB HDD and 1.25 GB RAM. The problem with it is that upon start-up, the grey screen with the apple/turning gear comes up, then after a few moments a blue screen will appear, though no box showing the start-up process. I've run a few basic diagnostics on this, including the lovely disk utility (which did nothing), I've run fsck, zapped the PRAM, etc, no success as of yet. At one point, I received a screen with alternating folders, one showing the smiley mac face, the other folder with a flashing "?". I cannot replicate this for the life of me. I have attempted to acquire files via TDM, though am not able to see the hard drive despite using 2 different laptops. Possibly the firewire cable itself is spent, though it's brand new! Here is where I become increasingly frustrated: I ask my friend for the boot disks as the ones for my own 12" iBook don't work (for whatever reason). He tells me that he loaded Leopard this summer (currently running 10.5.2, no updates loaded since), then proceeds to bring over boot discs for a MacBook...:headdesk: To begin with, it seemed like the HDD was fried, however, after running disk utility (and not hearing any negative sounds), it does appear that the HDD is fine. I'm thinking a kernel panic, though not sure how to resolve these.

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IMac :: Keeps Turning Off When In Use

Dec 12, 2009

My 20inch Imac which is running Snow Leopard and has been running fine for a long time now. It has just started to turn it self off then re start up on its own about 1 or 2 minutes later and then some times I just can't get it to turn back on again. I think it could be the psu?

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IMac :: Use Dell Monitor As Primary Monitor Connected?

Oct 22, 2009

I was surprised one day to find an inch of white line running from top to bottom on my screen. Then after a week it expanded to two inches white line, then suddenly it turned all black and I can't see two inches of my screen from the right edge. I was reading some forums and found out that I can use a dell monitor as a secondary monitor, but is it possible to use the dell monitor as the primary monitor in case the black line will spread throughout the entire iMac screen? so the iMac would serve as a stand alone processor like a regular desktop?

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OS X :: IMac Screen Not Turning Off

Jul 21, 2009

I have an iMac G3 which I am VNC'ing in. Its never going to be turned off, and I am never going to look at the screen, so how do I turn it off? I Want to save the CRT, and its not needed. I Know there's a way to actually turn off my MBP's Screen.

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