Software :: It Starts To Make Noise And Go To Sleep?
Jun 3, 2009
I am using a macMini with 10.4.11, For the last three days after about 20 mins of use it starts to make noise and go to sleep .. immediately wakes up but returns to sleep mode every 2-3 mins at last turn off.
I recently notice that whenever i close my macbook the fan would kick in while in sleep mode. in addition because of the usage of the fan while in sleep mode my battery consumption diminishes very quickly. also after i open it up the macbook is frozen (the screen does not come on and i must restart manually). ive had my macbook for about 2 year and have gone through about 240 battery cycles.
I have a Apple MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.2 13" (White-SR) Specs (MB062LL/B)
I have a Mac Pro and when I put it to sleep, it randomly starts itself back up-sometimes after 2 minutes and sometimes after 3 hours. I've tried repairing permissions, maintenance, etc. and have no clue as to what might be causing this.
Every few months, my iMac will start up from sleep mode on its own. Why does it do this, and is it something to be worried about? i am not touching the mouse or keyboard or using any remotely connected devices when this occurs.
Someone on this forum posted a complaint about his new iMac being pretty noisy in comparison with his previous 2.8 Ghz iMac. Could any of the owners of the new 2.93/3.06Ghz iMac comment on this issue? Do the new machines get really hot and make awful noise? Or are they pretty silent? The noise is a real dealbreaker for me.
I have seen several threads on the Internet but never an answer to the noise problem Imacs seem to have when in sleep mode. We have an Imac, 27' 10.6.5 2TB bought this summer, in the bedroom which we use as a TV. When we go to sleep we put the Imac to sleep as well with the remote and the ZZZ on the screen. During the night however the Imac fan or harddisk starts to spin as if the whole thing is going to startup but then it winds down again and it does this every hour or so. It is so loud that it wakes us up. Some nights it does it some nights it doesn't. Before we actually had the screen come on too but now it doesn't do that anymore.
My Mac Pro started having issues about 2 weeks ago. The screen would go blue every now and again for about 3 seconds and then go back to normal. It kept doing this off and on.
Two days ago the Mac Pro started making a buzzing/humming sound, loud enough to hear in the other room.
I shut it down and tried to fire it back up and it began making a clicking noise, then the humming came back. The screen froze at the grey screen and did not show the white loading wheel.
I've swapped out the drives and still the same.
The Mac is about 2.5 yrs old and I use it for video editing (FCP) and photo editing (Adobe CS3). I've never had any issues until now.
I have some questions to ask about my MacBook Pro (15" 2.66ghz mid09). It's running under 10.6.2 fully updated.
1) My optical drive sometimes keeps making this noise every 10sec even without a disc in it, is it normal?
2) My hard drive sometimes makes this noise even when there is no disk activity (I checked with Activity, again is this normal? I remember hearing the same noise on my old PC when there was some heavy disk activity; but on my Mac it does it for no reason.
3) Can you recommend me a fan control software for Windows 7? Having to boot on OS X, set the fans at 5000rpm and reboot every time I want to do some gaming is pretty tiring
4) I was making a little video with iMovie today, I only added a photo and a mp3 file but suddenly my computer started getting slow, that's when I noticed it was actually taking 2.20Gb of memory.
5) Can you recommend me something that would give me the same mouse acceleration curve as in Windows? I tried SteerMouse, USB Overdrive, MouseFix and ControllerMate but none of them gave me a satisfying result. It makes me feel that my new Kone mouse is totally useless.
6) I have low transfer speeds to/from USB drives, around 5Mbytes/sec while my friend with his 2006 HP laptop could achieve around 20Mbytes/sec with the same USB drive. No, it's not funny.
So I just got my Mac Pro a few days ago... and actually didn't get it setup until tonight (long story), but anyways I've noticed something rather odd.
If I have my external HDD connected to my Mac Pro it makes a clicking noise when it goes into Sleep Mode or even when I shut it down. It's kind of like "click, click" pause "click, click" and this repeats until I wake it from sleep. The HDD is connected by FireWire 400 and everything is fine when the computer is awake, and when I disconnect the HDD and put the computer to sleep everything is fine.
Anyone have any idea what's going on here? The sound seems to be coming from the top portion of the machine.
Once in a while when I tilt my MBP, the hard disk will make a brief click noise. Also, I can trigger the noise by closing the lid, and then tilting the MBP. Is this normal? Is this just part of the built-in accelerometer?
Recently I upgraded the Ram on my macbook from 1 gb to 4 and now when I put it to sleep It wakes up becuase I can here everything on inside but the screen wont turn on. Every time this happens I have to boot it down but recently I woke it up and it made a BEEP noise and the sleep indicator light flashed with it. Again I had to boot it down.
I just got my shiny new mac today. I'm ecstatic, as you can imagine. Except the optical drive is being weird. When I insert some types of burned media (Sony, TDK) it makes horrible scraping noises (I think I even smelled something bad too) and doesn't read the disc. TDK and Sony are good brands. They work on everything else I've ever tried. So, I'm guessing this isn't normal?
I tried calling AppleCare but what do you know, they're 6am to 6pm, which is great. So while I wait I wanted to ask - is this going to be an easy "they give me a new drive and I put it in" type of deal, or am I going to have to be cutting some red tape? And can I do this at the apple store?
Had since May/June last year i5 13" and only since I applied all updates few weeks ago it seems to be louder than it was before?Â
It sounds like a fan but isn't... obviously. Right hand side of track pad, and covering it, in fact just touching it dampens it to barely audible. Is that normal or has something gone a bit weird? A constant fan noise, which isn't the fan is now there permanently.
Last night I was putting my macbook to sleep while I was ni the other room, and came back only to hear the fan or hard drive going 100 miles per hour it seemed, so I opened it to see if anything was active and nothing was it was just making a ton of noise. Any one know what it coulda of been? No software update was taking place?
Just got it today. When I sleep it, a quiet but audible noise kicks off that increases and decreases in intensity with the light on the front of the unit gets brighter and dimmer (so sort of sinusoidal). I've tried restarting it and resetting the SMC. The unit got upgraded to 4Gb ram and a 7200 320gb hard drive today. But I don't believe it's the hard drive - that makes a very low key monotonous whine that stops when I sleep the unit.
When the computer is sleeping or if I turn it off but the plug remains in the electrical socket, when I get very close to the machine I hear a slight crackling noise, as if the internal adaptor is making a slight noise. I don't hear it from any normal distance, and other than the buzzing phenomenon when brightness is below 50%, no other symptom. Is this normal for this model. I believe that the external adaptor for the 30" ACD made a louder but similar noise as well unless unpluged.
When logging out my I Mac often dont react. It will stay open, or it will sometimes react as it sleep. When I open the Mac again the screen is still warm.
My friend gave me his old Apple cube G4 + 15" Cinema display in like 1000 pieces. Its completely teared apart. I tried a lot, but it doesn't work. The original IDE cable wasn't included, so I bought one for 2 cents. It should work or not? Maybe the powersupply. I'm not sure. I don't believe actually that the hardware itself, like the motherboard is broken. When everything is into place and I connect the cube to the powersupply it boots immediately. I don't have to do anything. Harddrive spins and the superdrive makes some noise as well. This repeats itself every 5 seconds. The screen is connected and gets power through DVI, but no display. Both the cube and display have touch enabled buttons to switch it on, but they do not respond (I guess).. Motherboard gives 2 light. DS1 is green, DS2 is red.
I just got my 2.0ghz Alu Macbook a few days ago and everything works perfectly well, the thing is that after day one the magsafe started to emit a low pitched electrical whistling noise. It tends to be there a few minutes after booting into the OS and then it turns down to almost unhearable, but I experienced it returning after a few hours of use and then disappearing again. If I move close to the escape key I can hear a crackling noise emitting from the magsafe.I'm not trying to be overly nitpicky or anything but I read somewhere that if it's doing that it would be a faulty Mag-Safe board or something.
Does any one you guys know anything about this? I have the 14 days to return it as I bought it online from the Apple Store so if it's a faulty part that might die/break/ cause problems later I might have to.
Sometimes I lift and carefully move my 17-inch MBP a short distance to another flat surface without putting it to sleep mode, it starts making really loud mechanical noise when I put it down, so loud that people in the same room can hear the noise and I can feel vibrations too! What causes this? Where does this noise come from? Is my MBP defective?
My first generation unibody Macbook hasn't had any problems to this date but now it's constantly making that mechanical loading-like noise which is usually heard when the Macbook is switched on (the noise before the start up sound) or when the lid is opened to wake up the computer. Is there a fix to this?
On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.
This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.
If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.Any ideas what to do? It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.