Software :: Scribd "scrapping Flash And Betting Company On HTML5"

May 5, 2010

Document sharing site Scribd, which allows users to upload PDF, Word, PowerPoint, and other documents on the web using Adobe's Flash Player, has announced that it will begin converting its file service to HTML5, starting tomorrow. A report by TechCrunch cited Scribd cofounder and chief technology officer Jared Friedman as saying, �We are scrapping three years of Flash development and betting the company on HTML5 because we believe HTML5 is a dramatically better reading experience than Flash. Now any document can become a web page.� Scribd's service will convert billions of documents into standard web pages supporting the pinch to zoom features of modern multitouch devices like iPad, as well as document wide search, bookmarks, and navigation controls. Shared documents or even books can be uploaded and shared through Twitter and Facebook.

The transition will begin tomorrow, with 200,000 of Scribd's most popular documents being converted to HTML5. Eventually, all of the company's shared documents will be migrated from Flash. Ditching Flash for HTML5, like YouTube Much like Google's YouTube service, Scribd originally used Flash to present shared documents due to limitations in previous web standards and the various implementations of those standards among web browsers. However, HTML5 is bringing a new level of interoperability to web browsers, along with sophisticated new features that don't require a separate proprietary plugin like Flash or Silverlight. �Right now the document is in a box,� Friedman said, �a YouTube-type of experience. There is a bunch of content and a bunch of stuff around it. In the new experience we are taking the content out of the box.� The report says Scribd has been working in secret on the project for the last six months. The new HTML5-based sharing service will use the new standard's native support for fonts, vector graphics, and rotating text. Friedman estimated that 97% of web browsers will be able to read Scribd�s HTML5 documents, as the elements it uses are already widely adopted. Shared HTML5 documents can be embedded in existing pages using an iFrame.[URL:...]

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Applications :: HTML5 Vs Flash 10.2 Battery Life?

Jan 1, 2011

Just wondering if anyone out there has done a test to compare the battery life of their laptop running videos under HTML5 vs the same video with the flash 10.2 beta?

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OS X :: Youtube Html5 Beta Enabled But Still Uses Flash

Feb 12, 2010

So I enabled html5 on youtube but it's still playing everything on flash. not just the ads but all videos.

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MacBook Air :: Flash Alternatives For Youtube - HTML5 Extensions

Oct 31, 2010

Since the new Air ships without Flash, this is a good time to mention these alternatives for Youtube videos. These extensions use HTML5 to play all Youtube videos, without gobbling up your battery like a buffet. Safari users [URL:...] Chrome users [URL:...]

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Software :: HTML5 Assault On Adobe Flash Heats Up With ClickToFlash

Oct 6, 2009

As Adobe works to port its full Flash Player to mobile platforms and highlights its upcoming support in CS5 for building iPhone apps using Flash tools, an open source group is leading a drive to kill Flash on the desktop using a WebKit plugin named ClickToFlash. El asalto de HTML5 a Adobe Flash se calienta con ClickToFlash ClickToFlash allows Safari users to isolate Flash content on the web so that it only plays when they choose to allow it. Flash content is replaced with a bounding box that enables the user to ignore the item (such as with ads) or to click the placeholder to activate Flash playback as desired. Additionally, the plugin can convert requests for YouTube Flash videos into requests for higher quality H.264 videos, allowing desktop users to bypass Flash the same way the iPhone does, and simply play any YouTube videos using the browser's own built-in HTML5 support for direct H.264 playback.

The examples below compare the same HD clip served by YouTube, first rendered using Flash with the standard grey YouTube playback controls, and then presented in H.264 using ClickToFlash to request the non-Flash version from Google. The native HTML5 version results in Safari using its own native QuickTime X playback controls rather than those created by Google using Flash......

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Safari :: Activate HTML5 To Watch Youtube Videos Without Using Flash?

May 31, 2012

How do I activate HTML5 to watch Youtube video's WITHOUT using Flash ? I have tried to find an answer but am unable to. I would prefer NOT to need to download and/or use Flash as I have read and heard that this can create security concerns on my mac. I am ABLE to play the same videos on my iPad though ( I know the iPad does not have Flash ) When I try to play the videos on my mac I get a message stating: But on my iPad, I AM able to play the SAME video.

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Mac Pro :: SuperDrive Make Scrapping Noise When Burned Media Inserted

Feb 14, 2008

I just got my shiny new mac today. I'm ecstatic, as you can imagine. Except the optical drive is being weird. When I insert some types of burned media (Sony, TDK) it makes horrible scraping noises (I think I even smelled something bad too) and doesn't read the disc. TDK and Sony are good brands. They work on everything else I've ever tried. So, I'm guessing this isn't normal?

I tried calling AppleCare but what do you know, they're 6am to 6pm, which is great. So while I wait I wanted to ask - is this going to be an easy "they give me a new drive and I put it in" type of deal, or am I going to have to be cutting some red tape? And can I do this at the apple store?

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Software :: Using HTML5 Authoring?

May 8, 2010

I currently have a Flash website, but keen to start thinking ahead. I predominantly built it in Flash because I understood the authoring tool, and found HTML/Dreamweaver too confusing and technical. My background is video/effects, so the Flash timeline came naturally.

My question is - what if any authoring tools are available or coming for HTML5? Seems like a good opportunity for Apple to come up with a great visual, professional but easy to use application to promote their vision of the web's future....?

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Software :: Using HTML5 And YouTube?

Jun 23, 2010

How do you download videos from the HTML5 video player in YouTube? In the flash version it was sufficient to type alt-cmd-a to bring forth the activity window, then locate the .flv file in progress and double click it to start downloading to the local hard drive.

Now Safari (v5.0) does not seem able to do the same with the HTML5 videos. I imagine that there is maybe dedicated software for this, but I would like to know if there is a workaround with the Safari built-in functions.

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Applications :: Will Firefox Ever Get HTML5 H.264

Jan 22, 2010

Now that both You Tube and vimeo is dishing flash I want H.264 for FF which I now use. Currently Chrome and Safari supports this but could someone in theory make a plugin for Firefox ? Maybe a paid plugin to pay for the license fee for H.264?

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Applications :: Youtube's HTML5 In Safari 4

Feb 22, 2010

i've been testing youtube's html5 beta on my aluminum macbook, 2,4ghz, 2gb ram, nvidia 6400m, OSX 10.5.8 after reading everywhere that it was less resource intensive than flash video, in fact, most of the things i've read said it was a huge performance boost. Nevertheless, after checking activity monitor I get Youtube with html5, around 95.0 CPU usage Youtube with flash video, around 65.0 CPU usage. So, whats the problem with my mac?? why do i get this results when lots of people are saying they get around 15% cpu usage with youtube html5 an safari 4?

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OS X :: Can HTML5 Play Full Screen

Apr 17, 2010

The full screen option for HTML5 videos on Vimeo only fill the screen to the extent of the browser window.

I'm wondering if HTML5 is limited to the browser window or if it can be implemented in the future.

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Safari :: HTML5 Not Playing On Youtube

Apr 23, 2012

I'm having some YouTube trouble. When I play a video on YT, Little Snitch prompts me for "url..." at least twice before playing the video. But the video plays choppy until the entire video is buffered, and after playing about 25% it drifts out of sync anywhere from a half second to two or three seconds. It's really bad. Embedded videos on message boards etc play flawlessly.

Last night I got the 'No HTML5' message that others have been getting (as seen here) which kind of narrowed it down for me as an HTML5 issue. I am part of the HTML5 test group on YT but what made Safari suddenly stop dealing with YT's HTML5 is a proper manner?

I was one of the guys hit with the Flashback, could that have been a factor? I only noticed the problem after the two Safari updates from two weeks ago.

Info:Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Order As Company?

Apr 13, 2010

Im trying to order a macbook as a company - but cant find the right place to do it, I cannot find a place where I can just order in the company's name - Am I just missing the place, or?

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Safari :: 10.7.3 - Still No Screen Sleep Fix On HTML5 Video?

Feb 1, 2012

Yesterdday 10.7.3 was released with new Safari and there is still NO fix for the Full Screen Sleep issue with HTML5 Video, whats wrong with you Apple, this bug is since Lion released with Safari,5.1 now 3 Versions later this small bug is still not fixed, but already known, i dont want to use Caffeine or such stuff, while Apple suggests the Web to use HTML5 why is the support for basic Features so bad?

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Applications :: What Is The Best Business Software For My Company

Mar 16, 2009

I own a small lighting rental company that rents mainly to the film industry. I am looking for some software that will assist in making invoices as well as to keep our business more organized in general (accounting, expenses, etc).

My main issue right now is that I spend all day writing up invoices manually. One piece of equipment may contain 20 accessories (all with different rental rates) so I really need a program that has excellent "autofill" functions within it's invoicing. Some of my competitors use "Peachtree" but I don't believe they make one for MAC. I would prefer not to have to run something on Virtual PC.

The other factor is that I have only one other business partner who runs the company with me. Since we often bring in jobs through our two remote workstations (laptops) we need software that we can synch together throughout the day. Basically, we need our two laptops to be in communication so that whatever expenses/invoices/etc my partner enters into his laptop will be reflected on my computer as well.

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MacBook Pro :: Is There Any Other Company That Offers The Same Service

Feb 21, 2010

I want to change the screen on my 13" MBP. Has anyone changed their screen from glossy to matte via Techrestore?

If yes, what has been your experience? Also, is there any other company that offers the same service?

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MacBook Pro :: Add A Company Logo To A Presentation?

Jun 16, 2012

I'm preparing for a job interview and want to put the Company's logo on my PowerPoint presentation. Simple cut and paste didn't work so how do I do it? 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To Company Intranet Via VPN?

Aug 25, 2014

My macbook is able to connect to my company's VPN and intranet via wifi hotspot on my iPad. However, it will not connect to the intranet if I use my office ADSL via router, even though it connects to the VPN. Is there something wrong with my settings that is preventing my macbook from connecting to the intranet via VPN using an ADSL connection?

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Software :: Safari 5 With Extensions - Expanded HTML5 Support

Jun 7, 2010

Apple on Monday released Safari 5, the latest version of its desktop Web browser, with a 30 percent performance increase, the addition of Bing search and secure sandboxed extensions, as well as support for more than a dozen new HTML5 technologies. The update is available for download from Apple's website or via Software Update on Mac OS X. Safari 5 is a 39.1MB update. "Safari continues to lead the pack in performance, innovation and standards support," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Safari now runs on over 200 million devices worldwide and its open source WebKit engine runs on over 500 million devices." Available for both Mac and Windows, Safari 5 includes improved developer tools and supports a number of new HTML5 technologies that allow developers to create rich, dynamic websites. The latest version of Apple's Web browser also includes Safari Reader, which makes it easy to read single and multi-page articles on the web by presenting them in a new, scrollable view without any additional content or clutter. When Safari 5 detects an article, users can click on the Reader icon in the Smart Address Field to display the entire article for clear, uninterrupted reading with options to enlarge, print or send via email. Powered by the Nitro JavaScript engine, Apple said Safari 5 on the Mac runs JavaScript 30 percent faster than Safari 4, three percent faster than Chrome 5.0, and over twice as fast as Firefox 3.6. Safari 5 loads new pages faster using Domain Name System (DNS) prefetching, and improves the caching of previously viewed pages to return to them more quickly.

Safari 5 adds more than a dozen powerful HTML5 features that allow web developers to create media-rich experiences, including full screen playback and closed captions for HTML5 video. Other new HTML5 features in Safari 5 include HTML5 Geolocation, HTML5 sectioning elements, HTML5 draggable attribute, HTML5 forms validation, HTML5 Ruby, HTML5 AJAX History, EventSource and WebSocket. The new, free Safari Developer Program allows developers to customize and enhance Safari 5 with extensions based on standard web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. The Extension Builder, new in Safari 5, simplifies the development, installation and packaging of extensions. For enhanced security and stability, Safari Extensions are sandboxed, signed with a digital certificate from Apple and run solely in the browser. The details match a support document published over the weekend that suggested the release of Safari 5 for Mac and Windows was imminent.[ View this article at ]

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MacBook Pro :: Company Which Will Coat Top Case Black?

Apr 4, 2012

I type with two fingers and must look often at the keyboard.My three year old Black MacBook is easy on the eyes.  Because it's all black, no problem looking at the keyboard. The MacBookPro has the shiny metal on the top case and around the keys.   Because of retinal fatigue when looking at the KB, one gets afterimages and it's uncomfortable to look at contrasting items.  I'm still using only a three year old black Mac Book for this reason.   It's just wrong to have shiny bright metal reflecting in one's face. 

Is there a company which will make the metallic top of the MBP be black ?   If not, muliple black electrical tapestrips would be cheap short-term solution. Because Apple is not contemplating a Black MacBookPro.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Use A Screenshot Of ICal As Logo Of Company

Apr 8, 2012

I would like to know if I'm legally allowed to use a screenshot of my iCal week view as the logo of my company/website. Although just starting, I intend my website to become popular, and would like not to have any legal issues with Apple on that matter.

iCal, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Air :: Delete All Information On It To Return It To My Company?

Jun 27, 2012

How do I delete or wipe all information on the MBA so I can return it to my company. I would like it to be similar to when the MBA was taken out of the box. It did not come with any disks to reinstall the system so I am not sure what I am doing

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Hulu Has No Plans To Support IPad Browser With HTML5?

May 13, 2010

Video streaming service Hulu posted and quickly retracted an item on its official blog Thursday, in which the company stated that it doesn't see HTML5 in its immediate future.Eugene Wei, vice president of product with Hulu, said that his company's contractual requirements make the transition to HTML5 too difficult. The current player on the website, built with Adobe Flash, does a great deal more than stream video."We continue to monitor developments on HTML5, but as of now it doesn?t yet meet all of our customers' needs," Wei wrote. "Our player doesn?t just simply stream video, it must also secure the content, handle reporting for our advertisers, render the video using a high performance codec to ensure premium visual quality, communicate back with the server to determine how long to buffer and what bitrate to stream, and dozens of other things that aren't necessarily visible to the end user."

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Safari :: Doesn't Load Pages Containing Html5 Canvas On IMac

May 2, 2012

Suddenly Safari either is very slow to load or doesn't load some pages at all. I have tracked it down to be pages containing html5 canvas element. 

This happens only on iMac and Macbook Air. It doesn't happen on iPad nor on Safari on a Pc. It will happen on the Mac computer both when the pages are out on the internet and when the pages ar locally stored. It's driving me absolutely mad! 

I've tried emptying cache both through Safari menu and by removing Safari's Cache.db, I've reset Safari preferences, restarted, and changed DNS to Open DNS (though it seems strange it should be an issue since the problem also occurs when I run the site on localhost).  

If I open the page directly entering the url in the adressbar it works fine, it is when I try to access it from a link on another page on the site it doesn't load. If I press reload it will load fine. The link from other pages can be either an html <a href="url"> tag or javascript window.location or window.location.href neither works. The weird thing is it worked fine until just yesterday. And it works fine on every other machine except the Macintoshes.

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Applications :: Printing Name / Company On Label Using Address Book

Feb 23, 2009

It appears that one can only print name or company name, not both, in address book mailing label.

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Hardware :: AEBS On Company Network (with Guest Feature)

Jan 6, 2010

We're looking to install 3 WAP in our new office. The alternative to a AEBS set up would be Cisco's WAP4410N WAP. It's a smaller office (about 35 people), but we'll be divided amongst three floors, so 3 separate devices. It's a PC server with mostly PC devices connecting to the wireless network. I'd like to have an integrated wireless network, which I know the AEBS can do. I also like the dual-band function of the AEBS, since there are plenty of older machines that are used in the office. But what I really like about it is the Guest feature.

Our clients are usually just allocated to one area (like conference rooms) in the past, but now they are somewhat dispersed through out. Having the Guest network extend everywhere that the Company network is would be great, and we wouldn't have to buy secondary WAPs to do this. However, the router/firewall function would have to be turned off on the AEBS so that our main DC was still handing out IPs, and I don't know if this or bridging the three AEBS together would remove the functionality of the Guest feature.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What Changes Occur To Machine After Join The Company Domain

Apr 26, 2012

I've been considering joining my mac to the company windows domain but I'm not sure what the outcome might be.  Before I do that, I want to know what is going to change, be better, be worse, etc. Will it streamline connecting to server shares?  Will my local profile still be available if I want to revert back? 

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Applications :: Listing Contacts By Company Names In Address Book?

Mar 31, 2009

Is there a way to show the company names in "name" column? Address Book (or Contact in iPod Touch) only gives me an option to sort out by the first name or the last name. I prefer sorting out by the company name.

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Applications :: Looking For Design Software For Company Business Cards, Flyers?

Mar 15, 2010

Can anyone suggest suitable software for creating business card and other advertising material for my 'start-up' company?

I would like to be able to create a unique logo and perhaps customise text; distort, stretch.

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