Software :: OSX Won't Load - How To Fix It

May 22, 2010

it used to work fine then one day a cd got stuck in it and after that it wont load up the os.i tried to reset user account and i get past the language screen ie select contry then it hangs up it wont get to the login screen when i do a cmd v on boot it says login window crashed and then just goes into a continuaous loop doing this over and over again.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Videos From Websites Do Not Load Or Load Slowly Spins

Apr 26, 2012

videos from web sites do not load or load slowly spins

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MacBook Pro :: Certain Websites In Firefox Don't Load Properly Or It Takes Ages To Load

May 21, 2012

Certain webistes like [URL], take ages to load after i login. I have cleaned my cache , deleted cookies,etc.... In the apple store everything works fine , but not at home. When using other PC's / notebooks  it all works fine, except my own Macbook. Other browsers on my Mc , have the same problem.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Finder Does Not Load/slow To Load Files In A Folder

May 26, 2010

I have a problem where finder (under any condition even after a fresh restart) does not load the folder contents on my computer. Sometimes it loads after multiple restarts but somtimes it doesn't. I cannot browse through files anymore as nothing appears. Nothing also appears on terminal either. Here is a screenshot.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trying To Load Office 2007 And It Won't Load Automatically

Apr 29, 2012

I just bought a Macbook Pro and I was trying to load my office 2007 and it wont load automatically like it did with my macbook.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Load OS 10.3.9?

May 6, 2008

I am having an issue with an iMac G4 12� laptop. Mac operating system will not load properly, and a whirring and clicking noise occurs internally. Upon turning the computer on, after a pause, the screen indicating the Mac logo appears along with the pinwheel icon- this is then interrupted and the screen turns blue-grey and remains blank, with the pinwheel icon occasionally becoming visible before disappearing again. Internal clicking and whirring occurs throughout this sequence. Operating system never loads and the desktop never appears. This is not due to any handling mishap, i.e. dropping, slamming shut or any other contact damage. Any info or advice would be really helpful.

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Mac Pro :: MP Cpu Load Jumps?

Oct 6, 2008

My new Mac Pro is causing me a lot of grief lately. Using safari or firefox, when trying to stream video, the cpu load on the system jumps to 12 or 13 % on average, sometimes up to 20%. Things get extremely choppy, and it beachballs occasionally. Just using the secondary scroll wheel on my logitech MX revolution to bring up the dashboard makes it jump to around 5%. These are tasks my little crummy old laptop handles just fine (well not the dashboard, its a windows laptop). I have ten gigs of ram, but two of my sticks are having massive ECC errors (multiple thousands) and switch between being recognized as 2gig to 1gig sticks. I got the memory from OWC and am getting it replaced though. In any case, would the faulty memory cause this much of an increase in cpu load for something as trivial and streaming low-def video? Or should I call AppleCare because something more serious may be a problem? It just doesnt seem normal for a computer where everyone says that no one normally even utilizes all the power of to be struggling with such nominal tasks.

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OS X :: Certain Web Sites Will Not Load On Mac After A While?

Nov 14, 2008

Frequent reader of Mac Rumors but I finally joined as I searched a few threads that had similar issues but didn't create a solution for me. Essentially, certain web sites will not load on my mac after a while. When I first got it and subsequently formatted and reinstalled the OS (due to the same issue I'm having now), this issue did not happen.I have a Mac Book Pro, OS X 10.5, 15.4" and other than this software screwup problem, everything runs like a dream.

Here is what happens:
I browse many websites, download files, normal computer usage, and after a while certian websites instantly don't load. A classic example is [URL], which didn't load the last time I had this issue, in addition to [URL], which also didn't load the last time I had this issue. BOTH of these pages used to load fine. The pages instantly go to a "cannot find server" error, on safari, and firefox. However, on parallels, the pages DO load on XP using firefox and internet explorer, although I could have sworn they didn't the last time...which may end up being the case as time goes on.

I have no spyware, firewall, or other network software on the machine. I DO have peer guardian but the problem persists even when I have quit the program.Restarting does nothing. Honestly, I must have done 50,000 google searches on this issue, and different people have different solutions to similar problems (permissions, etc), but this is something new, because the pages used to load and no do not.

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Mac Pro :: Superdrive Is Very Load?

Apr 15, 2009

Does anyone else have the same issue when you use the superdrive?

My goodness, it's crazy loud! Is it because it's missing a lot of it's housing so it can do the fun thing with the door?

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OS X :: Does Not Load Website But PC Does?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a Macbook pro running leopard, an old PC, and an iPhone all using the same wireless router. None of these are running any blocking or filtering software (that I know of). The PC and the iPhone can connect to [URL]and just fine. But the Mac can not find these 2 sites, and these 2 sites only.

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IMac :: How To Load CD

Nov 28, 2009

in new Imac? which side? top facing me? or the other way around? I am sorry for noobish question, just don't want to load it the wrong way so it won't get stuck

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QuickTime :: Can't Load Into V10

Apr 8, 2012

I video'd my bands latest gig on the weekends using I-Movie, but when played back on I-movie, the video / Audio are over 10 seconds out of sync.  Common Problem apparently, however on Quicktime it runs smoothly, so I was told I need to edit it in Quicktime Pro.  Easier said that done.  Quicktime Pro is only available for V7, I have V10 installed, and it will not allow me to install V7 when V10 is installed. Already paid for the rego, so not Freaking impressed with Apple having such a F..d up system in place where they do not keep the Pro version up to date with the free version. 

Info:quicktime pro 7 / 10, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: It Won't Load Anything?

May 19, 2012

My MacBook would not load web pages, do I restarted it. Now it will not load anything at all. The screen comes on, but the color wheel spins, then all applications disappear. There is only the background picture and the arrow, nothing else. I already shut it down, removed the battery and then turned it back on, nothing still.


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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Load OSX

May 22, 2012

I took it to the Apple store and was told i would probably need to replace the hard drive. Why is it not loading? Everything was fine twelve hrs ago.

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IMac PPC :: Can't Load 10.4 CD

Jun 7, 2012

I have a PPC iMac running 10.4.11 that is having issues. Onyx tells me that the HD needs fixing but the iMac will not recognize the OS CD that came with the computer. how I can run Disc Utility when I cannot load the system CD?

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OS X :: 15" PowerBook Ti Won't Load CD

Aug 16, 2010

I have a 1GHz Titanium Powerbook with 1 GB Ram running OSZ105.8. I will accept CD or DVD but after a few seconds, ejects it. It seems to start loading, but never completes. It did this originally and I reset the PMU and everything worked fine for a while. Now, it's doing it again and resetting the PMU does nothing.

I'd reload the OSX (I have the CDs) But, if it won't accept the CD, that would be a problem..When I Repair Disk Permissions I get three error messages at the end.

ACL found but not expected on "Applications Utilities". I am not sure what any of these mean and so have been reluctant to delete them until I know what I'm doing. If I could reload the OSX, I'd "Go boldly forth where this man has never been before" But my motto has always been, "If you don't know what you're doing, then don't."I'd really like to use this for reading ebooks in my easy chair or even the movie now and then. It was working great for that.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Rid Of Bootcamp Load Up

Sep 15, 2010

i got rid of bootcamp from my mac osx hard drive, but when i turn on my computer it leads to a blank screen and i am doomed to do the hold option on do i get it to go straight directly to macosx hard drive?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Load Certain Webpages - How To Fix It

Sep 23, 2010

This started occuring very suddenly for the past week or so. I especially cant load anything related to google. Not even youtube. No matter the connection, wired or wireless, different networks, or the web broswer. How do I fix this!?

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OS X :: Some Flash Videos Won't Load

Nov 7, 2010

I did a search for this, but couldn't find any recent posts with this strange issue. For me, some flash videos will load and others will not. Youtube works, for example, but other video site often give me a black screen with the spinning white "loading" message, but the video never loads. One thing worth noting: I've noticed youtube videos do NOT work when it tries to load an ad beforehand. However, if I refresh the page, the video loads, because I guess it assumes I've seen the ad once already, and therefore doesn't need to load it up again? I've tried repairing disk permissions, emptying the cache, deleting all cookies, and uninstalling and reinstalling flash. What might be causing this odd problem?

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MacBook Pro :: HDD Load Cycles ?

Nov 15, 2010

I just received my MBP yesterday. Installed a new HDD right from the get go.

Though, I read something disturbing about load cycles of an HDD which is not native to a MBP. Apparently the load cycles can get really high which decreases the lifespan of an HDD.

Now, obviously I don't want that to happen and took a look at my load cycles. The MBP has been on for about 3-4 hours now and the load cycle is at 224.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Will Not Load OS X 10.3?

Feb 19, 2008

My computer crashed and when I started to re-install my OS two things happen. Either I get a disk error message or it starts to load the OS but a third the way in the screen goes blue and freezes. I've run disk utility and hardware test and both comes back ok.

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Load / Boot / Anything

Apr 5, 2008

Assuming it's the HDD, which I already got a replacement. Can I take out the HDD and install it in an enclosure and run some sort of recovery software? I had alot of personal stuff as well as my portfolio work in there

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OS X :: Keyboard And Mouse Won't Load?

Nov 13, 2008

I just got a new classic MBP 2.5 and I have one problem.

When in System preferences and and try to open "Keyboard and Mouse", it just says; Loading Keyboard and Mouse. Then nothing happens and System Preferences freezes and i have to quit and re-open it to use it.

Everything else in there works fine.

I�ve tried to repair permissions as well

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OS X :: Not Being Able To Load From Either Firefox 3 Or Safari?

Jan 15, 2009

For the last month I have not being able to load from either Firefox 3 or Safari. It used to work perfectly from my Macbook, but out of the blue it stopped loading.I tried updating flash player and still it does not open. I also tried deleting all cookies, and cache.This is the error message it appears on firefox:Network TimeoutThe server at is taking too long to respond.

The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply. * Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later. * Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection. * Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. * Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.

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OS X :: Safari 4 - Pictures Don't Load?

Mar 3, 2009

basically im using the Safari 4 Beta, and half the time when im on Facebook or another site where lots of pictures have load quickly (flickr etc) instead of loading, half the pictures just show a blue square with a white question mark inside where they should be, and after refreshing the page about 50 times sometimes they show, sometimes they dont.

Does anyone else have this issue? Its happening with flash based images as well, which leads me to believe its a blanket issue with Safari. I've tried all the ususal stuff even reinstalling OS X. Its quite annoying because i code in AJAX a lot and i'd like to test my work without getting blue squares where photos should be

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Applications :: OS X Cannot Load Email?

Mar 31, 2009

When I click on the email icon, my email window opens, then goes unresponsive, no new mail is downloaded, nothing happens. The cursor turns into the little multi colored wheel and doesn't change back. I am unable to access any options from the top menu bar. I am able to open a new program from the dock which allows me to force a quit of the email program.

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OS X :: How To Get Dashboard To Load On Startup

Apr 6, 2009

I have heard of a program that loads and then hides Dashboard when you first start your computer, so it's ready to be viewed later (I'd like it because I use the delivery status widget with grown notifications, but it only notifies me up the updates in the delivery status of dashboard has been loaded once since the computer has been turned on) quickly. I know it's out there but I can't seem to find it again. Did I dream up this application or is it out there?

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OS X :: Unable To Load Nearly All Webpages?

Apr 26, 2009

I have a MacBook running OSX 10.4, and I'm using Firefox 3.0.9. For nearly every webpage that I open, the error log gives me an error like "Expected (blank) but received (blank). Declaration dropped." This isn't a problem for some webpages, as they'll load fully, but for others, they won't load at all. This is a really frustrating problem, and it just started all of a sudden yesterday. I didn't install a new web browser or any new extensions, and I've done virus and malware scans, and I can't seem to find the problem. Could it be a problem with extensions, or with my system, or perhaps my Internet connection?

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OS X :: Is There A Way To Load A Matching Ical On The Pc?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a macbook with ical that I love. In my office I have been on a PC and using a palm cal. Is there a way to load a matching ical on the pc and sync from my iphone ical to keep things on both cals? The PC I use is in another country from my home (US).

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OS X :: Google And Yahoo Won't Load?

May 9, 2009

google and yahoo wont load. all other websites work fine except for these two.

I experience this problem in all browsers: Firefox 3.5b4, Firefox 3.5, Safari beta. It just happened randomly. I've tried rebooting and dissabling all add-ons in firefox.

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