OS X :: Deleting All Printing Jobs In The Queue

Jun 7, 2009

There are many print jobs hidden from the printing queue. OS X does not show me all the waiting jobs as it just shows each one drip by drip which causes the printer to print the unwanted print jobs. Can you tell me where is the queue stored in the file system? I need to get to the source to purge any remnants of waiting jobs.

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Hardware :: All Jobs Stopped When Printing On Macbook

Aug 12, 2009

I have a macbook. 2007 late series. Just recently I have had issues with printing. When I try to print in the printer dialogue box it states 'all jobs stopped.' It doesn't seem to matter which printer I use. Also, just installed Adobe CS4. COuld this be the culprit?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Printing Jobs Vanish - Get No Print

Aug 13, 2008

when trying to print to ANY printer whether it be a network printer or a locally attached USB printer. The machine is as stated, an iBook G4. The OS is OS X 10.4.1. The printers involved are a Sharp ARM450n, a Sharp MX 2300 both networked and a Brother hl5150d, connected via USB. All printers show up in the printer dialogue box as installed, all of the latest drivers are installed and when I attempt to print, the system claims it printed, no matter what printer I send the print job to. I just don't get any documents. The print jobs just vanish! I have searched on this forum for a solution, not to mention googling Mac printer issues on the internet. I have searched high and low for a solution with no luck. I've tried stripping out all of the drivers and starting fresh. I've tried resetting the print system, I've tried appletalk/ethertalk, I've tried bonjour, I've tried tcp/ip printing, all to no avail. All of the other computers (an assortment of approximate 35 different Macs can ALL print to the printers with this one exception. The computer is hard wired to the network and can access the internet, I can ping the printers, ping other computers and I can also ping the computer that is having the print issues.

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Software :: Steve Jobs Says No To Google's VP8 Web Code?

May 20, 2010

In reply to a email asking his thoughts on Google's announcement of the royalty-free WebM video codec, Steve Jobs reportedly simply forwarded back the critical expose profiled yesterday by AppleInsider. Jobs' terse reply to the question "What did you make of the recent VP8 announcement?" left little doubt about Apple's views on the matter, because the linked report Jobs returned, written by x264 developer Jason Garrett-Glaser, castigated the new specification for video compression as being weak, incomplete, and undoubtedly encumbered by patent issues.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Canon MP560 - Pausing Between Jobs?

May 7, 2012

I've always had problems using my Canon MP560 with my MBP (13" early 2011). 

The main problem I am currently having is that when I send multiple jobs to the printer, it enters pause mode between each job; I have to go into the printer queue and click Resume to print the next job. 

I've removed and readded the printer countless times over the last six months and I worry that if I have to do the same again I'll just be confronted with yet another problem... 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Email Exchange With Jobs/possible Heat Damage?

Dec 3, 2010

Basically, I noticed this a few weeks ago. I noticed the hinge has basically always creaked, but I never took it in for the noise. This came to my attention only of recent and I am past my warranty. I emailed Steve, and he was really rude in my opinion.

Someone on a forum said it looks like a heat delegation issue, and a possible fire hazard

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Hardware :: Queuing AirPort Express Connected Printer Jobs

Dec 11, 2009

With an Airport Express-connected printer, is there any way to configure things such that:

- I can leave the Airport Express on (as a base station)
- I can leave the printer off by default (so as not to waste energy)
- I can select 'print' within an application
- The print job queues
- I can then switch on the printer and the job will begin processing

Is this possible with an Airport Express-connected printer? The problem is that the printer is a fair walk from my office and I have to walk there to switch it on and then walk back to print and then walk back to collect the print out.

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Hardware :: Steve Jobs Appears At Palo Alto Apple Store For IPad Launch

Apr 5, 2010

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs made an appearance Saturday for the iPad launch, talking with customers and even giving a hands-on demo of the device at his company's Palo Alto, Calif., store. As first reported by Cult of Mac, Twitter user Cedric Lignier spotted Jobs at the store wearing blue jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie sweater over his trademark mock turtleneck. Jobs reportedly showed a little girl how to use the iPad, and Lignier said he believed the girl might have been Jobs' daughter. According to the San Jose Mercury News, Jobs arrived at the University Avenue store shortly before noon, causing a great deal of interest among the patrons there.

"Many in the crowd pulled out cameras and iPhones to capture the most magic of Silicon Valley moments," the report said. "Jobs chatted with a handful of other shoppers, but even his 30-minute invasion did not get in the way of their serious business � the buying of and playing with new iPads." Jobs has been seen at that location before, which is just 20 minutes from Apple's campus at 1 Infinite Loop. When the iPhone first launched in 2007, Jobs appeared and spoke with programmers Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Atkinson.................

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OS X :: Downloads - Can Leopard Queue Them

Feb 11, 2010

I am not very computer savvy and have just bought a new mac laptop with leopard on it. On my old mac I used igetter download manager to queue my downloads but after installing it on this latest laptop I find it sits on 'waiting' when I try to add a download, then comes up with 'error 401'. I was wondering if I can automatically queue my downloads without a manager and if not then any suggestions as I am not sure about how to get the igetter working or which other managers to use.

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Applications :: Rar Extractor With Queue Options

Dec 25, 2010

i'm using unrarx but when i'm trying to add another rar archive to extract its just work on all of them together and not making a queue, its slow down my comp really bad and i think its kinda faster to do rar-by-rar and not few together...

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Applications :: How Do I Queue Songs In ITunes

Jul 18, 2010

How do I queue songs in iTunes? I know there's a Party Shuffle available, but it doesn't do what I would like it to do. I want to be able to add songs to a queue (which I can do with the DJ party shuffle), but I would also like to queue them differently. For example, if I have 6 songs in the queue, I would want to be able to go 1,3,5,4 sometimes or queue 1,5,6,2 without having to physically change the order of the queue each time. I would rather just be able to right click each song and click "queue" or something to that effect, sort of like the Amarok music player.

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Hardware :: Printer Queue Shows Error

Aug 16, 2010

I am running a Mac 10.6.4 with Windows 7 also running through VMFusion There are two printers installed a Kyocera and an OKI C3400. When I first got these set up, both printers worked with Apple applications and with Windows 7 applications. Now, for no apparent reason, the OKI, which continues to work with Apple applications, does not work with Windows apps. - after trying to print, the printer queue shows "error" The Printer Properties shows it to be connected to theTPVM port as is the Kyocera printer I am not aware of having made any alterations to the settings to cause this A long session with a patient adviser on the OKI helpline, including deleting and re-installing the OKI printer has failed to cure the problem. I really do need my colour printer working through Windows

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Applications :: Rapidshare Uploader - Put Files In Queue

Feb 4, 2008

I ran a search, couldn't find anything on this. I was wondering if there were any applications that allows you to put files in queue, like speed download does to download, but to upload files to a rapidshare account? I do have speed download 4 also. is there a way to use that to upload?

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Hardware :: Unable To Print - Getting Status Error In Job Queue

Oct 21, 2009

I've got two printers - one at work and one at home. They're both HP, if that's any help. When I try to print to either of them - either connected on USB at home, or over the network at work, the document seems to spool ok - (the printer icon appears is doc), but then it never prints.

If you open the Job queue for the printer, the job is listed there with a status of "error". I can't seem to find any more useful info - sorry. Feel free to ask me for stuff if it'll help you help me. The printer is detected as online - it says Printer Ready in the box. I can post screenshots if it'll help.

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Hardware :: Queue Indicating Job Completed - Printer Unresponsive

Jul 23, 2006

I have an HP Officejet K60 for which I have all the HPIJS drivers etc. And it works on the network (with a PC as the print server). But I need it hooked up directly to my Mac OS x 10.4 box (PB 15") with a USB. The Mac recognizes the printer and the driver etc. It prints, the print queue says "Completed", but the printer just sits there. As I noted, this works on the network with the printer hooked up to a PC.

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ITunes :: Unable To Let Queue Several Albums To Copy To IPhone?

Mar 30, 2012

Before, in iTunes I could drag several albums, one after the other, over to my iPhone for copying.  iTunes would just add the subsequent albums to a growing queue behind the scenes, happily copying until everything was done. Now, for some reason, when I am in the midst of copying one album and drag a second over to copy, iTunes stops copying the first album and begins copying the second; it's as if the hidden queue has disappeared.  So I'm left with a bunch of truncated, random songs off each album I've tried to copy. 

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Intel Mac :: File Go To Queue And Only Prints After Restarting Computer

Jun 14, 2012

The file will go to the print que but will not connect to the printer. When I restart the computer it will print. I have an Apple friendly printer. Is it my network?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Documents Stuck On Hold In Print Queue?

May 1, 2012

I have a Macbook pro at work running snow leopard. We have a shared printer Cannon IR 5045. For the past few motnhs it was working fine. This week all of the documents i try to print i put on hold. Restarting doesnt work. deleting and reinstalling printer doesnt work. It is connected by IP and the mac is on the network. Other people can print fine.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MobileMe :: Every Time I Delete An Email Next In Queue Is Read Automatically

May 21, 2012

I would like to be able to delete emails without having the program automatically "read" the next mail in the queue. This used to be possible but the mail program has changed and now I can no longer figure out how to do this. Now, after I clean out my Inbox by deleting emails, I have to go back and "unread" selected mails so I can remember to go back to them. I realize I could flag everything of importance but I prefer to save flags for specific emails, not just ones that I haven't read yet.

Info:G5, iphone

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OS X Mavericks :: Epson WF 845 Printer Queue Opens / Job Appears To Process And Nothing Prints

Aug 22, 2014

10.9.4 with Epson WF 845.  Queue opens, job appears to process out of the queue and the queue closes.  Nothing happens at the printer.  Only the one printer on the network.  Have deleted & added the printer.  Have reset the printer system.  Printer wired through a Linksys WRT 1900AC and computers are wireless to the same router.  Worked fine until the last day or so.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Epson WF 845, Linksys WRT 1900AC

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Final Cut Pro :: Unable To Import P2 Video / Add Clip To Import Queue It Just Times Out

Apr 1, 2009

Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I can no longer import P2 footage. I get the stop sign and error: no data.In the import window I can play the clip and everything is fine, but when I add to the clip to the import queue it just times out.

Any thoughts? Is it somehow related to Quicktime being updated by Snow Leopard?

Macbook Pro
Mac OS X (10.6.1)
Final Cut 5.1

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Hardware :: Dell 1100 Laser Printer Driver / Reset Queue And Lost The Driver

Oct 6, 2009

I had a Dell 1100 laser printer working on my iMac (G4 ball type) using a GIMP printer. I had to reset the queue and lost the driver. I can't remember which GIMP driver I used. Also, although I have loaded the latest GIMP s/w, I can't seem to get to them in Tiger 10.4.6.

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Intel Mac :: Printer Won't Print, Printer Queue Won't Open

May 12, 2012

Printer won't print, printer queue won't open?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Print Icon Tends To Stay On Dock After Print Job Is Done And Disorder Print Queue

Jun 28, 2014

I have recently upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mavericks and am now having problem with my hp 4500 office jet printer. The print icon tends to stay on the dock after the print job is done and then mess up the print queue. Even worse if I forget to cancel it manually then when I put the computer on 'sleep' the printer starts up again and the whole job is rerun unless I get to cancel it quickly on the printer!  

It does not always do this (the print icon disappearing as it should do), but for 90% of the time it does. 

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MacBook Air :: Tried Deleting A User Account, But Its Stuck On "deleting Account" For About 3 Hours?

Apr 22, 2012

I can't close system preferences and it won't do anything else. Did i do something wrong or is it normal?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Printing From Vista To Mac 10.4.9

Mar 29, 2007

I have just upgraded my laptop to Windows Vista and I am beginning to get everything back onto the computer after a fresh install. I am now attempting to setting up the shared printers that I have on an eMac and an iMac (both are 10.4.9). I got the file sharing to work between all 3 computers. In XP, I used Bonjour and that was it. I used Bonjour and it found both printers, but it said that it could not find printer drivers. Does anyone know how to get this vista computer printing?

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OS X :: Printing From Leopard To XP

Feb 1, 2009

I have a Aluminium MacBook and for about a month or so it has been sharing files with my XP desktop PC easily. So I decided that I wanted to print wirelessly to my printer (which is connected to my XP PC via USB) from my MacBook. When I set up the printer, it finds it and everything, so i go to Word and try and print a Word Document. On the jobs manager on my XP PC, it says the document name is: 'Remote Downlevel Document' and it says spooling, printing, the either sits there forever or just vanishes. My Printer is a Canon PIXMA iP1800.

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OS X :: Network Printing From Mac Via PC?

Mar 18, 2009

I have spent ages trying to get my printer working via my wireless network from my PC running windows. I have followed set up from about site and it seems all set up, but its not printing, I check the printer jobs and it seems its sending them as the jobs appear both on my mac and then on my p.c very briefly, but nothing prints. Printer is connected to my p.c and I can print from there. I must of done everything needed as the job is appearing on my pc and im getting a list of completed jobs at my mac end.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Printing Pdf From Web?

Jun 7, 2012

I am having problems printing pdf files off the web.  These are past exam papers which are stored on the website.  When I try to print the first page is often blank or contains a coloured box which is part of a logo on the website but the text included is missing. 

When I try to open on preview I get completely blank pages.  The websiteis a secure website. 

I'm using a canon isensys LBP7750 with UFR ii driver.  I read in the printer utility help desk that it may not work with Adobe reader v 6.0.  I have downloaded the most recent printer drivers and Adobe software. I tried running PostScript but the printer just keeps pausing. 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Printing On A Wireless Network?

Mar 17, 2009

I bought my new (and first) unibody macbook 2 weeks ago. I'm loving everything about it

I was just wondering if the following is possible.

So I have a new macbook and a personal PC, both connected to a wireless internet network (with a D-Link Router).

There's a printer connected to my PC and I would like to know if it was possible to acces my PC through the internet and print files on it from my Macbook.

I hope I explained it good enough?

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