I was trying to remember how you do this exactly, since it said you could when I was restoring it. Anyways, I fully restored my Mini, and I wanted to get my iPhoto off of my Time Machine. However, it says that I don't have permission to drag it off of the Time Machine...maybe I'm doing it wrong (supposed to use a program to do this?)
I have lost files kept on an external hard disk but not backed up in Time machine, because of the vast number and size of them. Is there a way to recover them?=
Info:early 2006 mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.5GHz Intel, 1Gb 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
I'm running Time Machine on a Western Digital network storage device from my iMac. It works fine. I can go back any amount of time and recover files as they were backed up then. But I also want to be able to depend on Time Machine backups to allow me to recover files if my iMac goes down. So just as a test, I tried to use the Browse Other Time Machine Disks feature from my MacBook Air. I can't make it work. It shows me a Choose Time Machine Disk to Browse window, but there are no disks in the choose pane.Â
People have been telling me that I have to "mount" the volume, but I see no way to do so. Clicking Go - Connect to Server - Browse, shows me that the backup disk is there; it's called <mydiscname>-backup. But when I try to connect to it I get an immediate connection failure.Â
 I'm beginning to suspect that there is no way to restore from another computer when the Time Machine backups are on a network storage device? If this is true, people need to know it and stop using network storage for Time Machine, as it won't be safe if their principal Mac goes down.Â
My 2008 iMac bit the dust but I did consistently back up using Time Machine to an external drive. I plan on replacing it but need to get some files off the backup soon. Is it possible to connect my external backup drive to a friends iMac and copy just the files I need?
I'd like to try a clean install, but i also don't want to reinstall all my apps and settings, etc. But if i recover from a TM backup, won't it bring over all the crap to? I guess my question is, what exactly is on my TM backup? How would i do this?
My MacBook's hard drive died last night, but luckily I have a backup from earlier that day on my Time Machine enabled external HD. My friend has a MacBook, and I have a paper due for a class in about a week, so I was wondering if I could hook my HD to her computer and recover just the word document. I would have tried this by now if the guy at the store who's replacing my hard drive had not told me to be extremely careful when trying this or else it won't restore when I get my computer back.
My MacBookAir was frozen and was cleaned up in understanding that I can recover all settings and backup from Time Machine. But - password to enter Time Machine network was cleaned up too... It was the first long indusctrial sort of looking password that was given to me by the Time Machin during the process of starting it up. I made a note of it but lost the notebook..
Info: Time Capsule 802.11n (3rd Gen), Mac OS X (10.6.1)
Have use Firefox for years. There is supposed to be list of folders that goes Hard drive/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/Bookmarks. My Time Machine goes Hard Drive/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/ after that everything is different.
I lost my old Stickies, maybe in upgrading to Lion. I know the database is in my Library, but I cannot find a way to get into my Library in Time Machine.
Time machine deleted a back up, that I need as it was the only place that had some files and as my hard drive became full it deleted this back up (I didn't realise it was going to do this ) and now I want to get it back. Is there any way I can without having to pay loads for a recovery?
I may have a corrupted an iweb file, as I am unable to publish my web site. However when I open time machine I can't trace where the file Domain.sites2 which I believe is the one I need, but I woud like a couple of days ago version?
I used Time Machine to recover my Pictures folder. This created a folder called Pictures (original) but I cannot open it. There is a do not enter roadsign, red disk and white bar on it. How can I see the contents?
I had to recover my primary Macinstoh HD to a new disk from Time Machine, but somehow I now lost my Recover HD on the Macintosh HD. To do the initial recover I had to install Mac OS X Lion on a 2nd internal Hard Drive, but now I want to use Time Machine and go back to before I installed Lion, because the permissions are messed up and I can no longer use that disk 2nd disk, unless I continually enter the admin password. Now when I hold down Apple - R key during boot I no longer get to Recovery HD. I was able to see Recovery HD using the System Information app, then within the Serial-ATA section, but that Apple_Boot volume is gone.Â
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), How to reinstall Recovery HD...
My login.keychain password is not recognized anymore, i am very sure about the actual pwd string and I tried to restart apps and machine already, I believe the file got corrupted somehow, hence various applications such as FTP clients cannot autoconnect to external resources
I am bound to recover from a Timemachine backup, but all discussions are just dealing with recovering items in the keychain file once it is restored, what about the keychain master password? is it contained in the login.keychain file so that restoring that file to the HD will allow me to regain access to the saved items?
I have never set up Time Machine on my Macbook Pro.I have several Mailbox's or Folders inside my email system or Mac Mail.I wanted to clear some of the less used folders out and so I exported them to another folder on my desktop.Then I deleted the folders or Mailbox's from inside the Email system or Mac Mail.When I went to the folder on the desktop to see the exported emails, there was nothing you could read, it was all jibberish or crazy characters. What did I do wrong and how can I retrieve those important saved emails?
Info: Macbook Pro i7 2GHz 4GB 15", Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I would to upgrade my OSX form 10.6.8 to Mavericks and I have already downloaded installing files. I have already checked the compatibility of most important apps I'm using and there are not problems about these. I have some questions:upgrade or new installation? with the new os can I recover a file from Time Machine backup produced with Snow Leopard?Â
After carrying out a clean install of Mavericks is it possible to reload certain files such as Music files from the Time Machine back-ups previously created?Â
i've been working on an important word document, word quit unexpectedly, document gone. luckily there was a copy of it in the microsoft user data.
but, my first reaction was, oh that's ok time machine would have backed it up. i go into time machine and it's not there. so i save the microsoft user data recovered file to a new file name in a documents folder. quit word. restart. do a time machine backup. it completes. but when i open up time machine, this document (and another one from 5 days ago) are not in ANY of the backups. and if i keep backing up, time machine will backup, but these files are not in any of the dates/times in time machine.
I've been backing up everything including system files with Time Machine for quite some time now. The question I have is that when you exclude the System folder, and when prompted choose to exclude all system files, does it just not back up any more system files from that point forward and leave the system files already backed up on the TM drive, or when removing all system files does it go back and remove all occurrences from your TM drive thus making more space available for your backups? So when choosing to remove all system files and if it does not remove existing backups of those files which files/folders would those be that you could manually remove?
I bought a Macbook Pro and sold my old macbook. My new macbook pro has a 160 GB hdd and the old one a 320GB HDD. My time machine has all the files backed up on it which is a good thing. My issue is, I have a iMovie in the backup on the time machine that I would like access to.
I did a search for this before making my post, and I couldn't find anything that would work.
I'm in the middle of doing my final year uni project (a documentary using final cut pro) and I'm fast running out of hard drive space and thought I'd use the external HD I've been using for my Time Machine backups, but when I simply dragged the folder to the trash it wouldn't let me delete it, after hours of waiting. So I sent it all back to the HD from the trash. I tried the disk utility thing and it still wouldn't let me. I wasn't sure if I should select the actual hard drive, or the time machine logo, then which type of delete to choose...
First timer Here so be gentle. I was creating invoices using quickbooks and for some reason decided to exit the program without saving the invoices I just created. Can I recover the work that I did? It was a lot of work I do not want to have to do over again. Does time machine back up EVERYTHING on my computer? PLease help, I am stressing out
I'm still having a little problem grasping hard links. But no matter, here's the problem: there's a file in Time Machine that I want to keep backed up forever. It's too big to fit on my hard drive, and I want to make sure Time Machine doesn't delete it automatically when the backup drive is full.