Software :: Shapeshifter Display Of Finder Messed Up?

Jan 26, 2009

Somehow I managed to mess up Shapeshifter's display of the Finder. Now, when I open the Finder window, the colours are the default grey and white instead of my set colours. This happened after I installed the latest version of Quicktime. Is there any way to fix Shapeshifter to make it go back to normal? Is there any way to revert to the previous version of Quicktime?

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Window Text Messed Up Graphically?

Mar 13, 2012

My finder window is messed up graphically. My MBP hangs or freezes. I recently migrated my files and software from my older 2005 MBP running 10.5.8.

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OS X :: Fonts Messed Up In Snow Leopard - System Things Display Strange Fonts

Dec 3, 2009

fonts must be messed up in Snow Leopard. Some system things display strange fonts. For example, my user name in upper right hand corner of the screen doesn't look right.ALso, the font on the "tabs," in Safari is not correct, and I can compare it to other SL computers.

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OS X :: Program Like Shapeshifter That Works For Leopard?

Jan 21, 2009

Anyone know of a program like shapeshifter that works for leopard?

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OS X :: Cannot Remove Shapeshifter From Preference Pane

Jun 7, 2009

I had shapeshifter for all of about 20 minutes just to mess around with it. So now, i've deleted it, and it has its preference thing stuck on my preference pane.

When i try to right click it and remove it like that, it gives me a message saying an error occured.

When i look in the library folder, it simply isnt there.

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OS X :: Changing Menu Bar Theme Like Shapeshifter For Leopard?

Dec 29, 2008

does anyone know if there is a application like shapeshifter that changed the appearance of the top menubar?

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OS X :: Finder Window Appearing On Second Display?

Apr 10, 2010

I am running a show and have a computer in front of me and the second display is appearing on a large screen on stage where I cannot see it. When I click on a folder on the desktop it opens the window on the second screen instead of on the one on my computer. When I Mirror Displays it appears again on the computer, but when I turn it off (it has to be turned off when I run the show) the window opens in the second screen. I have restarted, reset the PRAM, don't know how to get the window to appear on the primary screen..

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Airdrop Does Not Display In Finder

Mar 12, 2012

I have Lion on both my Air and Mini, but the Air doesn't display Airdrop in the Finder.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: How To Display Library In Finder

Jun 23, 2012

What can I do to see the Library folder in finder?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: External Drive Won't Display In Finder

Feb 1, 2012

I have a 500gb Verbatim external drive that I can't see in Finder. I've tried to restart, but with no luck.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Display Two Finder Windows At Same Time?

May 2, 2012

Is there a way of displaying two finder windows at the same time.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Display The Computer Name In A Finder Window?

Jun 18, 2012

Is there a way to show the computer name in a FInder window? I sometimes open windows to other computers on my home network and copy files. It can be confusing as to which computer a particular window is connected to.

Mac Pro, dual quad-core, Mac OS X (10.6.4), Power Mac G4, iPhone 4

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Hardware :: External HD Mounts But Doesn't Display In Finder?

Oct 14, 2005

I was messing around with the ownership & permissions on my external HD and I think I may have switched it to no read & write.

Now when I plug the HD in, it shows up in Disk Utility and System Profiler but not in Finder. I've verified and repaired and neither of those things seem to help.

I'm not sure if what I did screwed it up or not.

I have some pretty important stuff on the HD. Do I have to reformat? Is there any terminal command or somthing that I can do to get into the HD?

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OS X :: Display A Little Thumbnail In Finder When Viewing In A List Format?

Feb 13, 2009

Why do some images not display a little thumbnail in finder when viewing in a list format, but they do in all other viewing modes?

And some images will have a thumbnail, and then when I rename the file to organize my folders, etc, the thumbnail disappears, sometimes from Cover-flow ode also. Which I also don't understand.

Similarly with videos, why do some videos not display a thumbnail/screen-cap in any view mode, when other videos, which as the same file type do?

Finally this is only a recent problem for me, but more serious than the aforementioned issues. I've had some images/files, that show an in correct thumbnail/cover-flow image. It shows one thing, but when you open it, it's actually a different picture. Mostly it happens when I rename an image, but its also happened just normally.

Is there a specific cause that I can fix, or is it just one of those things where you run the maintenance scripts, turn you computer off and let/hope it fixes itself?

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OS X :: Jpg Display In Finder - Reset To Show Actual Images?

Sep 25, 2009

jpg display in MacBook Finder no longer shows image, just JPG icon, no matter which file or folder I try to look at. How do I reset to show actual images?

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OS X :: Finder To Display In Columns But It Always Changes Back To List View?

Jan 25, 2010

The title pretty much explains it.

Every time I change from list view to column view, it changes it back after I close the window.

Is there any way I can make it stay in column view?

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OS X :: Way To Preview / Display The Runtime / Duration Of A Video File In Finder?

Dec 30, 2009

Is there a way to preview/display the runtime/duration of a video file in Finder? I noticed that if it is a .mov file, then you can choose to display the file's duration in Icon view if you edit "View Options," Column view and with the Command+I shortcut, but with a few other video file types I've looked at this data isn't available.

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IMac (Intel) :: Keeps Restarting / Finder Takes Forever To Display Files

Jun 26, 2014

my work computer (Windows), but my 2012 iMac that I've had for 2 years has worked flawlessly up until recently. A few days ago it started taking forever to display files in finder. I had to keep relaunching, and it would freeze. I tried the workaround that was posted here but that didn't work either. It went away for a few days, but last night it really came back with a vengeance. The relaunch finder trick only showed the current folder, while navigating to other folders would simply show the loading icon forever.  

Also, my iMac was shutdown for over an entire day yesterday, and when I turned it on the " Your computer restarted because of a problem". came up. I've never experienced this problem before, but after 3-4 tries it finally logged in to the Home screen. This is when I noticed the above (finder problems) returning from a few days ago after being absent. The finder issues continued, so I restarted the mac, and it just kept cycling over and over (reboot, try to load, auto-reboot, etc.).

Is this an issue with the HDD? I did a disk utility check the other day and it said everything was in great shape.

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OS X :: AFP And SMB Shares Messed Up - How To Fix

Nov 18, 2010

The AFP and SMB shares provided by my machine (OSX 10.6.5) seem to be messed up. Specifically:
1) There are shares which are visible from other machines which do not exist in System Preferences -> Sharing -> File Sharing
2) There are share listed in System Preferences -> Sharing -> File Sharing which cannot be deleted
How can this be cleaned up? What drives the set of shares? /var/db/samba/smb.shares is clearly a generated file. What generates it?

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OS X :: Dock Messed UP - Fix?

Dec 28, 2010

I tried a few terminal commands I searched online and one of it screw up my dock. How do I fix it? I need the dock to be in the middle again.

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OS X :: Messed Up Fonts - Fix?

Apr 10, 2006

Any clue how to fix this? I've tried cleaning up the font cache but with no help / Irritating as hell too. I can read it. but man! it hurts. edit: notice how it only applies for some sites. Google being the most used of mine.

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OS X :: Top Set Of Keys Got Messed Up

May 10, 2009

I feel kind of stupid for not being able to figure this out but I figured someone else has maybe had this issue and knows how to fix it. My BF was messing around on my computer yesterday and somehow the top set of keys on my Apple wireless keyboard got all messed up. None of them are doing what they are supposed to do. Volume, brightness, escape, eject, etc. Nothing works. When I press the F12 button I'm getting my dashboard instead the volume going up. I tried restoring everything to default but nothing seems to be working.

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OS X :: 10.5 Install Messed Up PowerBook G4

Feb 21, 2009

So I recently upgraded my PBG4 1Ghz TiBook from 10.3 to 10.5, and I've had a bunch of problems crop up.

1. Network issues. As part of the upgrade, my Airport Extreme and Airport Express were updated too. Now Airport Utility doesn't see my AEBS or my AEX half the time (or will see one but not the other) unless I plug in using the ethernet port. Also, signal strength seems to have degraded considerably. I'm typing this with about 6 feet between my computer and my base station, and I only have three of four bars. At my couch, I used to receive four bars, but now only two. Previously, I was able to roam my house without dropping below the full four in any location.

2. Embedded videos. Gone. Can no longer see video streams on news sites, youtube videos embedded in web pages, and the like.

3. iPhoto. Dead. Do I need to purchase iLife separately? I thought this was included with previous versions of OS X?

4. Laptop speakers. Dead. iTunes plays music, but only the occasional crackle emerges from the speakers.

5. Time Machine. Doesn't work with my external HD.

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OS X :: Text Messed Up On MacBook Pro

Feb 25, 2009

Last night I re installed Leopard (archive and install) in order that I could partition my disk and run boot camp. Everything seemed to work well but now a lot of my text and the names of documents have letters that appear jumbled and out of order. For example spotlight doesn't work as you cant read any of the options and the menu bar is hard to decipher as well. I have attached a few pictures of the problem.

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OS X :: My Functions Keys Are All Messed Up?

Apr 26, 2009

I was very 'cleverly' trying out all the function keys as I had read that one of them was supposed to be a desktop shortcut i.e when its pressed you see the desktop immediately!

Somehow all the keys have now all messed up - i.e the volume keys no longer work and instead they produce the dashboard key etc - all very weird for me!

I've read a similar post by a user who had the same issue last year and have tried to use the reply that was given to him - but its not worked i.e

System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard > Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys.... (that's checked!)

I don't know what else to try - why isn't the RESTORE TO FACTORY DEFAULT working!

I know i managed to get the right click mouse button option working for my macbook yesterday (and the F keys seemed to have stopped working since then).

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OS X :: Internet Browsers All Messed Up

Aug 6, 2009

For the past week or two my internet browsers (safari and firefox) have been acting very strange. They are both constantly freezing (spinning wheel), which I can live with, but the worst part is that they both seem to be losing their internet connection all the time. I don't use safari a lot, but I use firefox every day. If I completely close the program (so, Quit Firefox) and then open it again it works fine for a couple of pages but then it starts just loading forever without something actually happening. If I close it, again it's fine for a couple of pages. This all started happening after I downloaded Hotspot Shield and Freedur, both of which I uninstalled within an hour of installing. I can't find any residuals of these program. In Firefox my search history has also been almost completely deleted and for some reason the suggestions in Google and Youtube have been turned off. I don't have any extra add-ons or plug-ins.

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OS X :: System Messed Up Fonts

Sep 27, 2009

I installed a load of new fonts, but unfortunately a lot of them were corrupt, so I had loads of crashes and hangs.I used Font Book to validate all my fonts, but when I clicked the remove button FB always crashed (due to a corrupt font, no doubt...).I tried FontDoctor, which claimed to have sorted out all my problems, but although things had improved FB still reported over 2,000 minor errors.

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OS X :: YouTube On Safari Messed Up

Nov 25, 2009

It only looks like this in safari, firefox is fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Goes All Pixelated And Messed Up?

Sep 3, 2010

I have been having problems with my Macbook pro(5 months old) screen lately. The screen goes all pixelated and messed up, please see pictures. I don't know what is wrong and surely this can't be lag as my laptop is a pretty good model and from the most recent update.It does this randomly ever now and again but it is very concerning to me. Should i consider asking for a new mac/refund.....

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Applications :: How To Restore Programs That Messed Up

Dec 14, 2010

My toast app wont accept any avi. flies and itunes wont open in the other account i have and iphoto wont open either. How do i restore all my apps to the way they used to be. Oh yeah i'm using the demo if it makes a difference.

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