OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Use A Screenshot Of ICal As Logo Of Company
Apr 8, 2012
I would like to know if I'm legally allowed to use a screenshot of my iCal week view as the logo of my company/website. Although just starting, I intend my website to become popular, and would like not to have any legal issues with Apple on that matter.
I'm preparing for a job interview and want to put the Company's logo on my PowerPoint presentation. Simple cut and paste didn't work so how do I do it?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
What does the number in the red circle in the dock's iCal logo mean? In Mail it means unread messages but I can't find anything in iCal that it could be referring to.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iCal in the dock
I've been considering joining my mac to the company windows domain but I'm not sure what the outcome might be. Before I do that, I want to know what is going to change, be better, be worse, etc. Will it streamline connecting to server shares? Will my local profile still be available if I want to revert back?Â
anyone know if it's possible to take a screenshot–whether of the entire screen or of just a selected area–and have it immediately open in photoshop?Â
if this doesn't exist, wouldn't it be great if apple created it?Â
I often need to make a screenshot of a long HTML page, for ex I get a HTML gmail and want to copy that into WOrd
How would you do this ? I tried with Grab and with Preview builit in ScreenShot but I cant take more than the screen. The Selection does not go beyond the screen
I want to change screenshot location from my Solid State hard drive with OSX on it, to my 2nd storage hard drive, how do I do this? I am aware of "defaults write com.apple.screencapture *location*" but I want to change the location to my 2nd drive which doesn't have OSX on it, every time I've tried to insert MacintoshHD2 in there it just doesn't work?
Newly installed osx lion 10.7.4the guest user on the login screen disappeared after fresh installation of osx, and an option "Disable restarting to Safari when screen is locked" on "security & privacy" on preferences panel disappeared as well, its so strange!Â
macbook pro 13" early 2011
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Early 2011, 13.3/120SSD/8GB
Im trying to order a macbook as a company - but cant find the right place to do it, I cannot find a place where I can just order in the company's name - Am I just missing the place, or?
I own a small lighting rental company that rents mainly to the film industry. I am looking for some software that will assist in making invoices as well as to keep our business more organized in general (accounting, expenses, etc).
My main issue right now is that I spend all day writing up invoices manually. One piece of equipment may contain 20 accessories (all with different rental rates) so I really need a program that has excellent "autofill" functions within it's invoicing. Some of my competitors use "Peachtree" but I don't believe they make one for MAC. I would prefer not to have to run something on Virtual PC.
The other factor is that I have only one other business partner who runs the company with me. Since we often bring in jobs through our two remote workstations (laptops) we need software that we can synch together throughout the day. Basically, we need our two laptops to be in communication so that whatever expenses/invoices/etc my partner enters into his laptop will be reflected on my computer as well.
My macbook is able to connect to my company's VPN and intranet via wifi hotspot on my iPad. However, it will not connect to the intranet if I use my office ADSL via router, even though it connects to the VPN. Is there something wrong with my settings that is preventing my macbook from connecting to the intranet via VPN using an ADSL connection?
I deleted the entire vm folder and now my MacBook Pro won't get beyond the grey screen with the apple logo. I don't have any recovery discs with me. What can I do to rescue my MacBook Pro?
I type with two fingers and must look often at the keyboard.My three year old Black MacBook is easy on the eyes. Because it's all black, no problem looking at the keyboard. The MacBookPro has the shiny metal on the top case and around the keys.  Because of retinal fatigue when looking at the KB, one gets afterimages and it's uncomfortable to look at contrasting items. I'm still using only a three year old black Mac Book for this reason.  It's just wrong to have shiny bright metal reflecting in one's face.Â
Is there a company which will make the metallic top of the MBP be black ?  If not, muliple black electrical tapestrips would be cheap short-term solution. Because Apple is not contemplating a Black MacBookPro.
How do I delete or wipe all information on the MBA so I can return it to my company. I would like it to be similar to when the MBA was taken out of the box. It did not come with any disks to reinstall the system so I am not sure what I am doing
there back in September when I got my macbook I had the problem where it wouldn't boot past the apple logo screen and it was taken away and the hard drive had to be replaced and now it has happened again! I'm so annoyed as Im getting really close to exams at Uni so need my computer but will it need to have the hard drive replaced again!? As well with it being Lion I dont have a disk with it to try utility disk.
I am taking a logo and trying to attach a hyperlink to it's web address.I created the letter in Pages and then copied it to mac email. Pages will only let me embed hyperlink into text.So I made a line "click here" next to the logo and linked it to that. It works fine but when emailing it the logos don't arrive on the receiving end. I see them in the email when I send it, but not the receiver.
The machine stopped at logo screen for more than 5 minutes and i check the control panel and find a message ImportServer: <MDSImporterWrangler: 0x7ff7df30dbd0> still waiting for plug-in info from mdworker Waiting here for almost 10 minutes i'v got a MBP 2011 later with lion 10.7.4
We're looking to install 3 WAP in our new office. The alternative to a AEBS set up would be Cisco's WAP4410N WAP. It's a smaller office (about 35 people), but we'll be divided amongst three floors, so 3 separate devices. It's a PC server with mostly PC devices connecting to the wireless network. I'd like to have an integrated wireless network, which I know the AEBS can do. I also like the dual-band function of the AEBS, since there are plenty of older machines that are used in the office. But what I really like about it is the Guest feature.
Our clients are usually just allocated to one area (like conference rooms) in the past, but now they are somewhat dispersed through out. Having the Guest network extend everywhere that the Company network is would be great, and we wouldn't have to buy secondary WAPs to do this. However, the router/firewall function would have to be turned off on the AEBS so that our main DC was still handing out IPs, and I don't know if this or bridging the three AEBS together would remove the functionality of the Guest feature.
Everytime I upload that ical backup file... nothing happens in google calendar. It does nothing in Firefox... and safari I just get 0 was transferred. I just want to bring over my calendar to google. Does anyone know what is going on? Anything I am missing?
I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know
At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
My iMac will not boot past the logo and spinning gear (After a Rogue Amoeba update). I can't access the recovery disk I made on a flash drive. (Am I doing it correctly? - Hold down option while switching on? It just stays on the logo).
Is there a way to show the company names in "name" column? Address Book (or Contact in iPod Touch) only gives me an option to sort out by the first name or the last name. I prefer sorting out by the company name.
I had my macbook Pro stolen a couple weeks ago.I have replacement converage with my insurance company, however they are trying to get me to sign this authorization form to replace it with a computer with the Model # as ZONM-0003. From searching google all I can find is that these computers appear to have been built with (Spare, Repair or replacement parts). Does anyone have any information on any MacBook Pro's with this model # They tell me that they are brand new computers from Apple, but from what I can see these are not the correct model numbers.I don't want to get a computer that has refurbished parts and end up having to bring it in for repairs constantly or have problems with even having it fixed because the parts are not new.