I am looking for someone with extensive knowledge of terminal to help me recover some files via single user mode onto a flash drive.
Computer Information:
Mac Book Pro (early 08)
os x 10.5
Getting stuck at rotating gear screen upon startup. Called support they had me run /sbin/fsck - fy
was giving me errors saying wrong directory count and a few other errors and eventually told me it could not repair the volume.
I called back once this was done they told me I would have to re-intall wiping everything.
Therefore my problem data recovering I am able to observe the files via single user mode (temrinal), I would like to either find a way to backup onto a flash drive or a cd. my fireport is broken and I am unable to use target mode to transfer them off.
I am very new to Macs. Recently I was given the job of trying to fix a G4 for the town's public access committee. I ended up buying a used G4 and swapping out the HD and cards. All was well but no one could remember the old password, so nothing could be updated.
So I used: "/sbin/mount -uaw" "rm /var/db/.applesetupdone" "reboot" and setup a new account from which I could change the original account's password; then chose the original account to be the default boot.
In the original account I was able to update all the software, (except a 168 MB combined update for OS 10.4) and decided to delete the new account just to get things back to how they were before.
Mistake. The new account must have been made the root account, because now the system hangs at the Mac OS X screen and the progress bar never gets any blue.
The above commands in terminal don't go beyond "...applesetupdone", which receives a "no such file or directory" response.
I cannot believe I am actually in this position, but I accidentally reformatted my lacie 1TB external HD. The files were not overwritten as it was the most basic and quick format option, but they are not accessible.
Can anyone recommend a good data recovery app that works for OS X?
Anyone know what the best course of action would be?
After restarting my computer, all my files have disappeared. The applications are still there but any personal files. It looks like the computer has been reseted by itself. I tried some recovery tools but nothing has been found,k what can I do?
I have a set of files with the extension .PGP. I was wondering if anyone knew a simple way to decrypt or get rid of the extension on all these files using a program or through the terminal.
I am just learning Terminal and so far it has been fun but frustrating. I'm learning from online manuals and the manual within Terminal so everything is pretty verbose for someone that doesn't know the language yet. I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere, but the search gave me many results about moving files to the Trash or making a folder hidden. These are not my concerns for today. And for the reference, I know this can be done as a "drag-and-drop" operation in Finder, but as I said, I'm learning
So I am trying to move a couple of PDFs from my Documents folder to one I created within the Documents folder.
You'd think this was all pretty basic. It probably is.
I'm trying to open/edit '/usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini' with TextWrangler through Terminal. The TextWrangler part isn't an absolute requirement. The directory exists and I'm assuming the file does as well. (No 404-esq errors during my fumblings and it was a standard installation of PHP5)
Also, is there any way to browse through the above directory using the Finder's GUI? That would be nice.
I don't know much about Terminal, but I need to compress a folder from one external hard drive directly to my Time Capsule and split archives to 4GB each. What is the command to do that?
Im a graphic artist and the other day my macs harddrive crashed and i lost all my work! whats the best way (if there is any) to retrieve it? It would be really helpfull because now im going crazy and people are waiting for their jobs.
My boss accidentally deleted all the messages in his inbox in Apple Mail and since it syncs with the server (mediatemple), they're all gone from the webmail too. Is there anyway to recover these files? I sent a support request to mediatemple to see if they have backups that they can recover too.
We have a tape backup system here at work that backs up his user account. Would there be a specific file to look for that might contain the old messages?
instead of deleting duplicates of my Voicememo because it seemed too complicated, I just lost patience and deleted them all by deleting all files ending in .m4a, but that included all music that came from CDs. How can I bring them back?
How do you open/edit text files in the terminal such that I don't need to navigate through pages of the text file, I just want to see the whole file there so I can scroll up and down it (similar to the output with "cat").
I was asked by a friend who has just bought a new macbook if you can password protect files and directories. I explained how you can do it through terminal quite easily in some pictures (here if anyone wants to know how).
But is there another way, without needing some extra software from a 3rd party?
It can be done through terminal, its just a bit all or nothing. I would like to show the .DS files on a USB stick for example, remove them and switch back to hide without round tripping to terminal every time.
Can be done easily on a PC but not the Mac i know. Did I dream it or could one show/hide hidden files on previous OS? I know extra menu items appear with the alt but not 'show hidden'
Having the .DS files is a real pain when loading movie files onto a media player or trying to play through a SMART TV. As most (all) smart tvs only accept FAT/ ExFAT formatting the .DS files show in the menu. On media players it's worse as it prevents one playing multiple movies in order and to repeat till you hit stop. As soon as the player hits a .DS it will stop and throw up an error.
Well my 2006 1.83 C2D died last week. I don't think it's the HDD, I believe it's the logic board.
When I boot the machine I get a grey screen with a spinning wheel for infinity. A day before it was doing this at reboot but after 10 minutes or so the logon screen would appear and hte machine would work normally.
The 160GB HDD in the machine is less than a year old having replaced the 60gb drive that fried back then after 3.5yrs hard use.
The machine is no longer worth salvage IMHO and I've ordered a new MBP to replace it, but I need some of the data on the old drive, such as the contents of mail and iPhoto.
If I plug the old drive into a USB cariage and assuming the drive is not duff, is there any easy way to migrate the data?
I have 2 external hard drives one with time machine and the other with movies. I was meant to format the time machine but i formatted the one with the movies. can you recover movie files if the hdd was formatted and if so what is the best program on to use?
I really really need help here to recover my files from the NTFS partition on my machine from my windows installation suddenly won't boot. I switched to OSX to check the NTFS partiton labled "Untitled" and it doesn't display the files and folders inside like it normally does. I also checked the partition info:
I just need to recover my document files for I believe that they still exist in the ntfs partition.
so my mother was using my mac, and she was using word to type something...of course she never saved anything, and i couldnt get a good description of what happened.im thinking she did a show desktop expose' then she lost it some how!
I recently deleted all my Garageband files and emptied the trash by mistake, and I spent ALL YESTERDAY trying to find software to recover it. I spent $100 for Data Rescue 2, which I thought would work, but after talking to their customer service i was informed that DR2 is incapable of recovering "packaged files", hence Garageband. Please i need these files more than anything! Does anybody know of any other program that can recover my Garageband files??
I screwed up useing aperture and a few of my library projects were sent to the trash, from which i have deleted them. is there any way to get them back?
I was trying to remember how you do this exactly, since it said you could when I was restoring it. Anyways, I fully restored my Mini, and I wanted to get my iPhoto off of my Time Machine. However, it says that I don't have permission to drag it off of the Time Machine...maybe I'm doing it wrong (supposed to use a program to do this?)
Downloads folder (when I "Get Info") shows a size of 47 GB and has 117 files.When I open the actual folder and display the contents, only 49 files show up and add up to nowhere near 47 GB. How is this possible and how do I figure out where all those files are?
I accidentally saved a folder from my computer hard-drive named "law" to replace a folder named "law" on my flash drive. (I was trying to back up my flashdrive and completely messed the whole thing up) The folders contained different named files. What I am looking to recover are microsoft 2004 word documents.
I already looked in user/.../Microsoft user data
I just spent 3 days prepping for my law school finals and I just lost all of my class notes and outlines.
I attempted to transfer my iphoto library onto a usb key in order to move it to another computer. The photo's did not transfer and I went ahead and deleted the original files with out knowing. I deleted my files into the trash and then emptied the trash. I've been searching for a free data recovery program and have only managed to download a few trials. Any suggestions other than having a tec recover the files??