I have a MacBook I usually bring to work. My co-workers and michevious and always try to change my background, etc.
I leave on my screensaver password. I close the lid to my laptop to initiate the password protect.
So last night I came back from lunch, open up my MacBook and my co-worker comes next to me, it seems like she put a code, and then unlocked my MacBook.
It's either 1.) She know's my password or 2.) there's a bypass code because she typed something and it unlocked.
I am at Uni and using the internet in my halls, I have paid $230 for it and it has tied it's self to my laptop using it's mac code. When I try and connect something else to the port it says I have to pay another $50 to get 3 more mac code places. Is there anyways around this? Can I change the mac code of other machines? I have tried creating an airport on my mac and sharing the Ethernet port connection which only get's the message "buy more mac code slots..." on what ever connects to my airport.
I am really really dying inside since upgrading to Snow Leopard because my screensavers are....*sobs* DEAD! or at least the only one that I used to love, Fenetres Volants.
So since then I've been using some default screensavers and looking for a replacement.
What I want is a black background with scrolling text. Sadly, there are too many wunnabe 1337 kids that fell in love with escaping to the Matrix where the junior high bullies can't hurt them so all Google results yield ching-chonganese text falling. What I really want is a screensaver that looks like it's running a command line level operation.
Guys, how do you bypass firewall using SSH? Using terminal, i typed in "ssh username@ip" and it brings my command prompt from home. So I'm guessing I successfully SSHed, but what to do now?
I installed a keylogger from mac-spy-software dot com and there is EAM in our office machine, I'm not about to be offensive, I just wanna know if I'm not the administrator, is there anyway to bypass the keylogger or monitoring? I need to find out sth.
got a problem with my Optoma projektor, since i?m using a OPPO HM-31 hdmi switch that doesn?t support Dual-link DVI, so my macpro can?t display anything and just keep switching between desktop and blue screen. I?m connectting from 2600xt via dvi-hdmi through a hdmi cable. Without the switch there?s no problem.
Q: Is it possible to by bypass Dual-link DVI, so that my hdmi-switch only receives a Single-link DVI signal?
I noticed that my in-laws 13-year old kid spends all his time glued to their iMac. I know that his user-account has parental controls enabled, and his computer-time is limited. I talked with him about it, and he mentioned that "Those time-limits are useless, since I can easily bypass them". He wouldn't tell me how he does it, though.
So, how could he bypass the controls? I'm asking because I would like to be able to plug that hole (if possible), so he would do something else than sit by the computer all the time.
"Discussing" the matter with a frigging 13-year old who thinks he knows everything is next to useless.
Alternatively: is there a third-party parenting-app that would offer more robust features that the OS X built-in toold do?
am curious to know how can you bypass a proxy server. With all the restrictions in China happening at the moment and not being to get on fb, youtube and well you name it websites. From what I know and see, there are ways to bypass the firewall. Does anyone know how to do it? Would be quite frustrating to not be able to get on anything since I am going to be posted there for a year.
Using OS X Mail, is there anyway to print an email without having to see the print dialog box? On Windows, Outlook has a "quick print" icon that you can put on the toolbar that does just that. I was just wondering if it was possible to do in OS X.
i have bought a used macbook, to bad i do not have the admin password. is there any way to bypass this issue with out the Mac OS X disk? (without loosing my obtained files?).
I have Macbook Pro running MAC OS X. I can boot the computer and use it but every time I try to download a new program or add a user or anything it asks me for the password, I don't have this password. Is there any way to by pass this without losing all my programs and information? I am desperate!
I need to get past the admin pass. When I try to update something it says "Please type an Admin Name and Password" and I don't know my dad's pass. Any way to get past the password thing without him knowing?
Trying to use my motorola modem for the first time but I get prompted to the ISP's setup website. Anyone know how to bypass this step? Calling them to setup is not an option.
How can I bypass the login screen because I don't have the password anymore. I loaded Panther but told it use old settings instead of starting new. Now it won't even let me start over without the password.
I have an old school Indigo IMac. It was my uncle's and unfortunately he just passed away. I am attempting to install software but it wants the password. Obviously I cant ask my uncle. If I can not install my apps then this Mac will be worthless to me.
My father has an eMac desktop computer running OSX 10.2.4 We finally hooked him up on DSL, and are now trying to update some of his software through downloads. His system asks us for a User and Password. The User it recognizes is my mom, now deceased 4 years, and we have no idea what password she might have set up. It also recognizes "Administrator" in the User field, so is there a standard password that goes with that?
Is there a way for us to change the User and Password? The computer's Help section recommended reloading the OSX software, but the OSX came loaded on the computer when we bought it, and there doesn't seem to be a CD of the system software in the house.
I was wondering if there is a way to bypass the keychain login password.I am the administrator on this computer and my children have there own accounts and I would like to watch what they are doing on facebook and aim but when I try to log into their keychain account to find out there passwords it doesnt let me in.I think they changed the password so it is not the login password.I know the log in password because I set up their accounts.As the administator can I reset their passwords so I have access again.Or do I have to block these sites so they cant go on them at all.
How can I bypass entering my password at start-up and each time I change some setting or install software. I do not need to do this constantly on my G4 running Tiger.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 27", 2.7 gHz, 4gb RAM, 1tb HD
I am running OS X Mavericks, and when I want to, let's say, install a Sims 3 game, it asks for my administrator password. Now since someone else owns the computer (and they don't want me to know their password but I can install the games with their permission) I don't know the admin password, and I want to know, is there a way to bypass that admin password without having to reset it to a pass I know? Or do I just have to deal with the fact that I have to ask?
I am asked for my password to open my Macmail accts but it will not accept them. Keychain is corrupting them somehow and I cannot get to my mail. Any ideas what to do? The passwords are correct but macmail will not save them
Is there a way to completely remove files from my system without moving them to the Trash? I've read about the Trash, but I'm not clear on EXACTLY how it works. Can I empty A file from the trash or when I click on a file & choose "Emtpy the Trash" does it empty ALL of the files in the Trash or just that one file? Is there a way to just empty ONLY 1 file from the trash or restore ONLY 1 file from the Trash if so how? ALSO, what are the "rules" for MOVING files rather than COPYing them? I thought files that went from one folder to another on the same drive, were moved & ones that went to different drives were copied. It seems like I've run acrorss instances where that's not how things work.
I was just on my computer tonight nd all of a sudden it restarted, upon rebooting it went to a safari-only mode with a webpage asking me to log into a wifi account and telling me to access Apple support.
- I cannot boot into safe mode, and any other mode I use just brings me to this same screen.
- Everytime I restart the computer it just brings me back to this screen and I can't log into my normal account.
- I also cannot access system preferences.
- If I close safari I just get a blank screen with nothing.
- Other solutions have suggested this is a 'theft' location procedure, if so, how do I 'deactivate' this? I have accessed my iCloud 'find my iphone' and there seems to be no way of disabling it.