MacBook Pro :: Email Exchange With Jobs/possible Heat Damage?
Dec 3, 2010
Basically, I noticed this a few weeks ago. I noticed the hinge has basically always creaked, but I never took it in for the noise. This came to my attention only of recent and I am past my warranty. I emailed Steve, and he was really rude in my opinion.
Someone on a forum said it looks like a heat delegation issue, and a possible fire hazard
i left my macbook running while i was installing windows had an error and had to leave in a hurry didn't know it was not in sleep and it was left on in a incase for around 20 minutes, will the safe shutoff kick even if its not booted up. it should be fine right? it felt very hot to the touch but was only around 77c on boot up.
At my university there was a flood during christmas break while I was away, and my office had about 8 inches of water in it. When I got back, I saw the damages and was quite sad to see my mac pro filled up with dirt and debris.
So I cleaned it out and tried to boot it up and amazingly it works almost fact I am typing this on that mac pro. The only damage is that the fans now run at 2500rpms all the time.
So Here are my temps from iStat. It seems like maybe the sensor for CPU B and the north bridge are messed up. Anyone have any experience with fixing/replacing those parts? I am wondering if my diagnosis is correct and what is the best way to fix this machine.
I can't take Entourage (2008) any more - the constant garbling of the enormous single database file (and the database "repairs" which always seem to lose data) are driving me crazy.
Our institution is going to upgrade to Exchange 2007 (or perhaps 2010) in a few weeks, and I need to move to a more stable client. I'm running the latest 10.6. Can someone advise me: do I want Apple Mail, Thunderbird, or something else? My criteria are:
1) I need to be able to access Exchange email, Calendar, and Addressbook, but not necessarily with the same application. 2) I have a very large database of emails - 22 Gigs or so, and I need to be able to view and search them all. So, 3) which client will make migration from Entourage easiest? 4) which one is the most stable, so that this huge (and growing database) won't get corrupted? It's insane that one bad action can ruin the whole thing. Surely there are clients that store emails separately so that even if something gets damaged, the whole thing isn't munged.
I am new to mac computers but have an Iphone and a ipad, both of which i have no problems connecting to the exchange server. My IT guy said Imac cannot connect to the exchange server for mail. Seems like it should be able to do it. I've tried every which way but nothing works.
I have windows PC's on same network and I can set up the exchange email accounts in Outlook for those users with the same information I'm using for the iMAC. The iMAC will not accept the user name and password.When I set up the new exchange email account, I give it the email address and password, then the next screen adds the exchange server address, which I enter then it says mail can not log into the exchange server.Is there something different you have to do with exchange to support MAC users?
i have my setting to config an exchange mail in my iphone, but in my mac book air 10.7.... it can' seems not asking my domain name like iphone...
I'm having major issues with my exchange email in mail. I upgraded to Mavericks. Everything was fine as usual until one random day in April. I've deleted the account and re-added it. Basically, it rebuilds the email library, but and shows new mail that would be on the server, but when I click on one the messages are completely blank except for the subject. I've tried to rebuild the mailbox. Restart mail. Reinstalled Mavericks.
I am using Exchange (2011) and Lion. When I try to attach a file from Finder to a new email it defaults to my personal iCloud account. Is there a setting that would make my Outlook email the default for this operation?
I have configured my iPhone and iPad to connect to an Exchange Webmail Server and it works properly, including sync of email, calendar and contacts.
Settings include: - email address - server name ( - domain - user name and password for authentication - SSL on - S/Mime off
Now I have tried to do the same on my new iMac/Lion, using Mail. While all my email accounts (gmail, POP3, etc.) work well, I am unable to configure my Exchange account. In particular, I have used exactly the same settings as for iPhone/iPad (all but the domain name that is not in the configuration wizard and I have used domainusername as username), but it does not work. A first pop-up says that the system cannot get the certification of the server. Then when I click on "Continue" it says that it cannot connect because the password/username are not correct (however I have used the same settings that work on iPhone/iPad).
I've been using Macs, iPhones, and iPads for many years, but I've never tried to setup my work Exchange account with my Mac until I just purchased a MacBook Air as a second computer (to use partially for work). I was hoping that it would work just like it does on my iPhone and iPad and it appears like it should, but in Mail it just keeps syncing. It looks like most (I'm not sure if it's all) of my email has come in, but sending and receiving is very slow and it seems to be continuously syncing. I'm basing this on the appearance of the circling graphic just to the rght of the Inbox. This is the one that looks like spinning dashes in a circle, not the one that looks like a pie showing completion status of the sync. However, the Mail Activity box in the lower left doesn't show anything.Â
My company uses Microsoft Exchange 2010 and I'm running the latest and updated version of Lion (in fact it's one of the new Airs that just came out this week), so I'd expect this to work. Calendar and Contacts seem to be sycing just fine. Â
Does anybody have any expertise with this? I've already waited several hours and I've tried it for both mine and my wife's account (both Exchagne 2010) with the same result.Â
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've always used Mail in Mac OS X but one day I decided I would try Outlook 2011 so I could manage rules and filters without having to go to OWA. I was not very happy with Outlook 2011 so I removed it and decided to go back to Mail for Mac OS X. Since trying Outlook 2011, I'm having problems setting up the Exchange account in Mail.My company uses first.last and flast for our email address/alias.When I setup the account, auto discovery finds everything just fine and logs me in and downloads all the mail, rules, filters, etc. stored on the server. The problem is in Internet Accounts in System Preferences, I now see two Exchange accounts. One for first.last and another for flast. since mail seemed to be working fine, but one day I noticed something when I did a reply all to a mail message. It included myself in the reply to fields. I thought maybe it was a setting in Mail that I overlooked when setting up the Exchange account. As it turns out though, the problem is that the first.last account is now somehow the default mail account on Exchange and the flast is what I'm replying with.Checking System Preferences, I noticed that the first.last Exchange account doesn't have checks in the selection boxes for Mail, Contacts or Notes, but it does for Calendars and Reminders. However the flast is exactly the opposite; it has checks in the selection boxes for Mail, Contacts and Notes, but not Calendars or Reminders.
When I try to enable Mail, Contacts or Notes in the first.last Exchange account I get an error dialog stating "There was a problem setting up the account. An unknown error occurred."I experience this on multiple computers, including an iMac 27", iMac 24" and MacBook Pro 17".I'm using Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 and iCloud for my home accounts and connecting to an Exchange 2010 work account.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Core 2 Duo 3.06Ghz
I have a macbook. 2007 late series. Just recently I have had issues with printing. When I try to print in the printer dialogue box it states 'all jobs stopped.' It doesn't seem to matter which printer I use. Also, just installed Adobe CS4. COuld this be the culprit?
There are many print jobs hidden from the printing queue. OS X does not show me all the waiting jobs as it just shows each one drip by drip which causes the printer to print the unwanted print jobs. Can you tell me where is the queue stored in the file system? I need to get to the source to purge any remnants of waiting jobs.
In reply to a email asking his thoughts on Google's announcement of the royalty-free WebM video codec, Steve Jobs reportedly simply forwarded back the critical expose profiled yesterday by AppleInsider. Jobs' terse reply to the question "What did you make of the recent VP8 announcement?" left little doubt about Apple's views on the matter, because the linked report Jobs returned, written by x264 developer Jason Garrett-Glaser, castigated the new specification for video compression as being weak, incomplete, and undoubtedly encumbered by patent issues.
I've always had problems using my Canon MP560 with my MBP (13" early 2011).Â
The main problem I am currently having is that when I send multiple jobs to the printer, it enters pause mode between each job; I have to go into the printer queue and click Resume to print the next job.Â
I've removed and readded the printer countless times over the last six months and I worry that if I have to do the same again I'll just be confronted with yet another problem...Â
when trying to print to ANY printer whether it be a network printer or a locally attached USB printer. The machine is as stated, an iBook G4. The OS is OS X 10.4.1. The printers involved are a Sharp ARM450n, a Sharp MX 2300 both networked and a Brother hl5150d, connected via USB. All printers show up in the printer dialogue box as installed, all of the latest drivers are installed and when I attempt to print, the system claims it printed, no matter what printer I send the print job to. I just don't get any documents. The print jobs just vanish! I have searched on this forum for a solution, not to mention googling Mac printer issues on the internet. I have searched high and low for a solution with no luck. I've tried stripping out all of the drivers and starting fresh. I've tried resetting the print system, I've tried appletalk/ethertalk, I've tried bonjour, I've tried tcp/ip printing, all to no avail. All of the other computers (an assortment of approximate 35 different Macs can ALL print to the printers with this one exception. The computer is hard wired to the network and can access the internet, I can ping the printers, ping other computers and I can also ping the computer that is having the print issues.
With an Airport Express-connected printer, is there any way to configure things such that:
- I can leave the Airport Express on (as a base station) - I can leave the printer off by default (so as not to waste energy) - I can select 'print' within an application - The print job queues - I can then switch on the printer and the job will begin processing
Is this possible with an Airport Express-connected printer? The problem is that the printer is a fair walk from my office and I have to walk there to switch it on and then walk back to print and then walk back to collect the print out.
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs made an appearance Saturday for the iPad launch, talking with customers and even giving a hands-on demo of the device at his company's Palo Alto, Calif., store. As first reported by Cult of Mac, Twitter user Cedric Lignier spotted Jobs at the store wearing blue jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie sweater over his trademark mock turtleneck. Jobs reportedly showed a little girl how to use the iPad, and Lignier said he believed the girl might have been Jobs' daughter. According to the San Jose Mercury News, Jobs arrived at the University Avenue store shortly before noon, causing a great deal of interest among the patrons there.
"Many in the crowd pulled out cameras and iPhones to capture the most magic of Silicon Valley moments," the report said. "Jobs chatted with a handful of other shoppers, but even his 30-minute invasion did not get in the way of their serious business � the buying of and playing with new iPads." Jobs has been seen at that location before, which is just 20 minutes from Apple's campus at 1 Infinite Loop. When the iPhone first launched in 2007, Jobs appeared and spoke with programmers Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Atkinson.................
I have a Macbook that I was carrying in my backpack in one of those neoprene cases along with my water bottle (silly, I know...but it hasn't ever spilled prior to now!). I walked around for about 5-10 minutes at which point I noticed the bottom of my backpack was wet. I immediately opened it up and found that there was water on the bottom 2 inches of my case. I pulled my computer out and there was sort of a sheen of water on the front and back 2 inches on the side with all the ports. I then wiped it off. The screen came on when I opened it (it had not been off) but I turned it off and now I have it leaning so that if there is any water in the ports it will drain out.
I have a new MBA, 13" which I'm loving so far. I like the screen bright - like almost all the way up all the time. Other than shortening my battery life, will this setting cause any damage to the screen?
My wife just got a refurb Macbook today and I noticed that the charger for my MBP and her MB are different wattages. If they are reversed will they do any damage? I suspect that putting the MB charger on the MBP won't but I am afraid the reverse may.
On google I found some suggestions about the keyboard able to damage Matte screens on older MBP. Is this still an issue in 2010? In other words, do I need to put something between the Matte screen and the keyboard when the lid is closed?
Downloaded Spotify and try to open it says it is damage so tried to delete it and will delete. Moved it to the trash but when I empty the trash it just keeps running and nothing happens. How do I get rid of this file?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Operating System version is 10.6.8
My MacBook Air was not starting up so I sent it in for a repair. Just got a call that the logic board is corroded and there is excessive water damage. However, I have never split anything on my laptop nor has anyone else. I carry it around with me all the time. I thought at first it might be damage due to a shock as a dropped it a few months ago and it has a slight dent on a corner.
Would my Macbook get water damage if I took it into the shower with me?Now what I mean is would the water damage sensors go off if I left my Macbook sitting on the floor while I have a shower? Would the steam set them off?
So my brother spilled a cup of milk on his Macbook. Its the white older gen from 06' ish. Now I took it apart, how can I tell if the macbooks actually water damaged. Where are the markers that change color? Also, from what I can gather I think the keyboard has ruined but not the motherboard. The charger lights up green when there is no battery, but doesn't if the battery is attached. I tried the original battery and one from my working macbook, does the same thing on both batteries. So it's not that. Im thinking it will start up if i replace the keyboard because it probably got ruined so the power button won't send a signal to the motherboard, therefore wont turn on.
I don't want to take apart my working macbook and risk ruining it with static discharge or something, unless theres a good possibility that the keyboard is the problem on the broken one. I see milk residue on the battery prong and around the front left corner. So im assuming the battery ribbon on the macbook and the keyboard itself got ruined. I do not see anything wrong or milk residue on the motherboard or its surrounding components. Also worst comes to worst and it is ruined. What is the best thing to do with it? eBay?