so my mother was using my mac, and she was using word to type something...of course she never saved anything, and i couldnt get a good description of what thinking she did a show desktop expose' then she lost it some how!
I have Microsoft Word for Mac on my Macbook. My husband deleted a folder with my word documents and he has already deleted the trash folder. Can I recover the folder? How do I recover my deleted files?
I have MacBook Pro and using MS Word.My word document is locked and I need to recover inserted text.Is there a way to recover the word document after I do a forced shutdown?
I think I updated my adobe, and now all my good ole' word .docs are pdfs. Had a bunch on the desktop that only open with adobe as pdfs now. Definitely don't want to retype these papers! Is there an easy way to switch it all back to normalville?
Mac Word 2004 for teachers/students was working smoothly for me until the last month. It seemed as though the problem started when I tried to open (by mistake) an excel doc in Word - or vice versa. Now, Word will not let me open a file from the directory. (It will let me select the recently opened docs on the drop-down menu.) When I click "File" and "Open", the screen freezes and eventually pulls up a white screen with lines on it - looks like a writing tablet, which is the edition's logo - and it says "Open" on top.
Up until yesterday I was solely a Windows/PC-based computer user. I am now running Mac OS X with my new Mac Pro. Before turning off my PC system, hopefully forever, I downloaded all my MS Word files to a USB stick. I'm a writer and only worked in MS Word for my work.I just purchased iWork '09 and am very impressed with the Pages App and I'm very excited to start working in Pages '09. when I insert my USB stick with all my Word Docs on it into my Mac Pro, is it a case like under Windows/XP where you just open up each file with the Pages '09 program or is there something more to do to get Pages '09 to open the file up and save it within Pages '09? I understand Pages '09 works with MS Word files (as well as formatting to Word docs to send to colleagues).
I have several hundred word processing files I prepared in MS WORD. I moved the folders containing this files from my old computer to my new iMac. Every time I try to open one of these files, I see a box on the screen saying the file cannot be opened.
This is true when I try to use MS WORD for mac, when I try Pages, and when I try other word processors.
I suspect some sort of permissions need to be set for the folders or the files. I hope it can be done in "bulk"
When docx files started floating around, I couldn't figure out how to open them in MS Word for Mac 2004. Then I found out you could download the xml converter from the MS site, and that solved the problem. However, now that I have installed Leopard and reinstalled MS Word 2004 and the requisite xml converter, for some reason, when I double click on a docx file, it does not automatically ask to convert it as it once did.
Instead, it seems to bypass/ignore the double clicked docx file and goes straight to that open document screen where you choose what type of document you want. Anyone know how to get it to automatically open the docx files up in ms word 2004 and convert with the xml converter in leopard?
Recently updated MS Office 2004 to 11.5.6. I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Mac Pro. Double clicking Word files or dragging them onto the Word icon no longer opens them. My best work around seems to be to open a new blank document and drag the file into that
My university wants us all to use RTF files. As I am sure you all know text edit sucks.But it automatically opens all my RTFs.I have to manually get word to open them which is a pain in the ass.How can I fix this so that all RTF's are automatically opened by WORD?I am still on the old version of word because I have to use ENDNOTE - which has no support for Word 2011 right now. I have a copy of 2011 sitting on my desk and I am itching to use it, but I will loose 200+ citations if I do.
By default, I save all my word documents in rich text format (.rtf). After I installed Snow Leopard, these files now open by default with Text Edit.
Since I want these files to open by default in Microsoft Word 2008, I right clicked on the file, chose "other", selected "Word 2008", and then checked "always open with". However, the files still open by default in Text Edit...
Is there a way to automatically save "pages" files in word.doc format, or do you have to do it manually each time? I sure can't find a setting to do what I want.
I am having a very troubling issue on two different computers. Both run the latest Snow Leopard and Microsoft Word 2008. The problem is the following: Every single time I save a .doc file I end up with a corrupt doc: I can open it only with the computer that created it, and only with Word. No other software (even QL on the same computer) can open it. I have to re-open the doc with Word, SAVE AS, do a compatibility check, ignore all the issues or fix them, then save it with a different name. Then it works. The only difference between the two computers is that with Word 2008 at times I cannot even save it with the workaround I explained above: I have to save as DOCX with compatibility check in order for it to work. This is getting really annoying, as every time I have to send a .doc for work reasons (several times a day), I end up having to triple check it and save it.
I have some Word Perfect (I think) files extenion .wps that I wanted to open but can't get NeoOffice or the default text editor on my mac to open them. Anyone know of work arounds? Unfortunately too the trial on the Office suit has expired so can't even get the trial version of Word to convert!
I cannot believe I am actually in this position, but I accidentally reformatted my lacie 1TB external HD. The files were not overwritten as it was the most basic and quick format option, but they are not accessible.
Can anyone recommend a good data recovery app that works for OS X?
Anyone know what the best course of action would be?
After restarting my computer, all my files have disappeared. The applications are still there but any personal files. It looks like the computer has been reseted by itself. I tried some recovery tools but nothing has been found,k what can I do?
Im a graphic artist and the other day my macs harddrive crashed and i lost all my work! whats the best way (if there is any) to retrieve it? It would be really helpfull because now im going crazy and people are waiting for their jobs.
My boss accidentally deleted all the messages in his inbox in Apple Mail and since it syncs with the server (mediatemple), they're all gone from the webmail too. Is there anyway to recover these files? I sent a support request to mediatemple to see if they have backups that they can recover too.
We have a tape backup system here at work that backs up his user account. Would there be a specific file to look for that might contain the old messages?
instead of deleting duplicates of my Voicememo because it seemed too complicated, I just lost patience and deleted them all by deleting all files ending in .m4a, but that included all music that came from CDs. How can I bring them back?
Well my 2006 1.83 C2D died last week. I don't think it's the HDD, I believe it's the logic board.
When I boot the machine I get a grey screen with a spinning wheel for infinity. A day before it was doing this at reboot but after 10 minutes or so the logon screen would appear and hte machine would work normally.
The 160GB HDD in the machine is less than a year old having replaced the 60gb drive that fried back then after 3.5yrs hard use.
The machine is no longer worth salvage IMHO and I've ordered a new MBP to replace it, but I need some of the data on the old drive, such as the contents of mail and iPhoto.
If I plug the old drive into a USB cariage and assuming the drive is not duff, is there any easy way to migrate the data?
I have 2 external hard drives one with time machine and the other with movies. I was meant to format the time machine but i formatted the one with the movies. can you recover movie files if the hdd was formatted and if so what is the best program on to use?
I really really need help here to recover my files from the NTFS partition on my machine from my windows installation suddenly won't boot. I switched to OSX to check the NTFS partiton labled "Untitled" and it doesn't display the files and folders inside like it normally does. I also checked the partition info:
I just need to recover my document files for I believe that they still exist in the ntfs partition.
I recently deleted all my Garageband files and emptied the trash by mistake, and I spent ALL YESTERDAY trying to find software to recover it. I spent $100 for Data Rescue 2, which I thought would work, but after talking to their customer service i was informed that DR2 is incapable of recovering "packaged files", hence Garageband. Please i need these files more than anything! Does anybody know of any other program that can recover my Garageband files??
I screwed up useing aperture and a few of my library projects were sent to the trash, from which i have deleted them. is there any way to get them back?