Intel Mac :: It Starts Up From Sleep On Its Own

May 30, 2012

Every few months, my iMac will start up from sleep mode on its own. Why does it do this, and is it something to be worried about? i am  not touching the mouse or keyboard or using any remotely connected devices when this occurs.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: Starts Up On Its Own From Sleep Mode

Jun 10, 2010

I have a Mac Pro and when I put it to sleep, it randomly starts itself back up-sometimes after 2 minutes and sometimes after 3 hours. I've tried repairing permissions, maintenance, etc. and have no clue as to what might be causing this.

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Software :: It Starts To Make Noise And Go To Sleep?

Jun 3, 2009

I am using a macMini with 10.4.11, For the last three days after about 20 mins of use it starts to make noise and go to sleep .. immediately wakes up but returns to sleep mode every 2-3 mins at last turn off.

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MacBook Pro :: 2012 Sometimes Starts In Safe Sleep Mode?

Dec 10, 2014

why macbook pro 2012 sometimes starts in safe sleep mode despite of having a fully charged battery and being plugged in all the time?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Starts Typing By Itself

Jun 12, 2012

My imac starts typing by itself it usually starts in safari and if I open any other program it will continue in that. It also continuously toggles rapidly between items in the lists of drop down menus. Other weird stuff happening too like if I put it to sleep and re-login it will delete any text I try to put in the password box.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Only The Sleep Button Under The Apple Logo Puts The Hard Drive To Sleep?

Jul 1, 2012

only the sleep button under the apple logo puts the hard drive to sleep it doesn't do it automatically though energy saver and a timed sleep?

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Why Does It Starts In Guest Account

Feb 22, 2012

I recently restarted my imac from shut down and it went straight to the guest account.  I've also noticed that the dock is empty except for Finder and two other folders.  Did something happen during the shutdown process?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Always Starts Up On Safe Mode?

Jun 13, 2012

Everytime I start up my iMac (2011, 27 inch, OS X 10.7.4 Lion) it starts on what seems to be safe mode. After starting up on safe mode, I restart (not shut down, just restart) again, then it comes back normally.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Fan Starts Running At 3600RPM With 44 ºC?

Jun 30, 2012

today my cpu fan starts running at 44 ºC cpu temperature, and does not stop.  is this normal? it has never started before in 4 years... should i be worried about my mac dying or so?

iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4 GB RAM 1TB

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Intel Mac :: It Drops Signals When Starts

Jul 3, 2012

I have a new Imac and initially the internet connection was fantastic but more recently, it drops out completely usually within a few minutes of being on.The connection works fine with the PC in the house. Can anyone suggest anything?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Computer Running Slow When It Starts

Apr 8, 2012

error code 4 mot /1/40000003: HDD having problem starting my imac pc takes about 20 times before i can turn it on.Getting a gray or white screen with error message turn off your computer by holding down the power button and restarting your pc computer running slow when it starts imac 2006 2 GB intel based snow leopard 10.6.8

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mackeeper

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Intel Mac :: Screen Starts To Flicker And Then Dims

Apr 27, 2012

I have had my imac 21 for about 5 years Model identifier say 7.1. running OS 10.6.8 Has been going well apart from a new hard drive. Suddnely tonight the screen flickers when you first turn it on for a few minutes and then settles down but dims down where whites become a light grey. Tried turning off the monitor screen power off and power saver.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), ilife 11

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Intel Mac :: Freezes And Pinwheel Starts Spinning If Not Working On Doc

May 3, 2012

When I have documents open and I walk away for a few minutes, when I come back and resume working, my computer freezes up and the little pinwheel starts spinning. I literally have to unplug it to get out of this frozen state. This has been getting progressively worse over the past three months. They told me to add more memory, which I did. However, the problem persists. Do you know why my computer would freeze up after the screen has had no activity for just a few minutes? My screen saver is set for an hour so I know this is not the problem.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Intel Mac :: Beachball Starts Up But Then Quickly Shuts Back Down?

Jun 27, 2012

I can turn on my mac, the beach ball starts spinning and stays spinning for awhile, finally starts up but then quickly shuts back down? I have never encountered this type of problem with my desktop before!  I have checked all the power supplies and reset the powercord,  I unplugged the computer and tried to reboot it to no avail.  Does anyone know how to do the type of reboot where you hold down the power button and two keys (?) wait for the 2nd chime then let go of the keys?  I believe that is how it's done. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1), operating system- not 100% sure?

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Intel Mac :: It Randomly Goes To Sleep / Previous Sleep Cause: -100?

May 16, 2012

iMac (24 inch Early 2009, 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo, Lion 10.7.3) randomly goes sleep. No hot corners, never sleep setting.  It seems it goes to sleep more often when CPU is busy and graphic intensive jobs running (videos, gaming). I cleaned up air ways by vaccume, but it did not help. 

Temp monitor showed

power supply 95C
northbridge 89C
graphic processer goes up to 86C

when it went to sleep for no apparent reason./private/var/log/kernel.log says "Previous Sleep Cause: -100"

iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Upgraded Memory - Computer Useless Until Screensaver Starts

Jun 1, 2012

I upgraded my 27" iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 duo from 4GB of ram (2x2GB) to 8GB of ram (2x4GB). I followed the instructions and removed the old ram, put in the new ram and after many restarts my computer finally came up. When it did finally come up I had the spinning wheel of death. When the screensaver came on, I heard my skype connect and I moved my mouse and wouldn't you know my computer was working! So to test to see if my computer would work again, I restarted. Same thing - came right up to spinning wheel - screen saver turned on after 30 minutes and again - Skype connected and no more spinning. Memory on Activity Monitor is looking great - but my computer is useless until the screen saver starts.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 27"

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IMac (Intel) :: Won't Boot - Starts With White Apple Screen And Spinning Wheel?

Aug 22, 2014

Mac won't boot, starts with white apple screen and spinning wheel. Also has grey loading bar which disappears after loaded then stays at white apple screen.

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Intel Mac :: Won't Go To Sleep On Its Own?

Mar 11, 2012

I set my iMac to go to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity. Everything worked as it should until I updated Lion to 10.7.3. Now it seems that iMac never goes to sleep on its own. No new hardware installed whatsoever, every settings are the same as before. I even tried by not running any programs, and it still won't go to sleep unless I force it to. It's a mid-2011 iMac with core i5.

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Intel Mac :: Why Won't It Sleep

Apr 14, 2012

Under the apple menu, choosing sleeo mode, screen goes black, power to back up drive and ubs pors still on. When I reawake airport still active along with everything else. 10.7.3 3.06 Early 2009

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Intel Mac :: Goes To Sleep By Itself?

Jun 11, 2012

Just got my mothers 21 in. iMac on Snow Leopard back from Apple last wednesday. They replaced the logic board and powersupply because it was shutting down by itself and only part way. Power still on the USB. When we got it back, noticed we could hear the fans and the system was much cooler. Seems to be working OK, but yesterday, I manually put it into sleep mode. It normally runs all the time, just puts the display to sleep. The fans shut down and the screen went black. So far so good. Then I clicked on the mouse to wake it. OK, but then in about 2 minutes, it went to sleep again. Every time I woke it, it went back to sleep. Had to do a restart to make it work normally again and stay on.

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Going To Sleep Intermittently While In Use?

Feb 11, 2012

Found this issue on many forums, but unfortunately I cannot find a solution.  Taking to an apple store for repair is not an option.  If I'm going to spend $300-$400 for repair, I might as well purchase a new PC.  I am not that attached to this mac, and now with operating issues, I'm even less so.  At least with a PC I can ctrl+alt-del and start all over.  I was expecting more than 4 years out of a $1200 imac, so if I have to replace repair every few years, I'm thinking I'd rather start with a clean slate for $400 every few years with a new PC.  Very frustrated not being able to find a solution online about this problem, seeing that it seems so common. 

While working on imac and surfing the net, my screen will intermittently go to sleep.  I can wiggle the mouse and click it and it will come back on right where I left off, internet connection and all. Once it happens, it continues to happen until I shut down and walk away for a good length of time (overnight).  Problem seems to happen when the imac has been running for many hours at a time.  I have set up the activity monitor, but I don't know what the numbers mean or what to look for.   

This initially started happening this past summer, and I thought it was a heat issue, but now that it's happening mid-winter, not so sure.  Also, in the summer this seemed to be prompted by streaming online, but now it is just from surfing.  Not sure if it would shut down if I was working in Pages or Numbers, as I do so infrequently.  Doesn't matter if it's Safari or Firefox and it's not a hot corners/sleep issue.  Also noticed my fan runs loud sometimes, but not always.  Not sure if it's a related problem.  Does not sleep because of fan, no consistency in shutting down, etc. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: How To Make Sleep

Apr 15, 2012

When logging out my I Mac often dont react. It will stay open, or it will sometimes react as it sleep. When I open the Mac again the screen is still warm.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Wont Go To Sleep On Its Own

Apr 22, 2012

my mac wont go to sleep on its own anly more

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Intel Mac :: It Cannot Automatically Go To Sleep

May 19, 2012

My iMAC has suddenly decided it will not go into the sleep mode without any enforced changes to my preferences, which are set for the system to sleep after 15mins of inactivity.  Now the screensaver kicks in and the computer screen is on all the time.

Info:iMac (27-inch Late 2009), iOS 5.1.1

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Intel Mac :: Mac Is Hot Even If Its In Sleep Mode?

Jun 21, 2012

my mac is hot even if its in sleep mode..

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: 21 Inch Will Not Sleep?

Jun 25, 2012

I can't get my iMac to sleep, disconnected USB hub, checked the obvious in system preferences. 

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: When Computer Goes To Sleep It Will Not Wake Up

Feb 1, 2012

When my computer goes to sleep it will not wake up, and I have to shut down using the power button on the back and then restart. I called support and they advised me that this only happened when the computer went to sleep on it's opwn but not when you manually put it to sleep, But that proved not to be true.  It will not wake up under either situation?  The support persontold me to logonto applke and re-install the sytem software which I have done but that did not cure the problem either. I have my preference set to never sleep. I am ar]t a loss as to what to do now as when it goes to sleep or I put it to sleep i sometimes will not start up even after shutting down and restarting.I am on 10.7.2?

Imac G5, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Intel Mac :: Hard Drive Won't Go To Sleep

Feb 12, 2012

For the last few days, since carrying out a software update (dont know what update!) when I select "sleep" from the main apple menu my screen goes to sleep but my hard drive keeps running, how do I correct this so the whole thing goes to sleep?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Can't Wake Up After Sleep Mode

Feb 24, 2012

Mac owner for 2 months now and have had no problems till today...had to reboot to wake up from sleep time occurrence or start of an issue?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Waking From Sleep After 10 Seconds

Mar 13, 2012

This machine will simply not go to sleep. I have wake on lan turned off, bluetooth turned off, wifi turned off. OSx Lion 10.7.3. Click finder - Sleep, Screen goes black, between 3 and 10 seconds later : machine is back on. Using Bluetooth Trackpad , Mouse and wired keyboard. Nothing else is connected to the machine (apart form an ethernet cable).

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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