Software :: Steve Jobs Says No To Google's VP8 Web Code?
May 20, 2010
In reply to a email asking his thoughts on Google's announcement of the royalty-free WebM video codec, Steve Jobs reportedly simply forwarded back the critical expose profiled yesterday by AppleInsider. Jobs' terse reply to the question "What did you make of the recent VP8 announcement?" left little doubt about Apple's views on the matter, because the linked report Jobs returned, written by x264 developer Jason Garrett-Glaser, castigated the new specification for video compression as being weak, incomplete, and undoubtedly encumbered by patent issues.
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Apr 5, 2010
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs made an appearance Saturday for the iPad launch, talking with customers and even giving a hands-on demo of the device at his company's Palo Alto, Calif., store. As first reported by Cult of Mac, Twitter user Cedric Lignier spotted Jobs at the store wearing blue jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie sweater over his trademark mock turtleneck. Jobs reportedly showed a little girl how to use the iPad, and Lignier said he believed the girl might have been Jobs' daughter. According to the San Jose Mercury News, Jobs arrived at the University Avenue store shortly before noon, causing a great deal of interest among the patrons there.
"Many in the crowd pulled out cameras and iPhones to capture the most magic of Silicon Valley moments," the report said. "Jobs chatted with a handful of other shoppers, but even his 30-minute invasion did not get in the way of their serious business � the buying of and playing with new iPads." Jobs has been seen at that location before, which is just 20 minutes from Apple's campus at 1 Infinite Loop. When the iPhone first launched in 2007, Jobs appeared and spoke with programmers Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Atkinson.................
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Nov 7, 2010
I have recently put together a site in iWeb, hosted on .Mac. I realize there are other tools out there and other hosting options that are may have more features and be cheaper, but I really have been enjoying the ease of putting this thing together and changing it on the fly, so I'm happy to stick with the setup for now. That said, I would like to have certain .Mac features enabled, mostly the comments for podcast and photos. However, when I insert Google Analytics code, it seems to take away the comments feature.
I am using an Automator script to put the Google Analytics script in each of my iWeb pages after I publish to .Mac. I'm assuming that this might be overwriting or otherwise interfering with a script needed to activate the .Mac comments? Could anyone help me out, maybe tell me what I need to do with the Automator script so that it can insert the Analytics stuff without interfering with the .Mac stuff? By the way, I'm using the site as kind of a self-promotion while I'm looking for a job, which is why I want the Google Analytics stuff in there -- need to see who, if anyone, is checking the pages out!
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Jan 1, 2011
Lucidlogix have a real time GPU balancing solution that can render scenes in real time using BOTH the integrated sandybridge GPU and an ATI or NVidia GPU. If used in the next gen macbook pro it could make the macbook pro a real gaming machine. One little chip on the motherboard could change everything. Everyone email Steve Jobs. Seriously this could be awesome, Alienware performance on a thin Macbook Pro. Make noise bang the internet drum, he may listen. [URL]
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Jun 7, 2009
There are many print jobs hidden from the printing queue. OS X does not show me all the waiting jobs as it just shows each one drip by drip which causes the printer to print the unwanted print jobs. Can you tell me where is the queue stored in the file system? I need to get to the source to purge any remnants of waiting jobs.
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Aug 12, 2009
I have a macbook. 2007 late series. Just recently I have had issues with printing. When I try to print in the printer dialogue box it states 'all jobs stopped.' It doesn't seem to matter which printer I use. Also, just installed Adobe CS4. COuld this be the culprit?
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May 7, 2012
I've always had problems using my Canon MP560 with my MBP (13" early 2011).Â
The main problem I am currently having is that when I send multiple jobs to the printer, it enters pause mode between each job; I have to go into the printer queue and click Resume to print the next job.Â
I've removed and readded the printer countless times over the last six months and I worry that if I have to do the same again I'll just be confronted with yet another problem...Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 3, 2010
Basically, I noticed this a few weeks ago. I noticed the hinge has basically always creaked, but I never took it in for the noise. This came to my attention only of recent and I am past my warranty. I emailed Steve, and he was really rude in my opinion.
Someone on a forum said it looks like a heat delegation issue, and a possible fire hazard
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Aug 13, 2008
when trying to print to ANY printer whether it be a network printer or a locally attached USB printer. The machine is as stated, an iBook G4. The OS is OS X 10.4.1. The printers involved are a Sharp ARM450n, a Sharp MX 2300 both networked and a Brother hl5150d, connected via USB. All printers show up in the printer dialogue box as installed, all of the latest drivers are installed and when I attempt to print, the system claims it printed, no matter what printer I send the print job to. I just don't get any documents. The print jobs just vanish! I have searched on this forum for a solution, not to mention googling Mac printer issues on the internet. I have searched high and low for a solution with no luck. I've tried stripping out all of the drivers and starting fresh. I've tried resetting the print system, I've tried appletalk/ethertalk, I've tried bonjour, I've tried tcp/ip printing, all to no avail. All of the other computers (an assortment of approximate 35 different Macs can ALL print to the printers with this one exception. The computer is hard wired to the network and can access the internet, I can ping the printers, ping other computers and I can also ping the computer that is having the print issues.
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Dec 11, 2009
With an Airport Express-connected printer, is there any way to configure things such that:
- I can leave the Airport Express on (as a base station)
- I can leave the printer off by default (so as not to waste energy)
- I can select 'print' within an application
- The print job queues
- I can then switch on the printer and the job will begin processing
Is this possible with an Airport Express-connected printer? The problem is that the printer is a fair walk from my office and I have to walk there to switch it on and then walk back to print and then walk back to collect the print out.
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Apr 19, 2012
With Leopard and Snow Leopard I could sync my Address Book with Google Contacts (in google apps). Now with Lion I can't find a way to sync those contacts. I have an iCloud acount for my personal contacst but our company uses Google Apps for sharing the contacts
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 15, 2009
Previously the solution was to install Safari plugins Inquisitor or Glims but Apple have removed the interfaces from Safari 4 that these plugins used - and there is still no built in Safari Preference to set the locale of the Google search. Effectively this renders the Safari Google Search field pretty well useless - at least for UK users. If you're searching for UK-based businesses or individuals, for example, the thousands of USA results that come up first are just not relevant - (that's an example of British Understatement. by the way
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Jul 6, 2010
I get this ad every time I load the page. I figured it was a cookie problem so I searched my cookies for 'Google' and deleted all the results. I'm still getting it. It's not happening in Firefox, only Safari. It's been there since Friday or Saturday. Am I the only one?
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May 12, 2009
I've downloaded CalDav. It will export from Google Calendar into Ical, but not the other way.Any tips on how to get information onto Google Calendar from Ical?
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Oct 19, 2009
I have the developer tools installed on my mac. This means that I have all these useless (I think) extra files. Whenever I search for a file, I get hundreds, or thousands of code files. I have to dig through to find the file I am looking for. Is there any way to make all of these code files not appear in searches?
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May 7, 2012
when i am trying to install the x-code 4.2 in 10.7.1 it is not installing, showing installation unsuccessful...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1), x-code 4.2
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Dec 5, 2010
I backed up all my data onto a couple of DVDs before formatting and upgrading my ststem but now, when trying to copy this data back I am getting the error message. The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in "filenamehere" can't be read or written. (Error code -36). I have looked for ages to try and find a solution for this, but there does not seem to be one when copying from a DVD.
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Mar 18, 2009
I have a MacBook I usually bring to work. My co-workers and michevious and always try to change my background, etc.
I leave on my screensaver password. I close the lid to my laptop to initiate the password protect.
So last night I came back from lunch, open up my MacBook and my co-worker comes next to me, it seems like she put a code, and then unlocked my MacBook.
It's either 1.) She know's my password or 2.) there's a bypass code because she typed something and it unlocked.
Anyone know how to hack it?
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Jan 14, 2010
I am at Uni and using the internet in my halls, I have paid $230 for it and it has tied it's self to my laptop using it's mac code. When I try and connect something else to the port it says I have to pay another $50 to get 3 more mac code places. Is there anyways around this? Can I change the mac code of other machines? I have tried creating an airport on my mac and sharing the Ethernet port connection which only get's the message "buy more mac code slots..." on what ever connects to my airport.
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Feb 24, 2012
i wanna purchase something and i can't and i don't know why
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 30, 2012
I got given the code for a £15 App Store voucher (from a trusted source, I should add!) and when I go to redeem the code, it doesn't work. I've confirmed that it's a valid UK code, but still nothing.
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Apr 18, 2012
How can I fix an error code 553-'5.3.0?
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May 10, 2012
I have some files on an external disk, and when trying to copy them from the external disk to the mac mini harddrive I am getting the following error message:Â
'The finder can't complete the operation because some data in <file name> can't be read or written (Error code -36)'Â
This is strange as I haven't changed anything and have previously been able to copy files?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 23, 2012
I put my itunes dollars into itunes thinking I could use it to buy the Lion App and when I went to down load it asked for the money then. Is there a way to take the money from my itunes account?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 30, 2010
obviously this makes me look like an idiot, but I downloaded the demo for worms 3D and when I opened it there were just lines of code. I have leapord operating system if that helps at all, I just think im missing an installer.
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Oct 27, 2007
I plugged in my external HD last night and was told I'd have to format. I moved all my data over to a larger disk during the night so as to clear it for this. I woke up this morning, did a spotlight search for Time Machine and got "An unexpected error occurred (Error Code -43). I then, in my half asleep state, thought that I'd just uninstall TM. I have this app called AppDelete, which did the trick. Now I realise that TM is in system prefs and appears to be working.
Firstly, has anyone else gotten this error, and secondly, is there any way to get back whatever it was I deleted earlier? Maybe by using the install disk. I looked at it earlier and didn't see any options.
I noticed that the TM "app" in the Applications folder was only a few hundred kbs so I may not have done much damage. Doesn't anyone know what that part is? Is it just a frontend or what?
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Dec 10, 2007
I am trying to transfer some videos from one external HD to another external HD through my MacBook Pro. I copy the whole folder but only half get transferred, the other comes up with an Error Code 0.
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Sep 1, 2008
is there a way to show time code on the video in final cut express?
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Nov 26, 2008
I am trying to transfer all my music over to another hard drive and everytime that I try, I get "error code-61" about 1/4 to 1/2 through it. I tried copying to a different hdd.. same problem. So I researched it, turns out its a permissions problem. When I try to run Disk Utility on the drive with the music it does not allow me to verify or repair the disk. I was thinking about trying to do the transfer in windows.
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May 4, 2009
I have an old PowerMac G4 (AGP Graphics), which has served me dutifully for a long time. However, I recently took all but 128mb of the ram out to temporarily use in other computers, and when I went to put the modules back in, basically none of them worked. Here's the deal: I have 2 256 modules, and when I put those in my computer, whether individually, together, or with other modules, I get this message on-screen and the computer does not boot: localhost:/ root# []. Similarly, I have 3 128mb sticks, but if I put more than one in the computer at a time, I get the same message. I'm thinking the computer may have some issue with more than 128mb of ram, but why all of a sudden? I don't really know anything about code or whatever the computer is trying to tell me.
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