MacBook Pro :: Hard Disk Seeking -- Does It Make Noise
Feb 26, 2008can you hear your hard drive seeking? I don't know if it's always been there, but I can just faintly hear mine now.
View 12 Repliescan you hear your hard drive seeking? I don't know if it's always been there, but I can just faintly hear mine now.
View 12 RepliesOnce in a while when I tilt my MBP, the hard disk will make a brief click noise. Also, I can trigger the noise by closing the lid, and then tilting the MBP. Is this normal? Is this just part of the built-in accelerometer?
View 19 Replies View RelatedHad since May/June last year i5 13" and only since I applied all updates few weeks ago it seems to be louder than it was before?
It sounds like a fan but isn't... obviously. Right hand side of track pad, and covering it, in fact just touching it dampens it to barely audible. Is that normal or has something gone a bit weird? A constant fan noise, which isn't the fan is now there permanently.
MacBook Pro
How to unlock change in hard disk, I asked for type password then the software cannot unlock changes in hard disk.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My Harddisk space on Mac book pro has run out. When I checked the system info, I can see 80GB are "other", for which I have no idea what they are. Can anyone tell me how to find them & delete to free up more space?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI usually just turn off my monitor at night but for some reason, the HD constantly makes spinning noise even then the computer hasn't been used for hours ( i don't run time machine ).
Is there any way to tell what process is causing this stupid HD activity? My previous Dell machine was so much more quiet than this POS. I prefer not having to explicitly put the machine the sleep every time.
I have searched and googled in different forums and found this issue but never found a good resolution or explanation. many of the posts were related to 2009 or around that time. since yesterday I started to hear a noise like clicking or something (it's a hard disk noise that we all know and have heard) from my hard disk. I have no clue where it comes from. my mac is absolutly idle and no huge process or I/O is going on. its happing once in 10 minutes maybe. Well, I want to start observing it on when exactly it happens! but to me it should not happen!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have my iMac since August. I use it a lot, and I've noticed that the hard disk makes read and write noise a lot of times, even using Safari, for example. It looks like fragmented. What can I do?
View 15 Replies View RelatedMy friend gave me his old Apple cube G4 + 15" Cinema display in like 1000 pieces. Its completely teared apart. I tried a lot, but it doesn't work. The original IDE cable wasn't included, so I bought one for 2 cents. It should work or not? Maybe the powersupply. I'm not sure. I don't believe actually that the hardware itself, like the motherboard is broken. When everything is into place and I connect the cube to the powersupply it boots immediately. I don't have to do anything. Harddrive spins and the superdrive makes some noise as well. This repeats itself every 5 seconds. The screen is connected and gets power through DVI, but no display. Both the cube and display have touch enabled buttons to switch it on, but they do not respond (I guess).. Motherboard gives 2 light. DS1 is green, DS2 is red.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOn my Mac Pro I don't know how to delete a partition and make a new one on a hard disk.I used disc utility to initialize the partition, but it doesn't show any chance to delete or change the partition i created
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just got my macbook pro yesterday and ran it all yesterday not hearing anything. Today when I woke it from sleep I could clearly hear the fan or hard drive going. I was in a quiet room and it's quite annoying.
istat says its at 2000 rpm so thats when I started thinking it may be the hard disk. It does pulse every now and then but thats even while it's just sitting idle.
I guess I could live with it but its just annoying. Anyone else having this?
i have had my macbook pro since 2010 and love it however when i turn it on it makes a sizzling noise for afew minutes then gose away.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
There is no cd in the drive but my MacBook makes a noise like it's trying to eject a cd after waking from sleep mode.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI recently notice that whenever i close my macbook the fan would kick in while in sleep mode. in addition because of the usage of the fan while in sleep mode my battery consumption diminishes very quickly. also after i open it up the macbook is frozen (the screen does not come on and i must restart manually). ive had my macbook for about 2 year and have gone through about 240 battery cycles.
I have a Apple MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.2 13" (White-SR) Specs (MB062LL/B)
Someone on this forum posted a complaint about his new iMac being pretty noisy in comparison with his previous 2.8 Ghz iMac. Could any of the owners of the new 2.93/3.06Ghz iMac comment on this issue? Do the new machines get really hot and make awful noise? Or are they pretty silent? The noise is a real dealbreaker for me.
View 17 Replies View RelatedTrash doesn't make any noise when emptying or putting items in the the trash.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI own a new MBP (October 2008 model) and just two days ago my optical drive has started making weird noises whenever I bring my computer out of sleep. It makes a noise like it is ejecting a disk three times, about once a second for 3 seconds. This is really annoying, especially when I use my computer to take notes during lecture because everyone looks to see who is the douche bag with the noisy computer disrupting class. Any suggestions?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy Mac Pro started having issues about 2 weeks ago. The screen would go blue every now and again for about 3 seconds and then go back to normal. It kept doing this off and on.
Two days ago the Mac Pro started making a buzzing/humming sound, loud enough to hear in the other room.
I shut it down and tried to fire it back up and it began making a clicking noise, then the humming came back. The screen froze at the grey screen and did not show the white loading wheel.
I've swapped out the drives and still the same.
The Mac is about 2.5 yrs old and I use it for video editing (FCP) and photo editing (Adobe CS3). I've never had any issues until now.
I have some questions to ask about my MacBook Pro (15" 2.66ghz mid09). It's running under 10.6.2 fully updated.
1) My optical drive sometimes keeps making this noise every 10sec even without a disc in it, is it normal?
2) My hard drive sometimes makes this noise even when there is no disk activity (I checked with Activity, again is this normal? I remember hearing the same noise on my old PC when there was some heavy disk activity; but on my Mac it does it for no reason.
3) Can you recommend me a fan control software for Windows 7? Having to boot on OS X, set the fans at 5000rpm and reboot every time I want to do some gaming is pretty tiring
4) I was making a little video with iMovie today, I only added a photo and a mp3 file but suddenly my computer started getting slow, that's when I noticed it was actually taking 2.20Gb of memory.
5) Can you recommend me something that would give me the same mouse acceleration curve as in Windows? I tried SteerMouse, USB Overdrive, MouseFix and ControllerMate but none of them gave me a satisfying result. It makes me feel that my new Kone mouse is totally useless.
6) I have low transfer speeds to/from USB drives, around 5Mbytes/sec while my friend with his 2006 HP laptop could achieve around 20Mbytes/sec with the same USB drive. No, it's not funny.
I am using a macMini with 10.4.11, For the last three days after about 20 mins of use it starts to make noise and go to sleep .. immediately wakes up but returns to sleep mode every 2-3 mins at last turn off.
View 7 Replies View RelatedBought this $2K baby on the first day of BTS promo on May 25th, so Tue is my last day for return period.
I just noticed this noise from my right side of computer. I think it's my hard drive noise. Came out when running a slightly heavy program such as VMWare Fusion. You guys see this as a reason to get this exchange???
I recorded this noise using my blackberry bold 9700.
I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro about 2 weeks ago. I'd say about a week ago I notice a clicking noise when I pick up the macbook or move it at all coming from the hard drive.
I finally took to the internet to find out what was going on, and got mixed results. Some said that it was normal for a Macbook Pro and that it was securing the hard drive so it didn't break while I moved it, and a vast majority said that the hard drive's failure was imminent. So what is it?
its a 500gb @ 7200rpm just installed it and runs great some ppl complained of vibration and noise from the HD but i have NONE of those complains its super fast and quiet the installation was very easy and after installation i put in the SL dvd and restored from previous backup on my time machine, and it was like i never switched HDs.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI bought a 13" macbook pro only weeks ago and since the day I bought it I noticed any sudden movement causes a "clicking" noise from the hard drive. At first I assumed that apple have included some sort of safety anti shock casing built around the hard drive in case of acidentally dropping the macbook.
View 10 Replies View RelatedFor lucky 15" i5/i7 owners: how silent are they? Does the fan come on at all? If so, after how much load? Any other noises? Hard drive?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my shiny new mac today. I'm ecstatic, as you can imagine. Except the optical drive is being weird. When I insert some types of burned media (Sony, TDK) it makes horrible scraping noises (I think I even smelled something bad too) and doesn't read the disc. TDK and Sony are good brands. They work on everything else I've ever tried. So, I'm guessing this isn't normal?
I tried calling AppleCare but what do you know, they're 6am to 6pm, which is great. So while I wait I wanted to ask - is this going to be an easy "they give me a new drive and I put it in" type of deal, or am I going to have to be cutting some red tape? And can I do this at the apple store?
I've download a Seagate Diagnostics programme to check whether my external Seagate FreeAgent Desk is working properly or not. However, when I run the programme, it indicates that cannot find the disk.
View -1 Replies View RelatedI have a Seagate 1 TB Backup Plus Drive which was working perfectly fine until I plugged it into a USB hub. It detected it while in the hub and I was able to get files off of it, but when I ejected it from the hub and put it back into the USB slot on the computer it was not detected by finder. It shows up in the disk utility and I clicked verify and repair and it says:
Verify and Repair volume “Seagate Backup Plus Drive”
Checking file system
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
Is there any way to get this to work properly again? Or if not is there a way for me to recover my files on the external hard drive?
I have a Macbook PRO late 2011 running OS X Mavericks.
I have a Macbook Pro . The hard disk failed smart disk and my laptop does not start any more. Is it ok if I replace the HDD with CGET or WD hard disk rather than the apple hard disk. the pros and cons of a non apple HDD.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I just upgraded my 13" Macbook Pro 2.53GHz Mid 2009 to the Momentus XT 500Gb and its pretty quiet, but not practically silent like the original Hitachi 250Gb drive. It sounds like a little fan is going pretty much all the time. I also tried the Western Digital Scorpio Black and it wasn't much quieter. Are there any almost silent (fast would be nice) drives other with 320Gb+ other than SSD? Might there be a hard drive controller or something Apple loads onto their factory drives that makes them quieter?
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