Software :: Unable To Boot From CD / Reinstall Everything

Apr 29, 2008

It's an iMac G5 on OS X v10.4

Here's the problem:

When booting up normally it goes to a screen with an apple in the middle, and then some kernal panic code comes up:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0x002E1904) unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerMac12,1"

That's the first line of the code.

Anyway, i want to simply format the whole system and start from scratch with the system disk supplied with the imac. However, when i put it into the machine and press C at start up, it goes to an apple screen and hangs on that apple screen and does nothing else.

I've tried pressing the alt key and going into the boot options and booting from the CD there. However, that goes to the apple screen, then a little ajax style loading thing comes up. That sits there for a while until the apple turns to a "stop" style sign. This continues to hang.

I've tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM by holding the Command, Option, P, and R buttons. Holding theses makes the computer reboot a few times until i let go. Once thats done, nothing changes.

I've tried holding X while loading up, this just goes back to the panic code.

I've tried holding shift while loading up, this again just goes back to the panic code.

I've cleaned the system CD and it makes no difference.

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OS X :: Mac Won't Boot Up / Reinstall Software?

Jun 25, 2009

I turned off my mac while it was booting up and now it just gets stuck at the white screen. will i have to reinstall the software? will i lose my files?

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Mac Mini :: Server Won't Boot After Reinstall

Mar 22, 2012

I had to reinstall Snow Leopard Server on my Mac Mini Server. I did it via a firewire connection to my MBP. Everything runs fine when I boot in target disk mode from my MBP. Problem is when I disconnect the MBP and boot just mini it gives me an error message that says I need to restart the computer. I have the two 500gb drives on the mini configured in a raid array.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X :: Won't Reinstall Mac OS X On Dual Boot System (rEFIt)

Oct 7, 2010

My HDD is split to 3 partitions at the moment:

-Mac OS X (primary, OS does not boot)
-Storage (formatted for Mac)
-Windows (NTFS)

Is it possible to reinstall Mac OS X without formatting storage nor Windows partitions?

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Mac Pro :: Reinstall Boot Drive - Backup From Time Machine?

Oct 25, 2010

I got the fatal folder with with question mark and grinding sound of the hard drive when starting my 2008 Mac Pro this weekend. After some diagnostics it was obvious the Hard Drive is dead, of course its the main drive that runs the OS and all my apps. I am picking up a new drive today and was wondering the best approach to get it up and running again. Everying it is backed-up on my external drive through Time Machine. Since the drive is dead I can't use a copy cloner to the new drive. Would I install the the hardrive and start the Mac Pro to boot off the Leopard CD, intall that and then try to run the backup from Time Machine?

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OS X :: Unable To Reinstall Leopard?

Dec 16, 2008

So for my Mac Pro I just got a new hard drive to enable RAID and in the process of reinstalling leopard and restoring my files the restore seems to have frozen.

It is frozen on the transferring files to support applications. It says it has 3 minutes remaining but has said that for the last hour or so.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Reinstall OS-X?

Jun 25, 2009

I haven't been able to reinstall OS-X on it at all. It takes 45 minutes from the time I say install to the time it gets only 1/10 of the bar across of the installing part and then fails.

I am able to format the HD, and partition it. This HD came out of another laptop of mine that I sold and was working fine. When I first tried this and did a time keeper restore, the laptop kept freezing and it took 5 hours for it to restore. Now I can't get OS-X installed. So I am a bit confused what is going on here.

Anyone have any ideas?

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OS X :: Using Terminal To Erase Hard Disk Because Can't Boot From Dvd To Reinstall Tiger

Aug 4, 2007

i know that diskutil has alot of commands and im not sure how to use them, i would specifically want to know how to use eraseDisk properly. Or is there any other way to clean install tiger without using darwin? I know eraseDisk gives me a format to use but i never get it right for some reason. diskutil eraseDisk "Journaled HFS+" MacintoshHD bootable /dev/disk0 -- this works i got it right now but it gives me this error: could not unmount disk for zeroing

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OS X :: Cannot Reinstall The Snow Leopard Nor Install Windows With Boot Camp

Feb 13, 2010

I've been having big problems trying to solve my problem. I've checked all the posts related, tried all the solutions and still I didn't get anything, so I'm sharing my problem and hope for someone to have the solution.

I installed Windows XP with BootCamp and it was working fine.
But then the HD space of the windows partition was too small and I needed more space. So what I did was erase the partition with the Disc Utility.

But before that I wanted to test the Parallels to see if the windows 7 would work fine with it. It installed easily but I didn't like the performance of it, so I just erased it with the AppCleaner. Then I erased the BootCamp partition with Disc Utility.

But when I tried to use the Boot Camp Assistant again, it only gave me the message: "The Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Because Some Files Cannot Be Moved"I've checked the forums and it was said that probably if I use iDefrag, it would solve my problem.Once I did it, I still got the same message.Then I decided to repair the dic, so I did the verification and clicked on Repair Disc Permitions and I've got this message:
-The file SUID "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/" was modified and cannot be repaired.

Then I decided to reboot the whole system inserting the installation disc and pressing the C button, but all I get is a white screen and no response. And sometimes the Macbook not even start properly (also having only the white screen and no response), so I need to press the Option button till the Mac HD icon appears and I can access the computer.

And now I really without any option and I wanted to install the windows.

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Software :: Boot / Reinstall System From External Hard Drive

Aug 16, 2010

I'm selling my old Powerbook G4. Before I let it go, I want to wipe the hard drive and reinstall OS 10.4. I also would like to run disk first aid because I suspect there may be some corruption. The problem: I still have the original system install DVDs that came with the laptop, but the DVD drive no longer works. It just spins the disks for a bit then spits them back out. I do have an external USB hard drive with plenty of free space. Is there a way I can copy the install DVDs (there's a Disc 1 and Disc 2) to the external hard drive, then boot from that drive and treat it like I'm installing from the DVDs? I also have my new MacBook Pro with a working DVD drive. Can I make my Powerbook boot from a CD in the MacBook's drive? If not, how else can I wipe my system and reinstall the OS without a working DVD drive?

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IMac :: Strange I5 - Reinstall Snow Leopard - Utilize Boot Camp

Dec 16, 2009

I had a 2008 24 inch imac (3.06ghz C2D) and had some issues with it. First the hard drive failed, upon bringing it into the Apple store, they told me that they replaced the hard drive and screen (due to dust under it), however, this was not the case. What they had actually done is replace the entire unit and gave me a refurb which was previously registered to someone else (as evidenced by the registration info). A few months later, I had another issue, this time the logic board had failed and I once again had to lug this 20 pound beast through the largest mall in the city in order to get it to the Apple store (for the second time). I politely explained my discontent with this whole process, they did not inform me that the unit was a refurb and now it had failed yet again. Much to my surprise they offered me a replacement in the form of the i5 with a 1tb drive, 4 gigs of ram, the works. Now here is the problem: I was not given any of the included dvds as they do a "like-for-like" swap only. This is now an issue because I can not install Snow Leopard from the retail dvd, nor can I install Leopard from my previous iMac disks. In addition to this, I do not have the correct drivers for a boot camp install. Thus I am stuck if I ever need to reinstall Snow Leopard or if I need to utilize boot camp (which I do).

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Boot / Kernel Panic At Boot And Graphics Card Failure

Mar 9, 2008

Yesterday my screen (30" Apple Cinema) started showing symptoms of graphics card failure, jagged lines across the screen. I rebooted my Mac Pro and it was gone. Then it happened again an hour later, this time the machine didn't boot, I get the Apple logo, and then it hangs up and the screen is shifted to left (I get apple logo on left side of the monitor instead of the middle) and jagged lines all over.

So the first thing I tested was using Target Disk Mode, it works. I can access my Mac Pro's internal HD's by TDM from my MacBook Pro. Then I tested single user mode, it does boot, I can't read what's written since the screen is shifted to left, but if I type (without seeing) reboot and hit enter, it reboots. So I assume the single user mode is working.

What else can I try to 100% make sure it's my graphics card that failed and everything else is ok with Mac Pro? I already ordered a graphics card replacement but I wouldn't like to be surprised if the Mac Pro still doesn't boot when the card arrives. It won't boot from Apple Startup DVD either. Same thing happens, gray logo then kernel panic with jagged lines all across the shifted screen.

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Mac Pro :: Start Up Disk Unable To Verify - Reinstall SL?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a new MP Quad and I am noticing that I am always having to repair my startup disk. I will notice the system start to slow down, I will have Onyx verify startup disk and it tells me to repair it. I will boot to SL DVD, repair the disk and it will run fine for awhile but eventually end up in the same situation. Do I need to reinstall SL or is this a hardware issue?

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OS X :: Unable To Reinstall / Not Showing Up Hard Drive

Aug 14, 2009

A friend brought his new 15" Macbook Pro to me after trying to install Boot Camp and Windows XP. He said that he made a second partition for Windows; however, the drive showed only one partition formatted with NTFS. I tried reinstalling mac os using the disk that came with the laptop. When it came time to choose the destination drive, none showed up. I then went to Disk Utility. The drive and the volume showed up in the left panel but I could not Erase or do anything else - all the options were grayed out. With no firewire port I am also unable to use target mode.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Reinstall OSX Mountain Lion

Jun 2, 2014

I recently returned from a weekend long trip.  My mom had used my Mac Book Pro (December 2012) on the guest account.  When I opened it on Monday it was unresponsive, and the screen only showed the dock.  I rebooted, but the result was a white screen with a flashing folder with a question mark.  I followed instructions on the forums, and used command r.  Now I am stuck.  I didn't back it up with time machine, so that option (Of the 4) is out of the question.  I'm using the safari one now.  I can't modify or delete my disks for the Disk Utility Option, and am unable to select a disk to reinstall Mountain Lion on.  Long story short, I seems my computer is having problems with the disk.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)

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OS X Server :: Unable To Boot - Held On Boot Screen?

Aug 3, 2006

So I installed osx 10.4 server on a Power Mac G4 (white/blue)

Went throught the setup screens and did a complete reformat / install.

Just boots to the loader screen. (Where the mac face shows, followed by a question mark) and just cycles over and over.

I can put the DVD in at this point and restart the install.. I did go in and check the disk permissions and disk status and both passed.

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MacBook Air :: Apple OSX USB Unable To Reinstall OS X - How To Reset Computer

Nov 24, 2010

I wanted to reformat my computer to "factory setting" and inserted the usb that came along with the mba i bought. Clicked install and restarted and followed instruction.

When the installation was done and computer rebooted, i didn't see any changes at all. Everything was exactly the same.

Anyone knows what's wrong?

Really wants to reset my computer...

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Software :: Unable To Reinstall Leopard / Sending Error

Jan 7, 2009

whenever i put the install disc in then press restart, when it reloads it says that it cannot install leopard. How should i reinstall leopard.

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OS X :: Unable To Reinstall Snow Leopard / Slow System With Waiting Spinning Wheel

Jul 29, 2010

Today, I decided to reinstall Mac OS X Snow Leopard on my iMac, to have a fresh & new copy of Mac OS. I've done this before on my Macbook, and it worked perfectly. The iMac would not read the original Reinstall DVD that came with it. Instead, it would eject it, though it would work it on another Mac. But when I inserted my Snow Leopard disk that I bought separately, it worked.

However, when I entered the reinstall screen, it is extremely slow and I nearly can't use it. I did already use the Disk Utility to erase the hard disk files. So, it is extremely slow, and it wouldn't install either. All I get is the amour of time left, but it doesn't change, just gives me a waiting spinning wheel. It's been stuck on the screen for several hours.

The iMac was bought in January, I believe. What should I do?? This is very weird. Should I take it to the Apple Store, or is there a way to fix it?

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Reinstall Snow Leopard From Broken Folder Startup Screen

May 16, 2012

I turned my 2011 iMac on this morning but it never loaded past the startup screen. Eventually the Apple icon which is usually displayed on the screen turned into the broken folder symbol. I read some articles on how to fix this and tried resetting the NVRAM and PRAM, but that didn't work. I was going to try reinstalling OS X next, but putting the disc into the driver doesn't appear to do anything, and now I can't eject it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reformat MacBook Air From Mac Extended To Mac Extended (Journaled) So It Will Boot / Reinstall It?

Jul 5, 2012

How do I reformat a MacBook Air from Mac OS Extended to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) so it will boot / reinstall Lion? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Possibly Fatal Boot Camp Error / Unable To Boot Windows

Jul 14, 2009

In my attempt to install Windows XP via Boot Camp, I accidentally inserted an SP1 disc instead of the SP2 disc that I have. The installation proceeded to the point where it does for most who attempt this: the screen where you are prompted to press ENTER. I could not proceed and therefore restarted the iMac and held down the mouse button upon start-up to remove the CD.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM:I can not boot into OS X because the keyboard shortcuts (those that might allow me to select which partition to boot from and/or reset PRAM) seem to be disabled. Instead, a reboot always ends at a black screen with a blinking DOS-esque cursor, or the prompt: "No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key."

I have attempted inserting my SP2 disc at this point, to no avail. My keyboard seems to be disabled, as if the SP1 install proceeded just enough to establish itself as the boot drive without drivers for the keyboard. I've tried using all 3 USB ports, disconnecting other USB devices. Oddly, my bluetooth mouse works to eject the CD on reboot...

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OS X :: Unable To Boot From SL DVD

Oct 20, 2009

I'm having an odd problem that I can't figure out. I have a fairly new iMac (the aluminum one). It originally had Tiger on it, then Leopard came out 1 week later. I upgraded to Leopard once it came out. I then purchased the Snow Leopard upgrade, and upgraded my iMac to SL.

I've been running SL great on it for several weeks now (since SL was released). I haven't had any issues, except with Time Machine. I wanted to do a verify/repair disk on the HD, so I attempted to boot my iMac from DVD.

It did not boot automatically to DVD, so I attempted a "C" during startup to boot from my DVD. After about 5-10 mins of waiting, it dropped me into "Safe Boot". I can not seem to boot it from the DVD.

I rebooted my iMac, and double clicked the install icon from the DVD. It's giving me the following error:

"Mac OS X 10.6 cannot be installed on this machine"

It's claiming that I need v10.5 or higher to install. I'm currently at 10.6.1, so I'm not sure what it's complaining about.

Has anyone had or seen this issue before? All I'm trying to do, is perform a repair disk on my HD...but I can't even boot from my DVD anymore.

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OS X :: Unable To Boot From Disk

Sep 23, 2010

So I have been running into a bunch of weird issues lately (got errors on emptying the trash, FCP is acting all crashy, couldn't unmount an internal disk to format it, etc) so I wanted to run the hardware test that is on the installer disk that came with my MP. Problem is, the machine won't boot from the disk. If I boot holding down the D key it boots to a grey screen and a dialog box pops up for a second and then *poof* the computer shuts down. It happens so quick there is literally no chance to read what it says. If I boot holding down option and try to click the install disk I immediately hang, the mouse doesn't respond anymore and I'm screwed and need to hard restart.

So I figured "hey I got a backup, I'll just reinstall OS X". Nope, still won't boot using the "install Mac OS X" from the disk. I click restart and I just get a grey screen again and nothing happens. I hear the drive spin up and then spin down and silence. Everything is disconnected from the computer except for my screen my keyboard and mouse.

Everything is up to date. Zapped pram, repaired permission and ran cron scripts via Onyx so I am at a loss what to do now. This is troubling because even if I have a problem I have no way of reinstalling the OS. I can work because the computer is working almost normally but this worries me.

This is a new MP 2.8.

Everything has been working tip top until this morning.

EDIT - I bought SL for my MBP so I have the retail disk. I was able to boot from that but it doesn't have the hardware test so it still looks like I am SOL for now.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Boot

Aug 21, 2006

My powerbook was working fine but i shut i down over night and when i turned it on the next morning it refused to boot. All i got was a grey screen with the folder icon which flash between a question mark and the finder icon.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Boot

May 14, 2007

We've got a MacBook that's not booting. It gives a question mark when we turn it on.

I've tried resetting the PRAM and SMC, to no avail.

I've tried booting holding Option to list all bootable volumes, and nothing is listed unless I put the install DVD in.

I've booted from the restore disks, and tried to reimage the MacBook, but no volumes showed up to install to.

I tried Disk Utility off the install DVD, and it listed no bootable volumes.

I tried System Profiler off the install DVD, and it said "There was an error while scanning for Serial-ATA devices."

Is this absolutely for sure a hardware issue? this guy seems to have solved almost the same problem without, but I'm not able to reinstall like he did (it gives me no volumes to install to).

I don't have much time and need to know whether to send it in to Apple or not. Being that we're past 90 days, they won't give us tech support over the phone, so if it's not a hardware problem, we're going to get charged, and other circumstances dictate that the computer either be fixed or installed ASAP.

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OS X :: Unable To Boot Into Mac Automatically?

Jun 10, 2009

I have mac os x version 10.5.7 running on a macbook pro 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. And my boot camp version is 2.0.

I installed windows vista via boot camp, then uninstalled it following the procedures in the boot camp help file. However after uninstalling windows, whenever I start my laptop it is unable to boot into mac automatically. And after a while shows a screen showing an error that it could not find a bootable drive. So I have to manually press alt(option) button and select the Mac drive to boot into mac os. There is no other os installed than mac.

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IMac :: Unable To Boot Up

Jul 27, 2010

Whenever I turn on my computer, I see a flashing folder icon, occasionally interspaced with a globe icon. I read elsewhere that this lasts for several minutes, but it can go on for an hour without pause. I tried booting up from my install disc, but couldn't get the computer to acknowledge it.

I was able to start installing with a 10.5 upgrade disc, but was unable to complete it because the computer did not already have 10.4 or later on the HD (for the record, I was on 10.5.8 before it crashed). I tried restarting it from the Network.

I can't even access my HD through a firewire cable; the HD simply won't show up on the host computer's screen. I'm pretty sure this means that my HD is hosed, but I thought I'd ask to make sure.

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OS X :: Unable To Boot From CD Drive?

Aug 3, 2010

I ran the Boot Camp Assistant to partition my hard drive, and it successfully created the "BOOTCAMP" drive. When it asked for my installation CD, I tried loading a Windows 7 installation partition through a USB hard drive, but the assistant would not recognize it as an install disk. So, I closed out of the assistant early, leaving the Boot Camp partition in place but Windows non-installed. Eventually, I rebooted my machine in an attempt to boot directly from the USB drive and resume installation.

However, I found the machine will not boot at all. It powers on normally, makes the startup sound, but after a few seconds I'm left with just a flashing folder and question mark icon. Holding down Option-key at startup does nothing. Trying to boot from my Snow Leopard disc by holding down C or D during startup does nothing. Holding down Command-S does nothing. Holding down Shift-key does nothing. Resetting the PRAM does nothing. I have also tried booting from a Windows 7 install DVD -- the drive spends an extra 20 seconds or so scanning the disk, but then skips directly to the flashing question mark.

What can I do? Is there some way I can access the EFI to make sure the correct startup disk is selected? Why am I unable to boot from my CD drive?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Boot Up?

Mar 1, 2012

I was using my MacBook pro, it required an update, when the update was finished and it went to restart. It began to restart like normal, the chime went, the fan startedup, it went to the grey screen with the apple, the wheel started turning but that's as far as it gets. It won't go further then this screen, the wheel just keeps spinning.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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