Software :: Boot / Reinstall System From External Hard Drive
Aug 16, 2010
I'm selling my old Powerbook G4. Before I let it go, I want to wipe the hard drive and reinstall OS 10.4. I also would like to run disk first aid because I suspect there may be some corruption. The problem: I still have the original system install DVDs that came with the laptop, but the DVD drive no longer works. It just spins the disks for a bit then spits them back out. I do have an external USB hard drive with plenty of free space. Is there a way I can copy the install DVDs (there's a Disc 1 and Disc 2) to the external hard drive, then boot from that drive and treat it like I'm installing from the DVDs? I also have my new MacBook Pro with a working DVD drive. Can I make my Powerbook boot from a CD in the MacBook's drive? If not, how else can I wipe my system and reinstall the OS without a working DVD drive?
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Jan 2, 2011
My MacBook does not start. Have Failed all suggested methods. I decided to reinstall Mac OS X, but my laptop does not like the installation dvd, which was scratched badly. I have the Mac OS X image file, but do not have a super drive to burn double layer dvd. With a functioning PC, a iPod touch and thumb drives. Can anyone tell me a method to reinstall the system to my MacBook.
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Mar 8, 2012
My internal 1TB hard drive on my iMac is dead and I don't have the money to replace it at the moment. I have everything backed up on an external 1TB drive using Time Machine. As a workaround for the time being,Is there any way I can install the system on the external drive and use that as the boot drive without erasing the Time Machine Backups? It seems to me I would have to have two partitions for the external drive, one for the system, and one for Time Machine. But is there any way to add a partition without erasing the existing one with Time Machine only on it?
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Mar 13, 2010
Sorry if I am in the wrong forum, as you can guess im a newbie at the forum - not at computers though (6 years experience.. )
So I have a 1TB WD Hard drive USB and I copied the Leopard Disk image and restored it onto it in a 500GB partition.
I have tried to boot it up normally by holding down Alt on start up but the drive doesn't come up. Ok.
I have tried going into the Start up Disk, it comes up and when I click on it and click restart it doesn't restart, it just does that Mac Beep thing.
I have recently just tried to boot it up manually using the Open Firmware technique. It doesn't work.
I have a PPC Mac and I know that they can't normally boot up USB Drives but the other users which I read on the thread how to boot up by the Firmware technique said they're PPC and it worked.
I just wanted to format my computer, My leopard disk is gone now but I got it copied JUST IN TIME to my Hard drive.
I formatted my computer and now i'm stuck on Tiger.
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Jun 25, 2010
I want to make a bootable clone of my iMac (PowerPC G5 running OS 10.5.8) and also backup my MacBook Pro onto an external USB hard drive so that I can restore from the external hard drive if my iMac dies (which is beginning to have startup problems).
I was planning to create 3 partitions - one for iMac's data which I'll continue to backup using TimeMachine, one for my MacBook Pro's data and one partition as a bootable clone of my iMac.
My question is.... if my iMac dies, how do I use the external hard drive to boot up from? Do I need Carbon Copy Cloner or will I be able to boot up from the external hard drive and access Apple's Disk Utility?
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Jun 11, 2009
I have a unibody MacBook. Is it possible to install Mac OS X on a USB external hard drive and use that to boot?
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Jul 8, 2009
My imac G5 isight's hard drive is dead. I would like to install OS X on an external hard drive and just use that as the hard drive for this machine. My questions are:
Can I boot from an external hard drive via USB and just run everything off the external hard drive? If so, how should I format the external hard drive so that it can be selected and written to when I boot from the install cd? The external hard drive I would like to use is a 75 gig Acom. I've tried booting from the install cd, and it either won't even find the external hard drive, or, when it does, it says it can't write to that external hard drive.
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Oct 17, 2010
I have an old external hard drive (5yrs) that I used on a G4. I tried to plug it into my 10.5.8 and it will not register. I tried it on 3 different computers. I am tiring to use it for work (school teacher). I have an older Mac at work that it did show up on so I can get the info off.
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Feb 10, 2009
After a couple of years of lurking around, searching for myself, I finally come out and ask for some help. My questions are intertwined, and I am unsure how to break up what into what. I am lost; forgive me my ignorance.The Scenario: I just got a Mac Box Set, and want to install Leopard.1. A new 400GB Passport. Existing 350GB--relatively new, getting a little glitchy. Only has copies of pix/video data on it.2. One MacMini, one Macbook Pro.3. Would like to backup bootable volumes for both macs.
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Jul 2, 2009
Just a quick question regarding external hard drives.
Does it matter what file system the hard drive is set to for me to be able to transfer data between the uMBP and the hard drive?
Currently, my 1TB external hard drive is in NTFS, but i understand Mac use FAT32? (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
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Nov 14, 2010
I have an Intel iMac with with Snow Leopard and Windows 7 on separate partitions. Recently I have acquired an external USB hard drive. I formatted it with Ext4, and installed Linux Mint to it.
The installation went smoothly, but I can't seem to boot from the USB drive anymore. Holding down Option on start-up only gives me two choices: Mac OS X and Windows. The drive isn't recognized in either operating systems anymore: on Snow Leopard I get "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" and on Windows, it doesn't even show up in My Computer.
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Dec 29, 2008
FYI - Im typing from an iPhone.
No hard drive, won't boot from external Fire Wire drive..
I've tried all key combos
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Jan 23, 2009
I have owned a Mac Mini for three years now (my friends convinced me to try the Apple way and this is my first Mac). The CD/DVD died just three weeks after warranty expired and Apple said (in essence) 'tough didn't buy AppleCare'.I have functioned without a CD/DVD drive since then, and everything was fine... until a week or two ago. We installed an update in iTunes, and everything started running S...L...O...W... So, we rebooted the computer! Instead of rebooting, it made the "bong!" sound and then a screen with an apple and a spinning wheel runs indefinitely. We let it run all night the first time and it stays on that screen for as long as you let it.
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Apr 3, 2009
Is there any way I could install Windows 7/Vista/XP on my MacBook using Bootcamp, but install the Windows OS on an external hard drive instead of my internal drive? I hope this is making sense.
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Jul 15, 2009
I want to know, is there any specific way possible I can set up my external hard drive so that when I plug it in, it mounts as an image file? So say I have a file "Image.DMG" on my desktop, I want to make it so that my external hard drive "becomes" Image.DMG, so when I plug it in, that's what it mounts as. I would like to do this because I want to make a boot image using my external hard drive.
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Oct 21, 2009
im in the market for a macbook and when i get iot i want to put windows on an external hard drive and use that to dual boot. is this possible? i am new to macs so i know nothing about it.
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Mar 13, 2010
to run ppc g4 powerbook from external hard drive with apps from external hd drive intel imac g5? I have a firewire hd but it is not being recognized by the ppc.
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May 4, 2012
Two years ago I installed Leopard on a pair of striped Fantom Hard Drives (3TBs) via Firewire 800, and have been running my 2007 Macbook Pro off it ever since. When Snow Leopard came out, I updated it with no problems. When Lion came out, again no problems. Last month I bought a CalDigit VR2 with dual hard drives (4TBs) specifically built for running OS externally. But no matter how I configure, install, or connect... it will not boot up my Macbook Pro, or my Macbook Air.
Last week I bought a new Fantom external hard drive (1.5TBs) and discovered the same exact issue, with one exception... the Fantom will boot the Macbook Pro via USB 2.0, but only when plugged into the left side port.
Has anyone else noticed this change?
P.S. I've talked to the people at CalDigit, Fantom, and Apple, and no one seems to have an answer.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 25, 2010
I've been using a LaCie Quadra 2TB Hard drive for a little over a month now.
I've been noticing in that time that whenever I have the HD mounted my system seems to run slower in that it has lots of sporadic hang ups. I get the spinning beachball in all sorts of programs from Safari to Microsoft Word.
I am of course assuming the Hard drive is to blame, so I was wondering:
Can running an external hard drive (for use with Time Machine and general storage) slow a system down (in particular applications)?
The hard drive is a 7200rpm drive and its connected via firewire 800 if that is of any importance.
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Sep 19, 2008
I have an Iomega UltraMax 750Gb External Hard Drive set up to back up my MacBook Pro. Time Machine uses this hard drive perfectly with no problems. However whenever I want to use the drive to move files around with XP the drive does not show up in my computer. XP recognizes the connection of the hard drive and shows the name of the hard drive connected to the computer when you look at the USB BUSes but still it is not in My Computer. I have everything up to date. I have even partitioned the External Hard Drive so part of it wasn't even touched by Time Machine. Is this a problem with Time Machine formatting my external hard drive to work only for Mac
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Mar 20, 2009
I have a Toshiba 160 GB USB external HDD (no power supply required) that I use simply as a backup for some Windows programs when I am using my virtual machine. It required a double USB cable and its icon showed on both the Windows and iMAC screen until a day or so ago. It is a functioning unit when I put it on a separate PC. I have not been able to correct the problem and in viewing some of the forum items I keep seeing suggestions to view the 'System Preferences --> general' - I do not see a 'general' nor any reference in the 'apple' that refers to hard drives (external or internal).
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Oct 6, 2009
I'm running out of space on my Mac Mini's disk because of all my iTunes video files. I am thinking about buying an enclosure for my spare 1 TB hard drive, and using it as the location of my iTunes library, but I wondered how it works with the Mac Mini's energy-savings mode. My Mini is set to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity, then wake when iTunes content is requested by my Apple TV or Airport Express. I like it, because it's very energy efficient that way! My question is, will the disks also sleep along with my computer, and will they wake properly when the computer wakes?
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Mar 19, 2009
Can i Boot Leopard From an External USB Based Harddrive ?
the harddrive is powered with an external power supply and is not bus powered...
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Feb 16, 2010
I have no id� whats wrong, I want to install Snow Leopard(from the external) on my Core2duo Macbook pro, which is running Leopard at the moment.
I have a Snow Leopard image, and I have used Disc utility to partition the external hard drive (GUID), and I assume the partition and install went well on the external, because in Disc start the external appears as OSX 10.6.
Then the problem: The macbook wont boot from the newly made external it just gives me this sign (of course without the colours).
I have tried to start the macbook normal, and with the option key held down were the external pops up.
I have also tried to chose the external in disc start and reboot with no luck.
I have tried to start the Snow Leopard install(external) within Leopard where the install start fine, but when it reboots and wants to continue the install, the sign appears.
The external harddrive is a 5400rpm 40gb 2,5" which is only powered by the usb port maybe thats the problem?
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Mar 30, 2009
I am looking to get an external HDD for a modified mac mini. I am thinking of removing the 120gb std hdd in the mini and replacing this with a SSD, coupled with 4GB of RAM to speed things up (will be 2.26ghz). Im guessing the capacity of this will be aroung 60-80 gb and will only be used for the OS.
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Apr 12, 2010
I am a new convert to Mac, and loving every minute. I use a 21.5 iMac and my wife uses a MacBook. I am trying to figure out the best way up set up an external harddrive system that will automatically backup both Macs. But I am also trying to figure out if I can store and access music through iTunes for both Macs.
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Apr 5, 2009
Is there any way I can boot up my external hard drive as a start up disk along with my internal hard drive?
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Sep 7, 2010
I couldn't find anything. I have a mac mini and I am going to do system restore but I was wondering if it was possible to store Microsoft Office on my external hard drive because I don't have the discs anymore.
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Oct 7, 2010
My HDD is split to 3 partitions at the moment:
-Mac OS X (primary, OS does not boot)
-Storage (formatted for Mac)
-Windows (NTFS)
Is it possible to reinstall Mac OS X without formatting storage nor Windows partitions?
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Dec 1, 2014
First the Details:
MacBook Pro, Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013
OS X Mavericks 10.9.5
USB 3.0 External Hard drive
I am currently using an external drive for my user storage. Right now I log in with a separate User account to mount the drive, log off, and then log in with my user. I am trying to remove the extra steps so I can boot my Mac and log right in. I have not found any method that pertains specifically to Mavericks, and all of the methods I have tried for older OS versions do not seem to work properly.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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