Software :: Mail Auto Assigns Custom Port 465
Aug 20, 2009
I reinstalled entire mac with all systems included and this problem occurs only after this new installation. The Mail system on mac is now changing the Custom Port from my port 125 to the port 465, which means that whenever I restart Mail no emails wants to go out, because they need port 125. I understand how to change this back to fix the problem but my question is why, when I restart my computer is Mail changing this custom port...?
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Mar 17, 2012
My wireless connection from my iMac to my AT&T router was working fine. Recently my 27" iMac (using Snow Leopard 10.6.8) cannot connect to the internet.The IP automatically getting assigned (using DHCP) is AT&T router is also connected to a Windows 7 PC and that is connecting to the internet without an issue. The IP that should be getting asigned is: 192.168.I am typing this "issue" using my daughters Mac Book Pro which is next to the iMac that has the connection issue. Obviously the Mac Book Pro is working fine. Shouldn't be a location issue. Also have used 2 other Mac Book Pros successfully as well as a Windows laptop from work. All work fine. Just the iMac is not working. Have setup the network connection again to no avail. I have used the Network "Assist me" option with no success.I also connected an Airport Extreme Base Station to the AT&T router with hopes of connecting.The iMac sees the Base Station (and also the AT&T router) but fails to connect to my ISP.Does anone have some experience in this area? Why is the Mac assigning a 169.254... ip address?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 5, 2011
I'm just trying to organise my Mail App folders and wonder if there's anyway to either label or change the folder icons?
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May 3, 2012
I created a stationery in Mail & saved it as such. The stationery is saved under the custom area and consist of mostly text and then some basic graphics at the end of the message (my fiance e-mail signature w/a picture). When I select a new message and then expand the stationary section, I go to custom and select my saved stationary (in the preview it looks like what I saved) by double clicking but nothing happens - I have also tried clicking and dragging - copy and paste, etc. The text & graphics do not appear in my new e-mail.
I have tried deleting and re-creating the stationary as well as restarting Mail & my computer on multiple occasions but nothing seems to work. All of the other pre-installed stationary seem to work just fine. What I am trying to do is set up premade letters that I e-mail to people all the time, I am tired of typing the same e-mail over and over again. I have a dozen or so that I want to type up and save and then just select the appropriate one for my client, type in their name and other minor changes to make it 'customized' to them and click send.....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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Sep 4, 2014
I had a notes section under mailboxes in mail. Within this notes section I had several named mailboxes that I used to store various emails. They are now missing from my mac when I converted to Maverick. I still have them on my iPhone.Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 10, 2014
I've added my standard Gmail account to the Mail app on my macbook air 2013 but i also have a school email from Google that I would like to add as well. This email uses a custom domain name so instead of [URL]... it would be [URL].... I've tried to add it in as a google account and as 'other' but i can't seem to make it work. Â
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Jan 29, 2008
today i found that Mail has stopped working for no obvious reason.It wont send or receive emails, but when i check by signing into .mac itself, the messages have arrived and everything appears normal.Mail won't quit either... then every so often a box with the following text appears:'Some actions taken while the account 'enter.mac address here' was offline could not be completed online.Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox "on my mac" in "on my mac" so that you can complete the actions while online.Additional information: The connection to the server "" on port 143 timed out.
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Apr 17, 2007
I have a client that asks "how do I set Auto-Capitalization on Mac Mail?" What she is refering to is as she types, if she does not manually capitalize a word, she wants the "spell check" to do it for her. I have researched this issue to no avail. Does this feature even exist on mail?
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Nov 24, 2009
I have set up an autoforward on my .mac account a long time ago! I am trying to delete or stop it and cant find where or how to do it.
by the way there are no set rules in mail preferences!
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Aug 30, 2010
If something is marked as Junk in Apple Mail, I have it auto move it to the Junk section of the client. But, If I go there and hit "Not Junk" it doesn't move back to the inbox, and changes so it isnt brown or "junk", but it still sits in the "Junk" section. Is there a way to have it auto move back to the inbox once I have hit "Not Junk"?
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Oct 14, 2010
Does the Mail application have to be running or in the background for the Auto setting to function in getting my email? If so I guess it can't do this function like the iPhone? I am new to the Mac, so sorry if I sound uniformed.
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Nov 5, 2010
dose anyone know where the auto complete list is stored for mac mail?
So i can copy all the email address, ones i have typed into mail, across to my new setup. I have copied the and the mail folder/mail downloads into the right places. But i when i type a email it doesn't fill out the address for me.
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Sep 23, 2009
I just bought a new macbook pro a little over a month ago and have since upgraded to Snow Leopard (fresh install). One day about a week ago, out of no where, the mail application seemed to launch itself whenever I opened my laptop (resume from hibernate?). It is asking me for my name and email address to start setting it up. From there, I press cancel and the window disappears but the icon stays on the dock like its open and when I go to the Force Quit window it shows Mail as not responding and I have to force quit it. This doesnt happen every time but happens pretty often for seemingly no reason.
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Apr 7, 2012
i've looked thru Mail Preferences and can't see where i can delete an old email address. deleted already from address-book & contacts but still seems to pop up automatically when i type person's name (along with the correct email).
mac pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 2, 2012
OMG. Every word I type in Mail gets autosaved! I have dozens of drafts of the same message saved, one word at a time (or so it feels like).Â
How do I stop this craziness!? Cannot find the dropdown or setting anywhere.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 8, 2012
Why doesn't mail have auto capitalization in MacBook Pro with os lion
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 4, 2012
On my iPad, when I type in text it will automatically capitalize the first word in a sentence and other words as appropriate, plus let me add to the list of autocomplete words.Â
Is there similar functionality in Lion? I'm used to relying on iOS to do this work for me, I bought a new MacBook pro recently, and I'm trying to set it up so both devices work as much alike as possible.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 6, 2014
Does any kind of documentation exist, anywhere, of how Apple Mail and IOS does autodiscover (how they handle it) and which XML format does it require for non Exchange accounts to be autoconfigured (an IMAP account with SSL and SMTP SSL too?.
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Aug 23, 2014
Suddenly my autofill stopped working for all of my email accounts on my Macbook running Maverick. No recent changes on computer.....any words of wisdom?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Oct 29, 2010
Sending out the same e-mail message to 100 different people, but I want to customize the e-mail to their first name. Is there any program that you can upload a text list or Excel list to and it will do this automatically and create the e-mails in your drafts folder? Don't want to use a online sending service because they put crap at the bottom of the e-mail and recipients know it's automated.Want the people to think it's not something automated.Also, I know there's a way to schedule delivery of a message for a future date in Apple Mail via Apple Script, but you seem to have to schedule one by one. Any watch to do a batch scheduling?
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Apr 18, 2009
new to apple, used to Thunderbird (window version) that detect your language and check the spelling automatically. I write emails everyday in 3 languages and so far what i do is: in a new email, right clic to open a menu, then clic spelling and grammar / clic show spelling and grammar / choose your language / close the menu. Mac is great, there MUST be a plug in or a faster way.
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Mar 13, 2012
I'm tired of typing the first or second letter in the "to" address line and it comes up with an address I don't want anymore. It's not in my address/contact book. So where is that hidden file?
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Mar 23, 2012
When I turn on my computer, I am automatically logged-in to Apple mail. I want to be asked to enter my password before new emails appear. How do I stop the auto login feature?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Sep 26, 2009
I use Apple Mail with gmail IMAP, everything works fine, except that when I start typing an e-mail address I don't get auto-complete. It's driving me insane, so I heard there was this thing called LDAP, that could be able to achieve this ?
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Dec 2, 2014
Where does Mail keep its hidden cache of auto-complete email addresses. I am plagued with an incorrect email address I can't get rid of. Have made sure it's deleted from Contacts and made sure it's deleted from "Previous Recipients" list in Mail. But it still keeps reappearing ... obviously a secret cache file hidden somewhere?
iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 31, 2012
In a previous contact software program I have used for years, the first letter of names, streets, and cities, were automatically capitalized as I typed them in. Unfortunately, that software does not work under Lion and the developer is out of business. Because of that, I am trying to convert to Address Book. I can't find the ability to have that same thing happen in Address Book. Is there something I can turn on in Preferences or some other obscure window? My old contact software also automatically filled in cities, names, or states that I previously entered. Great time saver but doesn't seem to exist in Address Book.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Jul 1, 2012
I don't know if this is properly autofill or autocomplete - the two overlap too much anyway so I'm not wasting brain cells trying to come up with a distinction that makes sense to non-engineers. ANYWAY. Here's the point.Â
I'm on my bank website. My login is xtnjohnson -- just like here. Only I mistyped it once, so in autofill/autocomplete (whichever it is), I get a little drop-down showing two options: xtnjohnson or xtnjohson. Â
I want to delete only the second option. I recall at sometime finding a very simple way that involved highlighting the offending entry and hitting either control-delete, shift-delete, command-delete, or function-delete, only I can't seem to get any of those combinations to work. And of course I can't find the thread anymore.Â
The solution did *not* involve dealing with the autofill preferences in *any* way -- I've seen that option and it doesn't help (a) because there's no quick way to find the website where the problem is occurring (my list is long), (b) even when I go through my list, I don't see my bank's url, (c) the place for entering my login appears to be in something like JavaScript, so I'm not sure it'd be tracked in one of those lists, and (d) I don't know that this is properly an "autofill" problem anyway.Â
Safari 5, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 26, 2009
My ISP sent an email that they want me to change the port my email program uses. They said most programs use port 25 and they wanted it changed to port 587 because it's safer. I called them to clarify and the tech had me change my Mail 3.6 preferences/advanced from port 995 to port 110 which he said was safer. Doing so renders me unable to e-mail so I switched it back to port 995. He couldn't figure out why 110 wouldn't work and suggested I contact Apple. I need to make any changes to my Mail account or not based either on the message from my ISP or the change the tech was trying to make. Unless I hear otherwise I'm staying at 995.
iMac w/ Leopard
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
first time Mac user
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Mar 27, 2010
I have two gmail accounts set up with Mail, but as of yesterday, neither will work. I get a connection failed error (port 993 timed out). I've triple checked all my settings and everything is fine. nothing changed, so i don't understand why it won't work. also, mail has been acting strange overall. if i want to quit it, i have had to force quit it with finder because it won't close on its on.
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Feb 12, 2009
About an hour ago (have been trying to sort it since) I was in the middle of sending a couple of e-mails (been emailing a friend for about an hour, so was a sudden occurrence). And the messages don't send, wait in the outbox and an error message pops up JUST on my sky e-mail account, who are my ISP providers. They're claiming the port number and the outgoing mail server are incorrect/causing the error yet I have no touched the setting since the day I set the account up about 5months ago. The first line of the error says 'there may be a problem with the mail server or network' and then it goes on to mention the outgoing mail server and the port number (which is 995).
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